End of the Magic Era

Chapter 985: door

Everyone wants to occupy an extra place, so that their strength will be stronger after entering the temple. Now Dirac suddenly said these words. The leaders of several forces and their eyes were all lit up.

Yeah, we do n’t have enough seats, so grab a place in Andalusia. Anyway, they ca n’t even get the magic crystal, is n’t this a chance to be delivered.

The leader of the city of the sky spoke first.

"You do n’t even have the magic crystals, so you are not qualified to occupy an area. Is n’t this a drag on us all? I did n’t expect that the cloud tower and black tower would be so wasteful. It ’s really disappointing. Only then got nine magic crystals.

This strength is several times weaker than those of our kingdom of Odin who are not qualified to enter the battlefield of Raging Flames. It is really disappointing that the Kingdom of Andalusia has fallen to such a point. "

The leader of the quicksand tower, which has rarely spoken, also spoke with a husky voice.

. "

On the side of the royal prince Odin nodded his head and looked at the cloud tower and black tower indifferently.

"I have also heard that the Cloud Tower and Black Tower can be considered as powerful. I never saw it this time. It turned out to be like this. I heard it a hundred times. It is not as good as seeing it once. Such a weak strength. The Kingdom of Odin has no qualifications to survive, and it will be destroyed within three days.

Give up the quota, don't drag everyone's footsteps, and let me see, you two forces, just collect some resources outside, just don't follow us. If we go, we will die, and it will also drag us down. "

Several forces of the Kingdom of Odin all spoke together. The strength of the cloud towers and black towers is too weak, which is a total drag on everyone.

Joey and Heron almost spurted out a spit of blood.

Their faces were ugly. But they just couldn't find an excuse for refutation. If they couldn't get all the magic crystals together, they would still occupy an area, which really dragged everyone down.

Lin Yun took out twenty magic crystals by himself. People in the Kingdom of Odin couldn't find any excuses, but the two forces added up only nine of them, and they couldn't make up thirty-six. No one wants to enter the temple anymore.

Seeing everyone's support, Dirac jumped out immediately, pointing at Lin Yun and others.

"Give up the magic crystal, and get out, don't drag everyone here, because you, all of us can't enter the temple, and the consequences are not something you can afford.

Don't blame us if you drag on like this. Do you want to drag us all to death? "

DeLas took out his staff, and the shadow cape was released. Most of them intended to press now to force everyone away from Andalusia.

Both Joey and Heron were flushed with anger, and they were the masters of the Cloud Tower and Black Tower. When have they been so persecuted, and because of their too strong strength.

Lin Yun stared blankly at the people in the Kingdom of Odin.

"What's the matter, we still have another power in Andalusia."

DeLath gave a cold. Continue persecution.

"What one hasn't arrived yet, all of us have arrived. The remaining one hasn't arrived, naturally it's all dead. The countrymen of Andalusia are weak and weak, letting you enter the battlefield of angry flames, is the biggest The missteps that have dragged us down and left you are the best choice.

Huh, are you still waiting for the last force to come? Do n’t think about it. The pure Andalusian weak chicken must have died long ago. Even if it did n’t fall, it ’s almost like a cloud tower and a black tower. It ’s half-remaining. Jing, stop thinking.

It is your Merlin family. It seems that you have hunted so many Warcrafts because you have mastered some hunting tricks. Don't think I don't know that you are dealing with the Henry family.

If this is not the case, you weak chickens must not even have half of the magic crystals ... "

Diras sneered, but several other forces in the Kingdom of Odin did not speak, which was regarded as the default of Dirac's actions.

At this time, Didala stood up and ordered Dirac to step down, and then continued to order Lin Yun and others.

"Since you don't want to give up the third area, let's get some places. We don't have time to wait for you. I will make up for the five magic crystals, and then I will allocate ten places.

The three of you will be divided into three places. The remaining seven places will be given to the strength of the Kingdom of Odin. "

In a word, Didala reduced the number of places in the Kingdom of Andalusia to three, while the number of places in the Kingdom of Odin became twenty-seven.

Such a big gap is doomed to the people of the Kingdom of Andalusia this time. Do n’t even think of any gains this time. There are even only three people. The people of the Kingdom of Odin make a little worse. The army was annihilated.

Faced with such harsh conditions, how could Lin Yun agree.

When Didala didn't finish, Heron blurted in shock.

"No, we can't give up the third area, three places, you are just dreaming!"

Didala sneered, instantly releasing his momentum and pressing against Heron, his eyes were full of cold and murderous intentions.

"Why? Don't let the quota? Are we all here waiting for you to gather enough magic crystals? Waiting for the Raging Flame Orcs to be faster than us? Let us be completely at a disadvantage?

Either you can make up enough magic crystals now, or let the quota out, we can't wait here for you all the time!

If you have such a weak strength, it is a waste to ask for a quota. It is better to let it out and deal with the angry flame orcs to stronger people! "

The cloud tower and the black tower are all sad and angry. In the Kingdom of Andalusia, the cloud tower and the black tower are the strongest forces that are high above them, but now they have suffered heavy losses and their strength is indeed the weakest here.

The cloud tower is the luckiest gold orc among the angry flame orcs, while the black tower has encountered several heads of warcraft at one time, and this time is a heavy loss. The most important true spirits are destroyed, and the two forces together add up. I'm afraid I can't deal with the Kingdom of Odin.

Just then, Lin Yun whispered two words suddenly.


Didala's face changed slightly. There was a trace of fire in his eyes.

At this moment, the cloud layer suddenly fluctuated a bit, and the people of the Andalusian royal family finally arrived. At least it seemed that the people of the Andalusian royal family did not have the cloud tower and the black tower and suffered heavy losses.

Seeing the Swordmaster in the sky, Heron hurried up.

"Are there five magic crystals?"

The Sky Sword Master is unknown, but I also realized that the atmosphere here was not very good, and nodded.

At this moment, Heron was slightly relieved.

"Take it out, we have five magic crystals left to open the temple door."

Hold all magic crystals in your hand. Lin Yun's face was still indifferent. Didala's conditions could not be agreed. If he agreed, it would be equivalent to cannon fodder.

And the people of the Andalusian royal family have not yet arrived, and the thirty-six magic crystals can definitely be made up.

The cloud tower and the black tower have very bad luck and heavy losses. Even so, they still have nine magic crystals, and the Andalusian royal team is led by the heavenly swordsman, which is no worse than Joey or Heron. Plus the magic weapon that the royal family carried.

The Golden Orc has been met by the cloud tower, and the Andalusian royal family is naturally impossible to meet. As long as it does not encounter five or six heads of Warcraft at a time, it will not fall. No matter how you come here, you can definitely make up five magic crystals.

The Heavenly Sword Master has grown up. Do things steadily, it is impossible to proactively provoke the six-headed pseudo-tiered Warcraft like the Henry family.

Enchanted enough. There is no excuse for the Kingdom of Odin.

Didala's face was a bit ugly, and he prevented Dirac's persecution. And it didn't mean that Andalusia gave up the full quota, it was a chance, but he didn't appreciate it, which made him a little annoyed.

Glancing at the rest of the four forces in Andalusia, Didala frowned.

"Your strength is really too weak, occupying ten places, and some are wasted. You merge your team into our team in the Kingdom of Odin, and reallocate the places. The weak will not waste the places to enter the temple.

Our strength is too weak. If we meet the angry flame orcs, everyone will be dragged down. "

Lin Yun shook his head calmly.

"No need. Ten places are just enough for us. You don't need to worry about it."

Didala snorted, dissatisfied.

Damn, this group of Andalusian country people is really stubborn. Their weak strength is simply a waste of places, thirty places. If I were to allocate them, they would naturally be allocated to the thirty strongest people.

Huh, I do n’t appreciate it. I have your good looks. Such a weak strength, there will be no gains when you go in. ~ Www.ltnovel.com ~ At that time, all will fall, but it will drag us down, reduce the strength of everyone, and be angry Orcs take advantage of them ...

Unhappy, Didala didn't continue to say anything.

There are enough 36 magic crystals in Andalusia, naturally occupying one area. The ten places in this area, no matter how they are allocated, are within the rules, and the Kingdom of Odin has no way to say anything.

The next step is to fill the magic crystal and allocate a place.

The Odin Kingdom has a slightly different opinion. Everyone wants more places, but Andalusia has selected ten places as soon as possible.

Lin Yun, Off Class, Lena, and Patch Alchemist occupy four, while Cloud High Tower, Black Tower, and Andalusian Royal Family occupy two respectively.

An Defa is the incarnation of the magic weapon, and the wheel of Wan Fa also has a core meditation of Lin Yun. Even if he is one with Lin Yun, he does not need to occupy a quota.

Two minutes later, the places in the Kingdom of Odin were also selected. Thirty people walked towards the alchemy circle in front of the temple gate. Thirty round bumps were exactly 30 nodes of the alchemy circle.

One hundred and forty magic crystals of the forty level were put into the inlays on the gate, and suddenly, the wave of terror emerged.

One hundred and forty magic crystals of level forty, if the magic power contained in them is released at once, even the strongest in the heavenly order, the soul that can be bombed cannot be left.

But so many powerful magic crystals can only be used as keys to open the temple door.

The raging magic began to spread around the gate. The ancient temple was full of recklessness, as if an ancient **** and spirit had awakened, and the dense pattern lit up throughout the temple. (To be continued ...)

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