A meticulous haired man, dressed in a flat gray robe, a middle-aged mage came out of it. This mage converged all the fluctuations, but a little magic wave that occasionally appeared, but everyone My heart was terrified, and the extraordinary power contained in the body was making everyone feel irresistible.

With the advent of the mage, the scene immediately quieted down. Even Albert, who was busy with my work from the beginning to the end, stopped his movements and looked up at the man standing at the door of the mage's tower. Master.

"Hello everyone, I am the host of this party. I believe everyone knows me. I am Zeiss, one of the vice presidents of the Starry Academy, and I will take you to see what is to be studied this time."

Zeiss didn't say much and knew him well. Many mages around him greeted Zeiss, apparently not the first time.

Zeiss turned and walked into the mage's tower, and a group of creators followed behind him and walked into the mage's tower.

Raphael and Lin Yun walked behind, Rafael continued to use magic to introduce Lin Yun's unfinished things.

"Her Mafia, this Zeiss, did not rely on alchemy to become the Deputy Dean of the Starry Academy. The three Dean of the Starry Academy rarely manage the affairs of the Starry Academy.

The management of Xingkong Academy is the matter of several deputies. His Excellency Zeiss is one of the deputies who guard the Xingkong Academy. His strength is very strong. Ice field.

Last year, there was a problem with the plane controlled by the Star Academy. There was a very powerful Heaven-level Warcraft, which was handled by His Excellency Zeiss. It took only a few minutes to freeze the Heaven-level Warcraft into After the ice sculpture, the corpse is still in that plane to deter other Warcraft.

If you encounter His Excellency Baidu · Sailing Text in the Star Academy, especially if you violate the rules of the Star Academy, do n’t resist. Do n’t look at Your Zeiss, but he is ruthless in fighting. When problems occur, almost all are frozen into ice sculptures, and then other issues are considered ... "

Raphael stopped after a few words and entered the mage's tower. Raphael was afraid to use magic to transmit sounds. This is the mage's tower of Zeiss, just like a mage's half plane. Almost where the mage can completely control, with Raphael's strength, maybe he will say something, and he will be heard by the other party.

I followed the crowd into the mage's tower, and it was very unexpected that instead of advancing towards the upper level of the mage's tower, I went to a place on the first floor of the mage's tower and went underground.

At the entrance of the puppet, there were two World Order Alchemy puppets in the form of World of Warcraft. When the crowd appeared, the two alchemy puppets opened their eyes, and the light in the eyes of the crystal flickered.

Stepping into the entrance covered with a layer of light film, it is a huge platform. Looking down through the platform, there is an endless abyss, a passage leading to the ground, and a light-emitting crystal is set on both sides of the passage, but However, I still can't see how long or how deep this trance is.

As everyone boarded the 100-meter platform, Zeiss came to the center of the platform, took out a special mark of his own, and put it on the crystal table.

For a while, the surface and the interior of the crystal table were filled with dense alchemy problems and runes. A layer of light shrouded the entire platform, wrapping the platform inside, and then the entire platform began to follow the track in the passage toward the depth of the passage. Slip away.

The luminous crystals embedded on both sides of the channel were quickly thrown to the rear. In less than one second, the speed of the platform was so fast that there was only a streamer around.

But when everyone stood on the platform, they couldn't feel any vibration, nor could they feel any acceleration.

Zhe Linyun's eyes flashed a little surprise. Before coming to Xingkong Academy, he hadn't seen too many advanced alchemy technologies, but here he saw a technology that can be said to be widely used in the future.

Anti-gravity alchemy, space-solidified alchemy, especially the latter, was completely absent in this era, and has never been heard of it.

The anti-gravity alchemy has already existed in this era. The floating fortress in the city of the sky has all added this alchemy, but the kind of alchemy is very limited.

The floating fortress in the city of the sky is not fast. The most important reason is that after the speed is too fast, the floating matrix will collapse.

Suddenly, the floating matrix is ​​the low-level form of the anti-gravity matrix. Only when it is in the high-level form can it be considered a true anti-gravity matrix.

The distance of the floating law array is to use the power of the law array to hold up a thing, but the anti-gravity method "Star Dream · Light Dance · Flying" array uses the gravity of the earth itself to place the earth against the gravity of a thing Eliminate, or change direction.

The floating matrix cannot carry too much weight and cannot be too fast. There are many restrictions, but the anti-gravity matrix does not have such restrictions. It is like the main city of the sky city. It is absolutely impossible to use it. It is a floating law, but an anti-gravity law.

Because there is no floating law force that can hold the huge main city of the sky city.

The space solidification law has never appeared outside in this era. It is like the floating shuttle that was retrofitted to Raphael before. The biggest limitation is that sudden strong acceleration will generate huge pressure, except for the sky. Outside of the ranks, the titled Magister may not be able to withstand that pressure.

And when flying, the speed is too fast. If there is any obstacle outside, there is no way to stop or dodge in a short time, even if it is closed, the floating shuttle will still rush up at the original speed.

But with the space solidification matrix, this kind of problem will not occur. No matter how the platform under the feet is, the people standing on it will not feel the huge pressure at all, because this space is moving. And the people inside the space will not feel the huge pressure from the outside.

If there is no such formation, at least the majority of people here will be thrown out at the moment the platform is accelerating at the foot.

And at such a fast speed, if there is no space solidification matrix, it may take a long distance to stop again, and it will also generate a huge pressure again. At least dozens of times of gravity will act on the standing. On the platform.

If you ca n’t reach the level of the mage, you may be crushed to death by this soaring pressure ...

After a minute, the streamers that flew backwards quickly disappeared. The platform appeared at the entrance of a huge underground field, and it was an instant thing from rapid to extremely quiet.

The people standing on the platform didn't feel any pressure, or even felt how to shuttle, and they were already there.

But Lin Yun knows that even if the channel is inclined, they are now at least three kilometers underground!

And this is the credit of the alchemy on that platform. In the future, Northrend will conquer the endless plane. The first magic weapon, even the lowest magic weapon, must have these two alchemy. .

After all, when conquering the plane, it is impossible to have only the sky order strong, almost all of the time, people under the sky order to complete the conquest, and in many cases, speed is the biggest limitation.

If any problem is found, it takes a month to reach the tender, conquest will not be completed. With these two alchemy arrays, the speed of the magic battleship, you only need to consider the strength of the magic battleship itself, and No need to think about other things.

As long as the magic battleship itself is strong enough, it will even accelerate forever.

No other creators seem to notice the legal array on this platform, and even if they did, they did not know the meaning of this alchemy.

Their eyes have been attracted by the huge underground field in front of them ...

The big boulder field that came into my eyes, the zenith and the ground are all like silver mirrors, all of which are poured with metal materials, there is no gap at all, it looks like a whole.

There are all kinds of alchemy urns and alchemy machines walking around, one by one wearing a robe is also hurried, but obviously everything that moves seems very hurried, but there is no sense of disorder, everything They are all methodical.

Everything is clean, there is no dust, and there is even a dust-removing alchemy at the entrance. On the large expanse of the huge field, transparent high-strength glass is used to divide it into pieces, each of which is separate. In the unit, there are alchemists conducting some kind of alchemy experiment.

A small unit of alchemy experiments suddenly burst with green smoke. The alchemical equipment inside the small unit was quickly corroded after being touched by the green smoke, and the green smoke was When touching the thick transparent glass wall, runes and complicated alchemy patterns emerged one by one.

The poisonous mist was completely locked in that small unit, and then within two seconds, a special alchemy urn with eight tentacles appeared at the entrance of that small unit, and eight tentacles were attached to the glass door of the entrance. Now, the poisonous mist inside the small unit is swallowed up quickly by this alchemist.

In four or five seconds, no poisonous fog can be seen inside anymore. Only those corroded and scarred alchemy instruments, but then there are two other alchemists who open the door of the small unit and clean up quickly. Drop those corroded alchemy devices and replace them with new ones.

Even the poisoned alchemist was awakened in less than ten seconds and then taken away for healing.

And all this was completed in less than ten seconds, and in the small units next to it, everyone's alchemy experiments did not seem to be affected in any way, and what happened here did not affect other people at all, even if Someone saw it, just glanced at it lightly, and then kept busy with their own affairs without worrying at all.

Zeiss didn't even care about the emergencies here, and none of the busy alchemists in this huge field went up to say hello to Zeiss, but just passing by, slightly Nod to say hello, and then keep busy with your business.

No one will stop and stab him because of his role as associate dean of the Zeiss Academy of Starry Sky. There are not only the Heavenly Order strongman, but also the alchemist at the level of master mages, but they are the only one here. As an identity, I even saw a titled wizard asking questions from a wizard.

Zhe Linyun's eyes had a hint of surprise. It seemed that the big thing was a large scientific research center that I had seen in previous lives. No matter who it was, technology was the most important.

Looking at the alchemy experiments of the alchemists in these small units, most of them are very advanced in this era, and there are even some advanced ideas.

"Mr. Mafa, what are you doing? The layout of this alchemy array is whimsical and impossible to complete. The most basic runes are not impossible to construct ..."

Raphael looked at Lin Yun and stared at a small unit. Inside, there was a double-layered platform. Two alchemists set up a miniature alchemy array inside.

实验 Alchemy experiments can sometimes be more dangerous than alchemy potions. Some powerful alchemy potions, when they erupt, may cause far more damage to the surrounding environment than the alchemy potions.

Therefore, we can only build a miniature alchemy matrix first, and experiment with the various possibilities of the alchemy matrix, but the miniature alchemy matrix itself has its limitations.

Zhe Linyun ignored the words of Raphael. The two alchemists in it are at most the level of giants, and at most they have just broken through to the title wizard, because they can be seen from the runes they use.

Their experiments are not destined to succeed, but they do not mean that their ideas are poor. This double-layer alchemy matrix is ​​not that two alchemy matrices are overlapped together. The double reconstruction frame of this alchemy matrix is ​​now available. Perfect technology too.

And what they experimented with was an alchemy circle!

The two layers are just two parts of an alchemy matrix. This requires a new method of energy transmission resonance, and what they are experimenting with is this thing.

But they are destined to fail because of this technology, which will really appear after 1,800 years. Because of materials, the current alchemy materials science cannot support this alchemy matrix. There is also a point, the use of runes, The rune of the titled wizard is unable to support that kind of energy transmission and resonance.

What I need is a rule rune, and a rule rune consisting of ten runes will not work. At least like Lin Yun, a rule rune consisting of twelve runes can support this structure.

This also means that in this era, most of the sky-ranked mages can not complete this research. This research is doomed to be impossible to succeed, or even to make any progress.

But in this era, some people are already studying this thing, which is enough to show how advanced this underground base is.

In addition to this, walking along Zhongyang's avenue inward, Lin Yun saw a lot of special research, and even many researches, in the right direction, but it was limited to the issues of materials and some basic ideas and could not be completed.

Lin Yun walked all the way, Lin Yun didn't speak, and after walking at least ten kilometers, he passed through this huge underground field, and at the end was a giant alchemy machine like a cylinder.

The main body of the cylindrical cylinder is silver-white, but reveals a hint of dark golden color. The whole is ten meters high and ten meters deep.

There are eight such cylinders in a row here, and three people walk into the leftmost cylinder. In a moment, there are countless electro-optical flashes on the surface of the cylinder, and rich spatial fluctuations emerge. But these fluctuations were all bound in place and could not spread.

After three seconds, all the waves and electric light on the cylinder collapsed to the center. Instantly, the three people inside disappeared in an instant, and the cylinder returned to calm.

For a moment, Lin Yun's pupils suddenly narrowed, and the space shuttled the alchemy device!

东西 The historical record of this thing was only after the first successful product appeared five hundred years later, but it was seen inside the Starry Academy!

东西 This thing has the same effect as the teleportation matrix, but its operation distance is completely different. The teleportation matrix can transmit anything to another teleportation matrix.

But this thing is a single item. It only needs one to complete the two-sided transmission.

And most importantly, where this thing can be used, it only illustrates one problem. The place where the past is transmitted is a completely enclosed space. There are no exits in it, no space induction. Is the strength of the space barrier.

And the only way to get in and out is this space shuttle alchemy device ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The space inside this alchemy device resonates with a certain point in the sealed space. Each shuttle is actually not a teleport-like transmission. past.

Instead, the two spaces are completely swapped once, so that everything in the space will be taken over.

Unless it is a super strong who can break the space barriers, it is absolutely impossible to forcibly attack from the inside, and even the strongest in the top of the sky order, do n’t want to force in from the outside.

Because there are no coordinates in that closed space, except for the creator of the space, no one knows the coordinates there. Even the space shuttle alchemy device can only constantly change the two spaces.

When the Northrend world reached its peak, this space shuttle device was used as a refuge or insurance warehouse.

As the magic of Northrend's world dies down, I don't know how many precious things will be left in those closed spaces forever.

The huge space shuttle device in front of me is too crude and cumbersome in Lin Yun's view, and it can't be moved at all, but it is definitely one of the most advanced alchemy technology of this era!

It is like the natural half-plane of Lin Yun. After Lin Yun destroyed the road of the plane, no one except Lin Yun knows the coordinates of the natural half-plane, or the natural half-plane is Coordinates are no longer available. Lin Yun itself is a coordinate, and only Lin Yun can open and enter it. It is the safest and most secret place like the mage's half plane. [To be continued] []

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