End of the Sky

Chapter 423: As the saying goes

Natasha and Bucky steered the spacecraft forward, firing from time to time to destroy the asteroids, clearing the passage for flight.

Suddenly, the alarm bell swelled, the spacecraft's control light screen flickered with a dangerous red light, Natasha's face changed slightly, and she reacted instantly, pulling up the joystick to climb.

"Sir, we are locked!"

Bucky's voice dropped, and a series of red beams covered the original position of the spacecraft, crushing a large asteroid. Immediately afterwards, four black fighter planes passed by, biting Russell's party tightly.

The four fighters are extremely fast, and the unique ??-shaped construction style makes the fuselage as a whole slim and shuttles in the asteroid belt. In addition, the wing is strong and sharp, and the asteroids that encountered obstacles were directly mounted without any damage to the fuselage.

"This asteroid has very few people, and the unknown forces hiding here must have made a plan. It happened to me so coincidentally, luck was really bad." Russell shook his head slightly, and immediately thought through the whole story.

The spacecraft opened fire and crushed the asteroid, and was detected by the other party. In order to prevent the position from being exposed, this killing was done.

"BOSS !?"

Natasha hurried anxiously, and the spacecraft's energy shield withstood several attacks, dropping to an extremely dangerous number.

Russell stood up and squeezed Natasha to the side. He drove the spacecraft personally and accelerated away from the asteroid belt. "Natasha, get in touch with Zeler and let the three warships move closer to the asteroid belt."


Russell took control of the spacecraft, and the speed immediately rose several times. The asteroid turned into a dense ghost image, and quickly moved backwards from both sides.

In just a few blinks of an eye, the spacecraft rushed out of the asteroid belt, and four fighters chased after each other, chasing them all the way.

Next second!

The four spaceships all slowed down, and they ran without saying a word. Just ahead, the three giant battleships turned on the main gun and the secondary gun. The muzzle charging was completed and a honeycomb-like light spot was lit.

The spacecraft controlled by Russell flew behind the three battleships, and the counterattack began. Dense beams of varying thickness, such as raindrops, fell, the energy shield was emptied, and the four spacecraft turned into cosmic dust.

The spacecraft entered the middle of the three battleships, and Russell led a group of men into the control room. Zeller immediately let out the captain's seat and bowed down, "My master, you'll be a bit late, and you'll be surprised."

"The gun is out. I want to see who is in the asteroid belt?"

Russell smelled the treasure, and intuitively told him that there must be a hidden treasure in the asteroid belt, otherwise the other party would not be in a hurry to kill.

As the saying goes, there is a virtue in Tiancaidibao, and there is no such thing as a first come first comer. It is only by virtue of who is better than who can you confirm who is the true master of the treasure.

What's more, it wasn't Russell's style that he was simply beaten.

He was careful, he was beaten and must be beaten back, not overnight, or he would not sleep well.

"Subordinates understand!"

"By the way, open the detective. If there are a lot of people ... just forget it!" Russell added for safety.

It's true that the bravery wins on the narrow road, but as the saying goes, take a step back and the sky is wide, and if you can't bear it, you will make a big conspiracy.

As a person, you must adhere to your inner principles. You cannot betray your own conscience because you want to gain a temporary benefit.


On the other side, a group of people on the black battleship deep in the asteroid belt were about to wake up to sleep.

"Boss, the four fighters dispatched were shot down, and the enemy was approaching us. A total of three large warships ... the enemy was prepared. The previous spacecraft was a bait, and we may have been exposed long ago."

The headed man was covered in black armor with a pale face and pointed ears. He is the leader of the Dark Elves, and the leader of Wat Alheim, one of the nine kingdoms, Malekis.

At this moment, the leader of the dark elf was sinking in water, gazing at the three red dots near the light curtain, and slap him on the console: "How can this be, is it an Asgard?"

"No, it doesn't look like the style of the battleship comes from Asgard ..." said a tall dark elf, a lieutenant of Malekis named Argolim.

"Well, the Asgard are scheming, conquering the nine kingdoms under the slogan of peace, nothing they can't do!" Malakis said with a grudge, and the dark elves' hometown, Wat Alheim, was ruined. Asgard's strategic weapon Rainbow Bridge.

"Boss, what shall we do?"

"Fighting, Asgard is pressing hard, we have no way out!"

boom! boom! boom! boom-----

A dense beam of light opened the way, and the three battleships successfully cut through the asteroid belt. Russell looked at the lonely battleship opposite, with great confusion.

Too few battleships!

According to his estimates, it is reasonable to say that there must be three or five warships in the place where the treasures are buried.

"My master, after several inspections, it can be determined that the enemy has only one warship." A Zeta Swiss soldier repeatedly confirmed and reported the news to Zerel, who passed on to Russell.


"Yes, it is."

"Why hesitate, fire?"


Zeller was aggrieved. He ordered the firing before, but Russell had to confirm it repeatedly. Now he still blame him. The more he wanted to get angry, but he didn't dare to be angry or to speak.

Three battleships lined up and fired at the same time, and the dazzling lights flickered successively, bombarding the asteroids into fragments.

The Dark Elves responded quickly when the asteroid was emptied. Not to mention that they only have one battleship, and the power of the main gun and auxiliary guns is not very powerful, but the energy shield technology is very advanced. With unbeatable defense, they are unbeaten, and they are tied with one enemy and three.

In the control room, when Russell was dissatisfied, Zeler was frightened and furious. He failed to win the opponent in three dozens, and gave the order: "The flagship main gun is charged, let the enemy see our true firepower."

As the order was issued, the launch port of the front of the three warships opened to the sides, and a dark gun barrel exposed the stern shape. At the end of the main gun, two huge metal **** are black to shiny, which is the energy furnace that comes with the main gun.

Russell: "..."

That's right ~ www.readwn.com ~ This magnificent, violent and beautiful flagship main gun is the ancient artillery found by Russell from the lost ruins ... No wonder!

[Item Card: Armstrong Rotary Accelerated Jet Armstrong Cannon (Participated in many interstellar wars, attacked all invincible, invincible, powerful beam ion cannon)]

boom! !!

The silver-white light beam burst into a blast, instantly smashing the energy shield of the Dark Elf battleship, penetrating the hull, and being more than capable, plowing a passage in the asteroid belt and disappearing at the end of the void.

The next second, the dense beam of light fell, leaving numerous wounds on the surface of the Dark Elf battleship.

"My master, where did you find the artillery, the power is really terrifying. I can guarantee that the destructive power of this ship's main artillery is one of the most powerful in the eyes of all civilizations in the universe." Zerel Eyebrows are pleasing to the eye, and a mark is sent without a trace.

"Ah ... OK!"

"My master, your flagship is under construction. I am going to assemble this gun. What do you think?"

(One `?? one)

Russell was a little hesitant to hear Zellel's words, and vaguely remembered that when he got this item card, he said that his Starship would never assemble this wretched crystal.

Being a man can't keep his word, but Zeller also said that looking at all cosmic civilizations, this naval gun is one of the most powerful. To dismiss the strongest gun for a little look, it's not appropriate to be reasonable.

But he is also a face-seeker, how can he talk to be irrelevant ... tangled.

In the end, Russell decided to have a face, the manly husband was never really fragrant.

"You don't need to ask me for such a trivial matter, you can take care of it yourself, um ... make the matter more beautiful!" Russell gave a cough, Zeler was smooth and most understandable, and he would definitely understand what he meant.

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