
This is just one of the special abilities. Those strange energies can even be applied to the alchemy alchemy and alchemy circle.

But instead of directing the energy directly into the magic weapon, there is another way.

The Starry Academy now uses the lowest level method. After a thousand years, the Starry Academy will find a way to make use of the power of a whispering crystal to create a true spirit artifact, and the created true spirit artifact will immediately Destroy the magic avatar and let something else replace it.

In this way, the magic weapon can be used, and the power is damaged. However, the Star Academy can research backwards, creating a special magic weapon every year, and then using the structure and distance of the magic weapon to reversely crack and develop a kind of magic weapon. New magic weapon ...

At that time, it was time for the Starry Academy to slowly rise, because at that time, the Northrend World had begun to develop rapidly. As an alchemist's holy place, Starry Academy was just a holy place. The infinite plane brought you Endless opportunities, more and more powerful alchemists are no longer Star Academy, and even whispering crystals cannot maintain the status of Star Academy.

Starry Academy can continue to exist because Starry Academy has several sacred alchemists, and many strong men require these sacred alchemists.

However, the Starry Academy inevitably began to decline, because at that time, the overall strength of the mage was improving. In the Kingdom of Odin, just pull out a powerful strength. The number of sky-level strongmen is more than that of the Starry Academy, and it is top The strong ones are also stronger than the strong ones in the Starry Academy.

The Northrend world, after all, is the world of the mage, not the world of the alchemist ...

At that time, Star Academy had developed a method for making alchemy potions by using the power of whispering crystals. Each year, a bottle of very powerful Heavenly Order potions could be made. At that time, these potions were robbed by the top powerhouses. Object.

Afterwards. The Starry Academy uses the power of a whispering crystal to create an alchemy array to protect the Starry Academy. Although the offensive power is insufficient, the defense is more than adequate.

Those increasingly powerful forces. Even if it is a whispering crystal of the Star Academy, but it is not sure to take it back with a low loss. Besides, it is not so technical to take it back ...

In this way, Star Academy continued to maintain its status as the alchemist's mecca. Continued for more than two thousand years.

At that time, a genius appeared in the Star Academy. The true genius, whether it is the talent of the mage or the talent of the alchemist, was terrible, and was hailed as the most outstanding genius in the Star Academy for thousands of years.

The genius resisted the temptation of those magical artifacts made by the whispering crystal, and found a way to deal with the whispering crystal, and finally went through many twists and turns. Finally surrendered to the whispering crystal.

At this time, the rise of the Star Academy can no longer be stopped.

That genius used whispering crystals to make psychic artifacts in batches, and there are no such psychic artifacts anymore, and every month, he can tailor a strong person from the Star Academy to himself The magic weapon created is upgraded to the real spirit magic weapon.

Coupled with the runes on the whispering crystal, he was comprehended. At that time, all talents knew the truth runes on the whispering crystal. Not endless, but eighteen thousand, eighteen faces of whispering crystals, each side will have ten thousand runes of truth.

But the peculiar and irreproducible nature of the runes of truth. Make everyone think it's endless.

The key to the whispering crystal is the 108 thousand runes of truth, not the peculiar energy of the whispering crystal itself. At that time, the genius cracked and understood the truth rune of the whispering crystal and successfully sealed it.

After that, he taught the alchemists of the star trainees what he learned from the runes of truth. For hundreds of years, the results of Alchemy of the Starry Academy almost came out one after another, and they couldn't stop at all. Many of Northrend's peak technology and achievements were made by the Starry Academy at that time.

Even the foundation of many theories appeared at that time in Star Academy.

The Starry Academy began to boil, and that sacred genius also became a superpower at the peak of the heavens within a few hundred years.

Coupled with the advanced research on alchemy at the time of Starry Academy, Starry Academy at that time can be said to deter the entire Northrend world.

In the endless plane, if the magic battleship of the Star Academy appears, other forces that discover the plane together will either compromise or cooperate and exit directly, giving up the entire plane to the Star Academy, maybe just for the sake of Star trainees are supported by a certain alchemy technique.

It was the most glorious era of the Starry Academy. In the early days when the Northrend World entered its peak, the Starry College could be said to have led the Northrend World for some time.

But then, just when the genius was standing at the top of the heavenly order, he was about to take the last step, and when he lit the fire, he suddenly went crazy ...

At that time, all the people in Xingkong Academy returned and gathered in Xingkong Academy to see the strong man who led them rise to light the fire of fire, but in the last one, the genius was crazy and completely crazy ...

With the peak of the sky order, even one foot surpassed the strength of the sky order, and launched a killing ring within the Starry Academy. In just a few minutes, dozens of sky order strongmen were killed, and there were a lot of alchemists in the Starry Academy.

The mad killing and destruction almost destroyed all the sky-ranked powerhouses accumulated by the Starry Academy for thousands of years. The countless research results of the Starry Academy were completely destroyed, and countless valuable materials and researches were also destroyed ...

Even those researched alchemists were killed. Once the city of neverwinter was destroyed, the burning flames of the underground spewed out of the ground, the flames shrouded the city of neverwinter, and the fire burned for three years, knowing those After the ground fire was taken away, the flame went out ...

And the Starry Academy has only a few people left to rebuild the Starry Academy, but at that time, the status of the Starry Academy in the Northrend world has been lowered to third-rate, and even the former alchemist shrine is no longer there. Here comes the alchemist ...

And that genius disappeared completely after the Star Academy launched the killing ring and almost destroyed everything ...

Later, there were many alchemists who dug out the previous records and the evil gates of the whispering crystals. It was concluded that the genius was possessed by the evil spirits in the whispering crystals, so it was only at the critical moment that the fire was lit. Suddenly crazy ...

The whispering crystal completely disappeared with the disappearance of the genius. The whispering crystal also left only a legend. Many secrets about the whispering crystal were later discovered.

He even dug out that genius left the first incomplete handwriting. The key to the whispering crystals recorded above is the one hundred and eighty-six truth runes above.

The whispering crystal itself is regarded as evil.

The name Whispering Crystal was also named later. The whisper of the devil implies endless temptation and evil.

But no matter how whispered crystals are vilified, there is one thing everyone agrees with, that is the 108 thousand runes of truth on whispered crystals.

It took only a hundred years for that genius to be sanctified

This is the only existence and the shortest record in Northrend's history, and those who later studied the runes of truth asserted. As long as you comprehend the 108 thousand runes of truth, and understand the mystery of alchemy, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

How could Lin Yun not be interested in this kind of benefit, and he was very interested, but he was only interested in the 108 thousand runes of truth, but he was not interested in the whispering crystal itself.

The evil level of the whispering crystal is exactly the same as its strength. After thousands of years, the genius who appeared in the Star Academy. No place was found for that evil gate, and the Star Academy was almost proud of the whole Northrend world at that time. There were only seven alchemists who were sacred, but still no one drink to the disaster.

Lin Yun doesn't think that whispering crystal itself is a good thing. The strange energy in the whispering crystal is indeed powerful. As long as you subdue the whispering crystal, you can know that many powerful alchemy items, alchemy magic tools, alchemy circles, and even the alchemy urn can be directly pushed into the sky by the power in the whispering crystal. Order. Complete the step of awakening wisdom ...

But Lin Yun didn't want to get this at all, because what Lin Wing can do with the energy of the crystal, Lin Yun will certainly be able to do it all in the future ...

I arrived here on the first day. It did n’t start. Instead, there were people from Star Academy who led the people to live here, then visited the space and visited the whispering crystal. After all, several people came here for the first time, not Everyone has been here several times.

After arriving here, Lin Yun learned from Zeiss that this kind of party has been held many times. In the party hosted by Xingkong Academy, the creators were required to come, almost to understand the whispering crystal.

Every ten years of the gathering, many creators will come here. The creators who come to the party can come to the whispering crystal at will during the half year of the meeting, but as a cost, the creators who come here, All must be enlightened to the truth rune, and then copied to the Starry Academy.

After learning this news, Lin Yun suddenly understood why the Starry Sky Academy is known as the Holy Land of Northrend Alchemy. The alchemy technology here will always win the entire Northrend World.

Not only because the three deans here are all alchemists who are holy, nor because there are a large number of creators and cultivated alchemists, but because of whispering crystals.

Others don't know how strong the runes of truth on the whispering crystal are, but Lin Yun knows it very well. One hundred and eighty thousand runes of truth. The information contained in each rune of truth is very huge. There are also many mysteries of alchemy.

But even if it is the same mystery, different people will understand it differently. For the same rune of truth, what an alchemist who is good at potions and an alchemist who is good at magical tools understand are completely different.

And all who can come here to comprehend are all the creators. The things that the creators understand will not be low-level. Many things may be very advanced and the ideas may be very advanced. Any creator here may be in I realized something very powerful here.

And all these things will be left to the Starry Academy in the end, so that the Starry Academy ’s technology in alchemy will always exceed a large part of other forces, so that it can always maintain its current status.

Most importantly, Zeiss of the Star Academy did not explain, but Lin Yun knew that when everyone understands the Rune of Truth, there will be a limit. The greater the number of understandings, the later I want to realize a new truth. Rune, that would be very difficult. And it takes a lot of time.

The creators inside the Star Academy are now reaching their limits, and they can no longer continue to enlighten, unless they have other methods. Or if the level continues to increase, this is possible.

But in order to get more about the runes of truth, the best way is to find other creators, and then get the mysteries that other creators have learned. This is also the best way to not only lose a good reputation, but also maintain a leading position.

After all, except for the enlightenment of truth runes directly on the whisper crystal, there is no other way to enlighten them. The printed runes of truth have lost most of the "truth" contained in them.

What the Starry Sky Academy looks like is a business that earns money without any loss. It may even depend on the accumulation of time. They have studied the runes of truth more and more deeply. Maybe one day, a creator will suddenly be sanctified.

There is another sanctified alchemist. The status of Star Academy for thousands of years will not be shaken in any way.

There are hundreds of buildings in this huge space, and each one is a long distance away. The creators who come here can choose one to live and study as they wish.

However, there cannot be any fighting here, and no alchemy experiment can be carried out, because it may be destroyed here. Even if it is not destroyed and the exit is destroyed, everyone may be trapped here.

Someone who has had great contradictions before, is here. They are also honest, and no one dares to joke about their lives.

The first day of the tour ended quickly, and the next day, you were free to study.

When Lin Yun came to the location of the whispering crystal again. On the crystal table around it, one creator has occupied it, and everyone is dedicated to studying the runes of truth emerging from the whispering crystal.

You should know that the runes of truth can change according to a certain regularity, and every once in a while, within this time. If you can't capture the mystery contained in the runes of truth first, and then research it, you should never try to study the mystery contained in any rune of truth.

This is also the most important reason why the Star Academy invites all creators. The alchemists under the creators have no strength at all to study any complete thing when they understand the runes of truth.

When studying the runes of truth, all the creators showed the qualities that they should have as an alchemist, and they seemed to be completely indifferent to everything around them. All the energy and attention of the whole person was devoted to On those runes of truth.

In the distance, the two creators of the Mosh family extended their robotic arms. The surface of the arms had become a flat metal plate. The two guys kept releasing regular runes into their arms. On the surface, those regular runes make up some messy information.

You must know that there is no way to print the truth rune, because the mystery contained in it cannot be printed, and the printed rune of truth cannot contain the original mystery.

The two creators of the Mosh family used another method. Their mechanical arms were obviously carefully crafted and contained special power. One of them was that they were realizing a rune of truth. At that time, you can take the lead in sensing those mysteries that cannot be deciphered and understood, and use the power of regular runes to break them down and temporarily seal them on their arms.

Waiting to decompose the mysteries contained in a rune of truth into your own understanding, temporarily pin those mysteries on the ruled runes, and then study them.

After all, the time for each rune of truth to appear is very short. At least during this time, never want to understand the mystery contained in a rune of truth, nor do you want to use the mystery of it in alchemy. show out.

The speed of the two creators of the Mosh family is already very fast. Most of the other creators can only take part in the enlightenment when a rune of truth emerges. The mystery may not be fully involved. Got it, but it can also benefit a lot.

Lin Yun's arrival was the latest. When Lin Yun arrived, he saw exactly the creator of the Kingdom of Odin, exulting, and then lay down on the crystal table with a quill and wrote a lot of mess. data.

Others may not understand the data ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But for this creator, it may be that by understanding the Rune of Truth, just one of the mysteries can solve the problem he just encountered.

And Raphael frowned, seemingly encountered any problem, stared blankly at the whispering crystal, wondering what truth rune he saw on it, dragging a hurricane in his hand, and then the hurricane was constantly changing its shape Of course, it is obviously necessary to use their magic to aid enlightenment.

In the house of the Gourig House, a pot of colorful plants with a dozen flat leaves was placed in front of them, and they looked down at the pot of plants. With the emergence of Gruig's magic and regular runes, the color of the surface of the leaves It is also changing rapidly. The color of the original boundary is not obvious. With the magic and runes of Gruige, it slowly changes rapidly.

In the end, each color may be as thin as the hair, and it looks like countless colored lines are transformed on the leaves. This is a deduction method that Guruge masters.

And Albert, just holding a crystal ball, countless torrents of data are constantly flowing in the crystal ball, Albert's eyes stared at the crystal ball, and he wrote from time to time without looking right. A key piece of data. To be continued.


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