End of the Sky

Chapter 490: Brows frowns and finds things are not so simple

"The first vampire ..."

Alexander murmured, remembering the dead Marcus, and kept silent.

"Alexandre, you are the first undead. Plague killed others but did not kill you. Instead, you have a bloodline that can evolve ..."

The evolutionary bloodline is obedient. The first son was bitten by a bat and transformed into a humanoid bat. The second son was bitten by a wolf and transformed into a bloodthirsty werewolf. Both were highly contagious and clearly blood of curse .

That is to say, the younger son had a good life, and he was bitten by his wife at a young age, otherwise he knew that there would be a strange race.

Ant-Man? Flyman? Spider-Man? Dragonfly man?

"Master Father, if you come for Marcus's life, I'm sure he is indeed the first vampire in the world ..."

Alexander said this, glanced at the cross on Russell's chest, and said a moment later, "But it may be a bit of a problem with his bat."

Russell's eyes flashed: "What's wrong, that bat is not an ordinary bat?"

Alexander pursed her dry lips with a look of pain: "On the night when I became the undead, the end of the plague, I met a ... man, a mysterious man with a black robe and a pale face. "

Russell held his breath, his heart was ecstatic, and the clue finally continued.

In fact, he came here with a little impure motivation. I thought about killing Alexander and try to fulfill the world mission.

"He claimed to be the Lord's White Horse Knight, the plague in Revelation Chapter 6. The Lord punished those who were guilty. I escaped the plague and became a guilty sinner."

Alexander said in two words that the faces of the four of Amelia changed slightly, but it was not a big deal to see Russell performing a miracle with his own eyes.

Russell's eyelids jumped, and the Four Knights of Apocalypse, this Nima suddenly raised the world ceiling!

He took a deep breath. "What happened then, what happened after that?"

"The mysterious man has declared my crime, claiming that I have been cast aside by God, and I have no right to enter heaven in this life, unless ... I am willing to be loyal to him and deliver my soul to him."

Speaking of which, Alexander's expression was a bit weird: "It made me doubt his identity. I felt he was more like a devil than a knight of the Lord, so I rejected him."

"and then?"

"He cursed me that I would be abandoned by light, and my children would live in darkness for life ..."

"It doesn't sound like a good person, and the curse is fulfilled." Russell nodded, the identity of the real hammer mysterious man was a devil, and 80% of the origins of the blood quest of the world were the mysterious man: "Where did he go afterwards?"


Alexander's expression was even stranger: "I heard him cursing my sons and grandfathers and I fought him."

"you win?"

Russell was very surprised. If he lost, Alexander would be half-dead if he did not die. After all, the enemy was the Four Knights of Apocalypse, but it seemed that Alexander looked like he had won.

Is Alexander too strong, or is the Plague Knight too low-key?

"I won ..."

"What does it mean to win?" Russell frowned, finding that things were not so simple.

"I killed him!" Alexander looked innocent. "I didn't know he was so weak, and he died with one punch."


The few were silent, and Russell gave a cough. "So, is the mysterious man a liar?"

"At first I felt the same way. Until then I had three sons. Marcus was bitten by a bat and turned into a sun-dreaded vampire. Later William was bitten by a wolf and turned into a werewolf who went crazy under the full moon. ... "

Alexander had a lingering fear: "I started to think it was a punishment from God, or a curse from the devil, to take care of the last son in case he was caught by accident."

Speaking of which, he glanced at Michael, and the younger son's descendants became a mixed blood of vampires and werewolves, which was a complete fulfillment of the curse.

"So, this is why you infer that there is something wrong with the bat?" Russell was dumbfounded, feeling that his rock-solid hairline had risen.


Alexander nodded surely: "After Marcus and William mutated, I caught a lot of beasts and let them bite me, but I still maintained the human form without any changes."

Russell nodded silently, this lover was crazy, a cruel man!

"Since then, I am even more convinced that Marcus and William's mutation was secretly falsified, and the other side saw the special bloodlines of our family. Sure enough, my younger son was also attacked because my protection was saved. "

Russell came to the spirit: "What animal was attacked by him, lion, tiger, grizzly bear, or spider, ant?"

"A poisonous snake!"

Alexander told a story from the past: "One thousand and four hundred years ago was an era of famine and war. My territory is no exception. There are always begging begging ..."

"One evening a group of homeless beggars came to my territory. One of them would do a snake trick. When my younger son heard about it, he was asked to perform a show."

"I was not present at the time, but the poisonous snake attack did happen. Because of the protection of the guard, my younger son was not bitten by the poisonous snake, and the snake-stealing beggar escaped secretly."

"I heard reports from my subordinates and led a team of cavalry to chase them and block them between a valley. The beggar summoned countless poisonous snakes, my people did not dare to approach, a fire burned the valley to ashes, but the strange thing is , I did not find the beggar's body, as if burned to ashes. "

Russell's eyes lighted, and he couldn't wait to ask, "After that, your little son has not been attacked again? And, where is the valley, do you remember?"

"I mobilized the soldiers and civilians in the territory to turn the valley over, and I was afraid that it was the means of a wizard, so I filled the valley, and then my youngest son lived a safe life."

Alexander glanced at Selina: "I don't know if it's fate ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's just a coincidence that Victor lives to build William's prison, which is the valley, the sea and the fields. The sea was flooded. "

"Take me to the valley!" Russell was stern and the clue was there.

Alexander's scalp was numb: "Master Father, can I not go?"


"Whether it is God or the devil, I don't want to quarrel with anyone. You may say that I am timid, but it is because of this caution that I have lived safely for 1,500 years."

Alexander's meaning is simple, Gou is right!

"No, no!"

Russell sighed: "If your son William is being held there, if you don't go, what if something happens, such as he died. Of course, I mean in case ..."

Alexander: "..."

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