End of the Magic Era

Chapter 816: Unable to confirm

"Her Mafia Merlin, I'll send this stupid back first and watch him punished in person. Later, I will visit you in person. I will retreat first ..."

Droy hugged Darryl in a hurry to leave, and Lin Yun didn't bother to continue, picking some raw materials of anti-drug in the Poison Mist Valley by himself.

Not long after returning to the Storm Fortress, Droy came again,

"Her Mafia Merlin, these are the companion gemstones of some magic metal veins previously mined, and this is the map of the thirteen magic metal veins. You can send someone to receive them ..."

Droey gave a bunch of benefits as soon as he came up. In addition to these, there are various cherished raw materials, many of which are the highest in the specialty of the Caucasus Highlands.

This is a better gift for Lin Yun. The cherished materials are even more precious than the real magic weapon ...

"Darryl has already been punished. I believe he will never be better if he has not lost his life. Wang Shang angrily issued an order to punish Darryl himself. This time, you can rest assured that he will never again Appears in front of you. "

After Droi said these things, he looked at Lin Yun's face and didn't seem to show any unhappiness, so he carefully mentioned it.

"Her Mafia Merlin, it seems that you are also very interested in that Poison Mist Valley?"

Lin Yun moved, looking at Droey.

Droy quickly explained.

"Her Mafia Merlin, you must not misunderstand. This is the case. I believe you also know that the poisonous mist of the poisonous mist valley is very terrible. There is no way for ordinary mages to stay in it, which is our Caucasian combat mage I can stay a little longer, and it's only that we have never given up exploring the Mist Valley in so many years.

What we know about Poison Mist Valley. Absolutely better than everyone. The various environments inside, as well as poisonous Warcraft appear in the place, some of the characteristics and habits of poisonous Warcraft, there are very dangerous places to bypass, we probably all know.

Except that there is really no way to explore the deepest place, we have already explored the surrounding places, and I believe that the environment is more dangerous in the deep place. The poisonous mist is more intense and the poisonous Warcraft is more powerful. "

Droi said these things, Lin Yun already knew what Droi was going to say.

Sure enough, Droy paused for a moment before revealing a little apology.

"If I were personal, I would be very happy to give you these valuable experiences. Unfortunately, all of these valuable experiences were exchanged by countless blood and lives of the Caucasian combat mage. I have no right to exchange these valuable experiences. For others.

But I can make the decision. If you are willing to explore Poison Mist with us, all the information and experience that our Caucasus Mage has obtained in Poison Mist over the years. All can be shared with you. "

As soon as Droh said this, Lin Yun immediately determined what the other party wanted to do.

They are the idea of ​​anti-drugs!

However, after a little thought, Lin Yun felt that cooperation was OK.

Poison Mist Valley is large and long. It was filled with poisonous mist over the years, and the more it turned inward. The more dense the mist, the effect of the anti-toxic agent can resist the mist. But it can not resist those poisonous Warcraft.

All the poisonous warcrafts I encountered before have the ability to spray poison, but their toxins are much more terrible than poisonous mist. It seems that all of them are refined through layers of poisonous, refining into extremely terrible toxins, antitoxic agents. There is no way to resist those venoms.

And the habits of those poisonous WoWs are completely different from the WoWs outside, and no one knows if they have any unexpected abilities.

It doesn't matter to me. I know this poisonous mist very well. The principle of toxin erosion is almost understood, and the probability of direct poisoning is not very much.

However, a few people under him do not have such strength. If they are eroded by those poisonous venoms of Warcraft, even if they can save their lives, they may cause some terrible sequelae.

And in the Poison Mist Valley, not only are those poisonous Warcrafts very dangerous, the more dangerous are some special environments, that is more deadly.

The environment there is very different from other places, except for the Caucasian combat mage, no one has any experience.

Now that there is ready-made experience, combined with anti-toxic drugs, the exploration will become much simpler, and the danger will be reduced to a very low level.

In this case, cooperation is a good choice ...

Lin Yun thought for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, there is no problem in cooperation. I can give you some anti-drugs. You should give me your experience in exploring the Valley of Poisonous Mist. How do you get things distributed? It is simpler. If you find them together, everyone will share them. Others, Who found it? Who do you think is the problem? "

Where else could Droy have any problems, and quickly nodded.

"No problem, no problem at all, just do what you say."

Where can I go wrong? It ’s completely gone. Caucasus combat mage has been exploring Poison Mist Valley for many years. Although the entry is slow, the experience is very rich. You only need to look at the barren mountains and stones that seem to make no difference to determine where. What is the domain of Poisonous Warcraft.

In this case, if anti-drugs are available, the biggest problem of exploration has been solved.

In the usual exploration, it is because of the time. The Caucasus combat mage can not completely resist that terrible poison mist, but it can resist some time more than the average mage.

The current exploration has entered a bottleneck. Every time I go in, I run towards the depths of the poisonous mist valley, but almost every time I reach the limit of the exploration, because the erosion of the poisonous mist can not continue. , Can only leave poison mist valley as soon as possible.

Now that there are anti-toxic drugs, many places that have already been observed, and places where there are treasures can be directly visited, omitting most of the time and energy.

The gains achieved at that time may exceed the gains of these decades and hundreds of years.

Dro took a sharp turn with his heart, and quickly calculated the pay and report, without even discussing with Lin Yun how many bottles of anti-toxic drugs were needed.

Early the next morning, Droi waited in person at the entrance of Poison Mist Valley. Lin Yun took off class and Lena and they came to Poison Mist Valley.

Five bottles of anti-drugs were handed to Droy, and Droy complained a little about the low number of anti-drugs.

Lin Yun refreshedly gave five more bottles, but did not say how long this antitoxic agent would work, not even to what extent the effect of the antitoxic agent could be said.

And Droi also gave Lin Yun a note, which looks like it was newly copied. The above details the things in Poison Mist Valley that need attention.

Lin Yun was acutely aware of some of these problems. There seemed to be a lot of missing places in many key places. The key places were not detailed enough. If other people came to watch, they might not find the problem at all.

But Lin Yun is not an ordinary person. I found that some of the things recorded here are detailed, but there are some small details hidden in some places. These small details may be the most valuable things.

However, Lin Yun didn't say anything. After the two groups of people entered, they went a relatively long distance to explore the depths of Poison Mist Valley.

Droy took eight people, each of them taking a bottle of anti-drug, and two bottles left.

Soon, Drouy gained a lot of things, many of which had been speculated long before, but had no strength to obtain.

Some precious ore produced in the depths of Poison Mist Valley, as well as some rare plants growing in it. Every place where Poisonous Warcraft is inhabited, killing Poisonous Warcraft, and collecting materials neatly.

Lin Yun looked at it from a distance, but said nothing and didn't say he wanted to share the other party's gains.

But as he entered the depths of Poison Mist Valley, Lin Yun's brow never stretched.

Except for a few sporadic gains from Lena and them, Lin Yun seemed to be absent-minded. He did not collect what he encountered, and even the poisonous Warcraft that he killed did not collect materials.

Lin Yun frowned, constantly calculating what, the magic energy array was already operating at full power, countless runes constantly appeared in Lin Yun's eyes, and the magic power was consumed very fiercely.

It didn't take long for Lin Yun and Drouy to get further and further away. Along a barren gravel road, Lin Yun moved in a direction where there was almost nothing useful ...

After walking for more than ten minutes, there were only deserted mountains and rocks, and even poisonous Warcraft could not find one. This kind of place was the most invaluable area in Droy's exploration. It should be The useless land near the edge of the valley is a complete waste of time.

But as he moved forward, Lin Yun found that instead of becoming thinner, the poisonous mist became richer ...

"Merlin, what the **** are you doing? Since the beginning, you have been absent-minded. Did you find anything? Isn't there anything of value here?"

An Defa couldn't help but ask, Lin Yun frowned and shook his head ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I found that the poisonous mist seemed to spread from this direction, but the scope here was too large to be able to Really confirmed ... "

Lin Yun replied casually, and then looked around and looked forward to it again. The magic energy array has been fully operated, constantly capturing the surrounding atmosphere, and calculating the direction of the air flow here.

As a result of calculations, the poisonous mist here has fallen from the sky as a whole. The poisonous mist on the left and right flows very slowly. Even if there is no external interference, the poisonous mist here is almost not flowing, and the wind in the poisonous mist valley is very strong. Rarely.

Constantly calculating the angle at which the poisonous mist falls, the result is the center of the poisonous mist, which may be the place where the poisonous mist is getting thinner.

But now, after walking a distance of less than one kilometer, the concentration of poisonous fog has risen in a straight line, and there is also a faint sight of a green wolf smoke heading straight into the sky, reaching more than 100 meters into the sky. This green wolf smoke spreads in all directions like a fountain. (To be continued ...)


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