Damn, how did he know that it was the Roosevelt Merchants League, and the **** of Reynolds didn't seem to let the Roosevelt Merchants show up at all, how did he know?

Knowing that it is the Roosevelt Business League, why is he so calm, is he intentional?

My God, his Jedi was intentional, intentionally silent, and he intentionally let those who returned the universal core return the original price, and did nothing, what is he for?

What is the benefit of deliberately doing this for gilded roses?

In the past ten days, the sales volume of the gold-plated rose ’s universal core has plummeted by at least 60%, plus the returned universal core, the gold-plated rose ’s universal core may only have a profit of 10%. Why? Not worried at all?

If the reputation of the universal core is completely ruined ...

What is his confidence?

Dick's heart flashed through a lot of thoughts. Looking at Lin Yun's indifferent look, it didn't seem to be fake, not to be in a hurry, but really not to worry at all ...

"Have you not been worried at all, Lord Mafa?"

The original negotiation plan was completely scrapped, and Dick couldn't help asking.

Lin Yun was a little confused.

"Why should I worry? Since those people are not going to use the universal core, they should not be used in the future.

As for the facts, people who believe in a bit of brain know that what the universal core is like, everyone knows it well. If anyone thinks that the universal core cannot be sold, then wait.

I don't care. The universal core is not sold publicly, and it is only provided to my collaborators. The original output is very low anyway, and the pressure of public sale itself is very great. Now it is just right. "

Dick's face was tangled, and his expression was the same as constipation. Not only did the original negotiation plan go bankrupt, but the standby negotiation plan was completely useless ...

What about the universal core? People who have used it know who knows its benefits. After eating it, it is impossible to give up again.

That's right, the universal core output of gold-plated roses seems to be very low and unstable. It does not accept reservations at all, and it is sold publicly. It was originally for the purpose of dividing it out. Even if it is not sold publicly, there are many people who want it.

Don't worry about selling it. Supply is always in short supply ...

Damn, this guy is so confident, how can we talk about cooperation now? The other party did not care about the slander of the universal core by those idiots of the Roosevelt Merchants Union.

If it is not sold publicly, those collaborators of gold-plated roses will probably be happy and crazy. Their supply will immediately increase, and the profit will become greater. The profit of gold-plated roses will be almost unaffected ...

Dick thought for a minute with a tangled look. I never thought of how to use this to dig a piece of meat out of the mouth of the gilded rose. The plan to take advantage of it completely failed, but the universal core could not give up ...

"Her Mafia, in fact, I came here on behalf of the Lincoln Merchants Union to discuss the cooperation with the gilded rose, regarding the cooperation of the universal core in the Kingdom of Ston."

After thinking about it, Dick decided to treat this negotiation as an ordinary negotiation.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed a smile. This kind of negotiation is very important for anyone who wants what. If Dick felt that the gilded rose urgently needed the Lincoln Merchants Union, then this negotiation would not be able to continue, and even the other party would speak with a lion, and the conditions became more and more severe.

But if the gold-plated rose is the root, there is no place to use the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. Coupled with the uniqueness of the universal core, the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce now requires gold-plated roses. With this prerequisite, the negotiations will continue, and it is the turn of the gold-plated rose lions.

But what I said before is true. Because the universal core does not worry about selling it, the big deal is not to sell it publicly, just to satisfy the collaborators. This is more beneficial to the gold-plated roses. The reason why the public sale was previously selected is only to help the gold-plated roses to raise their reputation, and Speed ​​builds a network of gilded roses in the Kingdom of Odin.

It now appears that this kind of quick success and short-term approach does have a lot of hidden dangers. It simply takes the opportunity to clean up some unqualified partners.

Some thoughts flashed in his mind, and Lin Yun's face showed a regretful expression.

"Hi Dick, I'm really sorry about the cooperation of the universal core. The gold-plated roses don't have so many supplies at all. The materials are too rare. The extraction and mining of the materials are too troublesome. The scrap rate is very high. When it is at the core, it is scrapped once, and the material is completely unusable.

Therefore, the quantity has not been able to increase, and it has been accumulated for a long time to have the current supply. Although many universal cores have recently been returned, all those universal cores have been bought by the gold-plated rose collaborators.

In the city of sky alone, 10,000 have been bought again, and all the returned multi-purpose cores are ready to be bought. Unfortunately, there are many partners, and we must take care of all of them, so we still owe it to the sky now 10,000 cities, after all, they have the closest relationship with gold-plated roses. In any case, I must first guarantee their needs ...

As for selling the universal core to the Kingdom of Ston, I'm really sorry, Lord Dick, there are not so many universal cores in gold-plated roses.

Maybe in a few years, the technology of gold-plated roses will be improved again. After the production is increased, the core of universal will be considered for sale to the Kingdom of Ston.

Of course, at that time, I would definitely give priority to His Excellency Dick's Lincoln Business League. "

Dick's face was constipated, and all the countermeasures were abolished, and even the original plan was changed back and forth just now. I did not expect that in the end, it turned out to be such a result.

Lin Yun has finished talking, then what else can he say, what is in short supply, and his collaborators should be given priority, who can say anything, no one can pick out a thorn, but can only say that the gold-plated rose has good reputation Nostalgia, this kind of person is the most suitable as a collaborator, and never have to worry about the other party to have greater benefits kicked off the collaborator ...

I didn't expect to be rejected, let alone refuse to use the excuse that the output was too low, Dick's head was about to explode, and I didn't think how to continue the negotiations, perfect reason, impeccable reason ...

And everyone knows the reason. Everyone knows that the gold-plated rose's universal core output is very low, and it will always be in short supply.

No one would think that gold-plated roses can be produced in large quantities. A universal core, even if it is a large transaction for a collaborator, gives the best price, it is also 50,000 purple gold coins. The retail price in the shop is 80,000 purple gold coins.

No matter how high the profit is, anyone can think of it. It is definitely not low anyway. Such a high profit is in short supply. Of course, how many gold-plated roses are sold, and one sold is a large number of purple gold coins.

"His Dick came here in person and let you run for nothing, I'm really sorry, I can take the decision and draw out twenty universal cores, and as long as His price is 50 thousand purple, according to the price of our gold-plated rose partner. One gold coin.

I hope that His Excellency Dick will not be too few, these twenty pieces are already the limit I can take out now ... "

There was a smile on Dick's face, and the Lincoln Merchants Union naturally bought a universal core. However, only ten were recovered at a high price. Every time a gold-plated rose was sold for a universal core, no one at the Lincoln Merchants Union could buy it.

I did n’t pay much attention to it, but by the time I paid attention to it, the universal core had gone wrong, and many people started to return to the gold-plated roses. At this time, naturally, others wanted to buy it. Unfortunately, there have been too many messes recently.

It is also difficult to get the trust of those buyers if the bid is high, or they will return the gold-plated roses. Either it was snatched out by others early.

Now gold-plated roses have not continued to sell universal cores at all, and it has become difficult to buy one piece. Buying twenty pieces at a time is definitely the largest transaction available on the market now.

Dick smiled. Quickly paid a million purple gold coins and left with twenty universal cores.

After Dick left, Farrow questioned a little.

"Master Merlin, according to the information I collected, the Kingdom of Ston is half desert and half snow, and most of the two ethnic groups live on their own half of the territory. Although the exchange and integration are better now, the competition is very fierce. .

This Lincoln Merchants Union is the main competitor of the Roosevelt Merchants Union. As long as the Lincoln Merchants Union is willing to help, then the Roosevelt Merchants Union has no energy to deal with our gold-plated roses, how do you ... "

Lin Yun smiled.

"You want to ask, why did I directly reject Dick's cooperation? Faro, you remember, the Kingdom of Ston is different from the Kingdom of Andalusia and Odin.

The strongest kingdom in Andalusia is the Tower of the Mage, which has the highest status. The status of the royal family is not very strong, at most it is equivalent to a top power of Andalusia.

The royal family of the Kingdom of Odin is very powerful. The royal family inherited some relics of the third dynasty, and its tentacles spread throughout the Kingdom of Odin. The true royal family is definitely one of the most powerful forces in the Kingdom of Odin.

Next are those families with noble titles. The strength of these families is the mainstay of the kingdom of Odin. Individuals with only the noble titles, or the noble families that have appeared in the last thousand years, do not work, the tower of the mage. Few powers stand in the first sequence of the Kingdom of Odin.

The rights of the Ston Kingdom, everything, are controlled by these business alliances. None of the members of these business alliances are pure mages. They are the most business mages in the Northrend world, and will only chase interest.

If you just promised to cooperate, just wait for the other lion to open your mouth, and if you do n’t, I ’m afraid that these vampires who can smell the smell of purple gold coins over thousands of kilometers may be doing something else ... "

Farrow nodded, but there was still something difficult to understand.

Lin Yun also no longer explained that with the development of Northrend's world becoming stronger and stronger, thousands of years later, the strength of the Kingdom of Ston has already caught up with the Kingdom of Odin.

Unless it is the most powerful top-level combat power, it has always been the strongest in the Kingdom of Odin. With the deterrence of those who are called humanoid self-propelled nuclear weapons, the Kingdom of Ston has never had any bad thoughts.

When the Northrend world finds its peak, the tentacles extend to the endless plane, not those mages, nor the powerful mage towers, but the business alliances of the Kingdom of Ston.

They gathered endless wealth. When the Northrend world began to build a sheltered tower in the future, more than half of the wealth was provided by the business alliance of the Kingdom of Ston.

Although these vampires can't wait to drain every drop of blood from everyone, in the future, the business alliance of the Kingdom of Ston will enjoy the reputation of vampire in human skin in the endless plane.

By relying solely on commercial means, many aspects have been conquered. In this era, it is a joke.

More than seven thousand years later, the Lincoln Merchants League discovered an orc-controlled plane for decades. All the orcs were drained of every drop of wealth, everything the orcs used, some to eat, and everything to learn were provided by the Shangmeng. Orcs can only dig resources crazy and get everything they want from the Lincoln Business League.

Conquering a plane without a **** sword, even the development cost of the plane has been reduced several times. Such cases will be put on the textbooks of the Kingdom of Ston in the future.

Lin Yun didn't underestimate the strength of these business alliances. When wealth converged to a certain degree, it may be more terrible than powerful spells.

Although the future Lincoln Merchants Union is a typical vampire merchant union, the current Lincoln Merchants Union, let alone 10,000 years, 20,000 years later. Even after three thousand years, it will be a rookie business alliance that will be killed by the opponent sooner or later ...

Cooperating with the Lincoln Business League is the best choice. It can just slowly penetrate the Kingdom of Ston and lay a seed for the gold-plated rose to enter the Kingdom of Ston.

After the Lincoln Merchants Union has obtained the universal core, they will inevitably suppress their old rival Roosevelt Merchants Union. The two commercial unions specializing in magic tools, as long as one has this advantage and overwhelms the other, it is a matter of time.

If the Roosevelt Business League's home base is almost overwhelmed by opponents. They also have a fart energy, using a lot of manpower and material resources and relationships to deal with gilded roses, whether they will be killed or not ...

This is a favorable cooperation for the gilded roses and the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. Now let ’s air the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. Mainly Lin Yun has other ideas.

When I saw Dick just now, Lin Yun thought of a lot of things. In addition to directly determining that the black man behind the blackened gold-plated rose was the Roosevelt Merchants Union, he also thought of another thing.

In the future, the magic of the Northrend world will begin to flow, and those vampires in the Kingdom of Ston will also have to bleed, and they will bring out a lot of wealth to help build a sheltered tower.

Can bring out so much wealth. All are the accumulation of those business alliances in the Kingdom of Stone over the years. One of the materials that the Northrend world did not produce at all was the Lincoln Business Alliance.

It was a new fusion material that was created after 18,000 years. The Lincoln Merchants Union alone grasped this new material for more than 1,000 years. After more than 1,000 years, the new material was only used by others. Made it out.

Because of this new fusion material, the raw material is a newly discovered substance, and the place where this substance is discovered is in a plane controlled by the Lincoln Merchants Union, which is a skeleton plane, with a power level far below that of the undead. The plane, the strongest undead creature in it, is just barely reaching level 40.

The other minerals of that bone plane are very high grade. Only this new material called black sandy soil, for this bone plane, is equivalent to the status of magic iron to the plane of plane ...

The black sand soil produced inside is used as a material to fuse into a new fusion material to shelter the demand for the tower. Even if you build a hundred shelter towers, you can't use the black sand inside ...

Now, this plane does not seem to have been discovered by the Lincoln Merchants Union. In fact, the road of the plane was discovered after thousands of years by the Lincoln Merchants Union before being used. It is usually used as a hidden warehouse plane. in use……

The position of the road of the plane is in the territory currently controlled by the Lincoln Merchants Union. However, it is not clear where it is, because there is only an approximate position in the record, and this position is for the current Lincoln Merchants Union. In terms of value, there is not much value ...

After all, now is not the time of the big population explosion in the future. In the era of the explosion of the number of mages, most of the Northrend world except towns are wilderness. The utilization rate of land is too low. Years later, hunting a World of Warcraft has to go to another plane ...

Lin Yun took out the manuscript paper, combined with the information collected by Faroe, calculated the approximate location of the plane road on the map, and combined with the detailed information of the Lincoln Business League in this era, he quickly calculated the approximate location.

Looking at the approximate location, Lin Yun's mouth showed a smile ...

Searching for a plane is a time-consuming task, and the location is not too far away from the town. If you go there, you will be discovered by others, and it will not be possible to monopolize. Already.

Even if it's just a skeleton plane that doesn't have much value to people today ...

Then ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ has a legitimate reason to appear in the Kingdom of Ston, it is necessary, and there must be enough reasons to search for the position of the plane road secretly there.

Lin Yun stayed quietly waiting for the gold-plated rose to smear the core of the gold-plated rose outside. Lin Yun no longer paid attention to it. Someone returned it. The gold-plated rose was returned quickly. Provided to several loyal collaborators.

Even among the employees of the gilded roses, those who left the company, the gilded roses were also easy to let go. Those leaving the alchemist, Lin Yun was not afraid of what they could reveal. The contract they signed at the time, but the contract made by Master Sean himself If they could reveal the secrets of some gilded roses, then it would be a ghost ...

Can someone break the contract of Lord Sean in this era? Don't joke, this technology will not be available for 20,000 years ...

Clean up the hidden dangers, clean up the restless collaborators or employees, everything is in secret, no one knows the purpose of the gilded rose, those who can clearly see this thing are faintly feel wrong, can't see the coquettish people , Has been shouting that gilded roses will not work ... (To be continued.)

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