After Anderfa condensed, the face on the left shouted in astonishment.

"Ha ha ha, it succeeded, it really succeeded, I feel I'm too powerful, it's very easy to kill Sean's stupid ..."

The face on the right is bitter.

"It's too ugly, it's too fancy, the body has become colored, and there is a unicorn on the head, although it is a little bit more than the unicorn ..."

Anderfa's three faces completely changed into a confluence of light, and there was a unicorn like a colorful crystal on his forehead.

The faces on both sides were sighing and complaining, but the face in the middle was weird.

"Damn, Merlin, I feel my wisdom seems to have grown, these two **** seem to have a little wisdom ..."

Suddenly, the left and right faces were unhappy.

"No, you are so stupid, that's why you were suppressed by Lord Shawn's stupid thing. Didn't you see that Theodos has become the magic incarnation of the extraordinary magic weapon, and now even Lord Sean has become extraordinary? I still feel bad ... "

"That is, although it looks uglier and fancy than before, it is good to get stronger after all ..."

Listening to the three faces of Anderfa arguing, Lin Yun was a little dumbfounded. Before Anderfa had three faces, but the three faces were all conscious, or had little sexuality, but they looked like three. Face instead of three heads ...

But now, it seems that all three faces have the consciousness that is linked together. It is like having three consciousnesses. It ’s not good or bad. In case of a fight, if these three guys are now Noisy just like that, the fun would be great ...

Lin Yun didn't say it, and he knew in his heart that Anderfa was still Anderfa. Strictly speaking, only the wisdom of Anderfa became stronger. The power to play the Wheel of Thousands will also become stronger.

The breath of Anderfa has been leaked once, and then it doesn't matter, a new magic weapon that has been bred, and has also devoured the magic of Northrend's world. Now that we have the imprint of the Northrend world, it doesn't matter what it is.

Withdraw from the dying alchemy circle that was on the verge of collapse, in a hurry, the entire castle instantly turned into countless fragments, and then these fragments and dust. At the same time, only a few dusts fell on the ground, leaving only a bare land in place, and the entire castle has disappeared.

In the previous shock, the castle has been forcibly annihilated, and only the shape left by the existence of the alchemy of the heavenly order is left.

Out of this open space, everyone was waiting outside, Lin Yun walked in front, the gorgeous wheel of Wan Fa floated beside Lin Yun, and Anderfa floated above the Wheel of Wan Fa.

See Anderfa. Lord Sean, who was still envious, laughed suddenly.

"Hahaha, Anderfa, you didn't expect it to be like this, really like an estrus chameleon, oh damn, right, you are much more gorgeous now than a chameleon. It is really beautiful, look at that one Horn, maybe the blood of the crystal unicorn ... "

A word. Anderfa's three faces darkened at the same time.

"Sean, you idiot, you are jealous of me, come and come. Come and let you see the new power of Uncle Anderfa!"

"Sean, you are jealous. I have become ugly and look better than you!"

"Damn, Shawn, are you owing it again?"

Anderfa's three faces crackled and bowed left and right. Suddenly, Lord Sean was scolded, and for a moment, Lord Sean heard it. The three faces are different from before, it seems that each face has a completely different personality ...

With three faces uninterrupted and scolded for two minutes without exception, Master Sean roared loudly, Zhang Ya danced his claws flying, with a strange soul power on his claws, and he slammed toward Anderfa. The left face.

A flash of halo flashed, Master Sean's claws collided with this silk halo, the light skyrocketed, it seemed that two very terrible forces collided together, and the wave of extraordinary power appeared instantly.

The next second, Master Shawn's body flipped back and flew back. After landing, Master Shawn did not continue, and his eyes were a little stunned.

"Fuck, you **** guy, no wonder you have the confidence, you can resist my strength, and your soul attacks can be protected!"

Not only is Lord Sean a little surprised, but Lin Yun is slightly surprised. Master Sean's offense seems to be ordinary, but that is the power of directly attacking the soul. Now a Master of the Tier 1 level, even if fully guarded, Can be easily torn apart by Master Sean.

But this kind of power has no effect on Anderfa. As an incarnation of magic weapon, Anderfa itself is strictly counted as a soul creature, a soul creature that cannot use the soul power but can protect the soul from attacking , Is simply not supposed to exist ...

This is probably the benefit after the completion of this incubation. A natural supernatural weapon, a natural supernatural incarnation, cannot estimate what power it can have.

However, with this power, the strength of Anderfa will be stronger and the protection will be stronger. This is a good thing. After all, the wheel of 10,000 Laws is the most important magic weapon.

Lin Yun shook his head.

"Well, don't make a noise. A wave of fluctuations has just leaked. It must have attracted the attention of many people. Based on that breath, no one can see that an extraordinary magical instrument was born here. Got it, after all, it is a troublesome thing, let's leave here. "

Lin Yun spoke, and no one was talking. Master Sean stared at Anda with his teeth grinning, and all three of Anda's faces were proud smiles, with high toes ...

The Alchemists who stayed here were summoned back, leaving only some Alchemists who had been guarded on this large farm, and explained to the managers here, Lin Yun quietly left with people.

In less than half an hour, a powerful atmosphere appeared in the manor. There were many people in the manor who were cleaning up the mess, but the strongest of these people was just the wizard. After all, this is just a manor. Moreover, the plantation-oriented manor planted nothing precious, even if it is material. Most of them are low-level materials. It's not worth too much power here. The reason why there is a wizard is because of the larger scope here.

Suddenly faced with the breath of a heavenly rank strongman. The weaker was fainted by the repression directly, and saw a few people fainted. The sudden emergence of the heavenly strongman quickly converged, he came to ask. If all people are dizzy, who is going to ask?

"Do you know what happened here? What the **** is going on?"

At least the sixth-ranked strong man in the sky floated in the air. The wizard's face was scared and his body was babbling constantly. When he heard the question, he simply told the truth without even thinking about it.

"Master Hui, I do n’t know what happened. Just now a large cloud appeared suddenly in the sky, and a terrifying atmosphere passed down in the dark cloud. Then the thunder landed, and the castle of our manor was very When the thick thunder struck, the castle disappeared, leaving only a pile of ashes ...

My lord, I really do n’t know what ’s going on. I do n’t know how to report this to the lord behind me. The ruins of the castle, and a lot of materials just received ... ”

The wizard is naturally telling the truth, but it is only the truth that Lord Sean has personally modified. The wizard himself felt that way, and he didn't remember Lin Yun's being here before.

An extraordinary magic weapon that has just bred success, and contains the magical imprint of three worlds. Never before, Lin Yun knew that the moment the breath leaked out, there would be a lot of noise, but I didn't expect that the noise would be so big, half an hour. The entire kingdom of Odin will surely know.

Although the outbreak only took about ten seconds, but the strong person who felt the breath personally would definitely come to investigate in person. When this happened, it was not a powerful alien that had made an important breakthrough, or something amazing. After being born, either a powerful relic may appear.

If it is tracked down, no matter whether the other party knows about the super magic weapon, it will certainly not give up easily, then it will be a troublesome thing.

An extraordinary magic weapon was conceived, and then born here, it will definitely cause a sky war, even if the power of the sky is seven or eight, it may not be able to resist this temptation.

After all, an extraordinary magic weapon that has just been bred and is also a born extraordinary magic weapon means that everyone can use it. Those people do not know that this extraordinary magic weapon is completely compatible with Lin Yun, and it was manufactured. ...

If people know that Lin Yun can make extraordinary magical tools, the trouble may be even greater. After all, even a sanctified alchemist may not be able to casually create an extraordinary magical tool, which requires a lot of opportunities. It's only possible to be together.

In order to avoid trouble, Lin Yun had to leave first, and even the person in charge here was modified by Master Shawn's memory.

The heavenly mage floating in the sky frowned, and it was natural to see at a glance that all that the wizard on the ground said was true, without further asking, the heavenly mage just glanced at the remaining traces here, and instantly Disappeared.

Within a day, there were more than a dozen sky-ranked strongmen passing by the manor to ask back and forth, of which five were above the sky-ranked six!

For a moment, the area of ​​thousands of kilometers here became lively. The forces in the northern part of the Odin Kingdom began to send people to explore it. In the south of the Odin Kingdom, all the powerful people were informed. Start to explore here.

Even the gilded roses have sent people here to check the news. Everyone else has come. Does n’t the gilded roses come to tell others that there is a problem here? Besides, the gilded roses have an industry here. It was not intentionally hidden.

The destroyed castle was rebuilt within a day, and the original traces were all cleaned up. No one can see any difference now.

The fluctuations of extraordinary power have made some of them within a thousand kilometers range a bit fuzzy. Don't even think about seeing anything valuable in retrospect of time. What you can see is only a distorted picture like an abstract painting.

For more than ten days in a row, you can constantly see the sky-ranked strongman flying in the sky, but as time goes by, no one has detected anything valuable, and slowly, the enthusiasm of everyone has subsided.

After all, so many days have passed, even if it really has any benefit, I am afraid that it has been taken away secretly for a long time. After more than ten days, it will not be useful to check it.

Successive forces have withdrawn. However, there are still more persistent investigations, but these Lin Yun don't care much.

As soon as he got an extraordinary magic weapon that fits him perfectly, Lin Yun's mood was destroyed for a few days. The crown of thorns turned up ...

"Master Meilin, we have sworn allegiance to you before. How could we not keep our promise? Besides, we were sworn with our soul and magic. Master Meilin, you drive us away, and we are still your subordinates ... "

Max was serious, with a humble attitude, but confident.

Lin Yun frowned but didn't speak, her head was a little big.

Damn, these guys are really annoying. I found the gold-plated roses so quickly. How can I say that it is also the largest force in the world to transplant humans in Northrend, and we should catch up with allegiance. Max is crazy, why are everyone else in the crown of thorns following Mads ...

The mage and warlock who transplanted the bloodline in these years are not in a very good position, that is, the swordsman who transplanted the bloodline is slightly better, but the fate of those swordsman who transplanted the bloodline is to use cannon fodder on the road to conquer the plane. Each time it was the front line.

If those guys get out of control, they will be like the mad warriors who have lost their minds. Except for themselves, all living people around them will be the target of attack. Except when used as cannon fodder.

The Crown of Thorns has almost gathered all the Transplant Blood Mage and Transplant Blood Warlock. They want to trust me directly, do those people agree? Are you crazy?

Are these guys not bothering enough? They will be more troubled in the future. And there isn't much prospects, and there isn't much effect, and there is only trouble left.

"My Excellency, I just hope that you will not disclose the situation of that plane. The others do not allow anyone in the Crown of Thorns to be loyal to me. The gold-plated rose is only a small force, and it cannot hold such a large force. of.

In the future, don't say it anymore. If you can buy anything with gold-plated roses, you can go to the gold-plated roses shop to see what you see, and you can get a discount.

I also have a very important alchemy experiment. His Excellency Max can go and see for himself. I have already ordered it. "

Lin Yun left a word and left in a hurry. He really didn't want to have anything to do with the crown of thorns. These guys have a bad reputation over the years. This is fine, and there are too many lunatics in it. .

Coupled with the transplantation of blood from heterologous organisms, it is very dangerous in itself. Everyone, each kind of blood, is a different individual. When transplanting, they cannot follow the established steps. Everyone must transplant blood. New research is needed to ensure the best fit, the smallest side effects and the highest success rate.

However, even if it is the most suitable blood, there is still the possibility of failure. Failure is often a fall, or all power is lost, and there is rarely a better ending.

The extremely high failure rate, coupled with the transplantation of blood vessels of heterologous organisms, has been judged to have failed in the future, which is a wrong choice. The transplantation of blood vessels of heterogeneous organisms has almost no future.

Even at the peak of Northrend's world, the mage who had transplanted the blood of heterogeneous creatures was the strongest one, but he had just reached level 9 and only one!

There are very few that can surpass the level 5 of the level, but the transplanted blood warlock, as long as there is a suitable blood line, the blood of the same creature is strengthened. If it exceeds the level 5, it can be slightly easier, but the strength is stronger , But there is no potential.

A third-level transplant vein warlock fuses the blood of a lava dragon. When it is impossible to advance, it is necessary to hunt a tier-four fourth-level lava dragon and continue to fuse to strengthen the blood. Order.

This method is a paradox in itself. It is a very difficult and almost impossible thing to kill the Lava Dragon of the Tier III Tier III. The higher and higher the level, the lower the success rate will be.

In addition, this method also has a limit. The limit has a direct relationship with the fit of the transplanted blood warlock ~ ~ After reaching the limit, basically it can no longer be improved.

There is no potential, and there are so many madmen, plus it is a big trouble in itself. This kind of force, when brought to the door, Lin Yun does not want it, it is a waste of time and energy.

Since the Master Legion began to understand the rules, the speed of promotion has become faster. When all 50 Legion Masters are promoted to the rank of Heaven, all battles except the battle of the top and strongest, The presence of the Mage Corps is enough.

A group of true Heaven-ranked Legion Masters and the formed Legion Legions will definitely shock the entire Northrend world. At that time, Legion Masters will become the target of all forces.

Lin Yun left hurriedly, and really didn't want to continue entanglement with Max, but the other party put himself in such a low position, not only with respect but humility.

After coming here, he first apologized for the previous events, sent a lot of valuable materials to make up for the loss, and then talked about allegiance. Lin Yun could not say anything uncomfortable. (To be continued.)

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