End of the Sky

Chapter 456: I will understand when you grow up

"This time I went back to Los Angeles headquarters to report my job, because I repeatedly wiped out the powerful devil, and my performance was outstanding. I decided to give me a promotion and raise my salary.

The head of the family, Jacob, who was driving, was a bit inaudible. He never heard of the Los Angeles headquarters or the annihilation of the devil.

Holding the steering wheel in his hand, he interrupted Russell's gushing and asked, "Fr. Russell, can you tell me the difference between Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant?"

Russell: "..."

The false priest was vulnerable to the true priest and was instantly returned to its original form. Russell only knew Christianity and could not tell the difference between the three. He chose silence as gold.

"Also, what you call the combat department, I have never heard of it, 20 years, not once."

"Russell, don't worry about Dad, keep telling your demon story!"

Scott doesn't care whether Russell is a liar or not. He only knows that Russell tells a very interesting story, just to pass the time.

So is her sister Kate. Father Jacob's boring priest career has no meaning at all, but Russell's story is fun and interesting.

"The affairs of our secret department are strictly confidential, and some priests are unaware and excusable."

Russell squeaked and began to tell his personal experience: "I once fought with the devil's minions in Devil Town and rescued a high school girl who was possessed by the devil. There was also a powerful witch who wanted Offering the entire town ... "

"Crystal Lake's hockey mask killer, Texas Chainsaw Man, Dream Devil Freddie, Halloween's white mask killer, were all returned to **** by myself ..."

"Wait, isn't this the character in the movie?"

"It is true!"

"Well, you continue ..."

"On another occasion, I took over the body of a witch from the Middle Ages. She was sealed by the Pope and was killed by me ..."

"Medieval Pope !?"

"Yes indeed!"

"Why didn't the Pope kill the witch directly, but chose to seal her?" Scott discovered the blind student.

Russell shook his head slightly: "Child, you are still young, and you don't understand some things, and I can't explain them well."

"Tell me!"

"Well, I will make an exception to tell you some rules of this industry, but you must not pass it on ..." Russell's ugly face: "In general, we do not advocate killing, after all, everyone who eats this bowl of rice It ’s not easy. The resources are scarce and you have to recycle them. You have to kill them all at once. What do people do afterwards? "

Kate and Scott don't understand very well, but they sound terrific.

"Let's say this. Take your father, Mr. Jacob, as an example. He gave people light ... Hehe, he persuaded a believer to help the good and help the other person listen to the Lord's voice, and he would never get it right.

"Why?" Scott asked, and Kate cast a curious look.

"I can only buy you a toy once, but it will be different twice. Kate will have a new dress. If Mr. Jacob is more diligent, maybe that believer will be able to provide you both from elementary school to college. graduation."

The teen girl widened her eyes, and Scott asked directly, "Dad, is that really the case?"

Jacob held the steering wheel and felt that it was a mistake for Russell to get on the car. He said, "Don't listen to him talking nonsense, how could this happen!"

"But I remember when I was six years old, you worshiped the pretty aunt next door every two or three days ..."

"Shut up! I was invited to her house party!"

"Then why the uncle next door wants to beat you, it must have been that you cheated your money."


Jacob was so tired that he saw Russell's playful smile in the rearview mirror, and his eyes narrowed and admitted, "Yeah, I lied to money. You and Kate's toys are all this way, even this car Too. "

Scott was amazed: "Russell, you are so good. If you don't say it, I can never guess the truth."

"You boy, you know ... the day you grow up."


Then came another bragging, mainly Russell responsible for bullshit, Scott and Kate listening.

As night fell, Jacob drove for a day, exhausted, and stopped at a motel to greet his children to get ready for a night's rest.

Although the RV can also take a bath, rest, and solve personal hygiene, but the space is not spacious enough, after all, no hotel sleeps comfortably.

"I hate motels. There are dirty greasy and weird smells everywhere, and there are cockroaches." Kate complained. The girls loved to clean and would rather sleep in the RV.

"Don't talk, I'll find a clean hotel ..." Jacob took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and prepared to spend some money to satisfy his children.

"Jacob, if you don't mind, I'll pay for the accommodation tonight." Russell pulled out his credit card and shook it. A 100W credit card credit card came in handy again.

Jacob did not insist, and nodded his head directly. According to the story told by Russell, this fake priest who cheated and drank did not lack money at all.

Russell and the three picked the best motel. They asked for a total of two rooms. The Jacobs lived in a family of three, and he slept in a room of his own.


There was no speech overnight. The next morning, Russell settled his breakfast in the restaurant. Suddenly, Yu Guang glanced at the Jacobs boarding the RV, accompanied by two strange men.

It's not unfamiliar. One of them looks familiar, but Russell remembers his face, but he couldn't tell the name.

Russell's eyes flashed, and it was true that they followed the Jacobs' family ~ www.readwn.com ~ so soon the plot was triggered.

In the touring car, Seth, a wanted criminal who was desperately hunted by the police, a man whom Russell felt familiar with, arrived with a gun at the back of Jacob and ordered him to start the car.

His younger brother, Richard, guards Kate and Scott in case they secretly call the police.

The brothers were desperate. Seth killed two police officers during a bank robbery. During the trial, his brother Richard, a notorious robber + strong X offender, helped him escape in broad daylight.

A total of 17 people died in the hands of two, five Texas patrol officers, eight federal police officers, and four innocent citizens.

The two were extremely guilty and their arrogant style angered the entire US imperial police community. The police in Texas subordinated the Tianluodi Network to cooperate with the FBI in the search and arrest of the two.

His brother, Richard, who had some mental disorders, chose to fight with the police desperately, but his brother Seth was more sensible than him and hijacked the Jacobs as hostages.

"Mr. Jacob, I have no intention of hurting you. When I arrive in Mexico, I will leave your family."

Seth said very politely, but the gun in his hand made Jacob unable to refuse, and for the safety of his children, he had to make a hide with the tiger.

Bang Bang! !!

Russell clutched the trunk and hammered the door: "Jacob, do you have amnesia? Why don't you call me and leave? Say you want to take me to Las Vegas?"

Seth veiled the gun behind his back and said with a smile, "Open the door!"

Jacob scolded Silly X in his heart and said arrogantly, "He is a liar. I just took him along the way, there is no need to let him ..."

"Open the door!"


The cold muzzle reached the back waist, and Jacob glanced at the hippie smiling Russell outside the door, sighed deeply, and opened the door.

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