Lin Yun floated in place, did not move a bit, his face was calm, and now I finally knew what the place was.

This is not a space crack or a space shadow at all, but a subspace of the space reflection. Everything is reversed, and even the rules are different here. The spells cannot be released naturally.

走 If you take a step here, there may be an inestimable distance outside. Maybe you are lucky. One step is hundreds of millions of kilometers away ...

的 The spatial rules here are completely different from the outside world. Without really seeing everything here, the spatial rules cannot be used.

Suddenly, the Void Owl became more and more bold, and slowly approached Lin Yun ...

After approached Lin Yun ten meters, the body of the Void Owl suddenly disappeared again, appeared dozens of meters away, and then slowly approached again.

Lin Yun stood motionless. What he sees now is a twisted world of light. Before he really adapted to this space, even a distance of ten meters may be a gap that can never be crossed. The distance of ten meters is normal. There may even be billions of kilometers in space.

Although everything in normal space is difficult to affect here, but who knows, if one step out, the corresponding is not the core of a void storm. At that time, the void owl only needs to push him out of the sub-space of the shadow of this space. It will definitely die very ugly.

Almost all the abilities and powers of the Void Owl are used to escape. Although there is no frontal fighting strength, even a person a few levels higher than him may not be able to kill this guy.

Lin Yun propped up a fusion shield that incorporated the rune of space rules, and quietly felt the rules around him. Fortunately, he has already been very strong in space rules, and the foundation of space rules must be laid. If not, they can only remain in this state forever.

The Nether Owl is still cautiously testing. Each time it approaches Lin Yun, it is only a little closer than the last time, and then immediately escapes. Then continue to test. This guy has been cautiously overdoing. The most important reason is, otherwise, the ability is more powerful, if you find yourself, you will die very easily.

When the Nether Owl approached Lin Yun's five-meter range, Lin Yun suddenly spit out a space rule rune, but instantly, this space rule rune did not know where to go, but this surprised the Nether Owl and stood In the distance, he did not come closer for more than ten minutes.

At this time, countless silver runes flickered in Lin Yun's eyes, and the twisted light space around him had slowly begun to change shape and seemed to become more and more clear, which meant that he was about to adapt to this space. Already.

The Void Owl seemed to find that there was no danger, so he again boldly tried to approach, and was more cautious than before. When he tried again to approach Lin Yun within five meters, Lin Yun once again spit out a dozen space rules. Text.

The Void Owl ran away again, but this time it was discovered that the runes of space rules seemed to have no effect on the environment here. The Void Owl began to sneer at Lin Yun with an angry "Baidu · Kaihang text", and seemed to feel that Cloud simply has no ability to do anything here.

After the owl approached again, the courage of the Void Owl became even bigger, approaching Lin Yun's three-meter range directly, then reaching out the imaginary shadow hand, grabbing at Lin Yun, and a space ring appeared in his hand.

The banned space ring can only be used by Lin Yun himself, but for the space owl, it is as if it is not fortified. The pieces stored in the space ring are caught by the void owl. Precious materials, alchemy tincture, and meteorite fragments Block, magic weapon ...

All of them were taken out by the Void Owl, and then tossed aside without looking at them for a second glance. These precious things floated in the air like garbage, among them a magic book covered by the power of flames and hurricanes. , Not far behind the Void Owl, mingling in the pile of garbage that appears to the Void Owl ...

Took out everything in the space ring, but still couldn't find what he wanted, and an angry soul wave came from the Void Owl, and his body disappeared again and appeared beside Lin Yun.

But this time, the courage of the Void Owl is even greater. It seems to be completely confirmed that Lin Yun is completely powerless here. He is directly approaching Lin Yun's body within one meter. Lin Yun only needs to bend slightly and stretch his arm. Can touch the void owl.

Grabbed at Lin Yun again, another space ring was taken away by the Void Owl, and then immediately returned to the place where he was just now, one by one throwing out the contents stored in the space ring, but obviously this guy was a little irritable After looking for so long, he didn't find what he wanted.

And around him, in the large amount of "trash", in addition to a magic book enclosing the power of flames and hurricanes, there was a shroud of roulette floating there, and there was a watch around the roulette. A humble ring ...

A pile of **** collided with each other, slowly moving in the air. Magic books, roulette, and rings seemed to be touched by something else, slowly drifting towards the void owl.

On the other side, the silvery and white runes that flickered wildly in Lin Yun's eyes completely disappeared, and the world in front of him had completely changed. This was a void world.

The whole world is vast and boundless, but it seems only a few kilometers high, and the top and feet of it are like a large, flat mirror that reflects the entire starry sky. Everything is completely opposite.

In a world only a few kilometers high, there are some low-level bullies on the owner, like mountain peaks, reflections of barren planets, and some strangely shaped plane reflections, but the plane reflections are There are so few pitiful places where the eyes can see, there is only such a reflection of a barren plane.

You can even see some reflections of dragon whirlwinds that are several hundred meters high. The reflections that can be projected here are all things that have a relatively large impact in normal space. The inverted tornado phantom is not visible in normal space. In case of accident, it is a terrible void storm that can destroy the stars, and the scope is very large.

Void Owl, just ten meters away, there are a lot of things that seem to be **** around it ...

The book of Wan Mantra, the wheel of thousands of law, and even the ring have floated within two meters of the body of the void owl, especially the ring has floated within one meter of the body of the void owl ...

Lin Yun looked at the Void Owl, his face remained flat, and he looked at the Void Owl one by one to take out everything in the space ring, even a lot of things Lin Yun collected during the Kingdom of Andalusia.

Just when the Book of Mantras and the Wheel of Maneuvers floated within a meter of the Void Owl, the ring was about to touch the Void Owl.

But the cautious guy, Void Owl, did not respond at all. He had completely lost his alertness, and he was not worried about any unexpected situation.

瞬间 Just as the ring was about to touch the void owl, Lin Yun spit out a rune of space rules.

Suddenly, this subspace had a range of tens of meters and began to tremble slightly. A lot of black flames were sprayed out of the Book of Mantra, covering dozens of meters around the void owl. In the Book of Mantra, thousands A rune of space rules erupted, forming a cage, completely sealing the inside.

Space shock and the cage formed by the space rule rune body, and the black flame of destruction, enough to hold the void owl for a few seconds, this time, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

Sure enough, the Void Owl was about to escape when feeling the strange moment, but at this time the ring touched its body like a shadow, a fist-sized ghost wolf got out of the ring, two claws. Inserted into the body of the Void Owl, his mouth was bitten **** the Void Owl.

冇 The fierce soul wave spread and the scream of the Void Owl sounded directly in Lin Yun's mind. He temporarily controlled the Void Owl to prevent him from escaping, and Lin Yun slowly drifted over. A lot of materials were taken by Lin Yun All of them are disgusting items that isolate space and magic. Among them are some absolute insulators, which are used by top-level forces with a wealth of wealth to lay the foundation.

These things were controlled by Lin Yun into a large ball that was seven or eight meters high, and he and the Void Owl were both locked in it.

Lin Linyun squinted her eyes and smiled, looking at the Void Owl caught by Lord Sean, looking like a strange uncle who wanted to kidnap a little girl ...

"Little guy, now I will give you two choices. After signing this contract, I will let you go. The second choice is eaten by Lord Sean as a big meal.

I believe that a soul body who is proficient in space power should have a possibility that Master Sean will also get space power. "

冇 A fierce soul wave came, and angry curses and curses continued to come into Lin Yun's mind. Although he didn't have a word, Lin Yun could feel the most complete meaning.

Lin Yun looked at it calmly, and Lord Sean saw that this guy didn't cooperate. Where could he bear it? Lord Sean had recently released himself from the magic incarnation, but Lord Sean had another soul walker. In addition to pure magic, only the strange and pure soul creature with pure soul can be used as Lord Sean's ration.

I finally saw one. Lord Sean couldn't bear it anymore. He inserted his claws into the body of the Void Owl and trapped it in place, his mouth tearing a large shadow from the Void Owl.

The screams screamed in Lin Yun's mind, and within a second, the Nether Owl persuaded ...

Lord Sean was unhappy, took a bite again, and tore off a shadow again. At this time, the Void Owl dared to think more, without looking at the content of the contract, directly on the foot of Lin Yun. There was a soul mark on the contract paper over a meter long.

The soul contract was successfully signed, and the contract paper was turned into an ashes, and the light was divided into two parts, which were submerged into the body of Lin Yun and the Void Owl.

Seeing this scene, Master Shawn let go of the Void Owl and licked his tongue as if he had seen some delicious prey, and drooled down.

Void Owl shrank into a ball and reverted into a ball of dark shadows. The breath was much weaker. The two couples of Lord Sean just swallowed at least 5% of its soul power.

Lin Yun released the shackles, and the Book of Mantra and Wheel of Mana also floated back to Lin Yun. Theodorus and Anfa both got out of the magic weapon and watched the void shrink into a mass. owl.

"It's a violent and uncooperative guy who came to take the initiative to provoke Merlin ..."

An Anda looked at the Nether Owl and scorned in disdain.

The next moment, the body of the Void Owl disappeared, and Lord Sean laughed gleefully.

"This stupid, signed the contract without looking at it, still want to run now? Too naive, this contract, but the most harsh contract that Uncle Shawn can think of ..."

Sure enough, in less than two seconds, the Void Owl appeared more than ten meters away, and then screamed and rolled back ...

This time, I was completely honest, staying with Lin Yun and never dared to run away anymore, Lin Yun smiled indifferently, that contract was originally a masterpiece of Sean ’s prank, the terms of the contract above, Lin Yun When I saw it, I wanted to laugh, so many harsh terms, and the strictest soul contract. As long as it is not a real fool, no one will sign, even if it is dead, no intelligent creature will sign ...

After signing this contract, even if he becomes dead, he will still be a slave of Lin Yun. To put it simply, if this thing is signed, the original imprint of the soul will be marked with Lin Yun. Do n’t do it for the next life or the next. Want to be relieved ...

Put away all the things that are floating around, Lin Yun began to look at this space, the subspace of space shadow, this is the place where Lin Yun can't reach at all now, this kind of place, unless it is specialized in space rules The space mage will not be touched until the seventh or eighth level of the heavenly order. If you want to enter and exit freely, don't think about it before you can compare to a strong person like Agalon ...

Only the magical soul creature such as the Void Owl can do this, but this guy does not have much combat power at all. This Void Owl has level 43, but the combat power can only be achieved. Just shake Lin Yun's shield slightly.

The killer is to directly push the enemy into this sub-space shadowed space. Unfortunately, this trick is not so easy to use. It is only Lin Yun's body type, but it is a defense, and the surrounding space is still stable. Can do it.

之中 In the void, any vanity beast stood there without resistance, and the vanity owl had no power to push the opponent's huge body into a subspace.

After entering here, Lin Yun knew that without the help of the Void Owl, I'm afraid I would be trapped here for a long time, and I can only stay there until I have the ability to shuttle this space back to normal space. Here it is ...

Now that I have conquered the Void Owl, I can naturally leave here at any time, but it ’s not easy to enter here. Lin Yun is also prepared to feel here for a while. Understanding the rules of space here is equivalent to another path, which has many benefits.

In this weird subspace, Lin Yun kept advancing, feeling different things, seeing a lot of different reflections, there are void storms, energy storms, and some giant giant planets, but the projection to In the subspace of the shadow of space, what you can see is the shadow of a giant spheroid that is no larger than tens of meters.

It seems that here, the starry sky is compressed into a piece of paper, which is described on a piece of paper.

Lin Yun stopped when a planetary projection with a height of more than one meter passed, and Lin Yun stopped suddenly, but disappeared in an instant.

Zhe Linyun frowned and stood beside the projection of the planet. He didn't think that everything was just an illusion. The flashing induction was just uploaded from the projection of the planet.

Very weak induction.

I stood beside this planet's projection, Lin Yun closed her eyes and quietly sensed. After a dozen hours, a faint faint sensation appeared again.

Hesitating for a moment, Lin Yun inserted a hand into the projection of this planet, this projection itself is like a shadow, it is illusory at all, it has no effect, but the power or gravity of the planet itself , Can only slightly affect the subspace in the shadow of space, then cast this one projection.

But at the moment Lin Yun inserted his hand into it, the flashing induction reappeared, but this time it no longer disappeared ~ ~ but it always exists, but the induction is still weak, Lin Yun But I can tell what the induction is.

Induction of blood veins. Only the induction of blood veins can occasionally penetrate here and penetrate the power of space.

At the peak of Northrend's world, the most powerful mages, everyone left the bloodstream when they left Northrend's world.

I can penetrate here. The biggest possibility is that on this planet, there is a horrible strongman of the Merlin family, which can make him have a vague sense here. Now only one person can do it.

Thornton Merlin!

I heard that Thornton Merlin had gone to the starry battlefield before, and was always in an endless void. This planet, from the position where Lin Yun left the Northrend world, had reached an incalculable horror distance.

Thornton Merlin is here?

Zhe Linyun was silent for a while, so she decided to check it out. Thornton Merlin had been on the battlefield in the sky, and there seemed to be news all the way back to Northrend. He must know more detailed information.

This time, I originally followed Agallon to the starry battlefield. According to Agalon, the starry battlefield has been relatively calm recently, and there is no danger.

Who knows that this peaceful starfield battlefield, just stepping on the edge of the battlefield, encountered two terrible starry monsters, one can only fight Agalon, one is a mutant space monster.

I finally managed to kill the space monster, and jumped out of a void owl that smelled of fish ... [To be continued] []

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