End of the Magic Era

Chapter 791: 1 dominant

Helen shook her head with a bitter smile and probably guessed what had happened. It must be Baroque's trouble to find Malfurmellin, but he was not an opponent. At the last moment, Weiss appeared, and then Malfurmelln was merciful.

With the young man's heart, I am afraid that this kind of person who is proactive in coming to find trouble will not survive ...

The recall of Baroque is no longer necessary. It is too late. Heron waved the people who came in to leave. After thinking for a while, she left the Black Tower Council alone.

Following the quiet road, Heron walked for half an hour and came to the holy place of the Black Tower.

The holy shrine was shrouded in darkness, and in the dark, when he saw anything inside, Heron was not as good as the darkness. After a while, a shouting roar came from the holy land.

"Dare to imprison my disciples? Can Heta now be bullied ..."

After a while, Heron stepped out of the holy place, shook her head with a bitter smile ...

Wrath of Wrath, Flame Demon Bastion ...

On the Meilin family, there was no depression at all, but everything was flourishing.

Lin Yun's three major races were sent out by Lin Yun. No one knows where they went.

Suddenly there were several magic crystal cannons with a length of more than two meters and a black hole muzzle on the defensive line of the Fire Demon Fortress, which brought a powerful deterrent. After a few test shots, the spies who wandered from time to time All disappeared ...

Everything has become quiet. After work, I still hold a pile of medicine every day, and I lie on the top of a large tent and sleep with the sun, but the breath is getting more and more terrifying. Sometimes, people who do n’t know when passing by. You will feel a terrible sleeping WoW around ...

Pu Lena is still studying the spell every day, and she runs out to experiment with spells when she is fine. By constantly improving your strength, the magic growth is also faster than before.

The fifty wizards under Zhan Linyun have made rapid progress. Now the one with the worst strength has the strength of the fourth-level wizard, and the strongest one is the seventh-level wizard.

Coupled with Lin Yun's use of this harvest, the staff that was tailor-made for the fifty of them increased the combat effectiveness by another step.

虽然 Although these staffs are inherited magic weapons. There are no psychic artifacts, but all the staff inlaid on the staff are the soul magic crystals of Fire Warcraft, which means that the original owner of each magic crystal is Warcraft of level 30 or higher.

Lin Yun's alchemy was also engraved on Lin Mojing, and he studied the alchemy of heaven on the Intrepid. Although it is only a little experience, it is no longer comparable to the original level.

Not only did the magic crystal drop the blood, the body of the staff was also made of red flame wood. This precious wood can only grow in places where the flame elements are very rich. Generally, there is only growth next to the flowing magma flow.

Because if the magma is standing water. It is impossible to support the absorption of Chiyan wood. It only takes a few years for the magma to solidify. Losing heat, Chiyan wood will also wither.

的 A staff made of red fire wood. Even if there is no rune, no alchemy circle is engraved. Can increase the power of the puppet fire spell by 30%!

Now, in each of the corners of the staff held by the fifty wizards, Lin Yun has been engraved with runes and alchemy arrays. The combination of the two has increased the effectiveness of Chiyan Wood to the extreme .

With the soul magic crystal of the Fire Warcraft, the cost of the fire spell will be reduced by 30%, but the power will be increased by half, and the cast time of the fire spell will be reduced by half! The speed at which flame elements converge is increased by half!

This extreme effect will make the staff in charge of the staff produce the effect of the peak of the psychic magic weapon when casting the fire spell!

When casting other spells, the effect will be reduced by more than half, which can only be regarded as half of the inheritance magic weapon.

This kind of staff is most suitable for these fifty magic wizards. Their magic runes, fire storms, are the strongest war magic runes, specializing in fire spells. The power of fire spells will be at least 30%. The blessing of the above.

组合 The combination of these elements can change the strength of fifty wizards dramatically. Under the command of Lin Yun, the fifty wizards can last for three minutes!

Zhe Linyun is very satisfied with this effect. If he enters the battlefield, these fifty magic wizards will definitely be able to exert the combat power of a well-trained mage army, and even stronger!

Because they are grouped together, they were not born to fight alone strong men, but were born for war!

Only on the battlefield, their terrible will be manifested.

Seeing that these fifty wizards had been promoted so fast, Thorne hòu faced Lin Yun every day.

Which Merlin family has suffered heavy losses now?

要 If something is n’t here, the Merlin family wo n’t be able to keep it. It will depend on the children of the family. You have to think of a way to improve the strength of the family children ...

The talents of these young people are pretty good, but the improvement of their strength is too slow. It is a pity to die if there is war ...

Zhe Linyun was entangled, and Thorn had a set of meditation ideas with eight core formulas, and a set of swordsman methods of the same grade to exercise his fighting spirit.

The Watson family has not moved recently. Seth is convinced by Lin Yun that there is no movement at all. People from the Merlin family are going out now, and no one from the Watson family is arrogant. All attitudes have come. This 180-degree transformation, at least on the bright side, no one dared to say anything about the Merlin family ...

The black tower was even more dead. Baroque was suppressed in the ghost valley. Heta didn't even send a person to explore it. Heron didn't know what to think. There was no action at all. It seemed that nothing had happened at all. .

The people of the Black Tower seemed to have suddenly changed their sexuality. On the bright side, no one was arrogant on the Merlin family side, and a little bit of an objection was trapped in the fortress of the Black Tower. Family people.

With the exploitation of resources, far beyond the previous resources, it was continuously sent to the Yanmao Fortress, and the Merlin family showed a trend of vigorous development.

At the end, even when going to the Storm Fortress, the Watsons and Heta had to ask Lin Yun, and between them, it seemed that the Merlins had jumped to the top of the three forces ...

Suddenly, those who were secretly watching around, and wanted to make ideas for the Merlin family, also temporarily retreated, at least temporarily, no one came to the trouble of the Merlin family ...

In this way, Lin Yun can completely rest assured to improve his strength.

With the steady improvement of Lin Yun's strength, the last day of the general attack will be ...

"The Storm Fortress is the largest fortress in the northern part of the Fury Plane. It was originally attacked by the two strongest powers in the kingdom, the Cloud Tower and the Black Tower. Now the two forces each occupy half of each other and do not interfere with each other. Nowadays, here is only guarded by soldiers, but the commander is not here. This time when the general offensive is launched, most of the kingdom's forces will send representatives. All people have arrived before they formally start to discuss how to launch the general offensive ... "

Lin Yun listened to the explanation from a person next to him. This was Thorne's fear that Lin Yun didn't care about these things. He had to drill into the alchemy laboratory every other day. This was why he sent a person to him while he was on the road. Look at the Storm Fortress.

Even the forces that went to the Storm Fortress, who were the commanders, all this information was crammed to Lin Yun.

But to be honest, Thorne's worry did make sense. Lin Yun didn't really think about it that much, nor did he realize that this time the kingdom was really a blood bank. He was so determined that he would completely capture the angry flame plane.

With so many forces, it was not until the Storm Fortress that they began to discuss how to attack. Now there are no early plans, and Lin Yun is a little speechless ...

Lin Yunyun brought his fifty wizards, as well as Lena and off-duty. The Heta people led Kushiro in front, and the people Lin Yun took and the Watson family followed.

The sporadic Warcraft encounters along the way, or the scouts of the angry flame orcs, were wiped out by the black tower in front.

This time, the men from the Merlin family came to Lin Yun. None of the swordsmen brought them. The Heta and Watson families brought more people. There were hundreds of wizards of different levels alone. Marksman and swordsman There are also two or three thousand people in the Legion.

Seth and Weiss were shocked to see Lin Yun leading fifty wizards, and they were all shocked. You know, the lowest are all fifth-level wizards, and the strongest are all eight-level wizards. And fifty people are standing together, and the breath has a tendency to merge together ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Eyesighted people naturally know that these people's fighting power is terrible.

Both Uthus and Weiss lamented Lin Yun's great efforts. You should know that in the ranks of the Heta and Watson families, the number of wizards is not fifty, and it seems that none of Lin Yun's men have high fighting power.

So early on, Seth and Weiss gave orders to the two of them. It's okay not to provoke the Merlin family.

However, things are not absolute. The Watson family's prestige is still very high. After Green Watson left, it was Seth who was alone, and no one dared to disobey Seth's orders.

Heta ’s side is much more complicated. Except for the previous Baroque, there are only four people above the five-level title Magister. These people are not very convinced of Weiss, at least. I do n’t know what I think in my heart.

Especially a month ago, the idea of ​​suppressing the Merlin family was made by these people, and Baroque was suppressed by Lin Yun. This matter was also hidden, except for Wes, there was only He Lun knew that the peace in these days was also maintained by Weiss.

队伍 The team is moving forward. Behind Heta ’s team, there is a six-level title wizard who quietly appears next to Lin Yun's team.

John John was wearing a black robe with a gloomy expression, and a smile on the corner of his mouth with a smile on his skin and a smile, just like who was sarcastic.

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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