End of the Sky

Chapter 458: Zi once said

The **** smell of the bar is very heavy, not the **** smell that can be smelled by the nose, but the perception from Russell. The sixth sense tells him that many people have died here.

The blue light flashed in the eyes, the scenery changed greatly, and a **** mist surrounded the bar, and the cold coldness lingered.

Russell closed his eyes and returned to normal when he opened it again. He straightened his tight collar and quickly followed the Jacobs.

"Hey, the handsome guys and guys coming and going, all the girls in the bar tonight are half-price, the price is fair, what are you still hesitating, you will be picked away later."

"Whether it's a white girl, a black girl, or a Latino girl, warm, cold, juicy, hairy, biting, and bigger than you, we have everything here, one for each hundred miles!"

In the parking lot, you can see the sturdy hospitality, standing at the door of the bar and soliciting ugliness, but his eloquence is really good. He speaks with great speed and enthusiasm for truck drivers and motorcyclists. interest.

"Hey, look at these guests ..."

The host looked at the Jacobs and laughed warily, seeing the Seth brothers, his face suddenly cold: "Guys, this is only a truck driver full of oil smell, not where you should be."

Speaking of this, the host saw Russell in the shape of the priest and the bright cross on his chest, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


Seth took advantage of it and knocked the host down with a punch. He rubbed his hands and opened the door of the bar. He said boldly: "Several people, we should part ways tomorrow. I am very happy with you. I pay for it tonight, Indulge yourself! "

Jacob wrapped his children's shoulders and walked silently into the chaotic bar, praying that nothing unexpected would happen tonight.

As soon as Richard stepped on the bar steps, he turned his head back suddenly, punched and kicked the entertainer with a nervous smile, and laughed.

Russell looked down at the entertainer on the ground, his mouth slightly ticked, and he lifted his foot over him.


In the bar, the band played explosive rock, tobacco mixed with alcohol, and the hall was filled with red-eyed strong men, scolds and fights everywhere.

Chaos is a bit messy, but there is nothing wrong with the hospitality at the door. There are really many girls here.

The four walls and zenith of the bar are made of large bricks and stone walls. Although the floor is fluttered with wooden floors, the feet are empty, and it can be seen that there is a layer of floor tiles below.

The undressed young girls, either standing on the dining table or on the observation deck on the second floor, should twist the enchanting posture with music.

The Seth Brothers, a social person, saw the fullness of the society in the bar, immediately fell in love with it, and walked to the bar with a smile.

Jacob shook his head secretly, watching the dancers swaying on the dance floor without any blinks, criticizing inwardly. However, seeing his own son's smile gradually rippling, he snorted immediately, covering his eyes.

The same priest, although Russell also blinked his eyes wide, but his consciousness was much higher than Jacob's. His eyes were clear, he didn't see the yellow flowers, only the moral loss and humanity. Distortion.

Looking at the undressed dancer, she trembled on the stage, dancing with joy and joy, and Russell was extremely indignant: "I can't afford even the clothes, but I still insist on the night shift. It really needs the glory of the Lord. I can save them. "

Ahead of Jacob, a puppet changed from praying to be fine tonight to Russell going to hell.

At the bar, the Seth brothers caused trouble again. Like the hospitality at the door, the bartender was unwilling to serve the two and let them get out.

The bartender's face was full of flesh, and he was very angry. He didn't even have a machete in his waist.

Seth was irritated by the barman's tough tone. The two had a quarrel with eyes squinting at a fight that was about to happen. The good old man Jacob interposed between the two.

"Guys, you don't need to be excited, just a misunderstanding!" Jacob illuminated his second-level driver and handed it to the bartender: "You said here only the locomotive driver and truck driver, I'm the truck driver, My RV is parked outside. They are my friends ... "

The bartender sneered twice, returning his driver's license to Jacob, and the eyes of the Seth brothers were the same as the dead: "Welcome, I wish you a good time."

Just when everything was calm, Russell's appearance suddenly changed the bartender's face. He said with a clear face, "We don't entertain clergy here, you ... leave now!"


"Because I'm an *!"

"Brother, what age is this ..."

Russell said, leaning against the bar, and his hands under the robes stretched out silently.

"Ah ---"

The dancer next to Russell screamed, and turned around sharply, about to scold something. Franklin, who was pinched by Russell and pointing, was amused ~ www.readwn.com ~ Picking up a knife and throwing a wink, just treat everything It never happened.

The bartender looked at Russell with a black line on his face: "Are you really a priest?"

Russell shook his priest in a black robe and stretched his fingers on the cross: "From head to toe, no matter how I look, I'm a real priest."

The bartender stepped back silently, keeping a certain distance from the cross, and no longer care about Russell with a big wave.

Seth asked for two bottles of whiskey, walked to a dining table, put a pistol in his waist on the table, and instantly made a few empty seats.

"Russell, even if you are a false priest, but please respect the clothes on your body, you just discredited the clergyman." Jacob exclaimed angrily.

"What's the matter, the son once said, no, the Lord once said, either enjoy power or have fun, and you can't have both ... so I chose the latter."


Jacob didn't say a word, poured a glass of wine and drank it, apparently getting angry.

"Well, I'm actually saving that girl. You see, she can't afford to buy clothes ... Jacob, where are you going?"

Jacob silently changed his position away from Russell, and replaced him with chubby paper Scott sitting next to Russell. He admired his face and said, "Russell, can you lend me a Franklin?"


"I also think they have no clothes to wear, it's pitiful!"

"Young man, your drama is too fake. I don't see pity in your eyes."

Having said that, Russell gently hooked Scott's shoulder: "Shit, for the sake of being Chinese, tell me secretly who the poor girl in your eyes is."

Scott smirked and pointed to the edge. Russell looked down, and immediately gave a pout.

"What's wrong, isn't she cute?"

"Lovely is worthless in front of the wicked!"

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