This makes Farrow a bit miserable. He has to be injured dozens of times a day. Do n’t worry about the consumption of magic power. The most important thing in the half plane is magic power. As long as it is not his head, he can be cured quickly.

After tormenting Faro for a month, combined with the study of the runes of truth, Faro's level has been quickly increased to the seventh level magic wizard, and with the deliberate help of Lin Yun, Faro is in the half plane The rules of perception are also much easier inside.

When Farrow was completely unable to persevere, Lin Yun ended the training with a little interest, then opened the collection treasure house in the half plane, and allowed Farrow to choose materials by himself to make his own real magic weapon.

核心 The core meditations, magic runes, and areas of expertise of each mage are different, and even with the difference in personality of each mage, the true spirit magic tools created by others cannot exert 100% of their power in any case.

And the real magic weapon that you built yourself naturally has a 100% fit, and it can definitely exert 120% of its power when fighting.

Looking at Lin Yun ’s treasury, which looked only ten meters away, Farrow's face was very ordinary, but after opening the door of the treasury, Farrow was completely stunned.

The inside is like a vast field with no margins, rows of hundreds of meters high, and things like bookshelves are neatly placed in it. There are even rays of light in the sky marking the rows. Open area.

There is a crystal table at the entrance of the Treasury's Treasury, with a light ball floating on it.

"Place your hand on the light ball and see what you need. Anything you need here can be taken away. My suggestion is that you should make a staff for yourself, two pieces. Real magic weapon, but what you really want to do is only you know best. "

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he turned and left. Faro swallowed hard. Even if he was in charge of the current gilded rose, he had never seen anything good, but Faro was also unbelievable when he saw this treasure house.

Especially put his hand on the light ball, feeling the stored information in the treasure house, Farrow stayed in place for several minutes.

"The abyss black water, the unicorn demon's horn, the heart of the flame demon ... these abyss of the best materials of the abyss, searched the auction house throughout the Northrend world, can not find so many of the best abyss materials ...

And these Troy gems, chicken blood gems, elemental amber crystals ...

Unbelievable, this is the most complete treasure trove of materials, oh damn, there is eternal dark gold, my God, the purity of eternal dark gold is so high, has Master Merlin dug a few large eternal dark gold mines? "

Just sorting out the list of these materials, Farrow spent half an hour, there are many materials that he did not know, you must understand the detailed introduction to understand, and most of these materials are The material unique to the abyss, Northrend World simply can't see it.

The abyss demonic iron is a bad street in the abyss. Any demon who can build his own fortress is used to lay the foundation and floor. It is a scarce resource in the Northrend world, not to mention that there is no other in Northrend at all. The material that has appeared in the world of Sender ... 冇 "Baidu · Starting Text"

罗 Faro can no longer maintain a calm demeanor, just like the hungry ghost who has not eaten for a long time to see the most pinnacle of hundreds of tables ...

Three days later, Faro contentedly left Lin Yun's treasure trove with a lot of materials, saying that it was a treasure trove of treasures, which was actually a treasure trove of Lin Yun's treasures. Outside, there is only material ...

After all, Lin Yun, any true spirit demon, can make it, and he can make everything he needs.

After training Faro and upgrading Faro, Lin Yun took out a lot of good things and threw them, gold-plated roses. Many things were obtained on the plane of angry flames. These things were rewarded for gold-plated roses. The employees, especially like the alchemists who followed the gold-plated roses after they opened in Andalucia, each got good materials they could not buy.

For an alchemist, magic tools are not the most important, technology and materials are the most important.

Lin Yun went out to get some of the more precious things that were not easy to get. All of them were left in the treasure house to accumulate, waiting to build the shelter tower in the future. The rest, all went out, and the people who followed him, every Individuals have benefited a lot.

The gold-plated rose has maintained a steady expansion. Lin Yun continued to do research in the natural half-plane. This time, she has gained a lot of improvement. The research on the runes of truth can also be researched a lot. Until the party, one thousand truth runes have also been researched one after another. All of these thoroughly understood truth runes have been integrated into the half plane.

To be sure, it is integrated into the Tianzhu Mountain of the natural half-plane, but the impact on the natural half-plane is still continuing. The four rules of ground fire, water and wind have already begun to differentiate into branch evolution, and the evolution speed is very fast. At this rate, when the four or five thousand runes of truth are studied, the four rules of ground fire, water and wind in the natural half plane will completely evolve from a small sapling into a complete towering tree.

At that time, the four rules of ground fire, water and wind are not much different from a complete world. Even then, the natural half-plane will be thousands of times smaller than the real world, but the rules are It's not much different.

Tianzhu Mountain is directly integrated into the Rune of Truth, and the power it emits is getting stronger and stronger. The nature of the entire mountain has changed. The interior of the mountain peak is no longer ordinary soil, but has become Rocks and even metals are bred in them.

I do n’t know what Tianzhu Mountain will look like in the end ...

After Lin Yun understood the rune of truth and integrated it into the half plane, he started to transform Pabet, and followed Agalon to the plane for one month. He accumulated a lot of various parts. Many parts can be used on Pabet's body, even if it is not suitable, a little modification, re-adding materials to build can be used on Pabet's body.

You know, all of these parts and materials are from the forty-five level alchemy 傀儡, which is definitely the most suitable for the alchemy 傀儡. Pabet is only forty-three. Using these parts is a bit extravagant ... ...

However, Lin Yun did not feel luxury at all, and Pabet reawakened his wisdom, but the key parts of the memory system were sealed. This morning, he raised the level of Pabet and unsealed the seal of the memory system. Is the most important thing.

After some transformation, the control system was optimized, the power system was strengthened again, and the blackening material was also added to the swallowing system. Various key parts and non-critical parts were all replaced with the best ones that could be used.

After some transformation, Pabbett's level rose to the peak of forty-four, and he could almost advance to forty-five. This gap is not due to the problem of the parts, but the fit between the parts. problem.

The three talented runes on Pabbett need to run in with the new body, and the new parts also need to be constantly worn in to be fully fitted. Only after all the parts of the body are completely fit into a whole can Pacut's level be changed. Will rise to level 45.

This time Lin Yun focused on improving Pabit's flexibility. After spending one month and one month of fighting on the niche, Lin Yun's advantages and disadvantages between the battle between heavens and the alchemists have a real advantage. Intuitive impression.

The level of puppets is not the most critical. Even the strength is not the most critical. The most important thing is whether the enemy can be killed in battle.

When he was on the plane, the first time he faced the forty-sixth level alchemy cricket, the talented rune that the big guy possessed was crit. The power was so strong that as long as he hit Lin Yunji once, Lin Yun would die. But in the end, after a long day of hard work, Lin Yun was not killed, because the opponent's offense was all useless ...

Alchemy 战斗 is fighting according to the guidance of the combat system. Even if the alchemy 阶 awakens wisdom, it will focus on the assistance of the combat system when fighting. low.

However, in this case, the alchemist can easily be deduced to perform the next action, especially Lin Yun, a guy with a magic formation and a wheel of ten thousand law, even if he is two levels higher than his alchemist. They can be killed by the crickets. Those who are three levels higher can escape.

If it were a true Heaven-ranked mage, Lin Yun had died early and I do n’t know how many times ...

Pabbett ’s upgrade is completed, and the seal of the memory system is loosened again. Unfortunately, it ’s a long time before Pabbett unlocks the seal by himself. According to the current trend, at least until Pabet ’s 47th and 8th grade Will unlock the seal.

After upgrading Pabet, Lin Yun began to continue to study the black matter. Agalon did not say what the black matter was, but said where the thing came from.

I think of the ancient starry sky of the Meilin family, Lin Yun had the idea to set foot on the ancient starry sky, but it was just an idea.

Agalon does not recommend going to the starry battlefield at all now. Last time, on the ancient road of the starry sky, I also felt the depth of the ancient road of the starry sky. There was an incredibly strong man in battle, and even saw a star following it. destroy……

That kind of battle, just standing at the outermost periphery that can be observed, will be torn to pieces by the fluctuations of the battle in an instant.

Although curious, Lin Yun didn't plan to take the danger of dying to the starry battlefield. In the future, there are so many powerful beings that can call out names. There are hundreds of recorded strong men, all of which disappear completely after going to the endless void. Now ...

Continued to study the black matter, there is still no clue, using a variety of methods, it is impossible to analyze what this black matter is, what is the principle of devouring magic, and where is the devouring magic.

Let a piece of fist-sized black material devour a 39-level magic crystal, and the black material still has no special changes. Once again, a bottle of magic water has been swallowed, and it has not changed much ...

You have to know that a bottle of magic water is absolutely enough for Lin Yun to fully recover the magic in his body. The magic power consumed is simply an astronomical number, enough to release dozens of ordinary nine-level spells.

And because of the characteristics of black matter, almost all detection spells are completely useless, and even the special-made alchemy machine that appeared only eight thousand years later can't track and detect where the enchanted magic has gone ... ...

Sitting in the alchemy laboratory, looking at the black substance that is still engulfing magic, Lin Yun's brows are frowned, and there are no useful results that can be researched in various ways, let alone what the black substance is. Even if it is used, only the phagocytic system on the alchemy can use black matter ...

I was unable to study, Lin Yun temporarily gave up the research, and began to prepare to continue to improve the electromagnetic electromagnetic cannon. When he took out the shell, Lin Yun suddenly stopped ...

Yeah, the characteristics of this black matter are doomed to be studied by all magic means, so why do I have to use magic means?

Spell electromagnetic cannon is made by drawing on the operating principle of electromagnetic cannon, but it is still very rough now. Whether it is electromagnetic orbits or shells, they are all semi-finished products. Raised bluntly ...

Electromagnetic guns can, then use the power of magic to create some special tools. Can I continue to study black matter and study it from another special angle, such as a microscope?

Especially with light microscope, when observing, it can be completely independent of any magic power ...

I think of this, Lin Yun has a headache, that is, the general operating principle of the optical microscope is known, but the real manufacturing method is completely unknown, but fortunately there is magic power ...

It took three days to finally explore the use of the power of magic and alchemy to create a half-meter-high microscope. After adjustment, the hair can be magnified hundreds of times. After pulling out your hair and placing it under the microscope, you can clearly see There is a faint halo over the surface of the hair. This is the characteristic of extraordinary life, and it is the characteristic of natural extraordinary life ...

He continued to explore for more than half a month, and finally came up with a giant optical microscope with a height of one and a half meters, with a maximum magnification of 800,000 times.

Take only one tenth of a drop of black material, put it under the microscope after processing, and see a flat surface like the most delicate magic silk. Although the specific structure is still not visible, the surface can already be seen. It's clear.

Continue to use ordinary alchemy technology to treat black matter, divide a drop of black matter into several hundred parts, and then stretch a part to spread out. Observe again with a microscope. What you see is that some small black spots are gathered together, and also Only one point can be seen vaguely. If you don't look closely, you will still see a black flat surface.

However, seeing this scene, Lin Yun was immediately overjoyed. After so long, he has made a little progress. Even under the microscope, it can be observed that the black matter is like a bottomless pit devouring the surrounding magic, but the speed of devouring But it is far from the time to converge.

This is completely consistent with previous research. The more black matter gathers, the greater the power to devour magic.

Vaguely observed the composition of this black matter, Lin Yun had an idea in his mind. According to the research theory, the greater the amount of this black matter, the stronger the phagocytosis. In turn, it was verified that the less black matter, The smaller the swallowing power.

After all, this also has a lot to do with density. What if the density of this black substance is reduced wirelessly in a certain range?

Thinking of this, Lin Yun's head appeared more than thirty kinds of processing methods.

Know that not all materials can be used directly. Most of the materials are of higher purity, so the calculation error will be very small and within the acceptable range when using.

But after more than 10,000 years, the reform of new materials broke out. Every year, a number of unclear new materials appeared, and many of them were materials with very high value.

Just like the current tungsten manganese gold, the storage of this thing in Northrend World is not small, but it is only a low-level material that no one mines at all. The mage does not use this kind of thing at all. Mortals will be used while carrying weapons.

Pure tungsten-manganese gold is enough to increase the toughness of the weapon, but the purity is below 99%, all of which are scrap iron ...

It wasn't until more than 10,000 years that an alchemist was refining a new material that was not produced in Northrend, but only found in a newly discovered plane eight thousand years later. Tungsten manganese gold fell into it.

Then a brand new material appeared!

At that time, those alchemists who were pursuing purity only discovered that one gram of Mithril was added to one kilogram of star iron, and according to a special method, a new material with far more characteristics than star iron was obtained ~ www. ~ A drop of lava crocodile's tears is dispersed in 100,000 kilograms of pure water. Using a fusion agent, a new catalyst will be obtained ...

得到 After dissolving and dispersing the material to a certain limit, it will be better, but can this black matter be the same?

Disperse a drop of black matter evenly into one cubic, or even ten, one hundred cubic spaces. Wouldn't the black matter's overwhelming magical property be so strong? Can't even continue to devour magic?

Thinking of this, Lin Yun's face had the ecstasy unique to the alchemist, and immediately immersed himself in the research. The method of refining the fusion agent was already printed in his head, but now these things are not used at all, and many are new Material creation, the raw materials needed are not found now.

A lot of new raw materials and new ore came out completely in the era of the Great Colony of Northrend.

And Lin Yun wasn't prepared to throw out this big killer so quickly, because the strength of the gilded rose is now enough to develop, and it will be safest to release this new material when it has developed enough strength.

After the 之后 fusion agent was configured, Lin Yun immediately started the experiment, and experimented with various materials from now on.

Twenty-three days later, Lin Yun looked at the piece of metal with a strange look on his face, and his face was a little complicated.

Experimented for so many days, wasted countless precious materials, the last successful material turned out to be the abyss magic iron ... [To be continued] []

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