End of the Magic Era

Chapter 848: United chanting

In the angry flame level, the Dark Iron Orc has always been regarded as a barbarian among the orcs. It is powerful but has no skills, but this old guy is different. He has never used the iconic black sword of the Dark Iron Orc, only using a handle one meter. How long, for the Dark Iron Orc, not much shorter than a dagger.

But it is this short knife that once did not know how many enemies dismembered and how much blood the enemy drank. His fighting methods in the human world are regarded as art-like existence, and the fighting methods are completely free of orcs. Dahe's feeling of being clever by force.

The most exaggerated once, this guy landed in the face of an eighth-level meteorite cast by a ninth-ranked magic wizard, and used that short knife to stiffly place a huge meteorite that was hundreds of meters in length in three seconds. Dismembered into pieces.

The dismemberer is his special title!

Now even if the level is lowered, even if it looks like he is about to die, no one dares to underestimate him, because the most fierce battle of the dismemberer is against the strong man in the George family.

And the strong man who could cast an eighth-level spell in three seconds, was scraped into a human skull by the dismemberer, and the precise blade did not hurt the opponent's bone ...

Wagner now sees the dismemberer, how could he not be afraid, the eighth-level swordsman is definitely more terrible than the average black iron orc eighth-level swordsman!

Because the blow just now is enough to explain the problem, even if the other party is dying old and the strength has dropped so badly, it cannot be used as a soft persimmon.

Wagner stopped, and the thought of desperately destroying the relic in his heart disappeared as if he had been splashed with cold water.

Wagner's eyes suddenly lighted when he saw Lin Yun not far from the team.

Yes indeed. Didn't the striker do the things of the Merlin family, now they meet the enemy. Naturally they got it done ...

Wagner waved at Doug and glanced at Lin Yun. Doug immediately knew what he should do.

Doug hurried to Lin Yun's side, raised his head, and questioned with a little dissatisfaction.

"Maffamelin, now encountering the enemy, why are you still watching here stupidly, forget our agreement?"

Lin Yun didn't speak, and glanced at Kurum.

"No problem, right?"

Kurum nodded solemnly.

There are now more than a dozen masters in the mage legion who have advanced to the titled magic wizard. With the two days of fighting, those who have not broken through to the titled magic wizard have also broken through. The combat effectiveness of the mage army began to increase rapidly.

Although the opponent seems to have very rich combat experience, it is too old in the end, and it is estimated that the strength of the eight-level sword sage, even if it is slightly stronger, the mage army should be able to resist.

The mage army started, all fifty people were holding their faces and constantly mobilizing their magic power, and a ray of flames began to rotate around each mage of the mage army.

As Kurumu suddenly burst into flames, his body suddenly rose. After being transformed into a fire element incarnation of four or five meters in height, the other members of the mage army also cast the fire element incarnation.

The raging flames spread like waves, all of a sudden. The surrounding area of ​​more than 100 meters has become a sea of ​​fire. One flame element stands in the sea of ​​fire, as if it has become a miniature of the plane of flame elements.

The rich flame turns into a red-gold liquid. Circulate in the flame according to a specific law, so that the concentration and activity of the surrounding flame elements increase rapidly. Vaguely, as if a passage to the plane of the Flame Element has been opened here.

Haven't even started casting. It has already given the illusion of hundreds of fire mages casting together.

The dismemberer's old face was surprised, and his face became a little more distressed. A scarlet grudge slowly appeared on his body, and finally turned into a crystal-like scorpion armor, which covered his trunk and joints. A strong breath oppressed his body, and there were constant waves of visible waves around him.

As a strong man who almost broke through the ranks, his combat armor has solidly covered most of the body. This is the most powerful ability of a sword sage, and the low-level spells have no effect on him. It worked, even now jumping into the magma can only be regarded as a comfortable hot spring.

At the next moment, the dismemberer danced with the short knife in his hand, and gently stroked a perfect arc in mid-air. The scarlet sparge spurted out and turned into a ten-meter-wide crescent in the mid-air, spinning towards the mage army .

Crescent Sword spun wildly, tearing the air, leaving a long spiral tail in midair, rushing to the front of the mage army almost instantly.

A tentative blow, but none of the mage's mages dodged ...

In front of the thick sea of ​​fire, suddenly an infinite flame turned into a large red-gold hand, and it was severely shot on the scarlet crescent.

The moment the two collided, the sharp noise of the hissing spell, and a large number of flames blasted away like Jinya.

After a second, the red-gold flame broke up with a large hand, and the Crescent Sword disappeared.

But this is as if the flame of the mage legion has been completely ignited. Each legion mage who has turned into a flame element lifts the dragonscale staff, and the red light radiates. In a hurry, there are hundreds of feet, two or three. The large flame trailed the long tail to the mutilator.

The dismemberer waved his short knife with a cold face, and a scarlet light flashed, tearing all these pyrotechnics into pieces, and some of the remaining hit his body, which was also resisted by his scarlet battle armor.

Suddenly the surroundings of the dismemberer were completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the first attack was completely useless.

However, Kulum still held the Dragonscale Staff, and all the Legion Masters of the commander cast indefinitely. In a few seconds, hundreds of Pyroblasts fell, and the shadow of the dismemberer could no longer be seen. He had completely Drowned.

But everyone knows that the dismemberer is still intact, and the scarlet sword light is still flashing in the sea of ​​fire.

After a few seconds. The dismemberer seemed to feel something wrong and wanted to break out of the flames. But Kurum waved the Dragonscale Staff decisively.

All released Pyroblasts instantly become Pyroblasts!

Pyroblast was performed in their hands, and there was only the power of a fourth-level spell. But there are too many, which can be used to increase the flame element concentration and activity in a region.

Most importantly, during the cast of the Legion Mage, using Pyroblast as the opening is normal, and the dismemberer did not think there was anything wrong with it.

But when he discovered that it seemed that the amount of Pyroblast was too much, the surrounding elemental flame concentration had already been able to condense large elemental flames, and even turned the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire. That rich combat experience began to urge him to leave here immediately.

But it's too late ...

Pyroblast focuses on the power of flames, almost completely focusing on the power of burning, but Pyroblast is completely different. Pyroblast focuses on pure flame explosion power and instantaneous lethality.

But when explosive inflammation explodes in a terrible place where the concentration and activity of the flame element are high, that will at least increase the power of the spell by one level ...

The situation right now fits this point ...

When dozens or hundreds of explosive inflammations burst together here. Even against a dragon, it is a disaster ...

Dozens of explosive inflammations did not all hit the dismembered people, but fell to the surroundings of the dismembered people according to a specific orientation. Blocked all his rushing directions.

The blue fireballs dragged their long tails into the sea of ​​fire, and the red flame and the blue flame echoed each other in a hurry. The whirlwind turned into a large rush into the sky, and the sound of whirring sounded as if an ancient giant was taking a deep breath.

The dismemberer swiftly drew his knife to resist. The scarlet vindictiveness had been triggered to the extreme, so many explosions surrounded him in the center. Only a small part of his power can hit his body, but these powers have been unable to break through his scarlet battle armor.

After three consecutive seconds of attack, the most powerful force has passed, and the dismemberer is ready to burst out of the siege.

But at the moment when he broke out, in addition to a large number of explosive inflammations exploded around him, there were more than a dozen gold-red vulcan spears falling from the sky, stiffly suppressing his explosive power back.

Forty people in the mage regiment cast spells regardless of consumption, and Kurum was holding a dragonscale staff, with nine of the strongest mage legions standing next to him. Ten people began to chant a spell at the same time. There was a circle around them. The golden flames penetrated their bodies, and seemed to form a special alchemy circle.

This is a special casting technique that Lin Yun teaches them, which is exclusive to the mage army.

United chanting array!

Instead of co-casting with the large-scale spells in the current Mage Corps, a group of people chant a spell, plus a guide, and spend several times more time casting a powerful large spell that exceeds their level.

On the battlefield, the mage legion can jointly cast a large spell with a very low success rate ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ This can only be done if it has an advantage or even has a complete defense.

But with this great colony in the future plane of Northrend world and the mages legion developed madly, it became completely different.

When the level of the Legion Master is not much different, the magic runes are the same, the core meditation ideas are the same, and even the imprints in the magic are the same. Coupled with the tacit cooperation, several people can sing a spell spell together!

Yes, everyone sings part of the spell!

Everyone only shares a part of the pressure in the spell, which makes the mage army have the possibility to cast a leap! Or it is easy to cast a spell that is very laborious to cast successfully.

However, no one knows this skill at all now. The more important reason is that this is another spell. The same spell, one person casts a spell, and a group of Legion Masters form a combined chanting spell. The difference is not small ... (To be continued ...)


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