This kind of gravity is so incredible that the space is compressed to a terrible level. A distance of more than ten meters into normal space is definitely hundreds of kilometers away, and coupled with that huge suppression, the soul-eater can't. Simulating Hughes's soul power ...

Unable to simulate the ability of the soul, follow the trajectory of Hughes and continue to move forward. In the end, it can only maintain the current situation. When the soul power is exhausted, it will be torn to pieces by the huge gravity here. No, it is torn directly into a smile. Particles finally broke down into exactly the same material as this planet ...

Hughes struggled to return to the Northrend world, and when he returned, he lay on the ground like a dead bird.

"Master Merlin, I am going to die, Hughes is going to die ..."

Hughes lay dry on the ground and looked very miserable. Both wings were broken into unknown knots, all the bones were broken, and the whole feather fell off. It looked like a half that had been processed. Pheasant cooking ...

Lin Yun's eyelids jumped, took out a bottle of life potion and poured it into Hughes, and took out a bottle of life potion into a ball of water to wrap Hughes in. After ten minutes, Hughes recovered tiredly. It is not so easy for the body to recover. If it is a normal life, I do n’t know how many times I have died now, that is, a soul life like Hughes, can I drag the body without destroying it ...

"Hughes, let me change your body ..."

Before Lin Yun's words were finished, Hughes' eyes lit up, and the bird's head shook quickly.

"No, no, Master Merlin, this sentence is very good. I am very satisfied. Not only can I eat dessert, but I can also fly ..."

Lin Yun's face was wondering, and he didn't understand why Hughes spent great effort to keep the body from being destroyed. For Hughes, the body is not much different from a suit, especially the low level, not extraordinary. Changing his body casually has no effect on his pure soul life ...

However, Hughes was unwilling, and Lin Yun once again took out several bottles of alchemy potion to help Hughes heal his injury.

Looking at Hughes's embarrassment, Lin Yun knew that the first plane he could choose to give up could almost kill Hughes. The indigenous people in that plane did not surpass the heavenly order. There are definitely forty-nine levels, and the number may be more than one. I am afraid that the number of extraordinary lives is even more ...

The first plane that Hughes explored was the one that was most suitable for the current requirements of gilded roses. The land of that plane was large enough, and it was very suitable for planting medicinal materials, magic plants, and almost all medicinal materials. They can all be planted on this plane, but unfortunately, as expected, that plane is too dangerous, and no one who is a bird like Hughes was almost killed ...

Then I can only choose the other planes one by one, and healed Hughes' injuries, let Hughes rest for a while, and gave Hughes a few aristocratic desserts. The silly bird immediately forgot. It was almost killed. Began to brag about what just happened ...

"Master Meilin. Just now I was chased and killed by a forty-eighth level of lifestealer, when I appeared. It just happened to be sent to the mouth of that lifesaver, how could that guy let go of greatness Master Hughes. Following closely behind Master Hughes, I can only take him to a silver planet with terrible gravity.

Haha, that idiot thought it was enough to simulate the soul power I used, dumbfounded. Yeah, but the owl has a body and a blood power of space power. The soul power that the idiot finally simulated was to trap himself in the place. Unfortunately, Bird Lord ran away with the power of his bloodline, and killed the idiot ... "

Hughes smiled strangely, ate several pieces of aristocratic desserts more expensive than the same weight of purple gold, and happily left with the second space coordinates given by Lin Yun.

Five minutes later, Hughes blamed for jumping out of the shadows of space. Her feathers seemed to be burned out, and her body smelled of barbecue ...

"Master Merlin, save me, I am going to die, I am going to die ..."

Lin Yun frowned and looked at Hughes. His life was transformed into a water polo and Hughes was wrapped in it. It took five minutes for Hughes to recover, but the burnt feathers on the surface of the body did not grow immediately. , Looks like a bald chicken that has been stripped ...

Lin Yun sighed secretly, and did n’t need to know what the result was. This plane was temporarily unable to go. Hughes ’s ability to escape the world ’s unparalleled existence was burned into a bald chicken. He passed by himself. Instantly get spiked ...

After sorting out a pair of spatial coordinates sorted out by hand, Lin Yun discarded most of them. The planes that are now suitable can be seen as eye-catching planes. Ninety-nine percent can be abandoned directly. These planes The spatial coordinates of the position are almost prosperous in those planes, and the magic power is strong. In this kind of place, no matter who controls the plane, the strong is occupying it, or it is extremely dangerous. The forbidden area, the kind that dies when you enter ...

Abandoning most planes with the best conditions, and there are only three plane space coordinates left in the hand. This is the proper one selected from the known space coordinates. The worst three are also strengths. The three weakest planes, but this weak plane is only compared to those planes before, for Lin Yun's current strength, is still very strong.

Let Hughes travel through the space again to explore. There is no hope in the first two planes. The place marked by space coordinates is one where a giant beast of at least forty-eight is sleeping, and one is an old nest of a terrible race. Hughes' body was almost destroyed there.

In the end, there is only one plane coordinate, Lin Yun's brows are locked, and he is not satisfied. The last space coordinate, although that plane can meet the needs of the gold-plated rose, but in general, it is in a position suitable for the needs of the current gold-plated rose In the face, it is the worst plane ...

With a sigh, Lin Yun asked Hughes to investigate again. Within ten minutes, Hughes returned again, but this time the result was good, the location of the space coordinates. There is no danger around it, it is very empty and there is no danger.

But Lin Yun was not happy at all, the only suitable plane. It is a very special plane. The spatial barriers of this plane are very weak compared to other planes, and the position of this space coordinate is in the starry sky, which opens the way to planes. It also appears in the starry sky. If you want to enter that plane, you must break the space barriers of that plane, and because of the special nature of this plane, it is impossible to arrange a stable plane inside the plane. The way.

After confirming that there was no danger, Lin Yun asked Hughes to take a look with him. Within a few seconds, Hughes used space power to adjust the frequency of spatial fluctuations around Lin Yun's body to exactly the same level as himself. Then he took Lin Yun together and disappeared into the Northrend world.

When it reappeared, it was a starry sky. Within hundreds of millions of kilometers, nothing was there. Only a few hundred million kilometers away, there was a huge star burning red flames constantly releasing heat. .

Looking at the empty void in front of me. Lin Yun silently calculated for a while, and then sensed in one direction. For more than ten minutes, she finally felt different fluctuations in this line.

The slight fluctuation that occasionally emerges is the slight collision of the spatial barriers of this plane and the place where it overlaps. This kind of situation is very rare even after tens of thousands of years.

Being able to find a breakthrough into a certain plane in the endless void is completely a matter of luck, unless it is like Lin Yun. Know the exact location in advance. After coming here, knowing the specific and precise search direction, it is possible to find that breakthrough.

Otherwise, in this boundless endless void. Finding a breakthrough of at most a few kilometers is more difficult than finding a grain of sand in the endless sea of ​​Northrend World ...

Induced for a while. Lin Yun let Hughes continue to take him back. A few seconds later, Hughes and Lin Yun disappeared together in this starry sky.

This kind of space shuttle is very exhausting, and Hughes can only take Lin Yun alone. Each time he starts the shuttle, the time consumed is not short. When there is no certainty that there is no danger, there is simply no way to carry out Shuttle.

Back in the Northrend world, Lin Yun had a headache. How to conquer that special plane, conquest should be relatively easy, but the particularity of this plane also contains great danger, which can only be seen from the starry sky. Enter, if stationed for a long time, you cannot have a lot of power to station on that plane.

This is the experience gained by losing a lot of strong people in the future, so in the future, the location of that space coordinate will be a huge void island, and the mages of the Northrend world will blaze in the void. Even if the man-made guards are stationed there, they are stationed at that position, a long distance from the entrance of that plane. The gold-plated rose must develop the plane barrier if it wants to develop this plane. That entrance.

In this case, a magic battleship is needed, and it is a must. Although there is not even a barren planet within a long distance, no one can be 100% sure about the things in the void to protect outer space creatures. Invasion and protection of other voyeurs are necessary things. The magic battleship is a must, and only the magic battleship can do such a thing.

The Intrepid can appear during combat, but the Intrepid itself can be said to be a special creature. The huge warship with the body of the devil as its only material. Although it has no soul, it can also be regarded as a kind of creature. The Intrepid The mark it possesses is from the Angry Flame Plane, and it can only be held for a long time in the small plane or the Angry Flame Plane that is attached to the Angry Flame Plane. It is impossible to hold it elsewhere for a long time.

Intrepid uses the body of the demon as the keel, which is powerful and terrible. When facing this situation, it has become a defect. In combat, it is OK to use the Intrepid. For a long time, you must use the magic battleship ...

But in this era, most of the magic battleships are just in their infancy, even if it is Agalon, it only has a 500-meter-long steel battleship. The 500-meter-long steel battleship has been starry. The monster tears into pieces in an instant, which is impossible in the future.

The 500-meter-long title-level magic battleship, if it encounters the last situation, can take up to three minutes to tear up the void monster. The mage who controls the magic battleship only needs to be an experienced magic wizard ...

There are battleships in the Northrend world. The best are floating battleships. It is said that at the peak of the Northrend world, even after seven or eight thousand years, even transport warships were not qualified to be used, at most it was used as a garbage ship for magic garbage ...

The steel battleship of Agalon. It can only be used as a travel tool. It can only deal with some small wandering meteorites in the void, saving the mage some strength, and really encounters a battle. No matter what kind of battle, that steel warship is just one. Just a live target ...

Even the lowest-level magic battleship, a 100-meter-long magic battleship, was controlled by several divisions. Can easily tear up dozens of those steel warships ...

Lin Yun frowned and meditated, but had some headaches. One of the three major races, the Fire Rock Dwarf has been on the Intrepid now, and later sent a lot of alchemists to study Intrepid, so long, But nothing has been researched. Intrepid itself is a very high-level sky-level alchemy array. Some of the results that have been studied now can only be said to have barely laid a foundation. Do you want to create a magic battleship by these people? It is possible, at least in a short period of time.

Coupled with the fact that the gilded rose stalls are getting larger and larger, and the number of alchemy needed is increasing, the lower-level alchemists are fortunate to say that they only need to recruit, and then sign a contract with the gilded roses, everything is not big problem.

But I want to create a magic battleship in a short time. Even the lowest-level magic battleship. The required alchemist is mainly the creator level, and the worst is the master, and it must have a certain foundation. There is a good study of the current floating warships, and even many valuable technologies have been developed by themselves.

Lin Yun sighed. The construction of the magic battleship is a big project. It is not something that can be done by two people. Even if he cannot master all the details of the magic battleship by himself, he only knows the general direction and the direction of technology development. Lin Yun can figure out which technology is the most critical part of the magic energy warship, but it is impossible to build a magic energy warship.

Where can I find such a bunch of giant creators? Except for Star Academy, Lin Yun really can't think of other places.

There are a lot of alchemy forces, and there are several alchemy forces that have a good relationship with gilded roses, and the alchemist of the city of the sky is the most suitable to study the magic battleship, the main research direction of the magic battleship and the city of the sky, The general direction is similar, but the branch direction is different.

Unfortunately, such an alchemist, Lin Yun could not second the people in the city of the sky. If he opened this mouth, they would certainly be very happy. After all, this alchemist cannot give away the gilded rose in vain, and he must return it. The city of the sky, no matter the alchemy power, the giant is the mainstay of the pillars, and the creator is the core of studying the pair.

Only Star Academy, this kind of rule is not so many alchemy holy places, so many high-end alchemists can be excavated, plus Agalon, even if the alchemist is dug into a gilded rose, there is nothing wrong with it Anyway, Agalon is ready to hand over the Starry Academy to Lin Yun, and his left hand is changed to his right. After all, it is his own. Besides, let these alchemists follow to learn some advanced alchemy techniques. I am afraid Agalon can't wait.

The three deans of Xingkong Academy, if not unexpected, must have known about it. Just go to find and dig some masters and creators from Xingkong Academy. It is not too difficult ...

Lin Yun left the gilded rose and went to the Starry Academy. After this news was known by others, someone couldn't sit still ...

The Rodney family, Wilder, anxiously looking at the news reported by his men.

"What? More than twenty sky-level alchemists appear in the material-transporting caravan of gold-plated roses, and Malfay Merlin has gone to Starry College?"

Wilder's face was ugly, and he sweated coldly.

I know that this matter is definitely not over. Mafammelin, someone went to attack his caravan, but he didn't react much, just passive defense ~ ~ This is really weird, right, Definitely not right.

The more than 20 sky-level alchemy urns must have been given to him by the Master Star Warrior. So many sky-level alchemy urns, such big arms, can only be obtained by the Star Academy, and suddenly there are so many sky-level alchemies Alas, those who attacked suffered heavy losses. It was impossible for Mafam Merlin to forget it. Now that he is fine, he must have gone to the Starry Academy for help ...

Mafamaline certainly did not know who attacked his caravan. He would not give up if he could not find it. As long as he went to the Star Academy to ask for help, there was a Master Star Warrior, and the three deans of the Star Academy would definitely help. Mafammelin, those stupid people will definitely not want to hide anymore, offend the Master Star Warrior, offend the Star Academy, and never want to continue to develop in the Kingdom of Odin.

It only takes one word from the Master Star Warlock, even the Odin royal family will definitely give the Master Star Warrior a face to help suppress those idiots.

Damn, I should n’t have listened to those two bitches, and dealt with Malfay Merlin, now it ’s alright, in case he finds out that the two **** have come to the Rodney family, I ca n’t say anything clearly This time, Master Star Warrior will definitely not show mercy again ... (To be continued.)

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