End of the Magic Era

Chapter 862: Alchemy

Lin Yun came to the off-duty, and released a few dispel spells at will, dispelling the magical effects on the off-duty, and lost several dispel spells to Wagner.

However, Wagner stood still, as if the dispel spell had no effect at all.

"Well, it's an idiot, just a petrification. Is your soul petrified?"

Anderfa taunted with a scornful look. At this moment, Wagner looked at Lin Yun with a strange look, said nothing, and then stared at Anderfa fiercely.

"You wait, you dare to use me as a shield, **** it, do you know that I am the first heir of the George family, if I were killed by you, you would not even be a magic weapon incarnation ... "

Wagner didn't dare to say anything to Lin Yun. It was so shocking that the one-eyed guard was removed by one hand just now. Wagner gave birth to a kind of awe. He was afraid to say anything. Things can't help but the upsurge of fire.

Anderfa gave a dismissive glance at Wagner.

"A petrification operation scares you like this. I really don't know how you became a rank eight magician. Don't you know that petrification operation cannot be resisted with a rune shield? Besides, your Master Andrew Here, can it still make you dead? Do you think that Uncle Anderfa is as idiot as you? "

"Seeing that you blocked a petrification for Uncle Anderfa, I will teach you a good way. When faced with petrification, the best way is to dodge, and do not pass. Cast the incarnation of the flame element, and then The elemental incarnation is dissipated at the moment of being struck, or the ghost incarnation can be ignored. Or the mirror reflection ... "

"In addition to these methods, you cannot use magic shields and rune shields to resist, and they will be petrified when they are blocked ..."

With three faces and three mouths, Anderfa blasted at Wagner. Wagner sprayed with anger, but found no reason to refute. After all, when facing petrification, you cannot use the rune shield for any magic. For the guide. It's all basic knowledge.

Anderfa glanced proudly at Wagner, who looked red, and steered the wheel of Wan Fa toward the stone gate.

The off-duty distant glanced at Wagner sympathetically.

Anderfa was too lazy to ridicule off-duty now. It's too technical, and IQ suppression is too serious. Now it's hard to catch a guy who feels good about himself.

Lin Yun ignored a few people who were quarreling. He turned the pile of one-eyed guards on his own.

The one-eyed guard can be the most suitable alchemy urn for guarding the portal. The parts on the body are extremely high materials. Both two-eyed guards have 39 levels. Many of the materials on the body can be used as parts of the alchemy urn. If it is not limited by the dynamic system, these two one-eyed guards may both be forty-level alchemists.

At that time, Lin Yun wanted to remove them by hand at that interval of time. It was absolutely impossible.

After picking for a long time, I picked out some better parts and summoned the patched alchemist. Quickly changed some parts of the alchemist.

This alchemist is itself a heavenly order, and the power system is even better than that, which limits the power of this alchemist. It is that some of its parts are too bad, which severely limits the strength that this alchemist can play.

Some parts removed from the one-eyed guard can just replace the old parts on the alchemist's body, and Lin Yun will be polite.

It took a few minutes to change the parts of this patch-covered alchemist, and Lin Yun's mouth showed a smile. According to this development, if we can dismantle a few 39-level one-eyed guards. Maybe the strength of the alchemist will be able to give full play to the power of the sky.

Lin Yun, the remaining parts of the one-eyed guard, was not wasted, and all of them were put away. Later, after changing the control systems of the two one-eyed guards, it was also a good idea to put the guard behind.

Alchemist's strength increased again. After being reassembled, Lin Yun controlled and walked in front of that huge stone gate. Alchemist's arms pushed the stone gate, and in a booming dull sound, I did n’t know how long it had n’t been pushed. The opened stone door slowly opened.

There are no dangers or traps. Lin Yun had long anticipated that Bill George, a psychopath guy, would basically not set up any sinister traps in his nest, and he could defeat two 39-level one-eyed ones. Guard, some insidious traps will no longer play any role, and those who want to repel the invasion have to rely on absolute strength.

Shimen pushed away, and what he saw was a huge space that stretched for several kilometers. Looking at it, there were countless various huge instruments sleeping there, and there were more alchemy magpies sleeping there quietly like corpses.

In front of the huge machines, there are a lot of alchemists in front of them. Most of them are equipped with several arms, with various tools on their arms.

This is a huge underground base!

Underground base of the alchemy urn!

This is a complete alchemy production line that can be said to be complete. The manufactured parts will flow along the machines, and will be assembled into alchemy products by those working alchemists.

In addition to these tireless hardworking alchemists, there are many combat alchemists.

But no matter these hardworking alchemists, or those fighting and auxiliary alchemists, they are basically as motionless as they are dead, and they are all exhausted of energy.

Lin Yun took a few glances and knew that these alchemy urns, even hardworking alchemy urns, had at least 35 levels!

And most of the alchemy crickets just ran out of energy, the energy supply system was lost, and the parts were fun and nondestructive.

Just recompile their control system and re-supply the energy supply, these alchemy puppets can be reactivated.

Lin Yun looked at a few alchemists, and immediately came to this conclusion.

These alchemists are now the meat delivered to their mouths. They only need to take out some soul magic crystals, and they can be reactivated. Moreover, these alchemists can not be moved, and it is easy to recompile their control system.

Seeing this huge underground base, Lin Yun knew that this is really the remains left by Bill George, and it is also one of the most valuable remains of Bill George.

At the time, Bill George returned to Northrend, and established a force in the current Kingdom of Ston, but there was no reason for the Nessel Dynasty to provoke him, but it was not just that Bill George was already a powerful Heavenly Magus.

More importantly, Bill George's accomplishments on the Alchemist's alchemy can be said to be unprecedented. When the Northrend world developed to its peak, Bill George's accomplishments on the Alchemist's alchemy were definitely regarded as Northrend. The world's top level.

At the time, Bill George commanded his alchemy army like a tide, swept across unknown planes, and no one knew. Bill George was low-key and forbearing, and almost no one could know everything about Bill George.

Only occasionally have someone seen Bill George's commander's endless alchemy army to flatten one after another, so that people know Bill George's horror.

It is itself a terrible powerhouse at the top of the heavenly order. No one in His Majesty knows how many alchemy urns, who dares to provoke him.

Looking at this underground base, the most common hardworking alchemy urns have 35 levels, and even looking at the huge assembly line, we know that the 35th level may be the line goods in these alchemy urns. The most common and worst which type.

This kind of men are basically all powerful alchemists, and the deeds left are very poor. At the peak of Northrend, only some people have inferred from many small clues. Bill George did not know how to get angry. The coordinates of the flame plane come to the angry flame plane.

And rare, Bill George didn't go to conquer the Raging Flame Plane. He just stayed here for a long time. He also had some connections with the Dark Iron Orcs. It is said that he had also visited the Gorge Fortress.

You know, Bill George's accomplishments on the alchemy urn are really too strong. At the peak of Northrend's world, many people were working on the idea of ​​Bill George's ruins.

But no one can find the real remains of Bill George. What they find are some that have little effect at all, even the ruins themselves are a huge trap.

It wasn't until the peak of the Northrend World Plane's Great Colony that anyone found clues on other planes, and it was inferred that the remains of Bill George were below the shining fortress of the Rage Plane.

However, this news has not been confirmed, because at that time the expeditionary forces had just been integrated and ready to set off, and before it was time to reach the Fury Plane, the coordinates of the Fury Plane suddenly lost their effect.

After deduction, the angry flame plane may have been cheap, and the original coordinates have lost effect. No one can find the angry flame plane, and the remains of Bill George have become a suspense.

This kind of unconfirmed news ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Lin Yun itself will not pay much attention to it. If not this time, I heard the name of the bright fortress, plus a series of names keep appearing, Lin Yun also wants Can't get this unconfirmed message.

It seems that the news is indeed true. At least this huge underground base is completely controlled by the alchemist's operation. There is even a production line for alchemists. The hardworking alchemists have 35 levels.

In addition to Bill George, Lin Yun could not think of anyone else.

Lin Yun opened the half plane and threw all the alchemy urns around the energy supply that had lost their energy supply into the half plane.

The worst of these alchemy puppets are all 35 levels, but now they have lost their energy supply, which is just a pile of parts. Before they were re-energized, they were no different from stones.

This is why Lin Yun dares to do so. (To be continued)


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