End of the Magic Era

Chapter 838: Light Rune

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A muffled sound, a large circle of white air swept across the space of hundreds of meters in an instant, centered on the slaughter. The air had been blasted by terrible forces, and there was a twist in the space.

And the body of this Dark Iron Orc Swordmaster, dragging a long white air wave tail, just like the popular fall, fell towards the ground.

Just as the body on this black iron sword was about to fall to the ground, in such a blink of an eye, his body exploded.

The terrible weirdness of leaving the class directly exploded his body, and even because the power of the burst was too strong, the bursting process was suppressed for such an instant.

The rain of blood fell down, and instantly turned into a large blood mist. A black iron orc three-level sword sage, a natural warrior with abyss demonic blood, after encountering off-duty, he fell into a piece to pick up bones. No debris can be found.

The off-class kills a third-level Dark Iron Orc Swordmaster in one hit. The Dark Iron Orcs below didn't respond at all, until he watched that Dark Iron Orc Swordmaster burst into the sky and mist, and the off-duty had fallen. Someone reacted.

This is completely unthinkable. All black iron orcs cannot imagine. Black iron orcs are natural warriors. The bones are harder than hard steel. The muscles are like the thick skin of giant horn rhinoceros. Ordinary weapons cut off even traces. Won't stay.

Even a front-level resistance to a sixth-level spell just hurts. And it wasn't that badly injured.

Orcs in the angry flame plane, even when the royal family is of the same level. Are not necessarily opponents of the Dark Iron Orcs.

Now dispatch a three-level swordmaster to deal with a red-skinned orc. Although it is a five-level sword sage, at first glance it looks like an ordinary angry flame orc, shouldn't it be to split the opponent into two halves?

how could this be? How could it be possible for a third-level Dark Iron Orc Juggernaut to blow up in one shot ...

Exploded ...

You **** tease me, is this a nine-level swordsman?

All the Dark Iron Orcs flashed a bunch of these unsavory thoughts in their minds, and their faces were the expressions that were absolutely dreaming.

But there was no time for them to think about it. A giant knife with a handle has been lifted, and at the same time, a giant knife with seven or eight handles has been cut from all directions to the falling off-duty.

Off-duty swept across a huge new slaughter. Immediately blocking the giant sword with seven or eight handles, the moment the feet fell to the ground, the slaughter slammed into the head of a giant wolf with a stern and dull whistling sound.

With a slamming sound, these two-meter-high giant wolves had no chance of screaming, and turned into a headless body, and the black iron orc on the giant wolf's back was covered with blood. Fly out like a shell.

Taking a break from work is like Warcraft rushing into the flock. A group of Worst Black Iron Orcs with a fifth-level sword sage is the worst. But even the ability to resist.

Under the sword priest, he was wiped by the slaughter, and he would break seven or eight bones before he died.

This. It's far from over, Lin Yun's 50-man wizard army. The tusks were also revealed.

The appearance of fighting according to the regular mage army just now is just a guise, and now the firepower is full. Infinite flames converge there.

As the spell sang, in a hurry, a large blue flame dragged its long tail from the sky.

The large-scale explosion inflammation accurately covered the blow, which instantly caused the black iron orc's charge to mess up, and the giant wolves were blown up by the flame power of the explosion.

When their huge sword was cut on the blue fireball of explosive inflammation, the fireball exploded in an instant. There was no room for their terrifying power to be blown out and they were blown up by the explosive power.

For the Dark Iron Orcs, Blast Inflammation is the most suitable spell to deal with them, weakening the flame's attachment burning power, strengthening the instantaneous lethality of the explosion, and even some of the forces of warriors.

The moment a Black Iron Orc was blown back, several explosions would immediately fall on them.

In less than five seconds, the charge of the Black Iron Orcs was completely chaotic, and there was no way to rush in front of the mage army, or even within a hundred meters.

In ten seconds, the leading five-level swordsman fully understood that in front of him this was a group of enemies who could not fight at all.

When a whistling sounded, the large group of Dark Iron Orcs began to turn around and fled towards the shining fortress.

Off-duty, with flames covering his body, scolded the massacre and rushed out of the area covered by the spell. The magic power of the mage army was too strong. Although he was only affected by it, he could not bear it anymore.

As soon as the off-duty side rushed out of the spell coverage area, the Black Iron Orcs even started to escape. After off-hand holding the slaughter and breaking the heads of the two Black Iron Orcs, they howled and chased after them.

These black iron orc wolf cavalry were extremely fast, leaving a few corpses, and had escaped a distance of more than a hundred meters in just a few seconds.

There were large flames in the mage army, and a pair of flame wings emerged from the back of the mage, chasing the black iron orcs.

An Defa watched the group of black iron orcs escaping like the bereavement dog. From the appearance to the escape, it took less than a minute, but lost more than half of the manpower. Now he is about to escape to the shining fortress, and Lin Yun has no reaction. .

"Merlin, the black iron orcs are about to flee into the shining fortress, aren't they going to do it? When they flee back, it will be more difficult for us to attack the shining fort ..."

Lin Yun stood in place, without any intention to make a shot, and said casually.

"On this point, the Black Iron Orcs have little effect, and, no surprise, our attack on the shining fortress has nothing to do with the number of Black Iron Orcs ..."

Since there was no plan to take a shot from the beginning, and now Lin Yun had no idea to take a shot, let the Master Legion and the off-duty go to trouble.

The strength of these black iron orcs is quite strong. But it also depends on who it is.

The worst one of Lin Yun's mage legion is the ninth level magic wizard. And also all use the magic rune of fire storm, which is most suitable for battle.

On the battlefield, the greater the number of mages using the Rune of Firestorm Wizard. The stronger the lethality exerted, the more they will reach a state of resonance when fighting, increasing the concentration and activity of the surrounding flame elements almost infinitely.

When casting, it is also that the Vietnam War is getting stronger and stronger. When standing together and fighting, the strength it exerts far exceeds the average mage army.

When the Great Colony of Northrend's future plane developed to its peak, the ten most powerful mage regiments. There are five magic corps all using the magic rune of fire storm.

In this case, the average level is higher and the combat power is stronger. With such a black iron orc, the strongest is only the fifth-level swordsman, let alone defeat the mage army, and rushed to the range of ten meters in front of the mage army. Mostly, don't even think about it.

The Dark Iron Orcs are in the orcs from the angry flames. Definitely the strongest among them, the abyss demonic blood they have inherently made them have strong resistance to spells and stronger bodies. The power is also stronger.

In addition, some black iron orcs with strong bloodlines will even get the ability in the bloodlines, which will become stronger and scarier.

And off class. Rare dragon blood orcs, but the orcs are born strong. Later, the blood of a three-headed golden dragon that had already become extinct was fused, and then a bath was taken in the blood of the demon. Finally, the effort of Taigu Duron was fused.

Which one is not digging all over the Northrend world, you may never find the second good thing. All of them are off the class, so that greedy and lazy guys who are off class can advance to the fifth grade sword master. Then, the body is so strong that it is completely unreasonable.

Now the flames of Theodorus were drawn on the off-duty, leaving no trace left ...

The weapon slaughter in the off-class hand was also forged with the hardest horizontal bones and teeth of the ancient poison dragon. If it is hard, the strongest true spirit magic weapon is not as hard as the off-class slaughter ...

Therefore, these black iron orcs were completely slaughtered on one side, and there was no effective counterattack at all.

At first glance, the division legion and off-duty have gone far, Lin Yun said.

"Let's go and follow up."

Lin Yun and Lena followed them slowly, and when they walked to the front of the shining fortress, they saw that the mage army had stopped chasing, and he was standing there with his slaughter off duty.

The remaining Dark Iron Orcs have entered the Glorious Fortress, and the mage army is constantly casting spells against the Gorgeous Fortress, but is blocked by a light film on the Gorgeous Fortress.

The glorious fortress, which looks ancient and full of vicissitudes, is now shrouded in a huge glowing hemisphere.

A shining rune floats above the fortress of brilliance, and a brilliance emanates from this rune, protecting the brilliance fortress into the hemisphere enchantment.

The abyss of the abyss spreads recklessly to the surrounding ...

The mage army's offensive spells, a large number of flames hit the enchantment, but only a little ripple ripples from the enchantment.

"Okay, stop."

Lin Yun looked at the shining rune over the shining fortress and gave a casual command.

Obviously it was a black rune ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but it exudes a kind of black light and the strong abyss power, Lin Yun already knew that he hadn't guessed wrong.

Other people think that the shining fortress is a difficult bone because of the black iron orcs. After all, according to the legend of the angry flame plane, the black iron orcs have once competed with the royal family, and there is no doubt that it is powerful.

No other power in the Kingdom of Andalusia, but no one can be equipped with such extreme powers as Lin Yun, the same mage, the worst is the ninth level wizard ...

Normal attack, but there are a lot of equipment, swordsman, marksman, siege power, mage army, power distribution from top to bottom all have.

In the face of the elite power of the Dark Iron Orcs, they can lose a lot if they can fight too much. If they lose too much, the battle will be greatly affected. (My novel Throne of the Last Law will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign at the top right to add a friend, search Public account "" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued ...)


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