End of the Magic Era

Chapter 836: Shining fortress

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With a happy look on his face, Rivigro couldn't help rubbing his fingers.

I knew that there were dozens of people in the Merlin family. This Mafia Merlin did not know what method was used to become the commander of the Merlin family. As long as I was tougher, he would definitely give in.

Now that Mafam Merlin himself agreed, Prince Canglan could not sanction our Gelug family any more, and hoped that the fortress would fall into my hands.

This Malfay Merlin had a good vision, and hope that although the fortress is not as good as the fortresses of the Pearl Fortress, it is also second only to those fortresses.

The difficulty of attacking is not very large, but there are many points. The most important thing is that as long as you plan well, you can attack the fortress in one breath. With the time saved, our Gelug family can quickly get points.

As for the bright fortress, hey, this **** Mafam Merlin must have hurt me, otherwise I won't succumb to change it with me, and now the sharp sword I pierced hurts myself. The bones let the damned Malfay Merlin go for it.

It's better to let all the dozens of people in the Merlin family die there, and it is better that Malfay Merlin also die.

Liviglu looked pleased, lingering in the wind, studying literary studies, w∽ ▼ ≮t Lin Yun's eyes flashed a mockery, and he said casually.

"But don't blame me for not reminding you that people who don't follow the rules of the game generally don't have any good endings ..."

Riviglu sneered, totally ignorant of the special meaning of the sentence. Only when the last word is harsh.

The farce came to an end, and Canglan Swordmaster did not look very well at Riviglu. I felt a bit eye-catching about Lin Yun. After all, I don't know what it will be like. The delay was a loss to the entire Andalusian kingdom.

Each has been determined where to attack, and the next step is to divide the troops.

Leaving the conference room, Seth chased after him, looking angry.

"Her Mafia, why do you agree to the request of that stupid Levigru, this is too much, this **** bastard, you should let Prince Cang Lan punish him and sanction the Gru family. The Gru family It ’s getting more and more extreme lately. Do you want to challenge the majesty of our seven forces? ”

Seth was furious, as long as you spoke, I immediately went to kill him.

With a smile, Lin Yun calmed an angry Seth.

"Well, His Excellency, time is not waiting. Those in the Kingdom of Odin will not stop waiting for us to resolve internal contradictions. I have nothing to change with him, so we are in the Kingdom of Andalusia. There will be no unstable factors.

Maybe after I changed with him, he will attack more aggressively, let us speed up the attack of the Kingdom of Andalusia, and catch up with the Kingdom of Odin as soon as possible in points.

To know. We all have common interests. If we lose to the Kingdom of Odin, everyone will have nothing. I can't accept this kind of thing if I lose all of the flames. So just let him do it. "

Seth looked at Lin Yun with admiration.

"If Riviglu's fool can have one-tenth of your wisdom and mind. I'm afraid there won't be so many things."

In the eyes of Seth's admiration, Lin Yun left with a smile.

Turning to look at the back of Levigru far away, Lin Yun cursed an idiot in his heart.

At first, I just felt that the name of the bright fortress was relatively familiar. Later, after seeing the map, I thought about it for a while, and I found out why this place sounds a little familiar, and it seems to be a bit impressed.

As a person who came back from the last days, for a reason, I gave a strong fortress with a small number of points to others, and I went to find a hard bone for myself. There is no reason why.

If there was something there, how could it have been exchanged with an idiot like Rivergrew, and in that case ...

No one has figured out why Lin Yun would compromise and exchange.

Only Joey and Heron vaguely felt that things were not so simple, but they did not think of other possibilities.

Even those who watched Lin Yun's joke again felt that Lin Yun might be more considerate of the overall situation. In order not to delay time and affect the unity and morale of the coalition, he would give in to an idiot.

No one would think that Lin Yun was thinking of other ideas ...

The next day, the Cloud Tower and the Black Tower joined forces, and the large-scale teleportation array arranged overnight was completed.

With this large teleportation matrix, in the rage plane, basically as long as you know the specific coordinates, you can teleport people directly, without having to respond to the teleportation matrix.

In general, in order to increase the transmission distance and stability, two transmission matrices are linked together. When one transmission matrice starts to operate, the other transmission matrice is responsible for receiving.

This large-scale teleportation matrix is ​​basically used only when it is used to cross a very long distance, and the other situation is the current situation.

Because the fortresses are densely packed in the hinterland of the Fury Orcs in control of the territory, there is no way to deploy the receiving transmission arrays, and only the large transmission arrays can bear all the pressure of the transmission arrays and directly transfer people to a location.

This can use a teleportation matrix to teleport people to many places, anywhere within a certain range, as long as there is no strong interference, they can teleport directly to the past.

The forces of the Kingdom of Andalusia were transported away one by one by the Teleportation Array, sending them to the fortresses where they were drawn by lot.

Lin Yun took Lena, off-duty, alchemy, fifty men, and three brothers of the Merlin family, William, disappeared in the light of transmitting the magic circle.

On the other hand, near the fortress of glory, several runes appeared in the air, and then four runes were combined into a corner, and countless rune diplomas were born.

Suddenly, the soft light peculiar to the teleportation array emerged. A huge beam of light appeared on the ground, and a figure quickly emerged from it.

Off-duty carrying the slaughter. He looked around as quickly as the hound, and then an alchemist who seemed to be covered in patches walked out. Spells have been inspired by Alchemy Puppets and are always in the state of casting.

Then there were fifty of Lin Yun's men. Fifty were expressionless. The worst were all Level 9 wizards, and the strongest had two-level title wizards. All of them floated like a burning one. Rune like flame.

Everyone's body was surrounded by crimson flames that kept spinning around them. Fifty people acted in unison.

Even their magic wave has a tendency to resonate with the surrounding flame elements at the moment when these fifty people appear. Entering into an active state, the flame element began to vibrate autonomously, and a crimson red spark was generated in the air.

The rapid improvement did not reduce the combat effectiveness of these fifty men, nor did they allow them to be complacent. Instead, because of their previous depression and hard work, the bitter time without any progress made them all keep alert.

Immediately after being teleported, he was ready for battle. Everyone's division of labor is also very clear.

Those who are ready to cast offensive spells, who are ready to defend, and even throw a few witches' eyes on alert in an instant.

Fifty people cooperate very well, and everyone's division of labor is very clear.

When Lin Yun stepped out of the teleportation circle. Subconsciously, he was to be thrown out of the eyes of a wizard to be vigilant and detective, but when he saw this scene, the fifty people in his opponent's heart were also quite satisfied.

Not afraid of poor strength. Don't be afraid of bad talent, because this has a chance to change. What really cannot be changed is the mentality of being a strong man. Be alert and alert to yourself.

This is also a problem that Lin Yun is worried about, fearing that the fifty people under his command will be proud and complacent because their strength has risen too quickly, and they will lose their vigilance and become arrogant.

If this is the case, their combat effectiveness may be improved, but they are unable to exert their corresponding capabilities at all.

But now, these fifty people have not disappointed Lin Yun. Even the three of Williams have made defenses as soon as they teleported, and life detection has been thrown out in several directions.

Lin Yun has no magical powers and fully believes that these people are capable of doing these things.

Looking up into the distance, here is a flat plain, not far away there is an orc fortress full of ancient vicissitudes, this is the shining fortress.

There are two rivers crossing in a glorious position. There are more than a dozen wooden sentry towers around the fortress. From a distance, you can even see the orcs on guard.

The Glorious Fortress is one of the oldest fortresses of the Fury Orcs. Legend has it that this was the first place where the fury of the Fury Emperor shined.

It is also the starting point for the angry flame orcs to control the angry flame plane ...

In the legend that the Flaming Plane has been circulating for a long time, the shining fortress was established by the Great Flaming Emperor at that time. At that time, although the temperature was cold, but the products were rich, the vegetation was lush, and the terrain was flat. Has made a great contribution to the reproduction of life.

While the Raging Flame Orcs are controlling the Raging Flame planes ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ From the beginning to the middle, the resources produced by the Gorge Fortress are to support them little by little to grasp the strength of the Raging Flame planes.

Without the grain produced here, and without the weapons and armors forged from the various ore produced here, the Fury Orcs would not have developed to the level they are today.

But it may be because the Fury Orcs are in the process of controlling the Fury Plane, the crushing of the place of the shining fortress is too powerful, making this place into the bitter cold place now.

At a glance here, although the terrain is flat, there is not much vegetation. Most of it has become Gobi. Only some rare plants are dotted on the ground like scars.

The glorious fortress in the distance also showed a taste of silence and decay. (My novel Throne of the Last Law will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign at the top right to add a friend, search Public account "" and follow, speed up!) (To be continued ...)


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