End of the Magic Era

Chapter 632: Go away

The monster failed, but laughed like crazy, and the rolling black mist in the sky crashed wildly. . .

Lin Yun's heart was beating, and he always had a bad hunch, and he successively cast several defense spells.

The dark mist permeated the entire space, leaving everyone's eyes dark.

Then, Lin Yun's unexpected changes appeared, and the defense was completely useless. The black smoke was just like all-pervasive, madly merging beside him, and then all the smoke was pouring into his body madly.

This monster seemed to be going crazy, consuming a lot of its power, and digging into Lin Yun's body from Lin Yun's nose and nose.

For a few seconds, Lin Yun lost his way under this huge force confrontation, the black smoke billowed, and madly penetrated Lin Yun's mouth into his body.

Everyone is foolish at this scene ...

Anderfa had forgotten to control the wheel of Wanfa and looked at this scene blankly. He didn't know what to do. Before it was Red Watson, he could launch an attack without hesitation. Red Watson died. It's good to die, but Lin Yun is different ...

Lena, Hugh, Thurs, all dumbfounded ...

How to do?

Red Watson's possessions all have the rank of Nine-Title Magister, so after Lin Yun's possession, the level does not rise to the rank of Nine-Magister Magister, but the combat effectiveness is absolutely heavenly. Invincible, right?


All the people are filled with fear, and the more they understand, the more terrible they are. How can you get along with Lin Yun day and night, how can you not know how terrible Lin Yun's fighting power is ...


Lin Yun couldn't stop the possession ...

After a few seconds. All the black smoke got into Lin Yun's body, and Lin Yun's expression became eerie and evil.

"Hahaha. Great, really great. This body has never been stronger. It has never seen such a powerful body. It has spent power to forcibly occupy it. It is worth, mortal, I want to thank you ..."

"Lin Yun" has an evil twisted face and dances like crazy, just now, for the purpose of forcibly occupying, it consumes a lot of power. Only after occupying Lin Yun's body, he found that it was much stronger than expected, and he was immediately overjoyed.

"Come here, let me see what is in your memory, let me occupy your soul ..."

Then, "Lin Yun" closed his eyes.

Lin Yun's memory also quickly passed in front of the monster ...

Lin Yun's most impressive memories first appeared, letting the monster look as if he had experienced it first ...

Huge building inserted into the clouds ...

Big metal bird flying in the sky ...

A metal box that can run without magic ...

A terrible weapon that can attack across the continent ...

The moment of death ...


Scarred gray sky, **** sun, endless void storm ...

Meteorite, flame, destruction ...

A huge meteorite fell. The world is destroyed and dead ...


"Damn, what are these, my God ..."

The monster screamed miserably. For these monsters, the impact of these memories is just like hitting a forbidden spell.

Totally unacceptable ...

Unintelligible, unacceptable memory is the same as the spell storm released in its head. The fried monster screamed wildly.

Especially this kind of investigation is not much different from what I have personally experienced ...

Lin Yun was most impressed. Naturally, this kind of thing died twice ...

Complex memory shock, the feeling of death memory. Completed in a blink of an eye, the monster collapsed ...

"Ah, what the **** is that ..."

A roar came from Lin Yun's mouth, Lin Yun's eyes returned to clear, and then he took out the necklace of the seed of that tree of wisdom without hesitation, and stayed solemnly on his neck.

"Fuck, now you know the power of urban management ..."

Lin Yun cursed, and the seeds of the tree of wisdom began to shine, and the monster's screams came from Lin Yun's body.

Lin Yun's face also became painful. After a few seconds, Lin Yun involuntarily opened his mouth, and a billowing black smoke flew from his mouth.

Lin Yun flashed in his eyes, launched his magic power, turned into a big hand, stopped all the black smoke, and patted him **** the necklace hanging on his chest.

Suddenly, all the magic of Lin Yun poured out, gathering black smoke together and forcing it into the seeds of the tree of wisdom.

The monster screamed fiercely, countless black smoke drifted from the necklace, the monster's power was continuously annihilated, but the struggle was getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Yun gritted his teeth, urged the magic to suppress, and held the necklace with both hands ...

This sudden change made everyone unable to react, all of them couldn't understand what was going on, why the monster screamed and ran out, what was the city management, and how did the monster get scared?

Lin Yun is still insisting, but an unexpected change has appeared again ...

On the throne of angry flames, a sound of rock cracking sounded, and the dust condensed into stone on Emperor Angry Flames was all broken ...

Emperor Fury slowly opened his eyes and stood up from the throne of Fury.

The calm and old eyes looked at Lin Yun, who was still struggling and suppressing, and stepped down from the throne step by step.

The off-duty was frightening, and the slaughter fell to the ground, staring blankly at the angry Emperor who came down.

Anderfa was also stupid, and the wheel of Wan Fa controlled was shaking ...

Lena gritted her teeth, but she didn't even have the courage to reach out ...

The Emperor Angry Flame stepped down step by step. The broken armor did not affect his power at all, even if the momentum did not radiate.

This is Emperor Fury ...

The Emperor Angry Flame walked away and said lightly, "You don't need to be nervous, I'm not malicious ..."

Hearing this sentence, everyone had no doubt. All relieved.

Emperor Ranyan walked in front of Lin Yun, and patted both hands on Lin Yun's shoulder. Lin Yun, who was suppressing the monster with all his heart and soul, suddenly came to his senses.

Then Lin Yun was stunned ...

The monster was completely silent. There seemed to be an invisible force that completely suppressed it.

Emperor Angry Flame solemnly took off the necklace from Lin Yun's neck with both hands, and then hung it slowly on his neck.

Looking at the necklace, Emperor Ranyan said to himself.

"Red beard is right. I was wrong. I paid the price for my mistake. The so-called war between gods and demons really is a lie ..."

After that, Emperor Fury turned and walked towards the throne.

Going to the throne, Emperor Fury stretched out his dusty hands. Just a little ...

Then everyone stopped ...

The space is like a rag, and a large gap is opened by the rage of the angry flame, and it is on the fearless!

A huge space crack, which is seven or eight meters high and four or five meters wide, was actually torn open by the angry Great Emperor ...

Behind the crack, there is a road of starry sky, the infinite starry sky, and even unclear stars can be seen. No one knows where this road leads.

Emperor Fury stepped into this starry sky. Behind him, Nobrus, who did not know when he woke up, followed his steps.

Wait until the space cracks slowly close. Lin Yun was sober that she was sober.

Looking at the back of Emperor Angry Flame, Lin Yun was anxious.

"Imperial Rage, don't worry. You leave, leave me with a scepter!"

then. I saw Emperor Nuyan looking back at Lin Yun and smiling. Turning around and taking two steps, it disappeared into the starry sky, and the space crack also closed ...

Lin Yun looked at the direction of the throne, weeping face, with great remorse, and mournfully in his mouth.

"The Emperor Angry Flames is really unreasonable. I have done all the dirty work. He took it and left. It is useless to ask for a scepter. It is left to me. I've seen such a mean person ... "

Lin Yun's hair was so powerful that the Book of Mantra could not be obtained, which is a big trouble ...

Lin Yun looked at the throne fiercely and cursed, and he didn't know when he would come to Lin Yun's side, and carefully touched Lin Yun.

"Master Merlin ..."

Lin Yun was in the state of frying hair, gritted his teeth and stared at the off-duty.

"What are you doing?"

The off-duty face was weird, pointing to Lin Yun's feet, lowering his voice, but still talking to normal people.

"Master Merlin, are you talking about this thing?"

Lin Yun looked down, and there was a book under his feet. The runes on it were the representative runes of the Book of Mantras ...

Lin Yun blushed and smiled awkwardly, but he was not slow at all, and he grabbed the book of Wan Mang with a sigh.

"Hah ... I am a kid who loves to be kidding.

A group of people looked at Lin Yun and laughed.

"Ha ha……"

Being ridiculed, Lin Yun didn't even care, and looked at the Book of Mantra with joy.

On the surface of the Book of Mantras, a crystal rudder looms ...

"It seems ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The key to controlling the Intrepid is in the Book of Mantras ..." Lin Yun's heart gave birth to a hint of enlightenment.

Opening the first page of the Book of Mantras, the eye-catching spells of zero-level spells are crowded, and there are less than a hundred of them.

On the second page, there are still a lot of spells, but only the first and second level spells are recorded.

On the third page, there are third and fourth level spells, and on the fourth page, fifth and sixth level spells are recorded.

It corresponds to the level of magic apprentice, mage, division, and wizard.

When Lin Yun was about to open the fifth page, he found that the fifth page seemed to be dead and could not be turned.

Lin Yun showed a faint color, some understand that he is now an eighth level magic wizard, and the corresponding one can only see the first four pages, at most he can only see magic wizard-level spells.

Turning to the first page again, I found that the spell on the first page was completely different from the one I just saw, and changed a lot. (To be continued ...)

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