Seventy-two gods and demons, at the highest morale, began a desperate war, and then died and disappeared. Is this what they want?

I don't believe that gods and demons are a bunch of idiots, and will let everyone die together for the sake of their territories or individuals.

The demon of the abyss, although all these years have been watching the Northrend world, but the **** great lords, few of them have crazy possessiveness of Northrend world, they would rather sleep in the magma and flame Million years.

Northrend World is not suitable for the survival of demons. At least most of the demons are not suitable for Northrend World. Northrend World still has a lot of demons, but no new demons have ever appeared. New demons are all Appears in the abyss.

The great lords will not launch a full-scale invasion for a world where they cannot reproduce.

The destruction of the third dynasty is the same. "

"So, I think that there is an extremely powerful existence, peeping at the Northrend world where we can't find it, and every time the civilization of Northrend world reaches its peak, we will destroy the entire civilization without exception. of.

Even once, I felt a pair of unthinkable eyes that cast my gaze on me, and at that time, I just researched this, so from there, I moved here, and doing any research will In the half plane. "

Suddenly, Lin Yun's pupils narrowed a little, and the sentence that he saw when he got the design of Red Push's disk involuntarily appeared in his head.

的 The importance of Reddish's plate for sheltering towers, it can be said that there is no Reddish's plate. The asylum tower simply cannot delay the destruction of Northrend's world by tens of thousands of years.

位 When he drew the design of Red Push's plate, he felt a pair of eyes looking at him.

This has one thing in common, they have all found important clues to the destruction of Northrend's world, or they have prevented the destruction of Northrend's world.

For a strong man like Agalon. Already powerful enough to change the rules of the world, among the legendary powerful people who lighted the fire, even the powerful ones even chanted his name. Can be immediately felt, felt that someone noticed them, maybe someone really noticed them ...

"There are only so many things I can research out, what is the truth of the facts, and how to change in the end, it is only up to you. You can see a lot more than me in the future. .

So I hope you can come to be the real director of Star Academy. To take my place. "

Agalon's words are very sincere, and there is no joking feeling at all. From the beginning, he sent an invitation to Lin Yun, and now repeating this invitation again, the feeling to Lin Yun is completely different.

Zhe Linyun was silent for a few seconds, instead of directly rejecting, but asked a question.

"Master Agalon. I want to know, why would you let me take over your place?"

加 Agalon had a smile on his face, and his eyes were full of the vicissitudes and indifferences of the world.

"You didn't directly reject me or promise me, my answer is the key."

Zhe Linyun nodded directly, agreeing with this view.

"I'm dying."

Agalon talked about this very blandly, but Lin Yun almost threw the tea cup out.

A peak of the sky order, no, it has exceeded the peak of the sky order, one foot has already stepped out, and the strong one who can almost ignite the magical fire. Even if you live another ten thousand years, it is very common ...

Agalon sighed with regret.

"You heard me right. I'm dying. I awakened the power of the blood. At the cost, I'll know when I'll die. And it's a fall that no one can stop, like no one can stop the sun from rising. Get up. No one can stop all rivers from converging to the sea.

This is part of destiny, and it is part of the rules of the world. Even if I can change part of the rules now, but I ca n’t change it. To put it simply, I am dead.

Not long ago, I knew when my death was, but I don't know why I would die. This is where fate is unpredictable. "

Lin Yun was silent for a while, and did not go to comfort Agalon. For Agalon, life and death are already a bearish matter, and for astrologers like Agalon, they only need to see the time of their death, as long as Knowing when I am going to die, it is really unavoidable.

Unless Agalon is strong enough to be detached, a person can fight against the rules of the whole world. At that time, he will be able to escape the mortal calamity. Without detachment, the result is doomed, like The basic rules of ground fire and wind are as stable.

For the astrologer, even if all the preparations are made in advance to avoid all the imaginable dangers, all kinds of unexpected things will appear. Anyway, it is dead ...

"How much time is left."

In a short time of contact, Lin Yun's senses of Agalon are very good. There is always a feeling of finding a conscience, because in this age, no matter who it is, telling the Northrend world will be destroyed after tens of thousands of years, the other Will treat Lin Yun as a neuropathy.

I can always feel the invisible death pressure in the future, but no one can share this pressure. Now there is also a person who is convinced that Northrend's world will be destroyed, and has done a lot of research, but Agalon is going to die ...

Qi Linyun always felt a little uncomfortable and a little uncomfortable.

Agalon smiled.

"There are still ten years. Some time ago, I felt my death, and I also felt a disaster. Ten years later, Star Academy will usher in a devastating disaster. At that time, I will welcome my inevitable. Fall of the sky.

I ca n’t avoid my fall, but I do n’t want Star Academy to be destroyed by disaster, so I hope you can take over my position, take charge of Star Academy, and lead the Academy to avoid the fate of destruction. This is my selfishness.

I grew up in Starry College. The last step step by step to where I am now, to take charge of Star Academy, so the only thing I can't put up is Star Academy. "

I heard this time that Agalon said. Lin Yun suddenly remembered one thing.

That is something that is only mentioned in the biography, that is, the final ending of Agalon, which originally thought that history has changed, or that some of the things recorded in history are wrong. Or the time is wrong.

But I did not expect that the ending of Agalon has not changed. This is probably the fate of the astrologer, the fate of the astrologer.

In the record, from now on, ten years later, Star Academy will encounter a weird destruction, overnight. The Starry Academy was razed to the ground, like a huge monster that swallowed up the entire Starry Academy, and Agalon embarked on the road to the starry sky and completely disappeared in the Northrend world until Northrend The world is in its doomsday, never again.

I now hear Agalon say that again. Lin Yun suddenly understood that Agalon did not disappear, but fell into the sky after stepping into the starry sky.

The Xingkong Academy was razed to the ground overnight, and the Xingkong Academy was re-established, which was established in the hands of those who remained in the Xingkong Academy.

Fortunately, when Xingkong Academy was established, it was different from ordinary mage forces. Except for some important places, Xingkong Academy was a special college with students all over the Northrend world. Many alchemists who have not studied alchemy from scratch at Star Academy. Every year, there are many places for them to study in the alchemy holy place of Starry Academy.

The relationship between the Starry Academy has spread throughout the Northrend world, which is why the Starry Academy can still be re-established after it has become a third-rate force overnight.

Here, alchemy is the only one. Relying on alchemy, Starry Academy re-emerged. Soon the status of Alchemy Holy Land was re-established.

You know, there are also many affiliates of the Starry Academy. Most of them supported the re-establishment of the Starry Academy after the Starry Academy was destroyed.

Until several thousand years later, the terrible genius of the Starry Academy appeared to have subdued the whispering crystal, and the Starry Academy really stood at the pinnacle of Northrend.

Recalling these things, Lin Yun didn't know how to refuse, because this matter was of great benefit to him. If he could run the Star Academy, it would be equivalent to mastering a large part of the top alchemist in the Northrend world. The three deans of the college are all holy alchemists. If they focus on training, they may cultivate more holy alchemists in the future.

When constructing a sheltered tower in the future, the problem of the alchemist may be solved. The alchemist of the Starry Academy, the alchemy technology, and the contacts of the Starry Academy are all things that are incalculable.

On the other hand, Lin Yun couldn't bear to refuse Agalon's invitation. For so long, it was the first time to discuss the end of the world with Northrend, and he was a mortal person. ...

"Master Agalon, I can consider agreeing, but I will not give you a reply now, after all, there are still ten years."

加 Agalon smiled and didn't mind.

"It doesn't matter, after all, you have agreed now, and I can't pass my position directly to you. Your strength is still too weak. In ten years, I will help you quickly improve, train you, guide you, ten Years later, at least let you reach my current strength, or even exceed my current strength.

Only then can I rest assured that I will hand over the Starry Academy to you. Your half-plane is far more perfect than mine, and it can be said to be perfect development. When I was at the seventh level of heaven, the half-plane developed. As far as you are now, or essentially, it's not as good as your half plane.

My death period is almost over. In ten years, if there is no miracle, I may only be able to maintain what I am now, but if you are different, you will be stronger and stronger than me.

之后 After I die, if you still want to find the truth of destruction, then I will give you a suggestion and look for it in the starry battlefield, where there may be clues, maybe even the truth.

But before that, with your strength, it's best not to step into the sky. "

As soon as Agalon's words fell, Lin Yun suddenly felt a powerful and terrifying power emerged in front of him, so fast that he could not respond at all, and only had time to support the fusion shield. The body seemed to be wrapped in a half The big transparent ball was kicked out.

I flew a distance of more than ten meters, the world in front of Lin Yun seemed to change, the sky was originally clear. In an instant, it seemed to turn into an endless starry sky. Everything around you disappeared completely. Only the small mountaintop under the foot still exists, but the starry sky is seen in all directions.

The scorching sun hangs in the starry sky without knowing how far. But I didn't feel the slightest heat. Meteors dragged tens of thousands of kilometers of tails in the sky, and countless stars flickered.

But Lin Yun didn't have the heart to feel this kind of shocking beauty, because whether it is the sun or the starlight. Even the space here seems to have given birth to consciousness. All of them are rejecting him and hostile to him. He seems to suddenly become a parasite of this starry sky. All the rules are suppressing him. The world is erased.

There is no time to react at all, and the whole world is full of malice for a moment. Lin Yun's instinct began to mobilize the power of the natural half-plane, and suffered from the regular exclusion of the world, and the exclusion of the world, the natural half-plane automatically emerged.

虚 A half-plane virtual image that is only three meters in height appears behind Lin Yun. After the half-plane virtual image emerges, the regular projection also emerges actively under this pressure. The rules within three meters of Lin Yun are all half-plane rules.

But a projection that is only three meters in size, how can it resist the exclusion of the entire starry sky, and just looking at it will give rise to infinite despair.

If an ordinary person suddenly appears in the starry sky, what I feel is definitely not the almost wireless beauty, but it will give rise to a great fear, that is, my own small and infinite fear of this world.

After the whole starry sky became malicious, this fear was just like instinct, making the soul tremble.

The projection of the half plane is only three meters in size. This is already compressed to the extreme size. The regular projection of the half plane is constantly being compressed, and within a few seconds, it is compressed from three meters to one meter. Just happened to protect Lin Yun in it.

I was like standing on the bottom of the deep sea, and there was terrible pressure from all sides. The protection is just a cylinder with a diameter of only one meter. If it is compressed again, the body will be directly squeezed into a meat pie even if the protection is not broken.

After the protection of the regular projection was reduced to a range of one meter, the speed of the reduction slowed down, but it was still shrinking slowly. Lin Yun could only begin to try to control the natural half-plane here.

Although the natural half-plane has been completely controlled by him, but with the second-order strength of the heavens, he can only perform full control in the natural half-plane, and this control is only limited, just like an ordinary sword master got The off-class killings cannot be used as weapons even if they can be picked up.

Within the natural half-plane, Lin Yun's own power can also be used to mobilize the power of the half-plane. The massacre moved a little bit.

After a little trial and error, Lin Yun gave up the idea of ​​manipulating the half plane outside, and instead began to strengthen his connection with the half plane, slowly mobilizing the rules he understood and the rules of the half plane resonated. .

In this way, the half plane will actively cast, and the rule projections against the rules outside will be slightly more, just like this, it is enough to ensure that he will not be crushed into a meat pie ...

When the regular projection was compressed to reach Lin Yun's body, a balance stalemate was finally reached inside and outside.

Zhe Linyun's face was a little pale. Looking at Agalon who came out of the wooden house with a smile of satisfaction, he could not say a word. All the power was used to resist this suppression.

加 Agalon nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, the reaction speed is okay. As a mage, especially after being advanced, the changes of the rules are unclear. You cannot guarantee that you can detect any danger in advance, but you can make the fastest when danger comes. Reaction.

Your fighting consciousness is okay, but the fighting style is too simple. You must know that extraordinary spells are completely different from ordinary spells. You may have discovered that the last time you encountered the dark cursed mage of the Jackson family, you should understand Arrived.

There are too many fighting ways for supernatural beings. It is invincible. Mastering more spells and using magic flexibly is the key. In the same level of battle, if there is not much difference between superpower and magic, the use of supernatural spells is the most direct. It ’s the ~ ~ using the most appropriate spell is the best way to fight.

Natural half-planes can allow you to have almost unlimited magic power. To deal with ordinary strong people, relying on infinite magic power is the best method. However, if you encounter similar strengths, this fighting method will be useless. The extraordinary beings are destined that only extraordinary forces can play a key role.

I do n’t need to teach you any of these. With a natural half-plane, your advantage will be greater and greater, the stronger your strength, the greater the role of the natural half-plane, and the development of the natural half-plane will be your future. How strong is the direct impact of how strong. "

Agalon said a lot slowly, but Lin Yun's face was a little pale, and he tried his best to resist, unable to say a word.

Aunty, repressed by changed rules, what's wrong with spells and fighting methods ...

Lin Linyun secretly slandered, but could only resist with all her strength ...

加 Agalon slowly walked to Lin Yun and circled around, watching Lin Yun's half-plane projection, and sighed in his mouth.

"It's a perfect natural half-plane, the ground fire, water and wind are stable, and even the quadrupolar polarization, the rules of darkness and light, which have already appeared, are now bred, and there is still a magical fire, no, it should be a huge mass. The embers of **** fire are acting as the sun, the genius idea.

The newly opened half-plane is integrated into the center of the natural half-plane, while enhancing the natural half-plane, it also speeds up the control of the natural half-plane and is perfect.

I have nothing to teach you, whether it ’s fighting methods, spells, or even rules. You should find your own, and the one that suits you is the best. (To be continued.)

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