Zhe Linyun was not in the mood to care about other people, and hurriedly returned to his residence, opened the alchemy circle, and immediately entered the natural half plane.

Now the center of the natural half plane, the platform on the peak of Tianzhu Mountain, has been covered with dense runes of truth, and there are eighteen thousand runes of truth. Everything else is here.

Looking at these eighteen thousand runes of truth, it can be called a terrifying mysterious breath. There has been a tendency to form an independent space at the peak of Tianzhu Mountain. These breaths have continually condensed into data or formulas, and even Some have evolved into special magic weapons.

Just like the peak of Tianzhu Mountain, there is a constantly changing illusion. When you enter here, Lin Yun feels that she is surrounded by the infinite mysterious ocean. The magic energy array will start to operate involuntarily, but instantly, the magic I can crash when I can ...

庞大 The huge mystery here stops the magic energy formation in one second ...

Wu hurriedly withdrew from the summit of Tianzhu Mountain, and Lin Yun smiled bitterly. The three-monthly copying and inscriptions engraved all the runes of truth on the summit of Tianzhu Mountain.

The power of such a huge rune of truth has changed the topography of the peak of Tianzhu Mountain.

Originally like an ordinary mountain peak, now it has become a flat platform that is thousands of meters in size, with a smooth surface and even a hint of metal luster. Nearly 108 thousand runes of truth have turned this piece into a thousand The large platform is full, and there is no place where Lin Yun can step down ...

I was floating in the air, Lin Yun smiled bitterly and took out the Wheel of Ten Thousand Dharma. The magic energy array was down, and now it is not available. If you want to study, you can only use other things. The Wheel of Ten Thousand Dharma is the best choice.

Picked a rune of truth at the most marginal place, and immediately began to use the wheel of the law to begin deciphering. In less than an hour, this "Baidu · Kaihang text" piece of truth rune was completely cracked. The mystery contained in it was also grasped by Lin Yun.

With Lin Yun's comprehension, that rune of truth merged into Tianzhu Mountain and disappeared ...

Suddenly, Lin Yun's complexion changed, and he looked at the Wheel of Ten Thousands in amazement.

Zhenlu Rune only has peripheral data, and peripheral mysteries can be deduced by magic tools. The real core mysteries can only be calculated, deduced, and researched by the mage's own ability ...

But just now, I used the wheel of 10,000 Laws to study a rune of truth!

What does this mean? Lin Yun understands too much. If he can use the magic weapon to crack and study the complete rune of truth, the speed of the next research will be several times faster than the previous speed!

After Lin Linyun researched a rune of truth again by using the Wheel of Thousands of Faith, he was slightly relieved, and now he finally determined one thing.

When the Creator studies the Runes of Truth, it is true that after studying some, he will reach a limit. Before the alchemy attainment as a whole has not been promoted again, if he wants to study the Runes of Truth, it is like a building without foundations. Stand up.

It ’s like hiring a master to study the runes of truth, so long enough, it may take more than ten years to study the first truth runes, and with this time, the power of alchemy may increase Is greater than the mystery of the rune of truth.

Lin Yun suddenly remembered that in the future records of truth runes, never seems to have been able to study the 108 thousand truth runes, the average creator, studying hundreds of truth runes, may reach Extreme can no longer study new runes of truth.

However, the creator has researched the largest number of complete truth runes, and it seems that there are only more than a thousand truth runes, and it took many years to accumulate.

At the height of the Northrend world, the alchemists of the Holy Saints were also studying the runes of truth, but there are records, but they have researched more than 10,000 truth runes. When the whisper crystal disappeared completely, the study of truth runes It fell completely to the bottom.

Remind the evil level of the whispering crystal, and the rune of truth on the whispering crystal can not be completely printed, and Lin Yun suddenly understood.

The study of the runes of truth by the myriad creators is not simply unable to continue because of their accomplishments in alchemy, but whispers the crystal itself!

Don't look at the whispering crystal just quietly floating there, but the evil level of this thing made Lin Yun cut off the idea of ​​contacting the whispering crystal, and he couldn't use magic tools to study it, plus the increasingly difficult research.

The runes of truth that have been imprinted on the half plane can be used for the full research and cracking of the Wheel of Thousands of Fa. It is even less difficult than the outside. Everything shows a problem, all of which " "Star Dream ☆ Light Dance ☆ Flying" is a whispering crystal that is making a ghost.

It ’s been many years since the Starry Academy got whispering crystals, but they still do n’t know much about the Runes of Truth, and they have been pinching them together. The mysteries contained in the Truth Runes they have studied may be only a few thousand.

After all, the researched truth runes may have repetitive existence, which is known as endless, in fact, there are only 108 thousand.

If nothing else, no more than two thousand years later, Star Academy's understanding of the runes of truth may only be more than 10,000.

That's because the power of the whispering crystal itself is blocking all this, showing temptations obviously, but not allowing anyone to study how many truth runes, and even limiting all magic tools, the core part can only rely on the power of the mage itself, Plus the bottleneck that no one has doubts ...

Alas, the rune that represents truth is like a bait, and only sees a little benefit, but no one can get all the benefits.

I remembered the evil level of the whispering crystal, and Lin Yun was even more affirmed.

Zhe Linyun hid in the half plane, researched for more than a day, more than a day, and found out more than a dozen runes of truth.

The next day, I thought about it a little bit, and stayed in the half plane to study it, but it was easy to be seen as flawed. After all, it is impossible to expose such a thing as printing over the 108 thousand runes of truth. Go out ...

If Xingkong Academy knew this method, I'm afraid he would catch him at all costs, and then get the 108 thousand runes of truth.

Lin Yun went out, and you found a crystal table in a remote corner, and then you started a new study. The wheel of Falun Gong stayed at the summit of Tianzhu Mountain on the half plane, and continuously analyzed the runes of truth. Lin Yun researched on the crystal table.

Lin Wan's promotion is all key data. The really important part is still to be deduced by Lin Yun himself. However, with the help of Wan Fa Wheel, the most complicated calculation part, Lin Yun almost Used in the tube, which undoubtedly saves most of the time.

Lin Yun hid in the most remote place, and the other creators ignored him at all. After all, time is precious. Who would go to see how Lin Yun did his research? At most, every time he saw Lin Yun hid In the remote corner, the expression of disdain is the biggest concern ...

The time hastily passed, and another three months have passed. The half-year research period is about to end completely, and Lin Yun stopped researching a few days ago ...

Because he has reached his limit now, one hundred and eighteen runes of truth have been fully researched by him, and at this time, it is his true limit, not the limit under the influence of whispering crystals ...

For three months, Lin Yun had already tried it out. He continued to study the runes of truth on the whisper crystal. The extreme he could study was up to five or six hundred, and in half a year, he might not be able to study five hundred. Pieces ...

All the mysteries contained in the 1,800 runes of truth allowed Lin Yun's strength in alchemy to skyrocket, at least in theory, now it has reached the peak of the Creator.

It may take a long time to fully apply the mystery contained in these 1,800 runes of truth to the alchemy results. After all, this is like knowing how to create a Redpus disk, but it cannot be done now. Make the same reason.

There are still three days left, and Lin Yun does not continue to study again, but enters the half plane.

1,800 runes of truth have been completely integrated into Tianzhu Mountain. There is also a small place on the platform at the top of Tianzhu Mountain without runes, which has become the only place where Lin Yun can set foot.

The change in the half plane is even more huge. There are 1,800 runes of truth. The biggest change is Tianzhu Mountain. The peak has risen to more than 5,000 meters, and the whole mountain is no longer ordinary. The rocks are changing towards crystals or metals, and even some simple lines appear on the surface of Tianzhu Mountain ...

The semi-planar plane expanded again to several hundred kilometers. This is not a small expansion, but most of the changes have evolved to the essence of the semi-planar plane.

The entire continent is no longer flat on the whole, but has become the highest in the west and the lowest inclination in the east. The west of the continent is the thickest. Similarly, the ocean on the west has become narrower, while the east The ocean has become wider.

Hurricanes and thunder continue to rag on the ocean. Numerous changes have begun to appear in the ocean. Only change can evolve the life form. And this process is now accelerated. I do n’t know how many times. The northwest corner of the half plane. The Magic Lake has been dry recently.

In the short period of three months, the magic vines have expanded four or five times, but they still have not kept up with the speed at which the half-plane consumes magic. The northwest corner of the half-plane is like a side The dark green sky wall that stretches for more than 20 kilometers is erected from the ground, then inserted into the sky, and finally disappears into the endless void.

The magical power swallowed by the magic vines condensed into a waterfall, rushing down the vines, and finally poured into the magical lake, but the magical power of the Pentium flowed into the magical lake as if it had disappeared. Those magical powers have been long gone. The plane is used.

At the current scale of the magic vine, even if a small void energy storm appears in the endless void outside the natural half plane, it can be swallowed alive by the magic vine's group.

With these magic vines, it is doomed to a large distance in the endless void outside the natural half-plane, and it is almost impossible to form an energy storm, because energy has been swallowed and torn by the magic vines and cannot be accumulated at all ... ...

On the south side of the mainland, the volcano has formed a volcanic group, but the hot flames have not destroyed the environment there. Instead, due to the heat, hundreds of new plants have been mutated on the south side of the mainland. Near the volcano, some have even been bred. Can use simple flame elements to construct simple creatures.

A large area of ​​ice ocean has also formed on the north side. The ice surface that stretches for dozens of kilometers has condensed on the ocean, so that a flat ice field is formed on the north side. Some fist-sized, white-white elemental creatures have also been bred on the ice field. This is the easiest thing to breed in extreme environments.

The greater benefit is not only the birth of some elemental organisms, these elemental organisms are just the rudiments of the higher-level organisms that are most easily bred.

The biggest advantage is that the mainland has become thicker. The ground level in the west has been more than 3,000 meters higher than the east. The ground is stable and there will be almost no earthquake or other changes ...

With a stable environment, convection occurs at the north and south poles. With the evaporation of ocean water vapor, the water cycle on the continent has begun to take shape, and the heat and cold currents in the north and south will be strengthened or weakened periodically. The center of the continent is obviously The four seasons change will also appear ...

This is an inestimable benefit to species diversity. The most important biological development of the natural half-plane may now be the fastest progressing ...

In the sky, the trajectory of the fire that has been circling the circle, serving as the half-plane sun, has also changed.

The sacred fire embers will rise from the end of the east side of the half plane, then fall to the end of the west, and begin to rotate around the entire half plane.

When the sun rises, it is daytime, and when the sacred fire embers fall to the end of the West, the half plane will fall into darkness, and at this time, the most important Tianzhu Mountain will emit a faint colored light, letting the half Face won't sink into darkness ...

The most obvious benefit of the change of day and night is that the rules of light and darkness have begun to evolve and develop in the half plane, and Lin Yun, who is closely related to the half plane, can begin to touch the rules of light and darkness in advance, even if it is not possible Feelings, but can already lay a foundation in the process of evolution of the half plane ...

The eternal dark gold that was previously embedded in the half-plane is also completely integrated into the half-plane with the upgrade of the half-plane. The characteristics of the eternal dark gold are also inherited by the half-plane. The barriers to space are already incredible.

Even if you tell others the coordinates of the half plane now, don't think that someone can open a way of plane by opening the way of plane ...

Zhe Linyun's understanding of the rules of space has also progressed rapidly with the growth of the half plane ...

I stood on the platform at the top of Tianzhu Mountain. Lin Yun was the only place on the platform where he could set foot. All the surroundings were surrounded by dense runes of truth. Numerous runes and formulas were constantly flashing in the sky above the platform.

Zhe Linyun closed her eyes, and it seemed that her breath was fused with the whole natural half-plane.

Suddenly, quietness swept through. Three days later, Lin Yun slowly opened his eyes. Around the body, hundreds of silver-white ruled runes emerged. These silver-white ruled runes, like deep from the void. The color changes from silver to white, and the space around Lin Yun seems to be distorted.

下一 Then, in the next second, more than 80,000 regular runes surfaced around Lin Yun, and then all these regular runes exploded together, all restored to the most basic ordinary runes.

近 Nearly a million runes, like endless stars, linger around Lin Yun's body, and then the next moment, Lin Yun opened his mouth to sing a weird syllable. In a hurry, millions of runes began to collide with each other.

Every rune based on sixteen runes has emerged!

These are the most perfect and solid basic rule runes. In less than three minutes, all the runes disappeared. Only 64,000 of the most perfect and strong basic rule runes lingered in Lin Yun. around.

A phantom of a roulette wheel appeared behind Lin Yun, and the ruled runes turned into a torrent and fell into the big roulette of a dozen meters high.

For a while, Lin Yun's breath was like a breeze blowing through, easily, advanced ...

Tian Tier Level 2!

Feeling his own breath, Lin Yun showed a smile. This is a truly advanced step without any reluctance. In the past six months, I have learned the truth runes, upgraded the half plane, and counted the understanding and half of the rules. The complement of the plane, the advanced level two, is very easy ...

I completed the advanced stage, and half a year later, Lin Yun instantly disappeared into the half plane.

When Lin Linyun walked out of his residence, many creators took the last chance to intensify their time to continue their research ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I hope to research an extra rune of truth.

Zeiss has appeared again, but when he saw Lin Yun, Zeiss felt that his heart was shaking violently ...

It was scared ...

Oh my god, Mafamaline's monster broke through again!

Just half a year, my god, he was n’t a day order powerhouse six months ago, but now he has broken through to the second order level ...

Who can tell me what is going on here, is this monster really a reincarnation?

It took me more than 130 years since I first advanced to the second level to break through to the second level. Even so, I was considered a genius in the Star Academy, but this guy is not only in the thirties He broke through the sky when he was many years old.

And I broke through again after half a year, I must feel wrong, yes, it must be, I must feel wrong ...

Zeiss is a little dazed, and persuaded himself to feel wrong ...

You know, the top three ranks are better to say, but from the third rank to the fourth rank, it is already a big threshold, and the fifth rank is a giant leap. ...

Even the extraordinary strength can't detect Lin Yun's level, and he can't break through Lin Yun's shield without being felt by Lin Yun, but the instinct of the Heavenly Rank Strong is enough to feel the threat Lin Yun poses to him How big is this? From this, you can determine the strength of the opponent ... [To be continued] []

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