End of the Magic Era

Chapter 884: Ancestral spirits

Lin Yun went around the palace, and it was easy to find a different alchemy circle. This article was first published by

This alchemy circle is on the flat ground in front of the front steps.

Lin Yun took out the quill pen and ink, and took out dozens of manuscript papers to start the rapid calculation. The quill pen wrote a lot of scribbled data on the manuscript paper. For ten minutes, Lin Yun dropped 20 more manuscript papers and took out the crystal. The pen began to crack.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yun slaps a hand on a rune in front of the first step.

Click ...

A sound of mechanical rotation sounded, and in front of the steps, a floor was sunken.

Rumble ...

In the sound of a slight vibration, a small table rose from the hollow. The small table seemed to be stacked with a large number of alchemy arrays, and a large number of lines gathered in a groove in the middle.

In this groove, there is a dark red crystal the size of a fist. The crystal has dozens of faces, and there seems to be a dark red flame flowing slowly.

"Heart of Molten Flames! It really is here! I know that this palace cannot provide power to the Throne of Fury Flame, and Emperor Flame Flame conquers the plane of Fury Flame, then the Heart of Molten Flame must be in the Flame Lord There is something in the hand that is stronger than Molten Heart and more suitable for powering the Throne of Fury. "

The Molten Heart is said to be the core of the Molten Mountain. When the Molten Heart was not taken out, all the volcanic groups in the Molten Mountain erupted endlessly, even the entire rage plane, most of the place. There are active active volcanoes.

According to the legend of the angry flame plane, after the angry flame king conquered the angry flame plane. The volcano on the angry flame plane seems to have been conquered by the angry angry emperor. A large number of active volcanoes have been extinguished, and there are only a lot of active volcanoes in the remaining Molten Mountains.

this matter. Called a miracle by the Fury Orcs, it was the Fury Emperor who conquered those fierce volcanoes.

It now seems that Emperor Raging Flames has dug up this melting heart containing terror.

With a smile on Lin Yun's face, he looked at the sleeping Emperor Angry Flame, apparently, the Emperor Angry Flame would continue to sleep.

An Defa saw the melting heart, his eyes glared out, drooling, his face was gone. I went straight to Lin Yun and smiled charmingly: "Merlin, look, the alchemy magic swirls with me. Your magic power is suddenly reduced by one-third, which affects the combat power. Let me take it back. I use it. This melting heart will do ... "

Anderfa was a bit regretful after speaking, although it is the best choice to know that this melting heart is inlaid into the wheel of 10,000 Laws. But still couldn't help it.

Damn, such a big element amber pair is very rare, it even broke, replaced with an alchemy magic swirl. But the power is not a little bit worse. The Wheel of Ten Thousands of Magic can now exert the power of the lowest-level true spirit magic weapon at most, because of the limitation of magic power.

Lin Yun looked at Anderfa with a smile. After a long while, I couldn't help laughing.

"Nonsense. Where can this thing be loaded without being placed on the wheel of 10,000 Laws?"

Anderfa was annoyed. But he grinned immediately.

Lin Yun shook his head and began to figure out how to take down Molten Heart.

The Molten Heart is now the source of magic for the entire palace, or most of the magic is provided by the Molten Heart. After all the magic is gathered, it is supplied to the Throne of Fury.

I want to take out the molten heart, but not just talk about it. Those alchemists must think carefully about how to take down the molten heart safely.

Writing a stack of thick manuscript paper with a quill pen, Lin Yuncai solemnly wrote the first cracked rune with a crystal pen ...

But the first time I cracked the rune, the sound of vibration came from both sides.

In the rumbling sound, one floor on each side was sunken, two totems more than one meter high, and the totem poles with thick thighs rose.

The moment he saw the two totem poles, Lin Yun knew that it was a big trouble ...

On a totem pole, a mighty orc warrior glaring was carved, holding a large totem pole as a weapon.

On another totem pole is an orc shaman with a fur hat and a lightning rod in his hand.

At the moment when these two totem poles rose, Lin Yun decisively gave up cracking the alchemy array, but quickly backed away.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the two totem poles glowed with light, and the mysterious and powerful light dripped, and the two figures carved on the totem poles disappeared.

On the left, an orc warrior with a height of two and a half meters and an upper body appeared, carrying a dark totem pole with a one meter thickness and two meters length on his shoulders.

On the right, a one-meter-five-meter tall, animal skin hat, shaman robe, and a lightning-shaped staff in his hand.

Anfa wailed in pain ...

"Damn, the orc ancestral spirit, or two ruthless men at level 38, there is no end to it ..."

Lin Yun is also a big head, these two ancestors are more difficult than the previous half-lich.

The Lich has a fatal flaw, but the two ancestors knew that they were born on totems. As long as the totems were destroyed, the ancestors would dissipate on their own.

But the 38th-level orc ancestral spirit is still guarded in the palace of Emperor Fury. I want to know with my buttocks, and it is not much easier to destroy the two totem poles than to break directly into the sky order ... ...

Seuss, who was placed in front of the hall, exclaimed when he saw the two ancestors.

Although he had no magic power, his body was almost recovered. Seeing the appearance of these two ancestors, the scared legs were soft, and they almost sat on the ground with their butts.

I want to run backwards, only to remember, Lin Yun said before that this is a fantasy ...

Leaning on the pillar at the gate, Seth's face was bitter. Although his magic power was gone, his experience was still there. He was too familiar with things like Zu Ling.

The flames of the angry flames are not completely conquered. The biggest obstacle is because of the ancestors worshipped by the angry flame orcs.

An ancestral thing is unique to orcs. After the death of the ancestors who were called heroes by the orcs, the soul will not dissipate. Instead, it will be attached to a totem pole made in advance.

The moment an orc hero becomes a hero. The elders in the orcs will start to make totem poles. This totem pole will represent the hero, walk around the world of the orcs, and be worshipped by the orcs.

In the process, materials will be continuously added to this totem pole, and after years of worship by the orcs, it will provide a special power. These forces will make the totem pole stronger and stronger.

From the very beginning, a simple totem pole is not even a magic weapon, but as more and more orcs leave marks and leave their admiration, the totem pole that is constantly worshiped will continue to improve, even the material Will become completely different from the beginning.

After the death of the ancestors known as heroes, the soul will automatically attach to the totem pole and become the ancestral spirit that guards the orcs.

Ancestors shelter the orcs. And the orcs make their ancestors more and more powerful through constant worship.

At the time of the angry flames, the means of pressing the bottom of the tribe is to summon the ancestors they worship. These things are very disgusting.

In the first birth, the ancestral spirit was very fragile, but after countless years of worship. After reaching level 35, each level is increased. Will bring about qualitative change.

Just like the two ancestors in front of me, the summoned body is almost indistinguishable from a real person.

And the power that comes out. Will always be in a state of full prosperity, and even die ...

As long as it is not a one-shot kill, and all the fragments are left without erasing them, the ancestors can quickly recover. Before the totem pole is destroyed, they will never die.

This is where people get the most headaches.

And in this hall, I do n’t know how many years no orcs have worshipped these two ancestors, and there are still thirty-eight levels, so the combat effectiveness is probably as close as thirty-nine ...

Especially one of them is Totem Warrior, the other is Lightning Shaman ...

I am really a 39th-level ordinary mage, I am afraid that he will be forced to death ...

Seth's worry is not unreasonable. Among the orcs, there are not many orcs who can use totem poles as weapons. The most famous is the tauren totem warrior.

The one in front of me is a tauren totem warrior with a height of two meters and five, a huge weapon, a huge body, and it is very oppressive to look at.

Orcs shamans can not directly participate in the battle. Most of them are prayer aids. During the legion war, the equivalent shaman and mage, the mage cannot compare with the shaman at all. Sexual ability can even improve the combat effectiveness and survivability of the Legion by several percent.

Can participate directly in the battle, and the strongest combat effectiveness is the lightning shaman in front of ...

Lin Yun saw these two ancestors appear, and their heads are big. Although they don't know the names of the two ancestors, there are not many known Tauren Totem Warriors and Lightning Shamans in total.

But these famous guys ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ No one is not cruel, all of them are cruel people who can fight ...

The 38th-level ancestors, with the blessing of the totem pole, are definitely comparable to their 39th-level combat power ...

The Tauren Totem Warrior rushed up first, stepped out every step, and walked up to two meters away. Although the frequency was not high, the speed was not slow at all.

Especially the heavy footsteps, each step would make the ground tremble. When the thick totem pole on the shoulders waved, the air was continually squealing.

Lin Yun, An Defa, Alchemist, and Lena began to release spell attacks at about the same time. However, when those spells fell in front of the Bull Head Totem Warrior, they saw the Tauren Totem Warrior's body, and lightning continued on both sides. A walking lightning shield appears ...

The two lightning shields spun quickly, and a large number of blue electric awns collided with the torrent of spells, and all the spells were blocked.

Even after the lightning shield turned for three seconds, it seemed to form a transparent stance. When all the spells fell on the body of the Tauren Totem Warrior, it seemed as if the water had encountered a stone and slid away towards both sides ... To be continued. . u

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