End of the Sky

Chapter 421: T virus experiment

Marvel World!


The younger Zitarians collected another batch of fresh ingredients, and Russell was tasting.

The Zeitari leader Zeler is average in strength, but no one can beat the horse's ability to slap the horse. It can be called the first dog leg under Russell's seat. The ingredients prepared are the best parts of the strange animal.

A three-kilometer-long marine fish monster, beheaded and tailed, leaving only a small dish of fish to paddle; a tiger-shaped beast with a radius of three thousand miles, chopped skin and cramps, and only served a plate of ass; The king of birds on the unknown planet is fierce and bloodthirsty. Cut it, cut it, and chop it, leaving a tongue.

Russell didn't think it was a good idea to do so, but Zeler was careful not to blame him too much and simply followed him.

Rather than eating fast at first and catching the gobble, Russell now strictly controls himself in eating.

Because of the peculiarity of strengthening the prescription, only the first bite can improve the physique, and the second bite is purely to satisfy the appetite, so no matter how delicious and strange the beast, it is determined not to eat the second bite.

Unless it's particularly delicious!

Not to mention, there are so many wonderful and strange animals in the universe.

After eating the inventory prepared during this time, Russell looked at his attribute interface. [The Lord of the Rings] world, the strongest dragon Ankara just brought a little improvement.

He added the two attribute points obtained from the lottery, and added 6 free attributes of the task reward to ‘force’, and the character attributes were immediately refreshed.

[Host: Russell]

[Force: 88 (47 + 41)]

[Body: 86 (69 + 17)]

[Chi: 94 (73 + 21)]

[Fortune: 150700]


After being satiated, Russell looked around the table and swept back and forth across Bucky, Natasha, and Yelena, then eliminated Bucky, and considered for a moment, and said, "Natasha, follow me!"

Natasha heard the words for a moment, quickly followed Russell, and whispered after approaching, "BOSS, just after eating the hot pot, the body tastes heavier. Why don't you wait and let me take a bath?"


Russell rolled his eyes and felt that his character had been questioned, but the taste was indeed a bit heavy: "Then you go, and report to Lab 2 later."

Lab 2!

Natasha's face is dignified. The core part of the Zitari's laboratory for biological weapons research is the recombinant genes to make super soldiers. In her opinion, sci-fi cloning technology is only the basis for getting started in that laboratory.

After Natasha left, Russell also went to take a bath. If he did n’t wash it, the hot pot was too powerful. It was placed in a musical instrument and was a class with Suona.


In the No. 2 laboratory, Natasha was withdrawn a tube of blood, and the Zitari scientist next to him started to clone. One button down, there were 100 clones.

This is a joke, even the mature Misaka sister can't grow and take shape so fast.

"BOSS, what are you going to do?" After learning that she would be cloned, Natasha looked weird, but Russell's eyes were not right, and she felt that her boss had come up with a new trick.

"A new super soldier serum ... ready to experiment with your clones, and if it works well, you will be a beneficiary."

Russell said, using the item card to take out the T virus and seal it in the laboratory.

The well-known biochemical virus must be cautious. The No. 2 laboratory selected deep underground is also for safety reasons. Once the T virus is leaked, the laboratory will be permanently closed and completely destroyed.

The experiments were not carried out overnight. The quality of genetic technology of Zetaru people is very high, but everything starts from scratch and requires continuous experiments to accumulate experience.

In Solow's hypothesis, the results of the experiment were nothing more than a possibility. After Natasha's clones were injected with T virus, the immune system completely destroyed the virus and produced antibodies. Nothing changed.

Second, leukocytes and infected cells die together, resulting in massive tissue necrosis. In order to repair the loss of tissues and restore the function of the immune system, a large amount of food is needed to provide materials and energy, which is a strong appetite, referred to as zombie.

Third, the genes of cloned somatic cells have changed due to the integration of viral chromosomes, and they have become sensible but wonderfully shaped biological weapons.

Fourth, the physique injected with the serum of the super soldier can withstand the power of the virus, and successfully crosses the evolutionary barrier just like Alice. Because there is no basis, this possibility is the highest, but also the lowest.

However, it was unexpected that the experiment encountered a bottleneck at the beginning. Natasha's clones were of average strength, and their physical fitness and untrained ordinary people belonged to a level, which completely failed to meet the standard of injecting super soldier serum. .

Can't clone people injected with Super Soldier serum?

As the various technologies are still immature and Russell is unknown, there is no real reason to open the data file.

The experiment failed just at the beginning, and Russell was not discouraged. Changing the angle was actually a good thing. At least you don't have to worry about your hard-cultivated men being cloned by the enemy and in turn becoming your opponent.

Russell waved his hand and continued the experiment to inject the T virus into the clone ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then Natasha began to have nightmares. Due to the violent T virus, coupled with the lack of data in the test, the virus could not be properly controlled and the virus Breeding too fast, her clones changed in variety.

Some strange forms made her difficult to accept. She did not know before that she had the talent to become a cosmic monster.

In fact, the most reliable test process should be to start the culture of frightened eggs, avoid the interference of the immune system, and the drag of the growth status before infection, so as to obtain healthy and stable individuals.

But Russell does not believe in this evil, there is no reason for Alice to succeed, and Natasha is destined to fail!

During this period, Yelena and Bucky also contributed their own clones, all of which still failed. Not only the individuals injected with the super soldier's serum could not be cloned, even the individuals taking heart-shaped herbs.

"Interesting, never successful ..."

Russell muttered to himself, either it was bad luck, or the key link was missed in the experiment, or ... the will of the universe did not allow him to explode like this!

"My master, Cree's biotechnology is the most advanced. It can't work. We can grab two Cree genetic scientists." Reese, the number one dog leg, gave Russell an idea.

"Cree ..."

Russell frowned, and the dying general died in his hands, completely offending extermination, and was wanted by the Dark Order across the universe. If they offend the Cree again, how can they mix in the universe in the future, so they must not be robbed.

"Rezell, do you know where the Cree is sold?" Russell asked coldly.

"My master, the scientist is of great value, especially the Cree scientists, looking at the universe are all sought-after goods ..." Reiser hesitated, in other words, could not afford it.

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me if I have to sell?"


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