End of the Magic Era

Chapter 789: impossible

He didn't have any other way to do it. Olaro was used to arrogance in the Apocalypse Mercenary Regiment, and no one except the commander looked at him. I can't keep watching the horror who unknowingly provokes the King of Dragons for three seconds ...

After speaking, I couldn't care about Olaro's feelings either, and pulled back while pulling out a smile: "Merlin Merlin, a misunderstanding ... let's leave without disturbing you."

"Olaro, do you know what you are doing? You can provoke that Malfay Merlin? If you are dying, do you know if you mess with him, our Apocalypse Mercenary Corps will suffer!"

In the empty barracks, Darson's angry voice echoed.

Others don't know how the King of the Dragons died, but Darson knew it. Not only that, but he saw the horror scene with his own eyes.

In recent days, Olaro jumped up and down for the blood of the King of Dragons. Darson actually looked in the eyes, but what about the eyes, the blood of King of Dragons has fallen on that horrible young man. In the hands of the wizard, Dahlson asked himself if he hadn't got that ability back from others.

So all that Daelson has done to Olaro is to open one eye and close one, even if Olaro loses his temper.

Anyway, Olaro's personality is like this. After this burst of temper, naturally it's just fine ...

As for the horrible young wizard ...

Dahlsen has only met once, and he does n’t know who the other party is, nor does he think he will have a chance to meet in the future ...

Dahlsen felt that this matter came to an end. I'm sure it won't happen ...

But I did not expect that during the fighting a few days ago. Darson suddenly discovered that the terrifying young wizard appeared again. This discovery immediately alerted Daelson, because he realized that the horrifying young wizard was likely to be among the three mercenary regiments, in case he accidentally bumped him into Olaro, Maybe they will clash because of the blood of the King of the Dragon ...

This is no joke ...

Although Olaro is the titled wizard, he clashes with a monster that can kill the dragon king within three seconds. That's really about finding death ...

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Dahlson stopped delaying any more, and he decided to tell Olaro the truth of the matter.

It turned out that when I asked, Olaro had already come to the Templar Mercenary Regiment, and then rushed to Darson, and saw Olaro being blasted out of the tent ...

At the time, Dahlson was really frightened ...

This is looking for death ...

It was within three seconds that the monster that killed the King of the Dragons, and Olaro was just a second-level title wizard. Do you think you died fast enough?

so far so good……

Fortunately, he is clever, and before things get out of hand, Olaro is finally pulled back ...

"Dalson. Have you made a mistake, it's just a second-level wizard, why can't you provoke it? Besides. He stole the blood of the King of the Dragon I needed most and used it up. You said I can stand ? "

"I warn you, Dahlson, don't think you are the first deputy head. You can point at me, Mafmelin, I must kill ..."

Being bombarded out of the barracks by a low-ranking wizard, and destroyed by Dahlson, Olaro was full of anger.

"Killing Muffalin? It's ridiculous. I asked you Olaro, what did you do to kill Muffalin?" Dahlson glared at Olaro and sneered in vain.

"Dalson, are you kidding me? How can I not kill a second-level Magister with my grand title?" Olaro sank, and he felt insulted.

"Then why were you bombarded?"

"For a moment ... plus Malfay Merlin's sneaky attack on me, if you didn't stop me just now, that high-level spell will be released, Malfay Merlin will surely die!"

"It's ridiculous, Olaro, if I told you that it wasn't someone else who killed the King of the Dragons, but the young mage named Malfam Merlin, would you still think so?"


Olaro's eyes widened and he looked at Darson in disbelief.

In the evening, Olaro walked out of Darson's barracks in despair, and even he himself did not know what mood he was in now. He was shocked and ashamed, and more fearful.

Dalson recounted the passing of the night, and he realized that the situation was so fierce. The deputy heads of the three mercenary regiments failed to kill the dragon king, and it was very likely to destroy it ... The appearance of Famelin completely reversed the situation. In just a few seconds, the king of the dragon was killed, not only saving Darson's life, but also helping a large group of three mercenary regiments.

Now Olaro finally knows how foolish his behavior is, not only forcing people to hand over the blood of the dragon king, but also trying to kill others.

so far so good……

Luckily Dalson appeared.

If it hadn't been for Darson's arrival in time and blocked his actions, he would have angered Malfammelin. It is conceivable that such a character would be angered. It is not others but himself who turns into a body ...

Just thinking about it, I feel scared, after all, no one will think that he has a long life.

Before heading to the Turan Mountains, the commander instructed him to obey Darson's orders. At that time, Olaro was very upset. Why should he listen to Darson's orders? Is he better than himself? Olaro, dissatisfied, always ridiculed Darson along the way ...

Now I want to come, I'm so sorry for Dalson, look at the attitude of others regardless of the former suspect, and then look at yourself ...

"Teacher, congratulations on getting the blood of the King of the Dragon ..." Orson saw the figure of his teacher Olaro from a distance and greeted him with joy: "You must have taught Malfay Merlin the **** one Guys, think about it too, that guy didn't know what to do, and stole the blood of the dragon king belonging to the teacher, and he couldn't justify it without a lesson ... "

Orson had no doubt at all. In his opinion, the teacher was a magnificent wizard. It can be said that it is almost effortless to deal with such a small person as Malfay Merlin ...

Malfam Merlin must have been frightened ...

Maybe he was expelled from the Templar mercenary group long ago.

Anyway, it never ends. You have to peel your skin if you don't die.


A crisp sound, followed by Olaro's somber voice: "Shut me up!"

Originally, Olaro was very satisfied with the disciple of Orson. He was extremely talented in magic and said that he was not too talented. He was already a fifth-level magic wizard when he was less than thirty years old, and was best suited to pass on his mantle.

But now, Olaro felt suddenly. This disciple is a bit disgusting at all ... especially that smiley face makes Olaro, who is already angry, even more angry.

That's why I have that slap.

"Old ... teacher." Orson covered his face and looked at Olaro in disbelief. Is this still the teacher who loves himself? Why did you slap yourself as soon as you came up? This ...

"What else do you have to say?" Olaro's face was somber and his voice was extremely vulgar.

It's all because of this disciplinary disciple that hurts himself so badly!

It was also ridiculous to say that he had saved Malfammelin's life in the scars of doom, and used Malfammelin to kill the horror of the dragon king for a few seconds. Turn to save you? Damn you thought you were heavenly ...

After knowing the truth, Olaro discovered that none of what Orson said was true. The more I thought about it, the more I became angry, anxious to give Orson a slap in the face and wake him up completely. Malfurm Merlin isn't something you can offend. Even Darson has respect for Malfurm Merlin. Your teacher, I am even more ...

Raising my hand, it still didn't fall. Sighing deeply, seeing Orson still bewildered, he said coldly: "Orson, think about what happened after encountering Maffamelin. You really think he is only a second-level magic guide. Is that simple? "

"Ah ... Teacher, what do you mean?" Seeing the teacher raise his palm again, startled Orson, but couldn't hide, he was fighting and trembling, and he heard the teacher say something inexplicable: "Maffamelin It ’s really just a second-level wizard. If there were n’t a few people from the Merlin family that night, I would have packed him up ... hmm, the thing that did n’t know how to live or die would dare to steal it ... ”

"Enough!" Olaro interrupted sternly, and looked at Orson with a hatred of iron. "You are a fool. The thirty-fifth level of the dragon king was killed by Malfay Merlin. It ’s ridiculous that you have a few pounds and a couple of idiots, and it ’s ridiculous to pack up Malfay Merlin ... You are so lucky to keep Malfay Merlin so many times to keep this little life. ”

"It's impossible!" Orson suddenly screamed. How could it be, a second-level wizard, how could it kill the dragon king? That is up to thirty-five levels, and its combat effectiveness is as strong as level five. The existence of the above titled Magister, this level of existence, even if you breathe a breath at the last Level 2 Magister, he can be wiped out!

"Oh, impossible?" Olaro sneered, "This is what Dalson saw with his own eyes ..."

"Da ... Dalson?" Orson was a little silly.

As the first deputy commander of the Apocalypse Mercenary Regiment, Daelson usually replaces the head of the team to handle various daily affairs. The prestige of the Apocalypse Mercenary Regiment is high, and it can be said that it is only under the commander alone, even if it is Orson. Nor will he have any doubts about Dahlsen's words ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ At this time, when I heard Olaro say this name, Orson suddenly felt that his feet were soft, and he almost fell to the ground on the spot ...

"The King of the Flying Dragon ... The King of the Flying Dragon was killed by Malfay Merlin?"

how can that be……

That ’s 35th grade. It ’s far beyond the teacher ’s horror. It was actually killed by Malfay Merlin ...

Ridiculous myself, I still feel that I have saved Malfay Merlin's life ...

Twenty-five Mori black pythons, in front of others, are afraid that they won't take a closer look ... not to mention the magical material on Mori black pythons. I think it is a good thing, but in the eyes of others, it may be Not much more precious than cabbage.

I still did not know how to find Captain Amway, and expelled Muffalmeline from the Apocalypse Mercenary Camp ...

"You will encounter Malfam Merlin again in the future. If you want to survive, it's best to run as far as you can. Otherwise, I don't have the ability to save you ..." Olaro glanced coldly At a glance at the sluggish Orson, he said nothing more and turned back to his barracks. (To be continued ...)

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