End of the Magic Era

Chapter 834: Draw

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ps: I want to hear more of your voices, and want to receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to the "Throne of the Throne"! Andalusia's original strategy was to twist a rope and push it sideways to the Fury Orcs' heartland, which can also reduce losses, but now it seems that changes have to be made.

Cang Lan Jiansheng frowned and said in a deep voice.

"We have to make a change. We might have thought that the kingdom of Odin was not the strongest force, nor was it the strongest, nor was it a large number. We might choose a joint attack like us.

It now seems that the power of the Kingdom of Odin is too strong, and the spread can be advanced so quickly. After that, we are dead.

They are attacking faster than us and advancing faster. The more they get behind, the faster their points will grow faster than us, and there will be no way to catch up.

We must also split our forces! "

After the Canglan Swordmaster had spoken, Heron and Joey nodded first, and the people of the seven major forces also agreed, and those small and medium forces also understood that if they did not make changes, they would really be dead.

The decision to divide the troops reached an agreement in an instant.

At this time, no one is stupid enough to think that there is hope to continue to unite and advance.

Canglan Swordmaster took out the magic weapon, and a map with a size of tens of meters was projected in mid-air. This is a map of the angry flame plane, which is marked with dense crowds of angry flame orcs, and the fortresses of all sizes are marked. Come out.

"Since no one is opposed to the division of troops, now let's assign the fortresses that each force needs to attack."

Looking at the large and small forts marked on the map, someone immediately stood up.

"Our Gelug family chose the Pearl Fortress."

Then someone shouted immediately.

"Our Cooper family also chose the Pearl Fortress ..."

"We choose Molten Fortress ..."

"The Molten Fortress ..."

A group of people yelled in a mess, scrambling to choose the fortress they wanted to choose.

But after shouting for a while, everyone wants to choose a few of them, and for the remaining half of them. But no one chooses.

None of the seven powers chose parts other than these fortresses.

Because no one is stupid, such as the Pearl Fortress and Molten Fortress, these fortresses are all important positions. The contribution to the final victory of the battle was relatively large, but there were not too strong strong guards there.

If not before the total attack. There is nothing wrong with the layout of the angry flame orcs, because the positions of the fortresses are critical, but they are considered to have entered the hinterland of the angry flame orcs.

There are many fortresses guarding each other around there, and the possibility of attacking there is very small, so no strong person guards there.

Now, the Kingdom of Andalusia and the Kingdom of Odin together launched a total offensive, all-round offensive, all fortresses are the target. The significance of these strongholds guarding each other is not great.

When the attack was launched, there was no strong man to defend it, but the fortress that was destined to obtain a large number of points became the xiang xiang.

Lin Yun chose the Pearl Fortress, because the attack here requires less effort, greater gains, and lower danger. It's possible to attack with very little time.

But just a few words here, some people are noisy because of choosing the fortress ...

"I chose the Molten Fortress first, and you also come to grab it. What do you mean?"

"What can I have to say, it is your choice to win the fortress. I choose to win the fortress, and it is also my decision. May I ask if your opinion fails ..."

Everyone chooses those fortresses that are the easiest to reap the biggest. It is naturally impossible. Everyone wants to take advantage. These conflicting forces are ignited immediately. The roof of the meeting room was almost lifted off instantly ...

Lin Yun just expressed his choice in a timely manner, and then he was followed.

Grieg's representative, Riviglu, is an eighth-level magic wizard. Now I suddenly aimed at Lin Yun, staring at Lin Yun with a blind eye. Keep thinking carefully in my heart.

Damn, the Merlin family is the weakest among the seven forces, so there is such a young commander, and I heard that they brought 50 people, so I still want to occupy the seven forces to take advantage of it?

Neither Joey nor Heron robbed me of the Pearl Fortress, and you robbed me of the seven forces. Is it because our Gelug family is bullying?

Damn Malfay Merlin, without you, the Pearl Fortress is our Gelug family.

Although the Glu family can not compare to the seven forces, but how to say it is also the top power under the seven forces, you have come to the Meilin family, so as a commander, you are only advanced magic title. Less than a year, what do you fight with me?

Everyone was very noisy, but no one was arguing with the seven powers, the cloud tower, the black tower, the Watson family, the Charlotte family ...

These families are not very provocative, and the leaders and representatives who come are all well-known strong men. No one dares to provoke them casually. The only commander of the Merlin family is the youngest. Years old, I even heard that the advanced titled wizard was less than a year old. At this time, some people had a problem with Lin Yun ...

Liviglu stood up, pointing his finger at Lin Yun, a look of indignation.

"Maffamelin, are you targeting our Gelug family, do you think our Gelug family is bullying? We chose the Pearl Fortress, and you immediately chose to choose the Pearl Fortress, do you have to grab us?"

Lin Yun glanced at Vigru lightly.

"I'm just expressing my opinion, what? You mean the choice of your Gru family, do I have to make way for you? Or can you only choose, and I can't choose?"

Rivervig straightly stomped his feet, pointed at Lin Yun and started planting stolen hats.

"Damn, I know that your Merlin family just wants to take advantage, and wants to take the best, and suppress it. This is naked suppression, you just don't want our Gelu family to accumulate more points ..."

Riviegrew directly said that the seven forces suppressed them, because the choice was made just now. The people of the seven major forces chose different fortresses in unison, and the seven fortresses were the easiest to attack. But the points earned will be considerable.

It's just that Riviglu has faced Lin Yun with difficulties ...

The others stopped Riveglu's words, and they couldn't help but think about it a lot. This time, the forces from the Merlin family seemed to be the weakest.

Lin Yun ’s fifty men have hardly made an appearance. Everyone just knows that the Merlin family brought 50 people. In addition, everyone knew that the Merlin family had a young commander. It seemed to have made a joke. . Thorne of the Merlin family was not convinced.

Lin Yun slowly turned his head to look at Viglu, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I hate people pointing their fingers at me."

Joey's eyelids jumped aside, he knew too much how violent the friendly young man was. He might not be able to get rid of that Riviegru, but it was absolutely impossible to dispose of one of his hands. There will be problems.

Joey winked at Cang Lan Juggernaut calmly.

At this moment, the silent Cang Lan Jiansheng suddenly patted the table, and with a loud muffled noise, the noisy people in the conference room closed their mouths.

"Shut up for me."

The Canglan Swordmaster exudes a dangerous breath, sweeping sharply like a hawk-eye, his tone like a cold wind.

"Look at what you are doing? Damn. Have you forgotten what is happening now? Open your eyes and look at the points in your crystal ball, and see when you are arguing with an unseen woman, How many more points did the Kingdom of Odin gain?

damn it. Do n’t forget that the premise you want to gain is to win the Kingdom of Odin. If we lose, what you are fighting for now is completely useless shit, and start fighting now? Let's win this big bet first! "

Cang Lan Sword Saint anger anger, all people stopped talking, and no one dared to refute, look at the cold murderous anger emanating from Cang Lan Sword Saint, everyone knows. At this time, who is still holding back, this prestigious Prince Cang Lan may really kill.

Cang Lan Sword Master finished. Heron just dropped a word casually.

"Since you want to fight, just be fair. Lottery, whoever draws what is what, leave everything to fate to make a decision."

Then, Helen threw a crystal ball and threw it on the map, and then projected the fortresses on the map into pieces and dipped into the crystal ball.

"Everyone comes up and enters your magic. Lots are drawn immediately. Everyone knows this good luck crystal ball. Whoever draws the fortress will give it to fate."

Speaking of which, Heron first entered a magical power into the crystal ball, where a large number of fortress names and locations were flashing quickly.

The way these names flash is completely random ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ It may even flash the same fortress two or three times in a row, or it may scroll more than ten times in a row, and some fortress names will not appear.

As Heron's magic was slowly exhausted, the names of the fortresses rolling in the crystal ball stopped slowly, and finally the names of the rock fortresses appeared.

This is a hard bone. The Rock Fortress is like a rock that has not been destroyed after thousands of years of wind and rain. The defense is very powerful. There is also an orc warlock with the rank of nine-level magic wizard. Like a nail on Fire Orc's territory, the offensive power is not very strong, but the defense can definitely rank in the top three orc fortresses.

Heron glanced casually and didn't care.

Heron pumped the fortress that was the most difficult to attack, and the suspicion in other people's hearts naturally disappeared. (My novel Throne of the Last Law will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign at the top right to add a friend, search Public account "qdread" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued)

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