End of the Magic Era

Chapter 840: Just do it

ps: I want to hear more of your voices, and want to receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to the "Throne of the Throne"! After following Lin Yun, William's strength hasn't improved too fast. Now he has advanced to the title of Magister, and even he does not know how strong Lin Yun is now.

Take a look, who are the cousins ​​that Mafa cousin usually deals with, not His Excellency Joey in the Cloud Tower, the Heron Speaker of the Black Tower, or the Prophet Drouy in the Caucasus Mage ...

Who are these people? The two top leaders of the Kingdom of Andalusia were very kind when they saw the cousin of Malfa, and the Prophet Drouy, who is said to be very intelligent, I saw him that day. He also offered to say hello to cousin Mafa, while others nodded to the prophet Droi.

With such a simple principle, is there anyone else who doesn't understand? The cousin of Marfa must now be scary enough to be able to sit on the same level with the strong man like His Excellency. The last time the patriarch of the Merlin family met His Excellency, His Not so close.

An heir of the mage family of the Kingdom of Odin dared to speak to Mafa cousin like this. Isn't this hitting my face? To kill him, he must be killed ...

The current leader of the mage army, a second-level titled wizard, is very humble on weekdays, but now full of murderous eyes, walks to Lin Yun and bows deeply.

"Master Merlin, please allow me to lead the army of mages to pay the price of these blasphemy, our staff can't wait to drink their blood, our spell can't wait to tear them to pieces ... "

A group of people were murderous, whether it was off-duty or William or Kurum, following Lin Yun this time. The strength is surging forward, but there is no decent battle, and the days are smooth. Everyone's self-confidence has begun to swell.

Now he is encountering such an heir of the Odin Kingdom family, just an heir. How dare to let Lord Merlin go and fight for his men, this is not just insulting Lord Merlin, it is insulting all of us ...

"Merlin, let's kill them. Anyway, here is the battlefield, kill them, and kill them. What is the Kingdom of Odin? It is a group of interests formed by a group of guys who have run away. Except for the few strongest ones, the rest Kill them all ... "

An Dafa was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. On the one side, the wind was ignited by yin and yang, and he encouraged Lin Yun to take people to kill those people in Wagner.

As he was talking about it, Master Sean also got out of the ring, howling with the flow.

"Merlin, who do you want to kill? The great Lord Sean has almost cultivated, three soul magic crystals, I guarantee that none of them will run away ..."

A group of people were emotionally about to kill Wagner, Lin Yun shook his head in tears.

"Okay. It's a shame that guy was killed. I keep him useful, what's the hurry ..."

This group of guys. Recently I followed Lin Yun, but it was smooth sailing. Whoever dared to jump out and provoked him would be beaten up all the way, but he could n’t stand the grievance, Lin Yun was a little helpless, soothing a group of people under his control. One got into the makeshift camp and didn't know what to do.

The next day, a spirited mage walked into the camp where Lin Yun was.

"Your name is Mafam Merlin, right? Listen, I'm Master Doug, the most trusted person of Master Wagner. Today, on behalf of Master Wagner, I will discuss with you how to attack the shining fortress."

Doug raised his chin slightly, with a sense of superiority that the people in the city saw as the people in the countryside. Walking with his hands to Lin Yun in front of himself, he glanced at the simple tables and chairs in the camp. I also looked at the off-class that made a vulgar gesture in the distance, and looked disgusted and gave up the idea of ​​sitting down.

The others stood far away, with a bad look, and William stared at Doug. He couldn't make a shot and was half-dead. Anderfa ignited the wind beside him. Kurumu stroked his Dragonscale Staff and sighed slightly. With a sound.

Doug had a look of arrogance and a look of contempt in his eyes.

It ’s really rubbish. Look at the appearance of these people. Where is the cultivation of the mage, the dignity of the mage has been lost by these people. For the mage, the kingdom of Andalusia is really a rural place, the most remote place in the kingdom of Odin. Mages are more majestic than them.

I really do n’t understand why Master Wagner did n’t drive these rural people away, and even asked them to join the attack of the glorious fortress. Is n’t that equal to letting the rural people divide their points?

Although I do n’t divide too much, I think the points will be divided a little by these people, and I feel unhappy. No, I ca n’t let these small families of the Andalusian kingdom take advantage.

Anyway, what Master Wagner meant was for me to negotiate, so I set the conditions higher and harsher on them. Most of the points were ours, but they gave everything to them.

"Maffamelin, our young master means to clear the tribe around the shining fortress first, and discuss how to clear it now."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Yun's mouth, but he could not see what he was thinking, but just reached out to signal Doug to continue.

The corner of Doug's mouth rose slightly.

"That being the case, let me talk about the meaning of our George family. When clearing the tribe around the glorious fortress, all the intelligence work will be given to our George family. After all, your intelligence ability is really poor, really, if It's not that you have rashly disturbed the Dark Iron Orcs.

Maybe now our Georges family has already attacked the shining fortress, so the most important intelligence work will be completely handed to us, you just need to wait for dispatch.

You have no opinion? "

After speaking, Doug asked Lin Yun's opinion, but he didn't hold any hope. After all, everyone knows that intelligence is the most important thing in a war. Timely and accurate information will spread the final results. Many times, the loss and effort will be much smaller.

But wrong information, or misleading information, may even kill everyone, and no one will give all the information to others, which is equivalent to putting all their lives on the hands of others.

This is now bargaining. The Georges have worked harder on intelligence, and naturally they have to work harder elsewhere.

But to Doug's surprise, Lin Yun nodded casually.

"Okay. I'll leave it to you, the Georges."

Doug froze for a moment, but did not expect Lin Yun to agree so happily. But it was great joy to follow.

Great! The intelligence work is completely handed over to our Georges family. At this time, our losses will be reduced to a minimum, and these Andalusian rural people do not know that our intelligence work has been done well.

"Okay! Now that all the intelligence work is given to our Georges family, when we unite and attack every tribe, the task of the striker is given to you. After all, we have to do intelligence work. There are too many people scattered. , Striker attack, it's normal for you ... "

Lin Yun nodded again before he finished speaking.

"sure no problem."

Doug frowned, the smile on his face couldn't bear anymore, and his appetite grew larger and bigger.

"Okay, in this case, you became the forwards and repelled the attacks of the angry flame orcs. The battle that entered the tribe was given to us. Our George family has fought the angry flame orcs for so many years. Experience it.

Then you are defending on the outside not to let the angry flame orcs run away. The most important thing is that when we are attacking, you should watch people who do n’t let other tribes come to escape. You should be able to do this. ? "

Doug stared at Lin Yun desperately, and he was a little uncertain. After all, he came to discuss. For the benefit of the George family, it was necessary for the lion to open his mouth. You can also bargain later.

This request is a bit too much, let Lin Yun's people act as forwards. What a striker is, anyone who has fought for a while on the Raging Flames knows it. This is the most dangerous task.

Those angry flame orcs who fight fiercely without fear of death are crazy and terrible. Each time they encounter the enemy, they invest a lot of elites at one time. The fighting method is completely different from human wars. First, some ordinary soldiers will be sent. Tentative.

Especially when it comes to attacking the Tribe of Orgasm Orcs, you don't need to think about it. The first time those Orgasms encounter an offense, they will definitely put most of their combat power and strong into the battlefield.

If the striker defeats the opponent, the flame of the angry flame orcs will be lost a lot, and the remaining elite will also be wounded. The combat power will drop a lot, plus some low-combat orcs in the tribe, the strength of the entire tribe can be said It has plummeted to the bottom.

At this time, attacking the tribe is the best opportunity, the easiest, and the most gains.

When the striker, nothing more than the points for killing the angry flame orcs, but breaking through the tribe, completely sweeping the tribe, there are more points than killing some angry flame orcs.

Killing an angry flame orc ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ is the head of the man. Except for the strongest and highest standing chief warrior of the level, the angry flame orc will not have much impact on the entire battle.

But breaking a tribe has a completely different meaning for the whole battle. No matter how many angry flame orcs killed in the past, it is estimated to be tens of thousands of points, but breaking a tribe does not count as killing angry flame orcs, at least All have more than 100,000 points.

Coupled with the last cleaning of the tribe, the gains and points that were obtained, and the points of a angry flame orc tribe, most of them are going to fall on the head of the George family, but the George family did not spend much effort and nothing big Loss, and even in the end can search for a lot of gain in the angry flame orc tribes ...

It's Lin Yun's business to do the dirty work, the most effort, the most loss, but the least gain ...

But Lin Yun still nodded calmly.

"Okay, let's do it this way." (My novel "The Throne of Last Law" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat and click on the top right " + "" Add friend ", search for the public account" qdread "and follow, speed up!) (To be continued)

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