On the other side, Lin Yunke didn't think about the Rodney family any more, nor went to find a place to heal. Instead, he sent a message to Faro and went directly to the hill where Agalon was.

若 If it wasn't for Agalon's own shot this time, he would be dead. The strong man above the fifth level of the sky is really terrible. It is so incredible that it is completely unstoppable.

There isn't much of a problem with the injury on his body, but his strength will be reduced a few days later.

I came to the ordinary-looking hill again. The space here is still the same as before. The distance from the foot of the mountain to the peak is more than one thousand meters, which becomes infinitely long.

The light road familiar calls the ghost of the half plane. The projection of the half plane starts to automatically resist the changed rules around it. The rule projection covers a range of meters around Lin Yun's body, and forcibly restores the changed rules within these meters. As it was, in less than ten minutes, Lin Yun easily reached the top of the mountain.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Agalon was lying on a lounger and looking at the sky above him. From here, there was no cloud in the sky, not even a blue sky, but it appeared like a pure night. Starry sky.

Lin Yun is not at all surprised at anything that appears here, change the space here a little, fold and overlap the space above the head, and the interference of the starlight from the air from here to the sky will disappear completely, as if Standing directly in the starry sky to observe the starry sky ...

When Lin Linyun walked a few meters in front of Agalon, he bowed respectfully.

"Thank you for your support, Lord Agalon."

This thank you sentence is definitely from the heart. The difference between the true Agalon and the Agallon recorded in history is too great, and it is more respectable than the historical record.

Years of research are just to find out the truth that Northrend will be destroyed in the future. If it was not for this expending a lot of energy, Agalon would not fall down so early, beyond the heavens, and ignite the fire of God. The disaster that may have fallen on Star Academy and Agalon is directly related to what Agalon has traced.

I just feel that I am a person who can see the future, and I do n’t hesitate to support it, even entrusting Star Academy to me, even helping to improve my strength, guiding the rules of perception, and guiding the development and understanding of the half plane. Everything is for disasters that will happen in the future ...

This time I did not hesitate to take the shot in person, this is definitely a respectable person ...

Zhe Linyun's mind is a bit complicated, and many things cannot be said, because when you say it, you don't know what will change, what will be affected, whether the change is good or bad.

Agalon just felt that he would fall in the disaster after ten years, and was destined to fall, but Lin Yun knew that in historical records, after the disaster came, Agalon embarked on the road to the starry battlefield. Never come back again.

Looking at Agalon's indifferent look, he didn't think it would be an unacceptable thing to die in ten years. None of the things he did was related to his life.

With a sigh in his heart, Lin Yun said nothing and did not talk to persuade Agalon not to go to the starry battlefield after ten years, because this has no effect and may even make Agalon more certain. The most important clue is in the starry sky. On the battlefield, a decade later, the disaster came to Star Academy, and Agalon will inevitably go to the Star Battlefield ...

Everything is because of strength. With enough strength, it is possible to change this tragic ending. Let ’s talk about it ...

I turned around in my heart, and Lin Yun made up his mind to increase his strength as much as possible and develop the natural half plane. After ten years, he saved Agalon or prevented the disaster from coming.

Agalon looked at Lin Yun with a complicated look, and sighed softly, but did not expect Lin Yun to think of these things, but thought that Lin Yun felt the strength of the power above the fifth rank of Heaven for the first time. , I was a little hit in my heart ...

"Malfa, now you know, what's the gap between you and the strong man above the fifth level?"

Zhe Linyun nodded, his face was dull.

"That's a quality gap, not magic or spells that can make up for it."

加 Agalon nodded.

"In the age of distant gods and demons, there are records of battles between gods and demons, the most important of which is the battle between the Lord of the Sea and the Lord of the Volcano.

The magic of the Lord of the Sea is immense, with a sea of ​​magic that is as big as the endless sea. In terms of magic alone, there is no more demon than him, even the king sitting high on the throne of the devil. In terms of magic alone, it is not as good as the Lord of the Seas.

The lord of the volcano is located in the southern volcanic group of the mainland and borders the lord of the ocean. The battle between them has almost never stopped. During the war of the deities, the volcano and the lord of the ocean happened. After the war, the results were somewhat unexpected.

The lord of the volcano is only a small number of weak gods ranked more than sixty in the magic land, but the master of the sea is ranked more than twenty.

Only territories, the territory of the Lord of the Volcano is dozens of times smaller than that of the Lord of the Seas.

But the first real battle between them, the result was that the heart of the Lord of the Ocean stopped beating forever, the power of the Lord of the Volcano penetrated the terror magic that could destroy a plane, and killed the ocean autonomously. "

Zhe Linyun was slightly surprised, and vaguely remembered that I seemed to see such a record in the study of the gods and demons, but there was only one pass, and no one noticed at all. Is there anything special in it?

"This is a battle to change the course of development of the Northrend world. From then on, all creatures no longer focus on pure magic, and instead focus on the essence of the gap.

The huge body, each attack is like the tsunami-like era, long ago, since the Nesser Dynasty, this idea has been integrated into common sense, and no one has ever doubted it.

And the beginning of all this is witnessed by the fall of a powerful demon demon. Long ago in this era, the difference between each level is the essential difference. A great swordsman battles against the sword saint, the sword saint only needs Using one-tenth the strength of the Great Swordsman, you can easily rip apart the opponent's body.

This is the essence of the level suppression now called. The same is true of the heavenly order. The first three levels of the heavenly order are just the accumulation of the foundation of rule understanding. Using the power of the rule and the extraordinary power, it can release dozens of times stronger than the title wizard. Times the power, and this is the essence of transcendence, not the gap between numbers at all.

When I reached the fourth level of the Heavenly Order, I started to use the half plane. The half plane faced the regular load, and it became stable and perfect, and it could affect the surroundings. "

For a moment, Lin Yun knew a little. When entering the space where the rules were changed on the hillside, the half plane could help him resist the changed rules outside, and the projection of the rules would keep him unaffected.

"Level 5 is the time when the power of the half plane can really be used. It is also the strength of the power of the sky order. At the stage of rapid rise, the power of one plane is far more powerful than the power of the mage itself. .

We all have natural half-planes. It is destined that we will be stronger than all mages, because the rules in natural half-planes are not only carried by the masters, but not just carried by the masters.

The rules of the natural half-plane are mainly evolved by the natural half-plane. This is also doomed. The power of the rules in the natural half-plane is more perfect, more comprehensive, and more powerful. Whether it is the essence or the quantity, it will be far away. Super mage.

This is the basis of your focus. With the natural half-plane, you can understand the rules hundreds of times easier than ordinary mages. When you fight, you can use the natural half-plane to have more powerful power.

But now, you can only use the natural half-plane as defense, like the first one of the Rodney family, if you can make good use of your very perfect natural half-plane, you will definitely not be hurt a little. Resisted that blow.

However, you are only at Tier 3 level now. It can be considered immortal.

Next, I will train you on how to use natural half-planes. "

Next, for a continuous day, Agalon was instilling a lot of knowledge into Lin Yun. All this knowledge is Agalon's own experience. He stumbled to this step today, right and wrong. When I look back, Naturally can find all the right paths.

And Lin Yun really is not too clear about these things. General Tianjie Powerhouse needs to pay attention to, Lin Yun knows clearly, but has a natural half plane, what is the best, Lin Yun himself is in Cross the river by feeling the stones.

Because the strong men who have obtained the natural half-plane in the past can count them with their fingers, everyone is different, and the research on the natural half-plane is not well documented. After all, I want to study the natural half-plane. Planes, there must be a natural half plane study ...

In one day, Lin Yun benefited a lot, and had a very intuitive understanding of the natural half-plane. At least, I have a little understanding of what to do next, and before that, I only made a very wise choice to develop the natural half-plane. From the very beginning, the natural half-plane has been constantly growing. At the same level, it is much more perfect than Agalon's natural half-plane and the degree of development is much higher.

The next day, Lin Yun's injury was recovered with the alchemy potion, and there was almost no problem. At this time, Agalon suddenly spoke.

"Take you to a place."

After Agalon finished speaking, Lin Yun was not given any chance to speak. He reached out and gently touched in front of him, a little ripple spread, and a stable plane road appeared like this.

The fluctuations on the road of the plane were very weak. Even if Lin Yun was standing nearby, he could not sense too strong spatial fluctuations. It was more stable than the road of a plane opened by a large alchemy.

Agalon stepped into the road, Lin Yun opened his mouth, but said nothing, followed honestly behind Agalon.

After passing the road of the plane, after exiting from the exit, what I see is a barren world. There is no blue sky above my head, as if exposed directly to the endless void. From time to time, you can see meteorites from the sky. Fall to the ground.

The extremely thin air of Bó is also full of the smell of various toxins and rust ...

Zhe Linyun's eyes flashed a little clear, and it turned out to be a plane!

Agalon released a shield that was more than five meters in length and protected Lin Yun in it. He paused a little in midair. Agalon immediately chose a direction. The shield concealed the breath and body of the two people. Turned into a streamer and flew away.

After a few minutes, the surrounding surrounding lights completely dissipated and reappeared, just in the sky not far from a steel city.

This steel city is much larger than any steel city that Lin Yun saw before. The center of the steel city, three high-kilometer steel squares, is like a rhinoceros. The corner is located in the center of the city, and the energy visible to the naked eye flows in the middle of the three steel towers, forming an energy ball of several tens of meters.

The protection range of these three steel towers is at least hundreds of kilometers. As long as traces of meteorites appear in the sky, as long as the alchemy device in the three towers calculates that the meteorite will land in the protection range, the meteorite's landing trajectory will be calculated immediately. , Release that energy ball for strike interception.

Agalon looked at the steel city in the distance, and tapped his finger gently. A rune flew out and fell into the city of steel. Soon, there was a pair of steel feather wings with a length of more than ten meters. A giant bat-like alchemy cricket flew out of the city of steel.

The alchemy maggot flew into the air, like a beast angry with rage, with a roar of fury, ripples following his roar spread to the surroundings, and the dust floating in the air was swept by the ripples. Even if it did not disappear in an instant, it was the structure of the dust that was shattered into tiny fragments that were invisible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Lin Yun felt a soft and irresistible force on his body and easily pushed him out of Agalon's cover.

玛 "Malfa, this alchemy 傀儡 has forty-five levels. The talented runes are infrasound. The rules that can be used are limited and there is no half plane. When your opponent is just right, go and kill this guy."

Lin Yun's face was a little green, a forty-five level alchemy puppet, comparable to the level 5 of a human mage. Even if this alchemy puppet's talented rune level is not the top level, it is definitely not as good as a celestial battle. Five-level strong, but the gap is also very small! Let him fight this alchemy cricket, if you do n’t make it, he will be killed. Now Lin Yun is very clear, the gap between each level of the sky order will continue to widen, the first three levels of the sky order are better, after all The mage at this stage is only becoming stronger, and the rules are only being used. The fifth level of the sky order is the beginning of controlling the rules. The combat power will be doubled, and the essence is improved!

Lin Yun had no time to think about other issues. He appeared in the air and was immediately discovered by the furious alchemist. He did n’t know how Agalon did it. This guy is now like an old man who has been bombed. The beast that killed the whole family, only a pair of crystal eyes, there is only anger.

The book of death in the left hand, the dragon staff in the right hand, the book of mantras, and the wheel of mantras all appeared, and the purple dragon incarnation in the dragon staff became the first hundred meters high. The purple dragon floated behind Lin Yun. The giant dragon claw held the giant roulette phantom that Lin Yun manifested. Numerous regular runes circulated in the roulette meeting.

At the foot of a bronze-colored ancient scale, a ghost image appeared, and the Book of Mantra and the Wheel of Manfa fell to both ends of the balance. In a few moments, a giant gigantic fire portal with a height of tens of meters, and a giant gigantic wheel of the same size Pan Xingying, at the same time appeared on both sides of Zi Ah Lin Yun.

The horrible forces that the wind and fire gathered together, and the elemental storm that was blown by the wheel of law, gathered into a torrent of terrible destruction and rushed to the alchemy urn like the big bat.

Lin Yun held the dragon's staff, and behind the roulette behind him, a large number of regular runes flew out. As Lin Yun sang a swift spell, a rule rune bomb exploded and rushed towards the big one. Bat Alchemy badger.

In the face of this attack, the big bat alchemy fan flapped its wings, and the talented rune under the throat and throat lit up instantly, and a silent roar came out of the big bat's mouth, which is a sound that humans cannot hear, even Lin Yun is now in the sky order, and he still can't hear the voice blessed by talented runes.

Circles of ripples appeared in the space, spreading rapidly around the mouth of the large bat alchemy urn. These ripples penetrated into the fire and current and elemental storms without hindrance. Subtle vibrations appeared. Those pure The force of wind and fire was first shattered. The power of wind and fire was dispersed, and then shattered into a large piece of the smallest elemental force.

I was filled with a pure elemental storm of destruction, and also faced such an ending. After being penetrated by that sound wave, the elemental storm collapsed instantaneously, and all the forces broke down into the most basic four-system element with no connection.

Even the original impact force disappeared with the shock. When the power of the Book of Mantra and the Wheel of Manfa erupted half the distance, the only effect left was to make the surrounding elements strong. It has risen several times, except for this, it has no effect anymore ...

Even the ruled rune explosion bomb released by Lin Yun exploded in mid-air when it had flown three or four hundred meters, and the force of destruction swelled to tens of meters instantly, but then it collapsed into The most basic elemental power of the blockbuster permeates the air.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun's heart was lighted up, and full force erupted as soon as he came up. All the attacks, the opponent just shouted and let all the power collapse into the most basic elemental power. What's wrong? hit?

After one blow, the big bat alchemy fluttered its wings, and the body instantly disappeared in place. A residual image spanned a distance of thousands of meters. It took more than a second to appear in front of Lin Yun. There were the benefits of these three fingers. The claws flashed cold cold light, and the claws gripped Lin Yun's fusion shield fiercely. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update team leader @ 刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

[Dream has sailed] The sailing update group is satisfied by the end of 2015

The wind and rain struck the sails, and my heart set sail to the sky.

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