The most important thing is that even if it is an alchemy shop that doesn't have a good relationship with gold-plated roses, I'm asking for it now ...

The Mosh family, who is best at manufacturing auxiliary tools for alchemy, especially precision tools, sent two Tianjie strongmen to negotiate in person and signed a supply contract of 50,000 universal cores.

In three days, the dark tide surged, and the gold-plated rose ’s new product universal core was still not announced. Only a few families with news channels knew the news, and only the ones who got the goods before had cooperated well with the gold-plated rose. Family.

This is Faro's method of catching people's hearts, giving these families three days to prepare and let them get the goods in advance. In this way, when the gold-plated rose officially releases the universal core, they already have a converted magic weapon for sale. , Has taken the lead in the market, this step ahead may be step by step ahead.

In just three days, there were more than a dozen collaborators of gold-plated roses, and all of them signed relatively harsh long-term contracts ...

For the Mosh family, Redmosh stared at the data report in his hands.

"After the universal core is officially sold, it will inevitably change the existing structure. This thing can be used not only on magic tools, but also on alchemy urns and alchemy circles, even those of our family. Works.

With the same materials, we have achieved the ultimate alchemy equipment. After adding a universal core, the worst overall performance has been increased by 48%, and it can be sandwiched between multiple universal cores.

金 The gold-plated rose was not used by itself, but instead sold the universal core directly. This Faro is indeed a genius. In this step, the gold-plated rose may be developed safely in the Kingdom of Odin ... "

Beside him, the other creator thoughtfully.

"I heard that Sky City purchased 10,000 universal cores at a time. They must have found that this thing can be used continuously. Most of them are definitely loaded into their Sky City. They have already The main war city, which has not appeared in the past millennium, may become even more terrible ... "

On the third day, a large number of orders began to appear. In three days, the alchemist thoroughly verified that the universal core far exceeded the data given by the gilded rose.

Even if you still do n’t understand how to do it and how the materials are made, it will not affect the procurement of universal cores. After all, if you do n’t buy it, your opponent may buy it, and no one wants to fall behind ...

On the fourth day, the gold-plated rose officially released the universal core, and the wide streets became a little crowded again. People from various families and various alchemy shops were waiting here.

In the previous three days, except for the families that cooperated well with gold-plated roses, other families came to purchase. Faro refused under the pretext of shortage of goods. In fact, the storage capacity of gold-plated roses has reached more than 30,000. Wait until the alchemist team After researching the mass production of alchemy equipment, this output will definitely double several times ...

消息 The news of going out in secret, everyone who knows already knows, and those who do n’t know, have no ability to buy and purchase a universal core.

十二 At twelve noon, Farrow himself appeared at the door of the gilded rose, watching the crowd outside with a smile on his mouth.

"I believe that many people already know what the gold-plated rose is going to release today. The invitation issued yesterday also made a simple explanation.

Today, the gold-plated rose is a core component called the universal core, which can be loaded on most magic tools, alchemy urns, and alchemy. It can better optimize the ability of alchemy items and let the alchemy items exceed their limits. Ability.

For specific data, I believe that everyone is more convinced of what they have detected. I will only talk about the sales and pricing of gold-plated roses.

From today, gold-plated rose winterless shops and twenty-one branches outside it are also selling universal cores.

A single retail price of 80,000 purple gold coins, bulk purchases can have appropriate discounts, but the production of gold-plated roses is limited. In the first month, only a maximum of 80,000 universal cores can be sold. "

This press conference can be said to be very rude, but no one felt that there was any problem. Even Faro did not introduce the universal core at all, and no one paid attention to such things.

After the announcement of the sale, the gold-plated roses were packed with various alchemy forces. Almost everyone in the various alchemy shops took out the ultimate funds they could use to purchase the universal core.

Farrow all said, there are only 80,000 in the first month, then there are only 80,000, the hands are slow, and it may be a whole month behind others.

Everyone uses the universal core, one month, enough time to lead, let alone a lot of people have got the news, the very happy city of sky, which only cooperates with gilded roses, has purchased 10,000 in one breath. , Plus the three days of internal sales, left to others, up to only 60,000 universal cores ...

The 30,000 universal cores in stock have all been sold out in only three hours. If you want to buy again, just wait and wait for the next delivery.

The main thing is that the gold-plated roses do not accept orders, because the shipment is unstable, the refining is too difficult, the success rate is too low, the supply of materials is really small and unstable ...

For a lot of reasons, the gold-plated roses only expressed regret. In order to avoid collaborating with partners and to avoid being unable to complete the contract, they could only regretfully refuse to accept the order, and only sold it directly when they were in stock ...

Out of the gold-plated roses, many people's faces are not very good-looking. They only got a little bit of retail products, and the most one got a hundred universal cores. It's strange that everyone's faces are good-looking. It does not affect everyone's enthusiasm for purchasing the universal core, but it is even more anxious to buy it.

Unfortunately, the gold-plated roses are out of stock.

"Hey, the gold-plated rose didn't accept the order. It's a hell. How can I push the purple gold coins outside? I only bought ten universal cores. Except the one given by the gold-plated rose before for testing, only Ten.

And I heard, but many people have bought a lot of universal cores, and just 10,000 of the sky city have taken away ... "

"Okay, don't complain. I have already investigated. The gold-plated roses have been sold internally three days ago. All the people who can buy them are those who have previously cooperated with the gold-plated roses. The price is only fifty thousand purple gold coins.

Damn, I really let those guys get away with shit. I bought a lot of universal cores so cheaply. It ’s okay for me to do gold-plated roses. I can take care of my collaborators first, not for the best interests. Reputation can't find a few in the Kingdom of Odin ...

I can only blame us for not seeing gold-plated roses before, I think people are outsiders, and do not want to cooperate with gold-plated roses ... "

"What a hell, I heard that one of the material suppliers got three hundred universal cores. Damn, one material supply. What's the use of universal cores?"

After hearing this complaint, a few people suddenly opened their eyes and quietly left without a trace. After leaving, one by one immediately burned the buttocks. They investigated the material suppliers who cooperated with the gilded roses and found out that the relationship was the best. After that, someone was immediately sent to negotiate the acquisition of the three hundred universal cores, and the price, one hundred thousand purple gold coins, was higher than the retail price of the gold-plated rose ...

发布 The new product release of gold-plated roses instantly ignited the whole circle of alchemy forces. If you do n’t know the universal core of gold-plated roses in a small shop, you should close the door early ...

This is not the same as the new product released by the gold-plated rose before. This time, there was a good applause, no one said that it was not good, not because the universal core is really good. The main reason is the emergence of the universal core. The gold-plated rose is rooted. There is no interest to anyone ...

Even if it is now recognized that the universal core is best used on magic tools, none of the several alchemy forces competing for the market share of magic tools have targeted the gold-plated roses.

Because no matter how much the magic weapon ’s share changes, it is all these people ’s contention. There is no relationship with the gold-plated roses. The gold-plated roses have not even entered the magic weapon market. Instead, the overall profit of the magic weapon market has increased. A lot.

At this time, who will find the trouble of gilded roses, not only will not find the trouble of gilded roses, but will have a good relationship with gilded roses.

After all, the universal core of gold-plated roses does not accept orders. Who knows which day of the month will arrive, although many alchemists now send people to guard outside the gold-plated roses, as long as they see the universal core arrive Goods, they must be notified immediately.

But so many people are doing this, and there are even people who directly send family children who can buy directly to stay here. Whoever can get the most goods depends on who is fast ...

Therefore, it is most important to have a good relationship with the gilded roses. After all, no matter how much you wait outside, you can't compare to a little vague information inside.

No need to determine the specific time, as long as you determine the day of arrival, just go to the gold-plated rose squat guard, it is definitely the fastest to get the goods.

In this atmosphere, all the expansion of gold-plated roses has become smooth. Thirteen materials suppliers in the Kingdom of Odin have signed all kinds of materials, and the signed contracts violate the terms of the contracts. It is strict. If they unilaterally interrupt the supply of materials, the price of the contract can definitely make a material provider bankrupt ...

For half a month, with the successive release of the universal core, the third batch of gold-plated rose stores has begun. After the third batch of stores open, the plan of nearly forty stores this year will be thorough. When completed, the sales network will be spread across all important cities in the northern part of the Kingdom of Odin.

Within three years, the market share of alchemy medicaments will definitely occupy the largest share in the northern part of the Kingdom of Odin. When this status is reached, it is almost difficult to shake it. With this foundation, in order to enter the magic weapon market, Much easier, and at that time, gold-plated roses should also be researched out of magic fist products.

Although it is not impossible to make the real magic artifact now, it is just because the cost is too high. If Lin Yun shot it himself, the magic artifact of the highest level of the real magic artifact can be manufactured, but these magic artifacts cannot be sold. Yes, the cost is too high to mass-produce, it is just one or two, it is meaningless to make it, and it is not very good for gilded roses, but it will attract the attention of opponents.

Then, when everything was going well, a branch of gold-plated roses had problems ...

"Stupid, sell me the universal core in your hand, otherwise you don't want to leave Rig City ...

Are you insulting me? Fool, who doesn't know that the universal core of gold-plated roses is 50,000 purple gold coins, you dare to ask me for 100,000, **** fool, you are provoking the dignity of a heavenly power ...

Go ahead, five thousand purple gold coins, buy your universal core ... "

Five minutes later, Walker Carter looked at the universal core in his hand, a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then continued to wait not far from the gilded rose shop. After less than ten minutes, Walker's eyes lit up ... ...

Ten minutes later, Walker's universal core had another piece.

"Hahaha, this kind of universal core is so valuable, and now it has been fired to 100,000 purple gold coins. It is such a small piece of stuff that it is so valuable.

The twenty-eight thousand purple gold coins are too expensive, and those idiots dare to take out all their net worth to buy this thing, which is not cheap for me.

I only spent 50,000 purple gold coins, and I bought more than sixty universal cores. All these things were sold. At least six million purple gold coins were sold. This money was too easy to make. "

Walker's sunken eyes were greedy, and in the darkness of the street corner, it was like an undead covered with a layer of human skin.

Walker is famous in Rig City. This guy was not a good bird from an early age, but his talent for magic was very good. He was checked out from a young age and has a very strong affinity for the flame element. This means that he was The flame rule has spread, and it is still a rare positive effect, which is why it caused this terrible talent.

Unfortunately, from the age of five, Walker showed a terrible headache. When he was thirteen, he killed a servant of the family with magic.

Later, I did all the bad things. I wandered into the ordinary person's house in the middle of the night and wore others' daughters. To see who was not pleasing to the eye, he used magic to torture the other half to death. A stronger jumble.

If the Carter family is very powerful in Rig City, it is definitely one of the strongest families in the city. Walker has long been killed. In fact, Walker has been attacked a lot in these years. Every time, It was he who hid in the past, and when he had not yet broken through the sky order, was chased and killed by a sky order mage, this guy could sneak into the area where mortals live without shame, and walk his breath in the whole city.

In order to escape, more than a dozen mages and dozens of ordinary people were pitted to death, which caused headaches for those who pursued him. As a sky-level mage, he could never come out and slaughter ordinary people in the city. If you do such a thing, it will be dead.

The man who chased away fled, and Walker appeared with a sway, and when he broke through the order of heaven, he was even more presumptuous, doing what he wanted, and no one dared to provoke him.

Unfortunately, as a sky-level mage, in addition to his strength, any skills to make money will not be known. Alchemy is even ignorant. The Carter family's support for him is poor, if not for his strength. There will be no support for him at all.

As a sky-ranked mage, I did not have much to say about promising things like robbers, and I took huge risks.

小 Some of the small gangsters that were conquered could not supply too many purple gold coins, at least for a sky-level mage, it was too few ...

This time, the universal core of the gold-plated rose was so hot that Walker suddenly came up with an idea. It is not cost-effective to grab the gold-plated rose directly, and the risk is also high. Robbed it ...

The 80,000 purple gold coins were bought, and hundreds of purple gold coins were bought by Walker, and this guy's talent as a little **** is absolutely incomparable. At a glance, you can see if you can grab it. How much money is strong to buy and sell is the most suitable.

The people who are robbing are some who have not strong backgrounds or even strong mages. Such guys, Walker doesn't care at all ...

I robbed it for several days in a row, and then sold it, and Walker had more than 10 million purple gold coins in his hand.

这 At this time, Faro also received a report from the branch. Looking at the information in his hand, Faro's brows were tightly frowned and he had a headache.

This **** guy ~ ~ The universal core is now the hottest time, he went to **** the customers of the gilded rose.

As a celestial powerhouse, he would do such a shameless thing, and the universal core he grabbed was sold at a high price after changing hands. Now someone is waiting for this guy's goods.

This is really a trouble, he has not troubled in the gold-plated rose shop, or even done such shameful things around the area of ​​the gold-plated rose shop.

Everyone who was robbed was given Zijin coins, which can only be regarded as a strong buy and a strong sell. In addition, this guy seems to be a member of the Carter family. The Carter family's strength in Rig City is definitely either first or second.

If we do n’t care about this kind of thing, there will definitely be more people doing it in the future. By then, the universal core will not be famous, but a piece of fat that everyone can eat. Maybe someone will make a gilded rose idea. .

交 Negotiations with the Carter family, I am afraid there are no good results. As long as they die and bite, they just buy and sell, and the gilded roses can only intervene at most, they cannot oppress them ...

Farrow was a little bit distressed. This matter was a bit tricky. After thinking about it, the Carter family who had sent someone to talk about it was, after all, what was sold after the gilded roses were left alone after others left the gilded roses.

金 The people sent by the gilded roses arrived in the city of Rig, and the people of the Carter family got the news as soon as possible.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Chuangshitou to recommend and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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