End of the Magic Era

Chapter 814: Mercy

Yes, the places where scrap iron and heavy armor are connected are all disconnected, and that piece of part has also become a twisted metal sheet full of potholes on the surface ...

Lin Yun coldly watched that the heavy armor had been scrapped, flesh covered with flesh, kneeling on the ground and covered with blood, Darryl, raised the dragon staff again.

Naturally, he would not tell Darryl that this spell can be said to have been his hard work since this time.

The hard bluestone will be penetrated by drops, those seemingly weak water droplets. The reason behind this is not just persistence.

Every drop hits the same place, and the speed and angle of every drop is completely figured out.

Even the force, interval and frequency of each drop are exactly the same.

In the small power, there are mysteries hidden in it. These extremely complicated mysteries are the real power.

Of all the elemental incarnations, the one that has received the least attention is the water elemental avatar. Even in the four elements, the fire and water, the status of the water element has been replaced by the frost element.

As one of the four elements, how could it be so weak? How could there be only a few healing spells? Even the power of some attack spells is the weakest in their class?

It's impossible ...

In the future, there will be a heavenly strong who specializes in water spells. Every time he casts, it looks like the sky has opened a large hole. The smashable huge wave stretches thousands of meters high and makes an impact Down, you can completely destroy a dozen kilometers of environment.

When conquered from the plane, they may even be restricted from casting. Because as long as he shot, less than half a month. The entire plane will be destroyed ...

That terrible tsunami wave can destroy everything encountered in the shortest time ...

However, such spells are at least eighth level. Under the sky, there are no powerful water spells ...

Lin Yun thought it would not be the case. Then, after a few months of precipitation, he delved into a lot of spell spells in the Book of Mantras, and Lin Yun created the spell himself.

Shower Waterline!

Every drop of water contains terrible power, and the impact of each drop is equivalent to a first or second level spell.

The distance between each drop of water is completely figured out, and the power, angle, and frequency contained in it are all exactly the same.

In one second. The water drops that form a waterline will impact at least hundreds of thousands of times!

The simplest reason for the dripping stone to penetrate, and realized the hint of mystery contained in it, created the power of the spell, which made Lin Yun himself feel shocked.

Now Daryl is the first experimenter of this spell ...

He was the hard rock, but was crushed by the weakest water drop.

Darryl's face was dull, and he couldn't understand how this happened. The proud armor was smashed into pieces, and his powerful body became blurred. The whole body was full of hot pain. When you breathe, you can hear the blood rolling in the lungs. There seems to be endless flames in the body.

Lin Yun froze, raising the dragon staff again with no expression ...

the other side. Droi has also reported the recent events to the King of Caucasus, but when he came out, he found that Daryl was missing ...

Drouy's face changed slightly. Quickly walked out of the camp.

"Where's Darryl Corps?"

Droey grabbed the guard's collar a little anxiously and asked anxiously.

The guard's face turned white. For the first time I saw Droey in this state of restlessness, even on the brink of anger. I still don't understand where there seems to be a big problem.

"The chief of the army went out alone ... out ..."

Droy's face instantly became very ugly, and his eyes were a little bit angry.

Damn bastard, Darryl, this downright idiot, he went out again. Does this idiot know how much Mamma Merlin means to our Caucasian combat mage?

This guy has forgotten my previous order. Is it so easy to kill Malfay Merlin?

In the previous battle, didn't this idiot see it. Is Mafam Merlin's combat power absolutely comparable to a powerful nine-level title wizard?

And according to the character of the Auckland mage, he will never use full power during the battle. The magical power of that Malfay Merlin is huge and steady, and the level can no longer be determined according to the ordinary title of the wizard. Breath.

This kind of breath can only be felt by some of the top titled Magisters. Heron of the Black Tower, Star Sage of the Cloud Tower, and Mamma Merlin's strength are not much worse than these two people. Already.

And looking at the state of that Malfay Merlin's battle, the knowledge is not only profound, but also his rune reserve is definitely several times more than that of the ordinary titled magic wizard, and the magic is even more subtle.

How can such strength be defeated so easily?

Darryl, this idiot, hasn't he forgotten, did that battle with Heron? Don't you know that these mages in Auckland are best at hiding?

Damn bastard, don't you know it's easy to defeat Malfay Merlin. It's harder and harder to kill him. This time it can be regarded as offending Malfay Merlin.

If King Christo knew about this, and didn't know how to be angry, would Darryl, this idiot, want to face the anger of King Christo?

The King had just ordered to get information from Malfamaline's mouth at all costs, and this guy did just that.

Didn't you understand the last contact? Is it almost impossible to intimidate Malfammelin to say those messages?

Is he ready to go to war with Auckland? Damn idiots, even if they are at war, may not allow Malfama Merlin to say anything.

I finally managed to ease the relationship with Malfay Merlin. In this way, he told me some useful news. If he was showing something, Malfay Merlin could always tell what he knew.

All right, all my previous efforts have been scrapped ...

Dro rushed out of the camp in a hurry. Immediately rushed towards the storm fortress, hoping to stop him before the idiot did something unwise.

Halfway through. Droi stopped suddenly, looking at the Mist Valley and Storm Fortress in the distance.

wrong. Although this guy Darryl is a bit stupid, he still has some brains. In Storm Fortress, it is basically impossible to let go of his hands and feet. There, as long as he is too much, those Auckland mages will never stand by and watch. It is absolutely possible to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Darryl this idiot.

Then there is only no one in the Poison Mist Valley to disturb, if it hits. It must be in Poison Mist Valley ...

If it's not in the Valley of Poisonous Mist, then there must be no fight, yes, go there first ...

Droey rushed into the Valley of Poisonous Mist, and immediately felt the surging magic wave in the distance. Feeling this kind of magic wave, Droey's face suddenly changed, and any magic apprentice knew that The same magic wave as boiling. It must be because the two strong men are at war.

Those who can fight in the Valley of Poisonous Mist, except for the Caucasus Mage, are the only ones who are not affected by the Poisonous Mist ...

Thinking of this, Drouy couldn't help it anymore. The powerful magic erupted in an instant, and the whole body was filled with lightnings like snakes, like a fire. Rushing towards the depths of the Valley of Poisonous Mist.

From a distance, Drouy saw Darryl fall to the ground with his body dim. His heavy armor was broken, and Lin Yun stood not far away. Holding the dragon's staff, the dazzling glory turned into a round of training around the dragon's staff.

Seeing this scene, Drouy's face turned white.

How is this possible? How long has it been and how long has Darryl come out? It has been defeated, and it has not only been defeated, it is so miserable that the heavy armor has been smashed ...

Daryl is a nine-level senior Essex combat mage with the title of Magister. Under the sky order, there may be someone who can defeat him, but there is absolutely no one who can kill him ...

Is this Malfay Merlin so strong? How could Darryl be seriously wounded, even escape? ...

"Her Mafia Merlin, please show mercy ..."

Before the person arrived, Droi started shouting in horror. He could see that the other party was not just scaring Daryl, but was really ready to kill Daryl and kill the Caucasus. The head of the battle mage, a powerful Caucasus battle mage with the rank of nine-level magic wizard!

Lin Yun's brow frowned slightly, watching Droy flying fast as the lightning turned into a distance.

It was just a pause, and Droy had turned into a flash of lightning next to Darryl, who was seriously injured.

"Are you trying to stop me? His Excellency Droi."

Lin Yun frowned and looked at Druid, who was close to the enemy.

Droey smiled bitterly and looked at Darryl, who looked dull next to him. Naturally, he knew what had just happened. This young, overly young man could no longer be measured by the standards of the Auckland mage.

Even the existence of Star Sage and Heron may not be used to measure the young commander of the Merlin family ...

What is Darryl's strength ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ He knows it clearly. When facing the mage in Auckland, it is absolutely impossible for Darryl to have the opportunity to escape. Severe injuries, so many years, Droi has never seen.

Looking at the heavy armor fragments scattered all around, Drouy felt a chill in his heart, and cold sweat began to drip continuously.

That ’s the heavy armor peculiar to the Caucasus combat mage. It ’s terrible to defend against spells. Low-level spells do n’t even want to leave a mark on this heavy armor. Only spells above the fourth and fifth levels can stay. A little black mark ...

But now, the proud armor of the Caucasian combat mage is shattered into pieces ...

At this time, how can it continue to provoke this terrible young title wizard ...

Droy put away the staff in his hand, spread his hands, and even dispelled the magic on his body, indicating that he was not malicious and would not resist at all. (To be continued ...)


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