The crystallized Max floated in the air with no expression, and stretched out his hands. A piece of ice-like crystal fragments circulated near Max's hands, and then turned into a layer of crystals to cover Max's hands. Horror The magic wave of the spread spread, and ruled runes floated around Max's hands, and then quickly merged into Max's hands.

The dazzling light came on, and at this moment, inside the cave, Lin Yun just released a regular four-series explosive bomb, and immediately he used the dragon's staff to point on the surface of the book of Mantra, a spell that flashed the four-line light. After being drawn out, the magic surged into this spell, and in a while, a regular four-series explosive bomb condensed out, and rushed towards the place where the magical reaction was the strongest outside the cave.

When Max's condensed spell was about to be released, this Rule of Four series of bombs rushed around Max and collided with the terrible magic wave around Max's body. Destroyed power instantly struck Max's crystal shield.

A tiny crack appeared on the surface of the crystal shield, but the crystal shield showed no signs of breaking, but the regular four series of explosive shells exploded at a close distance. The most powerful is the powerful impact.

The terrible impact force Max's crystal shield, together with Max, blew up into the sky, and was instantly blown out a few hundred meters away. After a few seconds of continuous bumps in the air, Max was again The body was stabilized, and the brilliance condensed on both hands flew out and fell to the cave on the ground.

At this time, Lin Yun also rushed out of the cave with everyone, less than a hundred meters away, and the two dazzling rays of light released by Max had already fallen into the cave.

Suddenly, the horrible magic wave appeared like a tsunami, the wind screamed, the earth was shaking, and the whole cave was shaking.

The giant worms in the cave lost the suppression of the elemental storm, and rushed out of the cave frantically. The unclear giant worms piled up together, like a group of marching ants holding a ball, rolling and rushing. come out……

Suddenly, the dazzling light from the inside of the cave, and the sound of banging and blasting sounded continuously, like countless bombs exploding at the same time.

粗 A large crystal spike was blasted from the stone wall in the cave. The crystal spikes of dozens of meters high were staggered to the ground, and there were at least hundreds of crystal spikes.

In a hurry, giant worms emerging from the depths of the cave were pierced by these crystal spikes. As the number of crystal spikes increased, the gap between each crystal spike decreased. , The giant worms that were not pierced were also squeezed by the terrible impact of the spikes, all of them were killed ...

On the ground surface, there are dozens of meters of crystal spikes blasting out of the ground. For almost a second, the interior of the cave is filled with staggered crystal spikes. When viewed from the outside, the surrounding area of ​​the cave also explodes. The thick crystal spikes look like there is a crystal spike flower that is hundreds of meters long suddenly blooming.

Looking back at the caves and caves that have been completely covered by crystals, his face is pale and his lips are dangling. Even if his body is strong, "Baidu · Kaihang text" is scary, but it is not strong enough to ignore these crystals The spikes, if they are stabbed in the front, will definitely be penetrated ...

The giant worms that emerged from the depths of Minshan Cave were at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, but in an instant, they were all killed ...

The entire cave, and even the ground around the cave, were pierced by countless crystal spikes. All living things within a few hundred meters were spiked, and even the stones were strangled by countless crystal spikes. Squeezed into pieces ...

The blood of the puppets converged into a river, flowing along the gap between the giant crystal thorns of the giant puppets. The thick blood, with a pungent fishy smell, spread like an explosion ...

The nearest crystal spike is only seven or eight meters away from everyone. The surface of the crystal spike like a bright diamond, and even a drop of sticky blood dripping.

Lin Linyun looked back at the crystal spikes, and a little inspiration came to mind, but was interrupted in an instant.

After Max missed, he immediately started a new attack. A crystal ball reflecting the brilliant light fell from the sky. When it fell to half, the crystal ball suddenly exploded, and numerous crystal spikes exploded. It's like countless ice cones blasting away, and the dense crystal cone rain falls from the sky, covering a range of at least three or four hundred meters.

These crystal cones hit the surface of Lin Yun's fusion shield, and the sound of jingling sounds continuously. These crystal cones have a terrible puncture ability. It is obviously not a powerful spell, but the tip of the crystal cone can be easily done. After piercing Lin Yun's Fusion Shield, after piercing a little bit of the tip, the crystal cone shattered into countless pieces, and then turned into a little bit of crystalline light that dissipated.

The battle began in an all-round way, and other strong men in the crown of thorns also began to join the battle group, rushing towards this side. In addition to these strong men who were previously blown up, there are those densely packed like tides and used as big bugs. Warcraft came.

Lin Yun took a breath and spit out three ruled runes. In a moment, a dark vortex emerged from behind Lin Yun, and then quickly condensed into a side that was more than ten meters high and twenty meters wide. Plane gate.

A group of flames rushed out of the gate of the plane, and then fell dozens of meters away. The flames slowly converged. Fifty Legion Masters emerged from the flames. Fifty Legion Masters had all their hair. It turned red, and a crimson flame robe looked like a phantom among a group of burning flames.

Twenty-five Legion Masters appeared, and the surrounding flames began to burn independently. The elemental flame actively burned flames, and the surrounding temperature rose madly.

Since the four rules of ground fire, water and wind in the natural half-plane have been derived from the branch rules, fifty Legion Masters have been there to understand the power of the rules, and Lin Yun's unequivocal display allows them to be directly integrated into the flames. Feelings in the rules. This method of feeling the rules will make them realize the speed of the rules is incredible.

Beginning with the five-level title wizard, climbing the level requires the power of the rules. At this time, it is only contact. The accumulation of magic has become less important than the rules.

As long as the rules can keep up and the accumulation of magic can keep up, the level will rise crazy.

Fifty Legion Mage, the foundation of the rules does not need to be selected at all, it is pure flame rules, but for fifty people, the branches of perception include all the branches of the flame rules, and the main branch of a large tree branch All the branches are included in them.

After several years of concentrated thought, coupled with the problem of magic accumulation in the natural half-plane, there is no need to worry about the accumulation of magical powers. Now, the combination of fifty legions of mages can almost be regarded as a whole. Fifty people are gathered together, which is almost itself It can be regarded as a complete projection of the flame rule.

The most powerful Kurum already has an eight-level title wizard, and the weakest has a seven-level title wizard. Fifty Legion Mages are fused together, which can fully display the terrible power of the Mage Legion. Even if this power is compared with the most powerful burning legion in the future, the gap is totally incalculable ...

But for the current situation, below the third level of the sky order, no one can stand against the mage army alone!

The mage legion was pulled out, and within the gate of the plane, another torrent of steel erupted, and the unclear number of alchemy urns rushed out from the gate of the plane. The lowest strength was level 30, and these 30 All of the first-class alchemists are stocks produced at the earliest time and can only be used as cannon fodder ...

The lowest volume of the next generation is thirty-three, and most of them are thirty-five, five, and even a few powerful alchemists of thirty-eight and thirty-nine.

In more than ten seconds, four or five thousand steel troops rushed out of the gate of the plane, and the emerging steel army did not have the slightest tendency to stop. It seems that there are countless steel army in the plane. The other side of the door was waiting to come out.

Before, I didn't dare to open the plane of the natural half-plane, even if I did n’t dare to take things. I was afraid that when the half-plane was opened, the space fluctuations would wake up the monster. Now it does n’t matter. The monster has completely awakened.

I opened the door of the plane, Lin Yun flew into the sky, and confronted Max. The biggest threat here was Max, and other people don't have to worry too much.

Max and Lin Yun began to fight in the sky. On the ground, the crystallized Sheldon had the strongest strength. After being blown up, he rushed back the fastest. He left the class with a grin and grinned, carrying a slaughter. Rushed out.

Lena has faced five crystallized transplant blood warlocks, these people in the crown of thorns, Max is the strongest, has the rank of 5th level, and is a transplant blood mage, next is Sheldon, heaven Level 3, but he transplanted the blood of the devil, and even transplanted the demon horns, plus other demonic parts, the more the battle became stronger, the combat power could even climb to the level 4 of the sky.

Then there is Sunni, who is also a Tier III. In addition to the fatal flaws, the real combat power that can be exerted is more powerful than the ordinary Tier III. The remaining transplant blood warlocks or transplant blood mage , Strength is also the level of heaven.

Lena dealt with these day-to-day transplant blood warlocks. It is not a big deal to fight one with five. It is not that Lena does not want to deal with a few more, but the remaining seven, which have all been captured by the mage army ...

The alchemy army rushed out of the gate of the plane has already rushed out more than 30,000, but this number is still rising, in addition to those 30-level cannon fodder, the remaining minimum are 33 levels, so A group of troops, killed into the crystallized beasts, was like a red sharp knife inserted into the cheese, completely strangled on the side.

These tireless steel armies confronted those hordes of animals that were so large that they could not be counted, and also did not fear life and death. The fierce battle began ...

The army of alchemy maggots broke down into more than a dozen sharp knives, constantly interspersing through the herd of beasts, every few thousand crystallized Warcrafts were torn to pieces, the ground was covered with broken crystals, and blood turned into rivers. The terrible atmosphere made everything here violent, the magic became violent, and the clouds in the sky were scattered.

The strangulation and destruction are constantly going on. In the sky, those flying Warcrafts like a cloud over a range of ten kilometers are washed down from the sky. On the ground, tens of thousands of cast alchemists have raised their arms at the same time, and the weapon system is all turned on.

In a hurry, the unclear number of crimson flame rays and blue frost rays turned into a thick red and blue light and rushed into the sky. The light converged and looked out from a distance, as if it were an adequate one. The huge red and blue beams of kilometer-thick giant urn hit the overcast clouds in the sky.

Broken, exploded ...

The corpse of flying Warcraft corpses scattered from the sky. Within a few kilometers, it was like a rain of crystals mixed with blood, and the sound of crackling sounded like a heavy rain ...

The battle continues, and an army of iron and steel consisting of 100,000 alchemy puppets has all appeared on this battlefield. These alchemy puppets are not all inventory of Lin Yun. In the alchemy puppet factory in the natural half-plane, mass production of alchemy is carried out around the clock. Plutonium, and as research advances, the volume of alchemic plutonium produced will increase in quality.

One hundred thousand alchemy crickets, against tens of millions of crystallized herds, even if the average level of the two sides is close to ten levels, the steel army composed of alchemy crickets is almost a one-sided slaughter, but because of the huge number of crystallized herds, The alchemist is also losing ...

But this loss is completely negligible compared to those of the crystalline herd ...

Looking out from the sky, the earth is covered with dense beasts, and the black beasts invade the earth, and in these black beasts, there are more than thirty sharp knives constantly shuttle inside, more than thirty sharp knives are like It is in a circle, some rotate clockwise, and some rotate counterclockwise.

A sharp knife can't hang all the surrounding Crystallized Warcraft, but then, another sharp knife that staggers will hang some again. These progresses are combined into a circle after circle, which cannibalize the crystalline beast. Quantity.

Although those cast alchemy maggots, located in the middle of this large circle, the central cast is crazy. In addition to strangling flying WoWs in the sky, it also hangs those WoWs on the ground, which is several times more efficient than melee alchemy maggots.

On the other side, the mage legion that has not been in battle for a long time, battles the seven transplanted blood warlocks, they are all controlled by monsters, and their body surface has crystallized, but it has not much influence on their combat effectiveness, even because of crystallization, their The strength will be stronger, and the negative effects of blood will be reduced to a minimum.

The Puppet Masters gathered together, and Kurum floated in the air. Twenty Legion Masters stood on the ground, and ten Legion Masters were stacked one on top of the other, and then moved upward. The remaining twenty Legion Masters spread out.

The flames were burning and burning, and a hint of reddish light appeared, like a tree of flames hundreds of meters high. The legion mage at the bottom was the foundation of this tree of flames, the top ones The separate flame mage is the leaves of the flame tree, and Kurum is standing in the middle of the center. There are nine other legion mages, which are the backbone of this flame tree.

The blazing flames diffused, and the red light condensed the shape of this tree of flames. Each flame rune hung on the branch of the number of flames and turned into the leaves of this tree of flames. Twenty Legion Masters were like Fruit of the flame tree.

Flame spreads along the bottom of the red-red light tree to the top, and a flame of hundreds of meters spreads slowly, and a regular rune emerges in the center of the trunk of this flame tree.

The three-dimensional regular runes slowly rotate, and it seems that there are countless flame runes, and the power of each flame is reflected in it.

The seven controlled transplanted bloodline warlocks cast spells, and frost and cold air emerged from the sky, like an ice-blue wave squeezing down from the sky towards the tree of flames.

Kurumu held the Dragonscale Staff, and the weird rune of flame rules in the center of the trunk lit a ray of light. Suddenly, the flames swaying at the top of the canopy suddenly skyrocketed, and the flames quickly gathered into a giant one hundred meters large.冇 Big monster head.

The monster's head flew out and swallowed up the frosty wave. At once, the color of the monster's skull became dark red. The temperature did not decrease, but it turned over ten times in an instant. The horrible heat let the surrounding space They are a bit distorted.

After a second, the monster's head opened its mouth, spit out a white mouth, and grinned and grinned, as if eating a refreshing gourmet food, and then flew into the air, the transplant blood that can use the power of frost The warlock swallowed it down ~ ~ The transplanted blood warlock was swallowed by the head of the Fire Monster, and the surface of the body suddenly stirred up a lot of frost, which frozen him into an ice cube, and the monster's skull contained this ice. Blocks, which constantly burn the surface of ice cubes, melt a large amount of ice cubes, while inside the ice cubes, more frost breathe out, and the ice cubes are constantly maintained.

The monster's skull contained ice, as if it contained a piece of sugar, floating in the air, as if wise, looked at it with a grin, and stopped fighting.

其他 And other transplant blood warlocks also began to release their own methods at this moment, ground pulse vibration, blood draw, magic burning, burning, poisonous corrosion, mental screaming ...

Six day-step transplant blood warlocks. After crystallization, the side effects of blood veins are minimized, and when the monsters control, they will not care about side effects and sequelae, all of which are the strongest forces used.

However, these forces did not have any effect after they hit the flame tree transformed by the mage legion. The root system of the flame tree extended and grasped the flame element, not the real earth. The ground vibrations had no effect at all. The flame Everything in the tree is the flame itself, and the power of the earth cannot be destroyed at all.

Then the transplanted blood warlock, who had the power of the earth, fell to the ground bombarded with flames, and the flames continually condensed above his body, constantly exploding, blowing a large pit around his body. And those blasting flames are like the sledgehammer of off-duty, hammering down constantly, and smashing the body of the transplanted blood warlock into the ground. [To be continued] []

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