End of the Magic Era

Chapter 639: 2 loquats

How could Seth not be excited. . 23uS.

The magic seed is the first step that a person calls a mage. Anyone, even the Heavenly Order Mage, cannot avoid this step!

Only those who have magic seeds can become mages!

In the beginning, the magic seeds were just a little negligible magic power. It can even be said that for any magic apprentice, the magic power of the magic seed is negligible.

However, after the magic seed has grown, it will change into something that is familiar to anyone who is not a mage.

Magic swirl!

As the magic swirl continues to grow, it will evolve into the magic rune. Most of the things that the mage fuses with the core meditative idea are the magic runes.

No matter how powerful the mage is, what finally evolved in the body has evolved from the magic seed.

All of this, at the beginning, was a small magic seed, a faint flame seed that seemed to be extinguished by the wind ...

This is the fundamental foundation of any mage. As long as the magic seeds or magic swirls and magic runes evolved from the magic seeds are present, any difficulty is possible.

Just like before, when encountering that monster, Lin Yun's magic power was forcibly extracted, and most of the magic power was taken away, but it didn't take long before these magic powers recovered.

This is because the magic energy formation is fun and non-destructive. As long as the magic energy formation is still there, even if all the magic power is consumed, the magic power can be recovered quickly.

And Seth, while losing all his magic power, even the magic rune collapsed. The rune of magic guide reverts to magic swirl, which degenerates into magic seed. Finally, the magic seeds were also sucked away by the monster.

It is precisely because the magic seeds of Seth have been destroyed that they will become a downright ordinary person. Even though Lin Yun controlled the magic water body, Seth couldn't keep a little magic.

It is said that the magic seeds are destroyed, and no matter how powerful the mage is, they will become waste. This magic seed is almost impossible to be reborn.

Because the magic seed represents the magical life of a mage, just like human life, it is basically impossible to resurrect after death.

Before Seth heard this from Lin Yun, he didn't really believe it, or he didn't believe it at all.

Even if he didn't believe it, Seth was like a drowning man. The most desperate moment, even if it is just a straw, I will believe that this straw can save myself!

Originally, the idea of ​​holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor would not make it worse, but feeling the magical seeds of resurrection in the body, Seth really shuddered.

The eyes were full of the faint light of the magic seeds, and all the heads were roaring loudly.

I don't know how to describe the feeling now.

When Lin Yun heard the surprise and scream of Thurs' transposition, he let go of the half-plane movement, and the vibration and great changes of the half-plane gradually calmed down. The magic pool also reverted to calmness.

Such a long time to mobilize the power of the half plane, the pressure on the spirit is too great, and his face is full of morbid paleness.

Seth didn't understand how powerful Lin Yun's move was, because he only found Lin Yun's growing half-face only when he was lucky.

I don't know this half plane. At that time, it was just a floating clod, let alone the sun, moon, and stars, and there were no shadows of the four rules. All around was void, maybe when a storm of void was encountered. Will destroy this natural half-plane.

From the Kankan formation of the natural half-plane, to the development of the present. Not only is there a sun above your head, but the four rules are also in place. The mainland is nearly 300 miles away.

From almost no magic power, it can barely be called the half plane, and now there are hundreds of mature magic vines, and the magic power is concentrated into a magic power pool.

Lin Yun almost accompanied the growth of this natural half-plane. His mark has almost covered every corner of this natural half-plane!

It is impossible to fully control this natural half-plane, and the biggest constraint is only a matter of level.

I mobilized such a huge power to wash Thoth's body, and controlled it with the power of the half plane to prevent those magics from hurting him. This treatment, even if it is a waste wood without a little magic talent, cannot be greatly improved. Magical talents can also give birth to magic seeds.

In fact, Lin Yun knows this method. After thousands of years, he will also create a strong teacher in the heavenly order.

This guy named Novith is from a powerful magic family. There are seven or eight mages in the family. All the teasers in the family are magic apprentices.

Novis, the only son of the owner, can be said to have no magic talent. When he was fifteen years old, he was still a magic apprentice, and he lost all his face.

Then his magic seed was abolished in a clan conflict ...

His father loved the only son very much, took him to the opened half plane, and mobilized the power of the half plane to wash Novis's body. Novis died almost a lifetime. He was almost blasted by these huge forces. At the last time the magic seeds are reborn.

The purest magic seeds have made Novus's talent jump to a very terrible level. That year, he hit the mage, the next year, the five-year magic wizard, the ten-year title magic wizard, and he succeeded at the age of fifty Step into the sky.

So far, this method has been widely spread. Until the peak of magic, baptismal medicine appeared, this dangerous and uncertain method was abandoned.

The only one who can guarantee the birth of the magic seed but will not die is the mage who has a natural half plane!

The natural half-plane is more powerful than the half-plane that is thought to be opened, and here is where the clues begin.

Of course, no one can control the power like Lin Yun's fingers like Lin Yun.

Lin Yun sat on the ground to rest, watching Thurs meditate with eyes closed excitedly, and smiled silently.

An hour later, Seth opened his eyes reluctantly, and the magic wave emanating from his body had already had five magic apprentices.

The magic seeds are resurrected, and they are even purer than his previous magic seeds. Coupled with the strong and terrible magic here, the efficiency of meditation is very high. An hour of meditation has made Thurs impact the magic apprentice of level 5.

Feeling the faint magic flowing in his body, Seth's eyes were red.

This joy of being reborn, compared to the painful despair two hours ago, makes the difference feel like Seth dreams.

Especially feeling the growing magic in the body, Seth is very clear that in at most four or five months, his strength can be completely restored and restored to the previous strength!

I have already gone through it again and again, this process can be said to be without any hindrance, it only takes a little time.

Only four or five months, as long as we can recover, there will be no problems for four or five years ...

Seth's heart was sore, and there was a force in his chest, and he really wanted to cry for a while to vent, not only restored the magic seeds, but he could go further after recovery ...

Seth resisted the breakthrough, walked quickly to Lin Yun, couldn't help but grab Lin Yun's arm, his lips were shaking.

"My Excellency, I ... I really don't know what to say, you have created my new life ..."

As a result, Seth choked up, thinking of his former self, and felt that he was too jerk. Although Merlin was young, he was a good man, and he was a really good man ...

He used to think that he was an outcast child of the Merlin family. He had never been taught by a large family since he was a child. He was a downcast upstart with a little money.

Now let ’s take a look. If it were the geniuses that the Merlin family had cultivated since childhood, how could they cultivate such good people, are the so-called geniuses of the Merlin family compared to Maffari Merlin?

See what this has done. When the eighth level magic wizard has the power of the eighth title magic wizard, and it is still relatively strong. Breakthrough is as simple as eating and drinking. Others are eager to break through early. See Looking at Meilin, it was clear that he was about to break through, but he suppressed it.

It's worth walking outside, going through a lot, knowing a lot, knowing the importance of foundation ...

Lin Yun frowned slightly, looking at the stupid Thurs who was choking, and was a little worried, wouldn't this guy be so sad and happy that his brain broke?

"Her Seth? Are you all right?"

Lin Yun asked tentatively, Seth turned back to God immediately, and looked at Lin Yun with shame on his face: "My Excellency, I'm really sorry, I misunderstood you ..."

Take a look, what a good person, Your Excellency Merlin, who didn't ask the conditions that were promised before. Instead, ask people to be okay first, how about being a villain ...

Lin Yun was confused by Seth's piety. I don't know if this guy has broken his head with magic power. He would cry with excitement and suicide with shame ...

Lin Yun shook his head: "Okay, let's leave here first, the things on the Intrepid haven't finished processing yet ..."

Seth nodded quickly ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ He also understands that his magic seeds have just been resurrected, but he can not meditate for a long time. The magic here is too strong, it is not a good thing to make the magic seeds grow too fast, especially This time there is a new student, and many of the mistakes left over from the past can be corrected. Such a good opportunity cannot be wasted.

Lin Yun took Anderfa and they were about to leave the half plane. On the other side, the two ancestors were still entangled in the little wolf and brainwashed the little wolf unconsciously.

Lin Yun sneered, took out seven or eight 20-level magic crystals, greeted the little wolf, and the little wolf cheered, and instantly appeared in the arms of Lin Yun across a distance of hundreds of meters.

"Here, take it, don't eat too fast ..."

The little wolf frowned and stunned Lin Linyun milkily, ran away with a pile of magic crystals, and the ancestors in the distance were distressed.

An Defa sneered, three faces spit at the same time.

"Well, two earthworms, what tricks do you want to play, next time you come in, there is one less grass here, you must let these two earthworms lose a soul magic crystal!" (To be continued ...)

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