End of the Magic Era

Chapter 798: ** Distressed

Brown said here, Kempes, who had been indifferent to Kans's feet, stopped suddenly, a look of interest flashed in his eyes, sat back behind the table with his own eyes, and continued to drink with his glass.

"Poison Mist Valley?"

Brown nodded quickly.

"Yes, it's Poison Mist Valley. That person will often appear there these days, and sometimes even enter the Poison Mist Valley, but it soon came out. For His Excellency Kempes, in that kind of environment, absolutely It's easy to kill that person ... "

Kempes ripped a piece of meat into his mouth fiercely, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The Venomous Mist Valley, the kind of place where the wizards of Oakland are interested, haven't they given up researching for many years?

If you understand, who can compare with the Caucasus Mage, after all other forces have stopped studying the Poison Mist Valley, only the Caucasus Mage is still exploring that Poison Mist.

Others went in for at least a thousand kilometers and could n’t move on. Under the title of Magister, if he stayed in it for more than five minutes, he would surely die. Only a Caucasian combat mage could stay in it for a long time. You can even explore it. Although the speed is not fast, at least there is progress.

Other mage forces, I'm afraid they can explore a thousand meters at most, which is even awesome. One thousand? There is nothing there, all of them are stones, there will be no moving things, let alone valuable things ...

Now that someone was attacking Mist Valley's idea, Kempes immediately became interested.

After a moment's contemplation, Kempes nodded.

好 "Okay, I've taken over this business. But at the cost, I want a plane coordinate from your Charlotte family. Let's just take the Golden Pearl plane."

Brown's face suddenly changed when he heard this.

Jinzhu plane. However, the main face of the Charlotte family's development of metal materials is said to be the basis for the Charlotte family's arms business and materials business.

The gold bead plane is basically barren, with very few plants, and most of the areas are stones. However, where the vein resources are rich, it is appalling. Nearly half of the veins are directly exposed on the ground. It's very simple.

Moreover, the mineral resources of the Golden Pearl Plane are very rich. More than 30% of the veins are rich magic veins. More than 60% of the remaining, although they are ordinary veins, but they can not stop the huge number, these ordinary veins can also produce some rare magic ore.

Like a few days ago, in an ordinary large iron ore, a heart of steel was dug out. You know, this is the top metal ore. If it is used to forge weapons, it can definitely increase the combat power of a swordsman by one level, used to forge magic weapons, and can also be used as the material of true spirit magic weapons. Moreover, it is the top-level material, which can increase the strength of the real spirit magic weapon to an unbelievable level, and the front is attacked by the sword master. No traces will be left.

The vigorous development of the Charlotte family in recent years has a direct relationship with the vigorous development of the Golden Pearl Plane. The plane coordinates of the Golden Pearl Plane are also confidential in the Charlotte family. Every time a candidate is sent to the Golden Pearl Plane, they are carefully selected. Even an ordinary miner must undergo triple verification.

怎么 How can the plane coordinates of this place let others know that this is not the same as digging the fresh meat on the Charlotte family, and it is still a piece of fresh meat that can hurt your muscles!

Brown's complexion was constantly changing, and he was pondering how to politely refuse this request, but Kans wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and agreed fiercely.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as you can kill Mafammelin, I will tell you the coordinates of this plane!"

Kans flashed in his eyes and sneered.

Anyway, it ’s just a plane coordinate. As long as this Kempes can kill Malfay Merlin, it does n’t matter if he tells him. The family will not know that this plane coordinate was leaked by me. Many people know this coordinate. Come out two dead ghosts.

肯 This Kempes knows that the coordinates are useless. There is a family guard in the Golden Pearl Plane. When Kempes goes, he will be beaten back by the clan of the clan, and there is no loss.

Kempes didn't care what Kans had in mind, he just sneered.

"Okay, then an agreement has been reached now. After I killed that Malfama Merlin, if you don't tell me the coordinates, I will let you know why no one dared to owe the debt of the Caucasian combat mage!"

Kankans didn't even care, and he didn't plan to lie to Kempes anyway. If he played him, he might get even bigger. He dragged him into the quagmire and told him the coordinates anyway, and no one knew he had leaked it.

"I will send someone to give you a portrait of that Malfay Merlin ..."

Kempes waved his hand.

"No, I ca n’t kill anyone who enters the Valley of Poison Mist these days. Except for that Malfay Merlin, the rest are just for free ..."

When the deal was concluded, Kans and Brown left the camp under the **** of a group of Caucasian combat mages. Brown looked worried, but Kans was very happy, and didn't care about what had been beaten by Kempes.

He easily shattered his rune shield. This kind of strength is not what ordinary mages can do, and only this type of combat power, which can be called a Caesar's battle mage, can do it. Damn Ma Famelin, I'm afraid it will be torn shield like this, and then pinched his neck ...

Luan Kans went to the Caucasus battle mage. Lin Yun naturally didn't know it. He borrowed an alchemy laboratory in the Black Tower to study the medicinal materials in Poison Mist.

Two days later, an anti-toxic agent was finally configured with this weed-like medicinal material. Taking this agent, you can walk freely in Poison Fog Valley without suffering from the poisonous poison in Poison Fog Valley. Influence.

Bringing off class, Lena, Alchemist, Anderfa, once again came to the Valley of Poison Mist. Before entering, Lin Yun let everyone take a bottle of medicine, and even a bottle of medicine. Lun and the alchemy urn were smeared again, and Anfa even took a bath in the potion.

When Lin Yun entered last time, Lin Yun discovered that those poisonous mists are very erosive. They can not only erode the creatures, but also the magic tools and alchemy maggots. If they do n’t come out in time, the source of the magic power of Andel and Alchemy maggot May be polluted.

After the puppet entered again, everyone felt that all the poisonous mist was blocked out of the body, and they could not be eroded at all, and the Wheel of Law and Alchemy Puppet were not affected by the poisonous mist.

After walking a few kilometers down the barren valley, the first living thing appeared.

It was a pitch-black python that was more than ten meters long and more than half a meter thick. When Lin Yun saw them, they were still dozens of meters away, and the python opened the mouth of the blood basin and two thick cavities. Also exposed, two thick fingers of water column of venom spewed out of the fangs of the venomous snake, spanning dozens of meters in an instant.

A squeak sounded, and the water column of venom sprayed on a huge mountain rock three or four meters high. Instantly, two black holes were left on the stone.

There was a black oil-like foam on the mouth of the cave. Within a second or two, a large pit over one meter was corroded on the boulder, and a black oil with a pungent smell flowed down the boulder. Passing away, everything is corroded.

In this scene, everyone has a cold chill. Even if there is an anti-toxic agent, I am afraid I can't resist the venom. Just smelling the smell, I feel acrid and itchy nose. This is still taking anti- In the case of poison ...

都 "Be careful, don't get hit by venom."

Gao Linyun whispered a word, but stood aside and did not take a shot, because the python opposite was only thirty levels, nothing special except this terrible venom.

The off-duty squatting slaughtered, fangs rushed up with a grin, and there was a distance of more than ten meters in one step. The speed was terrible. Every time I stepped on it, the ground seemed to be hit by a shell. Explode a pit over one meter in size.

In two or three seconds, the off-duty rushed to the front of the black python, and the python opened its mouth again to spray venom. The off-duty easily escaped the past, and then appeared on the side of the python.

The python bit his mouth with his mouth open, sneer when he was off class ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Don't dodge, and waved the slaughter to kill him.

"Damn idiot, dare to spray Uncle Uncle with venom. Uncle Uncle's slaughter has long been hungry and thirsty!"

This slaughter and killing was further strengthened by Lin Yun. It has no special effect, but the newly obtained materials are added to make the slaughter and killer harder and heavier. With a weight of nearly 10,000 pounds, it is enough to make Most low-level sword masters are discouraged, let alone used as weapons.

Also, there is a legal array specially designed to increase the weight on the slaughter and kill, and if you swing at will, you will have a weight of tens of thousands of kilograms.

Off-duty has experienced brutal fighting in the small world. Every battle is wounded. Every time, I rely on my strong body to recover quickly. From the small world, I take off-duty all day long and hold a lot of The potion sleeps, but the strength improves faster. Before competing with Thorn Merlin for strength, one hand can easily over Thorn's two hands, just like a humanoid monster.

挥 At this moment, he waved Tu Yushou and knocked on the head of the python, and a series of sonic booms broke out in the air. The speed was not particularly fast, but because of that terrible weird force, he burst the air around him.

Tu Tushou was wrapped in giant power, and he knocked on the side of the python's head severely. Suddenly, the python's head was just like a watermelon. He was smashed by the slaughter and even the blood mist exploded. The terrible power of slaughter blasted to the other side, leaving no blood on his off-duty body. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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