End of the Magic Era

Chapter 820: Rebirth of the Plague Lord

Lin Yun is full of confidence, because according to his current level of alchemy, as a creator who looks down at the entire age, he cannot solve the poison of Taigu Duron according to his true level of alchemy.

The formula for unlocking the poison of Taigu Duron was also found in the barren library. I took a casual look at it at that time and did not expect it to be used now.

And the method of arranging this potion was only prepared by the sacred alchemist after 10,000 years.

Most importantly, the main material of this potion is the grass found in the cracks around the big pit. Without these grasses, you have a formula, and you don't want to unlock the poison of this ancient poisonous dragon.

You know, the terrible thing of Archaeopteryx is not that the toxin is terrible, but also that the poison of each Archaeopteryx is actually different.

The difference in material is a little bit, and it may not be able to detoxify.

The main material for detoxification is around the corresponding sleeping place of each Taigudulong. Only here can you find the material that can completely detoxify.

Therefore, Lin Yun's first reaction to the discovery of the ancient poisonous dragon's body was not to step forward, but to search frantically around him.

Sure enough, eight poisonous dragon grasses were found, and now all these poisonous dragon grasses have been collected by Lin Yun, not to mention that someone would go and **** the corpse of Taigu Duron.

Anyway, the body of Taigu Duron is there, no one can touch it, and there is no way to remove it. Whoever touches and dies, go back first to get a good understanding of the medicine, and come to collect it decisively. The same is true.

Lin Yun left without hesitation, Deloitte was dumbfounded, and finally looked at the dying dragon of that ancient poisonous dragon drooling. Can only follow to leave Poison Mist Valley.

The people of the Caucasus Mage left, and Lin Yun didn't immediately take anyone back. Instead, he sent a raw face to watch near the poisonous mist valley, anyway, basically no one will appear near the poisonous mist valley. Only Caucasus Mage can appear here.

This time I found the biggest gains in the Poison Mist Valley, but there was no way to get it. I believe that the Caucasus combat mage will also lose interest in this place, and without Lin Yun's anti-toxic agent, the Poison Mist Valley is of little value.

Lin Yun was not worried at all, and when he came back, he went into the alchemy laboratory and began to deploy the antidote of Taigu Duron.

Collecting all the poisonous dragon grass that grows around the body of that ancient dragon, it is enough to configure a lot of antidote, and it is the antidote that can perfectly offset the poison of the ancient dragon. To the people who take the medicine, the Archaeopteryx's body is the same as the body of an ordinary dragon. In this way, not only can the collection be smooth, but also the archaeopteryx's body can be fully effective.

This formula only appeared in the peak period of Northrend in the world. Although the configuration requirements are not particularly high, it also needs an alchemist who owns the creator to configure it. Lin Yun happens to have a vision far beyond this era. Creator.

The configuration process is very tedious, the poisonous dragon grass itself is highly toxic. The configured alchemy tools all require special forging. Just forging a new set of alchemy tools took Lin Yun's full three days.

And configure antidote. It is necessary to retain the toxicity of poisonous dragon grass, and also to prevent people who take the medicine from being directly poisoned. This is a balance. It is very important, with a little deviation. The antidote became the same as the poison of Taigudulong, which made people die immediately.

At the level of the creators of this age. I don't know the complete configuration process and details. Even the top creators, without thousands of experiments, it is impossible to successfully configure a bottle of antidote.

Because this recipe comes from a sanctified alchemist, some of the skills that the opponent handed in, and the precise and subtle operation of details like the machine, are not comparable to the creator.

Therefore, after Lin Yun's configuration, he is also an enemy. Not only does the magic keep running, he can respond immediately when there is an emergency, and besides it is a forged steel tower that is more than a foot thick. The shield can hide behind it for the first time. This thick steel tower shield is enough to delay for at least one second.

This time was enough for Lin Yun to escape.

You know, the poisonous dragon grass was grown by absorbing the toxin essence of Taigu Duron. Ordinary people, when touched, it is no different from the poison of Taigu Duron. It will be ugly to die ...

The operation is accurate and fast for more than ten hours in a row, and it is as efficient as a machine. It breaks down the operations that could only be used by the Alchemist of the Holy Saint into hundreds and thousands of small steps and quickly configures them according to the configuration method.

Crushing, dissolving, centrifuging, dialysis, neutralization, catalysis ...

A series of dazzling operations that are enough for ordinary creators to see, but also took a full ten hours to successfully deploy a few bottles of antidote.

Looking at a few bottles of alchemy potions on the table, Lin Yun was slightly relieved, and the whole person almost collapsed to the ground.

These bottles of alchemy potions are already at his peak level. If he did not know the formula and configuration method in advance, it would not be possible to configure them.

Rao is so, and almost did not carry it to the last moment.

You must know that the most critical part of this antidote is the speed of configuration. Almost every step must be performed without hesitation, and the time must be very accurate. At any step, the error reaches one second. The entire configuration The process can be said to have failed.

Now, several bottles of alchemy potions in front of them are engraved with dense runes on the demonized glass bottles. Those potions seem to be packed in potion bottles, but all of them are suspended inside, because the potions are highly poisonous. At the moment of contact with this demonized potion bottle, it may be corroded ...

Taking medicaments is also skillful. If you don't know the skills, this is a terrible bottle of poison ...

For a few days in a row, Lin Yun was unkempt from the alchemy laboratory. According to the news from his subordinates, the poisonous mist valley was in the beginning for a few days, and the Caucasus war mage appeared. Now, two days have passed. Already.

That kind of desolate and dangerous place, no one will run there.

At night, everyone was rested. Lin Yun took off-duty, Lena, Anderfa, and quietly left the storm fortress, and took advantage of the night to get into the valley of poisonous mist.

Once again, I came to the big pit where the Archaeopteryx carcass was located. There were only traces of people's activities around it. The body of the Archaeopteryx dragon in the pit still remained the same, without any changes. Emitted from the body, turned into a green smoke into the sky.

Lin Yun came to the bottom of the big pit, and issued a bottle of antidote to everyone, and even Anderfa and the alchemy tincture were stuffed with a bottle of antidote.

You know, the reason why Taigu poisonous dragon is powerful, but his poison has effect on all things, whether it is a magic weapon incarnation or an alchemy urn, whether or not it has a real life, even a mountain stone, will be attacked by toxins.

Holding the potion in one hand, Lin Yun strode to the side of the ancient poisonous dragon's body while watching the others frightened.

"Master Merlin, are you sure there is no problem with this antidote?"

His face was a little green, his legs and stomach were shaking, and everyone could see the misery of Kempes that day.

With a little problem, it is really better to wipe your neck and die ...

Lin Yun's footsteps stopped, he snorted coldly, and kicked off duty.

"Go, touch the body of this ancient poisonous dragon. When you touch it, drink the antidote. Remember, you must touch the body of the ancient poisonous dragon before you can drink the medicine, otherwise it will die."

Off-duty was crying, with a look of horror and a stunned buttock sitting on the ground, and his face was also slightly greener, Anderfa and Lena, and his complexion was slightly better.

Seeing that the off-duty was almost scared to urinate his pants, Lin Yun just poked his lips and walked to the corpse of Taigudulong himself. With one hand, he touched the pet of his own house and touched the body of Taigudulong at will ... ...

All three of Anderfa's faces were frightened, a **** crazy expression on your face.

The off-duty face turned pale, sitting on the ground, watching Lin Yun's movement with his mouth open.

Lena has rushed towards Lin Yun subconsciously ...

Then, in the eyes of everyone's horror, Lin Yun's left hand gently stroked the body of Taigu Duron ...

Suddenly, the fingertips of Lin Yun's left hand all turned dark green, and the terrible toxin spread rapidly from Lin Yun's fingers toward his body. Even the first time, the magic had been infected by the toxin. Terrible speed spread to all the magic in the body.

Lin Yun's face remained unchanged, and he raised his head and poured the antidote in his right hand.

For a while, Lin Yun's left fingertip turned into a ripple of green www.ltnovel.com ~, and swept across Lin Yun's entire body instantly, Lin Yun's skin became dark green.

Following that dark green, a faint light began to emanate, and each time it flickered, it became darker. After eight consecutive flashes, Lin Yun's body surface color returned to normal.

The violent wave of mad magic returned to normal again.

In just a few seconds, the off-duty and Lena had already sweated out, looking at Lin Yun with the same eyes as the demon.

Anderfa's three faces were full of weird looks, and he looked at Lin Yun with his mouth open.

"Merlin, are you sure that you were not born again as the Lord of the Plague? This **** is an ancient poisonous dragon. You can really unlock the poison of the ancient poisonous dragon. Damn, the world is changing too fast. I ca n’t keep up. , That was poisoned by Archaeopteryx that year, no one except the gods can survive, you are definitely the first person in Northrend to touch Archaeopteryx without any influence ... "(To be continued. .)


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