End of the Sky

Chapter 460: Heart is weak

Three at ten o'clock, four at twelve, four at two o'clock ...

Russell held the gun in both hands, his eyes were rendered blue by the magic, and he could see through the monster's camouflage and distinguish it from the crowd.

Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭 ————

The sand eagle fired quickly, and the penetrating magic bullet broke through the chamber. As Russell's arm moved, the monster pointed by the gun head was shot head by head.

The number of monsters in the hall was more than thirty, and the distance was within 50 meters. The sand eagle kept firing, killing these monsters one by one.

Father Russell's shape is too conspicuous, and it is very easy to make people feel secure. Even if he kills the monsters differently than he imagined, the crowd swarmed towards him.

Some sly monsters change into humanoid forms, lurking in the crowd, and more look for obstacles to hide and avoid the blue bullet rain.

Monsters hiding in the crowd were shot and killed by Russell's headshot, and the monsters hiding were penetrated by bullets along with obstacles.

"Roar roar ---"

The monster previously killed by Russell's headshot convulsed and climbed up. The single hole in the head healed itself. The most exaggerated thing was that a new head was directly grown, which was more ugly than the original one.

"It shouldn't be!"

Russell frowned, and the magic bullets restrained monsters. Even if he couldn't kill powerful individuals, it should be more than enough to eliminate miscellaneous fish.

"Roar roar ---"

The breezy wind came from behind, the monster transformed by the enchanting beauty was shot by Russell. At the moment, the self-healing was completed. A sneak attack was launched from behind him, and Zhang Yawu's claws flew up.

Russell was still in shape, and the sand eagle protruded from his armpit, and the high-intensity magic wand popped out of the chamber. After only one bullet, he blasted it into the air.

The blood was flying, and the thick, stinky green liquid splashed out. A few unlucky eggs were showered, sick and unbearable.

The demolished monster did not resurrect. Russell tilted his head and stared at the head of the beautiful monster rolling on the ground. In his eyes thoughtfully, a quick-shot shot popped out of the chamber and shot a monster heart at 3 o'clock.

The monster screamed and fell to the ground, the scorching white smoke rising, and the body twitched into a pool of pus.

"So it turns out, the heart is a weakness!"

Finding the monster's fatal weakness, Russell held the gun with one hand, continuously pulled the trigger, and poured a blue bullet rain within three seconds, shooting through a total of 12 monster hearts in the hall.

The monsters in the hiding crowd are the closest and die the fastest, and the monsters who refuse to show up through the cover are smashed by high-intensity magic bullets and obstacles.

On the ceiling of the hall, four monsters climbed upside down like creepers, and their limbs ejected vigorously, launching an attack from above Russell's head.


The arc flashed, and the thunder turned into a silvery white wolf, jumping out of Russell, and volleying four monsters into coke.

Then, the giant wolf ran against the wall, engulfing the monsters on the observation platforms on the four sides one by one, and swallowed all of them without falling.

The few remaining monsters panicked, knowing that they could not escape after hiding in the bunker, letting go and rushing towards the door.

The door sealed by them was the biggest obstacle to escape at this moment. They shoved the door bolts and iron bars around, and one second before the door opened, a blue bullet rain struck.

Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭 ————

As the last few monsters turned into pus, the battle in the hall was over, Russell stood on the dining table, looked around with blue light, and confirmed that there were no hidden monsters in the crowd.

Everyone who was watched by Russell had a cold heart, as if he was in the snow and ice without any shelter, all the secrets were exposed. The worldview has been subverted, and some people have fallen to their knees directly, reading the Bible with both hands and fists. I can't read it, but I pretended to open my mouth and counted one two three four five six seven.

Russell ignored the group and looked at the door, keenly perceiving that the door was surrounded by thousands of demons.

Several banditish truck drivers walked towards the door, not being frightened and trying to escape the right and wrong place, but with blood on their hands, staying beside Father Russell, uncomfortable, fearing to be purified.

The reason why this bar only accepts truck drivers and motorcyclists is because these people are not clean on hand, and even if they disappear, no one will hold them accountable.

Russell did not stop them. When several people opened the door, they clenched the sand eagle with both hands, the magic infused the sharp blade, ejected the magic light blade, and waved their hands forward.

The door was pushed open, the squeak of gurgling sounded, and the dense shadow rushed in. The black, made up of countless vampire bats, swarmed in, just a blink of an eye, and several truck drivers were sucked into human hands.

Huh! !!

The crisp sound of the sword rang, the aftermath was ringing, and the X-shaped sword gas shot out, chopping down countless bats through the dark clouds, and finally spread on the wall.

Rocks fell, huge X-shaped notches, deeply embedded in the cracks in the walls.

At this point of death and injury to tens of thousands of bats, at most nine cattle were a hair, and the clouds continued to flow into the hall in a scream.

Russell shot up with his hands and burst the bar cabinet and barrel of the bar. On his finger, the ring of water Nanya slightly lighted. Splashes of wine rolled in, and turned into a curtain of water blocking the vampire bat.

Huh!噗哧 ————

The bats huddled up, lying densely on the water curtain, and a large number gnawed at the water curtain, making it crumbling.

Russell raised his hand and rang a finger, the water curtain moved forward slowly, and the long-sitting Thunder Elemental Wolf stepped into the water curtain with his limbs and merged with it.


Rumble ------

The sparks ignited the wine, the water curtain turned into a fire wall, and the hot high temperature burned out the continuous burst of beans. Under the continuous baptism of red flames and blue lightning, the bats gathered together were countless escaped, drowned by the sea of ​​fire and burned to ashes one by one.

"Let's go ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's safe outside!"

Russell walked towards the door with both guns in his hands. As he passed the door, a vampire bat with blown wings yelled at his open teeth.

"He ~~~ tui!"

Russell lowered his head and spit, and the sparks flashed, burning the bat into fly ash.

In the hall, the crowd was stunned, until Russell's back disappeared, and then they remembered that the bar was the monster's nest, and ran away one after another.


Outside the door, the sound of the engine starting continued, and motorcycles and trucks left the parking lot.

The Jacobs stood next to Russell, and by this time they still looked incredible. Jacob, in particular, suffered the most. He has been a priest for more than 20 years and has always believed in his faith as a spiritual trust. He never thought that there were really devil in the world.

"Priest, you knew they were monsters from the beginning?" Seth's face was complex, holding his gun tightly, standing in front of Russell.


"Including that beautiful dancer?"


"Then why don't you kill her right away, so Richard won't die." Seth's eyes were red, he raised his hand and put it back, after all, he didn't dare to point a gun at Russell.

"He's guilty!"

Russell shrugged, a violent neurotic murderer, who was full to support before he could save it. The others in the bar were similar, except for the Jacobs, who really didn't plan to save anyone.

Seth heard that he fell to his knees on the ground, held his head with both hands, and looked at his shaking shoulders, and should be crying.

"Jacob, you leave quickly. It's dangerous here."

"What about you?"

"There is something to deal with, you don't have to wait for me ..."

Russell said, walking into the bar's door again, he could feel that there were more than one floor of the bar, and there were many monsters under his face.

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