"Look, look, I just checked the picture record of the whole day today. This Malfay Merlin only recorded the data in the first few hours, but then, he has kept a posture and stared at the mysterious crystal. Without moving, you know what this represents ... "

Immediately after the utterance of the words, a creator grabbed the crystal ball and began to quickly check the picture records of the whole day. Sure enough, what I saw was this.

Suddenly, everyone stopped talking. Zeiss stared at the crystal ball, his eyes were a little dignified.

"In the beginning, it took him five hours to study the first rune of truth. The method of research was not much different from the ordinary creator, but from the back he began to use other Method to study.

In addition to imposing sharp thinking and mental madness on myself, there is an auxiliary spell that I do not know, which speeds up the research several times. The new auxiliary spell should be able to save the majority of mental madness. Side effects, his mental strength has been in an excited but steady state.

However, this is not enough. He has not recorded key data, which means that his research method is different from that of the ordinary creator. What does he use to record and calculate those huge data?

The core mystery and data cannot be carried out with magic tools at all. Is he using magic runes? But I don't remember any magic runes that are good at computing can have such powerful power ... "

Zeiss frowned, and other mages followed, but no one could figure out what was wrong with it ...

烈 jī fierce discussion lasted for half an hour, no one figured out why, Zeiss rubbed his head.

"We do n’t have to discuss it anymore, this is a good thing for us in the end, after all, the more truth runes that Malfay Merlin has studied, the more the data results are to be given to us by the Star Academy, which is what we study The mysterious crystal is of great help.

For so many years, our research on truth runes has fallen into a bottleneck and it is difficult to continue. Damn, who can figure out why the more truth runes are studied backwards, the more difficult and time-consuming it is. Is it big ...

Pay close attention to this Muffalin, separate a crystal ball, record the entire process of Muffalin's research here, focus on him, but don't peek at anything outside of the mysterious crystal, can our research break through the bottleneck Maybe this time I will look at this Malfay Merlin ... "

Lin Yun didn't know that the person from Xingkong Academy had passed a difficult problem and speculated that his research on truth runes might have exceeded three. Lin Yun now returned to his room and slept soundly. For so long, few people It's time to sleep.

The stronger you are, the physical and mental state will remain at the peak. Even if you are tired, close your eyes for a few minutes and you will be able to return to the best state again, but this time you have slept a full six Hours of time ...

This is a completely unthinkable thing for a Tianjie strongman. The Tianjie strongman has completed an extraordinary metamorphosis and can almost be said to have become another species. As long as he has not been seriously injured, under normal circumstances, he does not need to eat. I wo n’t starve to death, do n’t have to sleep or be tired, I will always stay on top.

Not to mention, Lin Yun came out of the door of rebirth, his body was completely remodeled, and his extraordinary transformation was completed with the most perfect posture ...

Even so, he still slept for six hours, and while Lin Yun was sleeping, his soul began to undergo the fastest transformation and evolution after entering the Heavenly Order, and his mental strength was rapidly improving, and the quality and quantity were crazy. Climbing.

This is the benefit of completing the extraordinary transformation with perfect posture, because no one knows how much benefit will come out of the rebirth gate meeting, only the potential will become great, but others, no one knows, Because there is no record in this area ...

现在 And now, a hidden benefit has begun to come out in advance, ultra-high patience, ultra-high recovery speed, rapid improvement ...

If it ’s an ordinary Tier 1 mage who dares to release more than a dozen mental madness to himself, he has been in a state of mental madness for nearly ten hours a day, and may now have been severely affected by the aftermath, It's not that you feel tired, you can sleep well ...

After waking up the next day, Lin Yun felt that his soul seemed to become stronger, and his mental strength had become more resilient and stronger. Even magic and extraordinary powers have improved a little bit. It has become stronger, and the wave bands of the surrounding space can be felt vaguely ...

You know, this is a completely closed space. If you can feel the space band here, it means that the secret here may not be so safe ...

For this change, Lin Yun was also somewhat surprised.

还有 Are there so many benefits to studying the Runes of Truth? In just one day, has there been such a big improvement? Or is it the use of mental madness and the heart of steel? Or is it the reason to use the magic formation to study the runes of truth?

A series of speculations flashed through Lin Yun's mind, and Lin Yun temporarily set aside these speculations. The time now is very tense. Only six months to study the runes of truth. After half a year, I want to see them again. Whispering crystals, maybe ten years later ...

After waking up, Lin Yun immediately continued to study the truth runes. The next day, after having the most perfect method, the research speed was much faster than the first day, and five truth runes were researched.

The third day ... On the fourth day, until the end of the tenth day of the study, Lin Yun returned to his home. The creators of the Star Academy gathered again, looking at the pictures recorded on the crystal ball, one by one. It's the same as seeing a ghost.

"Today is the tenth day. He is still the same as before. He looks like he is looking at the mysterious crystal in a daze, but I calculated. His eyes were removed from the mysterious crystal five times in total. In the past few days of research, he studied a truth rune in one breath, and then stopped a little bit and recorded a mark on the manuscript paper.

In other words, he may have developed five runes of truth today, which is a terrible speed ... "

A creator pointed at the picture on the crystal ball, his eyelids jumped wildly, as if he saw something incredible, his voice became a little manic.

Zeiss took out a few manuscript sheets, some key data written on it.

"These key figures are all the key figures recorded by Malfay Merlin these days. I calculated that these key figures point to the core data of a certain rune of truth. Together, there are about fifty truths. Runes! "

A few creators took a look at some of the key data, and their eyes were frightened.

After so many years, the research data they accumulated about the runes of truth can already be accumulated into a library. The mysteries contained in each rune of truth may be different. Everyone researches it out. The direction may be different.

But there is one thing that won't change, that is, some core parameters of each rune of truth, this will not change, no matter what kind of development, this core parameter is a fixed value.

And the most critical part of every rune of truth is this. As long as you understand this, the mysteries inside each rune of truth will become much easier to understand, and for the mysteries of alchemy Application will also become easier.

I did not understand the core parameters, and the mystery contained in a rune of truth, even if it was researched, it was not particularly helpful.

The creators of the Star Academy have already studied the bottleneck, and they have no way to continue their research, or the speed of the research is too slow. It may take years or even decades to study it. Come out a complete rune of truth.

I began to invite foreign creators to participate in the research, in order to get more new, they did not study the secrets contained in the truth runes, which is a stable business without loss, and the benefits of Star Academy will be more.

这么 It has been so many years since I got the whispering crystal. For the first time in ten days, I discovered fifty complete runes of truth, but they scared Zeiss.

"How fast did the other creators, except Mafmelin, research? This time, maybe the runes emerging from the mysterious crystal are relatively simple ..."

A creator asked calmly, but everyone didn't take it seriously, just holding the rune of truth that first appeared this time. The mystery contained was just a little bit of research by everyone, so we can explain it so quickly. If everyone It ’s all so fast, it ’s in the normal range ...

The face of the other creator next to him was a little weird. He took out a crystal plate, and a lot of data appeared on it, all of which were about the creators being studied ...

"Reid Moss, in ten days, research out seven runes of truth, Kate Moss, research out eight complete runes of truth.

Gurrig, researched ten complete truth runes, and Albert researched eleven complete truth runes.

Arsa researched out ...

In addition to Malfurmlin, in the end, Albert has the most complete runes of truth ... "

This data comes out, even if Zeiss's face is a bit scary, but as the highest profile person here, you can only keep calm.

"Malmamelin was the first time he was exposed to the Rune of Truth. It is faster in the early stage. It is understandable that Albert is not here for the first time. In ten days, eleven pieces can be studied very well.

Pay close attention to Malfay Merlin, and record three crystal balls. All the pictures of Malfay Merlin are recorded.

Alas, except when he enters the residence, as long as he enters the residence, do not stare into the record of the crystal ball, it is best not to make him disgusted, it is a terrible guy.

By the way, according to information, is this Malfay Merlin really only thirty years old? "

After Zeiss said, a few creators were stunned. The youngest of them recognized that they were more than 500 years old. The longevity of the heavenly strongman was 500 years old, even if it was a heavenly one. The strongest are still at their peak ...

Before everyone was just paying attention to the alchemy, who still cares about the level of the mage. After all, the creator who can come here can be said that all of them are heavenly orders. The situation of ancient Luther is also extremely extreme. rare.

"Her Excellency Zeiss, are you kidding me? What's the joke, Muffalin Merlin is only in his thirties? I heard that he was the head of a mage family, and now he has stepped down ..."

A creator screamed out loud. Who would believe such a thing when talking about it?

Everyone's face was weird, and the other creator looked at the information quickly.

"According to the information, this Malfay Merlin is only thirty-two years old this year. The ninth-ranked magic wizard is at its peak. The combat effectiveness is very powerful, and it can explode to a level comparable to that of the second-ranked powerhouse in the sky.

Moreover, he is not an ordinary creator. All the staff and magic tools in his hands are made by himself, which shows that he is proficient in magic tools, and he has an alchemy puppet army in his hand, which is often followed by an alchemy of the 39th peak. Alas, it also shows that he is proficient in alchemy ...

When he was in the rage plane, he showed a very powerful alchemy accomplishment, and it is said that what he is best at is the alchemy potion ... "

Speaking of which, the creator ca n’t say anything anymore, his hands are shaking, this is scared. Before, everyone was just concerned about the truth runes. Whoever goes back to control other things can research here. The Creator is full of things about the Runes of Truth.

I saw the creator every day. This time, one or twenty people were all creators. Who would pay special attention to the identity of the creator ...

现在 But now, a group of people are a little bit embarrassed.

Zeiss's eyes suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

"What, he is only the peak of the ninth-level magic wizard in the data? Nothing wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong with the record. When they came to the city of Neverwinter, they were all verified. At that time, Mafam Merlin fought a battle with the Leffords of the Jackson family. Although they were powerful, they did not have any extraordinary strength. His last step was extraordinary and transformed ... "

Zeiss' face changed, his hands shook, and he took a soft breath.

"Well, I see. When Malfay Merlin came to Neverwinter City, he had been out for a few days, and it was these days that he completed the last extraordinary transformation, terrible guy, in the Kingdom of Odin Complete the process of breaking through to the heavens, and not far from the city of Neverwinter.

But our intelligence has no news at all. Really terrible guy. When I saw him, he was only a few meters away from me. I felt very clearly. There was a powerful and extraordinary force in his body. Now, it is far more powerful than the ordinary sky-ranked strong.

But his manipulation of power has been incredible, and even I feel that he has the power of spatial rules, which shields everyone from sensing him. Even if I ca n’t sense how strong he is, I can only feel it. He is terrible.

The stupidity of the Jackson family even went so far as to provoke this kind of character. When Muffalin Merlin didn't break through to the Heavenly Order, he could already be tied with him. Now Muffallin broke through the Heavenly Order, and if nothing unexpected happens, kill Lai. Ford is very likely.

Be careful, don't let the stupidity of the Jackson family go too far. I don't want to see him die here, nor do I want to see the Heaven-Strike Fighting here. "

Zeiss carefully ordered, and immediately a crystal ball began to look at Lyft.

Several creators look weird, even if they are all creators who risk their lives to the alchemy business, they don't care much about things like mage level and are scared ...

A thirteen-year-old superhero who has risen to the sky, according to records, has been wasted for several years, that is to say, a terrible genius who broke into the heavens in less than thirty years, and it is still alchemy Creators of all-around art, this is not what humans should be able to do ...

Zeiss gave his order with a stern face, then turned and left. After leaving the conference room, he couldn't help showing a terrified expression, his mouth couldn't be closed, and his hands were shaking, which was frightening.

Damn, a 30-year-old heaven-order powerhouse, an alchemy creator, is this guy a reincarnation ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ 30 years old, damn, when I was 30 years old, I was still I was complacent to break through to the title of Magister. At that time, the whole family was celebrating for me, and even the Heavenly Rank Strong appeared in person.

Damn, this guy is really only thirty years old, and has already broken through to the heavens. How can such a monster appear in the Kingdom of Andalusia? The highest record of the Star Academy so far, the normal situation is a breakthrough at the age of 188. At Tianjie, the fastest record of becoming a creator who is good at a certain item is 106 years old ...

However, becoming the Heavenly Order is still the youngest record of the Creator, but it is 380 years old ...

This guy, Mafammelin, accomplished these things even in his thirties, and he was studying the runes of truth so fast.

Hey monsters, pure monsters, as long as he doesn't die, maybe a few hundred years later, Star Academy will probably look at his face.

Zeiss thought for a moment, and put these things in his heart. He looked back at a few other creators, and specifically told him, don't leak these things out, because in the information of Star Academy, Lin Yun still It's the pinnacle of a nine-level title wizard ...

Don't look at that step, the gap can be said to be a continent that spans the entire Northrend world ...

Zeiss wanted to report this incident, but thought about it this time, mainly the identity of the Creator, except for the truth about the runes of truth, other things are temporarily suppressed, wait until this meeting Finish and say ... "To be continued, provided by Qingyi Erya"

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