End of the Magic Era

Chapter 887: Warning sign

The hit just now is simply terrible. The flame meteorite was originally a sixth-level spell, but the flame meteorite was obviously more than just a sixth-level spell. What was more terrible was that Lin Yun felt that the flame meteorite was wrapped in maggots. The power is absolutely comparable to the full blow of a nine-level swordsman!

And it's a terrifying terrorist attack like the end of class!

I must know that the more pure power, the more trouble, especially when this power is strong to a certain degree, it will form a completely unreasonable and terrible fighting power.

It ’s like taking a break from work. Previously, it was not bad to take a break from a strong body to fight one or two levels.

At that time, the gap between each level was not very large. Now, as the level increases, the off-class is upgraded to the seventh-level swordsman. Can't live.

Only the nine-level swordsman can rely on the huge fighting spirit to take off-class fights, and it is not yet possible to hard-hit, hard-hit the strength, and there is almost no one who can beat the sword-master under the heavenly order.

This is a change brought by the pure power to a certain degree. The gap between each level has become larger, and the number of classes that can be taken off duty over time is increasing.

挟 The power of 挟 on this flame meteorite is this pure power!

兽 The orc ancestor did not have any fighting spirit, but relying on the huge body to bring the pure power of terror, this power is totally unreasonable.

When this power is combined with the flame meteorite spell, it is not as simple as adding.

Under the sky order, almost anyone who can resist the attack directly can be counted, and the price to resist the attack will be known to Lin Yun ...,

One-half of all the magic power in the body 冇 burst out at one time, and the magic reserve in Lin Yun body 冇 is definitely stronger than a nine-level title wizard.

The chapter of elements blessed the magic power, and the magic can be fully operated. All that can be done is to slow down the speed of this flame meteorite. Finally, the two extreme spells stored in the chapter of the sage are released. In the end, they have been used all the time. No rune shields used.

He was truly resisted, and the price paid to resist a spell attack was too great ...

Zhe Linyun took a slow breath, looked at the orc ancestors striding in the distance, and saw a sneer in the distance, and there seemed to be a little regretful Defoe on his face.

The demons can run in formation, Lin Yun instantly figured out a series of information such as the direction of the blow just now.

Then look at the insidious expression of Defoe and suddenly understand everything ...,

Why did the orc ancestors who were still fighting in the distance suddenly approached here and attacked him, all of this **** Defoe. Seeing that, he knows that he specifically brought the orc ancestors over .

Zhe Linyun's whole body of magic surged, staring coldly at Defoe, and then released dozens of spells at will, shaking the orc warlord who had escaped by accident just now.

"Deaf Oliver, now on the battlefield, I give you a chance to explain."

Zhe Linyun's intentions were rising. If it weren't for the battlefield of Orcs, the orc army had not yet retreated, and the orcs' ancestors were still there. Lin Yun would now kill Defi.

Defi looks very miserable. His robes are all tattered. Defi sneered in the face of Lin Yun's criticism.

"Mafmelin, do I need to explain it to you? Explain what? I was chased down by the orcs' ancestors. If you don't come to help me, just let me explain it to you?

Did your mind become like these stupid orcs, all with magma and muscles.

Did this **** orc ancestor listen to me? Did I let him attack you? If it were possible, this **** orc ancestor would surely kill everyone here, wouldn't you be able to attack?

You have been attacked, do you still want to blame on my head?

As an ally, I'm in crisis. You should help me. If you don't help me, I will take the overall situation seriously. Adults do not blame you in large quantities. Do you want to blame me?

You are attacked, that's what you deserve, maybe the orc ancestor doesn't look at you pleasingly, it's nothing to do with me. "

Lin Linyun stared at Defoe coldly.

"Did you bring this orc ancestor to attack me?"

Defi sneered.

"Maffamelin, I can't beat this orc ancestor. It suddenly targeted me. What can I do if I don't retreat? Can't I wait to die? He chases here, what's my problem" Heng, you have not been beaten It ’s good luck to die, this time you count as good luck, next time you wo n’t have such good luck.

Look how you left here alive this time, as an ally, you are accusing me now, why not deal with the orc ancestral spirit, really, I think you are greedy cows afraid of death, and follow to mix points. "

This scene was really seen by Heron in the distance. When Defoe was entangled by the orc ancestors, Heron had already seen it. Naturally, he could not watch Defoe be killed by the orc ancestors, and wanted to help. Can't pull away.

Naturally, I saw that Defoe constantly brought the orc ancestors to Lin Yun, and also saw how Defoe designed to make the orc ancestors attack Lin Yun, and even saw that Defoe should be so high-spirited now. Face ...

For a moment, two words appeared in Heron's heart.


Di Fufu, this bastard, caused a big deal ...,

This **** bastard, I've told him, don't provoke Malfay Merlin, Malfay Merlin is far more terrible than he thought, he is not just a low-key Creator 1 but now a real strong By……,

What's more, it's so strong that people can ignore his creator's identity. Otherwise, who shouldn't choose Joe and me, why should he choose him as a collaborator in the seven major forces.

Damn stupid, do people in the Holy Land now think Heta is invincible?

Uma Famelin can't be treated with an ordinary mage at all. It's only been a long time, only a few years. He has changed from a little mage to such a terrible powerhouse. The speed of progress is more than terrible.

Maffei Merlin in particular can no longer look at it with a genius. He is a strong man in his own right. Damn, the barbarian men of the Caucasian combat mage are very kind to him.

Especially the old fox of Drouy, when did you really see the mage in Auckland, even if facing Joe and I just kept the basic etiquette, but there was a clear sense of respect for Malfay Merlin.

Is this the case for ordinary strong men?

Defoe, this idiot, wants to pit Malfay Merlin, which is the brain of the pig gong beast. Wrong, it is not even as good as the pig gong beast. You did not believe how good Malfay Merlin could be, but now you are on the battlefield. Wouldn't you watch it?

Damn, the orc warlord who seems to have only the peak of the eighth level of the sword master, killed three titled wizards in half a minute. Do n’t you see how strong he is, the one held by the orc warlord On the big-handed sword, there was obviously an extraordinary breath. Didn't the **** idiot feel it?

If it wasn't for Malfay Merlin to deal with the Orc Overseer himself, there might have been a Ninth-level titled Magus now. The threat from that Orc Overseer is greater than a Ninth-level Swordmaster, would n’t you be a fool? ?

强大 Such a powerful guy couldn't get his head suppressed under Malfam Merlin's hands, and was finally crushed to death by the living town. Isn't this still showing you the power of Malfam Merlin?

He even went to pit Malfam Merlin, **** bastard, do you think this would pit Malfam Merlin?

I was too naive. This could only have been a warning to Defoe the idiot, and he dared to do so.

Now in war, he dare to harm his allies like this ...

Aunt, no, Merlin must be angry this time. Defoe, this **** idiot, dared to continue to try to challenge Merlin's patience.

I have to persuade Merlin. Defoe is a stupid guy, but he can't die here ...

There was a look of irritation on Heron's face, and now she could not wait to draw Defoe, but had to organize.

But at this moment, Heron dragged the three orc warlords alone, before it was to stop them. At this moment, the three orc warlords became a big trouble.

Two orc swords, a holy warlock, and an orc warlock, saw that Helen had the intention to break away from the battle, and immediately counterattacked back, dragging Heron to death, and could not leave.

A scarlet vindictive spirit was chopped into a large-scale blade cover ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The orc warlock finally freed his hands to attack, and flames and meteorites poured wildly towards Heron.

Herron's dark canopy was torn, and Heron hidden in the dark canopy was immediately exposed, facing two two eighth-level swordsmen, one orb-level orc warlock of the ninth level magic wizard, and heron also Dare not care.

I knew in my heart that the big things were bad, and I couldn't get out of the fight. I could only devote a little attention to Lin Yun and Defoe. Most of my experience was devoted to the fight.

Lin Yun was so angry that the anger in her eyes had dissipated, and she looked at Difu with a bland look, as if she were a dead person.

But Defi was unconscious, and looked at Lin Yun with a sneer, and continued to count Lin Yun without fear.

Suddenly, there was a warning sign in Lin Yun's heart, and the sense of crisis that made him covered with sweat all over again, and even this sense of crisis erupted like a volcano.

Don't think about it, Lin Yun knows that it must be the huge orc ancestor that saw him stop the attack and shot again.

一次 This time, it is not as passive as it was just now, because that was the flame meteorite that originally attacked Defoe and was flashed away by Defoe in advance. The target was Lin Yun when they all flew half distance.

Lin Yun held the dragon's staff, and the magic of his body surged, and the surrounding area instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. Lin Yun's body also gave off a thick red elemental flame, like a flame element standing seven or eight meters high from the sea of ​​fire. It looks the same. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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