End of the Magic Era

Chapter 662: Soul Burning Fire

When passing by a quagmire, the face of a dark elf mage kept changing and seemed to be unbearable. He screamed wildly and plunged into the quagmire, and was swallowed by the quagmire in a blink of an eye.

Lin Yun was too late to rescue, and even released a spell that fell on this seemingly ordinary mud. It had no effect. The most powerful spell could not make the mud blow up a little black mud.

Here is the deepest part of the night canyon right away, and even the deepest part of the canyon can be seen from a distance.

The trunk of the Tree of Wisdom, like a straight cliff, stands deepest.

"It will be here soon. It is recorded in the clan that in the deepest place, there is a dense forest on the left, and there is a hidden teleportation circle in the dense forest. That is the only way out of the night canyon."

Elsa pointed away with a little joy.

But this sentence is out of the mouth, everyone smiles a little, one of the dark elves has grown up and laughed just like crazy.

Ahahahaha ...

At the beginning, no one felt that there was anything wrong with it. It was only the rest of the life after the disaster, and he was about to leave this weird place. This dark elf couldn't bear the depression and was completely disoriented.

For a few seconds, ten seconds, the dark elf laughed more and more exaggerated, the beads of his eyes almost stared out of his eyes, his mouth became large, the laughter became intermittent, and it seemed that the breathing pair became difficult.

Quickly, a few seconds later, the pale face of the dark elf turned black-purple and fell to the ground. His body began to tremble constantly, covering his mouth with both hands, as if trying to stop laughing again.

This weird thing chilled the hearts of the blows, and a dark elf next to him seemed frightened, standing there stupidly, his teeth trembling.


Elsa reached out and knocked on the head of this laughing dark elf, trying to knock her out, but instead of fainting, the dark elf jumped from the ground, his expression was twisted and weird, his hands were sloppy Touching his neck, the blue tendons on his arms were exposed, seeming to exert his greatest strength.

Suddenly the madness and persistence in his eyes scared everyone.

For three seconds, the dark elf finally did not laugh ... "

She strangled herself to death, but there was still madness in the protruding eyes, and the corner of her mouth still had a perverted smile.

"May ... Merlin, what the **** is going on?"

Thurse's face was so pale that, like a serious illness, his teeth continued to tremble, and he rushed to Lin Yun's side and asked a question in a whisper.

Gao Linyun's face was calm, and she felt her heart seemed to be pinched in her hands.

Because he didn't find out what the problem was at all, he didn't feel any power at all. No matter how he looked at it, it was the dark elf who had gone mad and completely mad.

I almost died of suffocation due to laughter. In the end, it was better to suffocate myself like the enemy of the father who killed the father.

He didn't understand what was going on, and the dark elf went crazy ...

For a moment, everyone's hearts were overshadowed.

It's so weird here ... 冇

"Come on, leave this fruit quickly."

Lin Linyun drank in a deep voice, and awakened Elsa, who had fallen into blame.

When such a weird thing happened, don't laugh and laugh at the others. Don't dare to cry. Those dark elves with weak strength are already on the verge of collapse. This will be a whole body of vigilance, except for fear in the heart. , Dare not have anything, do not dare to be happy, do not dare to be sad, fearing that you may somehow go crazy.

Now, finally, it was safe to go to the deepest part of the night canyon safely. In front of it was an empty flat land. A few hundred meters away was the rising cliff.

左边 On the left side of the road, there are lush black trees on the steep hillside. These trees are weird, not like trees, but more like enlarged mushrooms.

Bare branches, staring at the top of a mushroom umbrella, covered with mottled traces, and seem to have some twisted faces.

Not far into the jungle, Elsa found a tree. After blasting the tree away, she saw that in the hollow heart of the tree, there was a teleportation matrix less than two meters in size. Unfortunately, the teleportation matrix seemed Damaged and must be repaired before use.

This kind of thing, Lin Yun naturally will not be handed over to these dark elves. As a creator, it is not difficult to repair a teleportation circle that is not damaged, and it will not waste too much time.

But Lin Yun just took out the repairing tools, and heard a buzzing vibration in his ear.

In the blink of an eye, this slight hum turned into a huge roar.

Everyone looked up, and at a glance they saw a ball of dark green fireballs that was seven or eight meters in height dropped from the sky.

冇 This giant fireball smashed its long tail and slammed a deafening roar when it hit the air.

"Hurry away!"

With a loud scream, a group of people immediately used their own means to avoid the distance.

Lin Yun instantly cast the incarnation of the flame element, and at the same time, a fire wall technique that stretched for hundreds of meters was instantaneously. By the flash of the flame, he fled to a distance of 100 meters. The response of Seth was not slow. Like Lin Yun, he cast the flame The incarnation of the element, fled there by flashing flames.

Off class jumped up and jumped into the mid-air with a height of more than ten meters. He made an arc in the mid-air and jumped dozens of meters away. As soon as he landed, he spread his legs and ran.

Both Lena and Alchemy 傀儡 have their own spells to escape from the place in an instant.

But those dark elves, not everyone has this ability ...

Their bodies are very flexible, but in these two seconds, they can run a hundred meters away, and only a few people can do it.

The dark green giant fireball finally fell, and the shock waves visible to the naked eye swept away. The trees within a radius of 40 to 50 meters were all fragmented in an instant. The ground that was almost ignored by the spell attack was smashed There were thick cracks.

A few dark elves who only ran more than 50 meters, just like fallen leaves, were hit by a shock wave and flew out. In the air, several people began to vomit blood.

The dark green flame swept away immediately following the shock wave. A dark elf who had been wounded ran a little slower and was swept into the left leg by a dark green flame.

For a while, the dark elf seemed to be ignited, and that dark green flame instantly permeated his whole body, enveloping him in the flame.

A terrible scream sounded, and the dark elf walked forward hard and stretched out his hands, seemingly seeking help from his companions.

But his face grew old at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the desperate spirit in his eyes quickly dissipated, and finally became completely empty.

噗通 "...

The dark elf fell to the ground, and the dark green flame of his body disappeared. His body and even his clothes were not burned by the dark green flame for half a minute. Only his face became extremely old and black hair. It turned snow white, and the skin was full of dry wrinkles.

Not only was there no magic reaction on the body, and even the fluctuation of the soul was gone. There was no glory in those eyes, and the hollow ones were like those living dead who had encountered before.

Zhe Linyun's scalp exploded and it exploded. It seemed that in a split second, the transient pores exploded at the same time, and her hair exploded.

"Damn, hellfire ..."

Sure enough, where the fireball fell, instead of disappearing, the fireball began to split. The fireball split into pieces of rock burning with dark green flames, and then the combination of these rocks quickly turned into a ten-meter-high rock giant. .

The dark green flames covered the body of the rock giant, but the burning flames did not feel any heat.

As the rock giant looked up, the terrible breath spread like a storm. Nuisance

"Hellfire! Who, my God? Who is calling Hellfire, shit, Merlin, kill this guy!"

An Defa's horrified face was deformed. He controlled the wheel of Wan Fa and hid the body behind Lin Yun, just like a mouse saw a cat.

Hellfire, a kind of elemental creatures unique to the abyss. They live in a place with infinite flames. Any flame, to hellfire, is like air, and almost all flames cannot harm hellfire.

身上 They burned the soul-burning fire that scared the abyssal creatures. These flames are the fire of life in hellfire.

Any soul ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ As long as it is burned into the body by the soul burning fire, the magic in the body will be ignited by the soul burning fire, and then the soul is burned by the soul burning fire satin until the soul is completely burned into nothingness. The magic is completely consumed, otherwise, the soul-burning fire will never go out.

There are only a few spells and things that can extinguish the soul-burning fire.

Claims that a drop of water of life that can resurrect anyone who has just died, as well as the trick of the bottom of the frost dragon's bottom of the box, zero dragon breath.

The latter is almost negligible. The body was sprayed directly by the zero-degree dragon breath, and the consequences were not better than being burned to death by the fire of the burning soul. One was that the soul was burned into nothingness, and the other was that the body was frozen to death instantly.

可怕 This terrible thing is simply the nemesis of any mage and spirit creature. As long as you are in magic, you will be ignited by the soul-burning fire.

Spirit creatures never appear where Hellfire ever appeared. It can even be said that in any abyss, no hellfire creature will appear on any plane!

In the age of magic peaks, when conquering each plane, there will always be various planes. There used to be a ghost plane that was all ghosts and ghosts, and even some heavens. The ghost is among them.

The mage team who broke into it accidentally suffered heavy casualties. Later, an orc warlock went. He just summoned a level 39 hellfire and left. After one year, he brought a large number of teams to accept it. This plane. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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