End of the Sky

Chapter 492: Experienced veterans

Alexander had a blue face and looked aside without saying a word. He didn't understand, and had no idea what Russell was talking about.

"Ha ha ha, kidding, don't take it seriously, after all, I'm a priest, not a devil!"

Russell took it with a smile, he was just a little bit black, slightly cheeky, and a little bit of revenge, and a negligible persecution paranoia, which was as far away as a beast from the beast. Generally speaking, it is still in the category of good people and it is a mature manifestation. It is impossible to force an old father to push his son into the pit.

So, it was really just a joke, just talk about it!

Russell raised his hand to roll up the water on the ground and poured it into the unknown channel suspected of a crack in the space. His eyebrows suddenly frowned, and no sound was heard after the water flowed in. The ring of water Naya lost the control target.

At this moment, Amelia moved and stepped forward ... limping on the back of the werewolf soldier, the unlucky guy screamed, and was smeared into the smooth surface.

Russell frowned, blaming him, "Only once, this is not the case!"

Amelia smiled, "I understand, there won't be another time."

Faced with the dilemma, someone had to stand up and put on a black face. Amelia had to fight for Russell's favor ... No, she was not a good woman at all. This operation was in line with her personality.

Within five seconds, the werewolf fighter jumped out of the plane, glared at Amelia, and said to Russell, "Master, there is no danger in it, but there are many, many ... uh, the mirror !?"

The werewolf warrior didn't understand what he saw, and he didn't make it clear for a long time. Lucian jumped down and returned after a while. Zheng Jianjian said, "Sir, there is no danger inside."

Lucien couldn't express what he saw. Russell became interested when he saw this. He stepped into the unknown channel, and the scenery immediately changed.

Between the gray world, black gravel paved a corridor, and countless oval mirrors were suspended on both sides of the corridor. The mirror was about a person tall, and the magical power of both eyes merged. The mirror surface was a dark swirl.

Russell glanced at the mirror he came in, and thoughtfully, walking along the gravel passage, others walked in one after another, looking at the wonders in front of them, one after another wondering.

Multiverse? Dimension space? Quantum channels? Any door?

Just as Russell thought about it, a bold werewolf touched the mirror, causing him to stop and watch. To his disappointment, the werewolf's palm did not pass through the mirror, and he felt the object was blocked.

After walking along the corridor for five minutes, Russell still had countless mirrors in front of him, but he strangely saw Selena and Michael ahead.

"How are you here?"

Michael was also a little dumbfounded to see Russell, pointing to the hallway behind him and saying "Just now I and Serena walked in opposite directions, and then ..."

The corridor is circular!

Russell nodded secretly, like a circle, the starting point was the ending point. But then he froze in the next second, and William's roar and Alexander's roar came from directly below him, that was, his feet came over.


Russell flashed, the corridor was not circular, but the Mobius ring with curved surfaces on both sides, an infinite loop.

"Michael and Serena, don't stand here, don't leave in one step!" Said Russell and hurried forward: "Michael, no matter what you do, make a sound and let me determine your location."

Seeing Russell's disappearing back, Michael licked his lips: "Selena, can I sing?"

Selena hesitated for a second, nodded silently, and then Michael sang an extremely nasty love song. The meaning of the lyrics is that I am handsome, you are beautiful, and idle is also idle, it is better to date!

Russell ran to the feet of the two according to Michael's singing voice. At this moment, the cross necklace on his chest was stretched, leading him to look at the oval mirror on the left.

Obviously, the other mirrors were blocked for some reason, and this side was a passage that could be crossed. Alexander chased the silly son and completed a crossing.

"Why William found the right channel, the beast's instinct, or ..."

Russell thought for a moment, it is very likely that the mysterious people, bats, wolves, and beggar wizards who originally called themselves Plague Knights came from the world behind this mirror.

The brain hole is bigger, so maybe Mother Medellin!

Russell clenched the cross necklace and shouted to bring everyone together. Unsurprisingly, Alexander and William were gone.

"Be prepared to welcome us to a new world ..."

Speaking of which, Russell gave a slight pause: "A very dangerous world, the origin of vampires and werewolves comes from that world, whoever wants to leave, can now quit, because life will be in danger at any time, and I cannot guarantee your Safety."

Everyone looked at each other, and Lucian wanted to drive the power of his wolf leader, forcing everyone together, was stopped by Russell.

In the end, except for Lucian, Serena, and Michael, there were only five werewolf soldiers, plus Russell for a total of nine. Amelia was very hesitant, and the life and death ahead were uncertain. She stepped back and became the vampire queen, and gritted her teeth and stood next to Russell.

A squad of ten gathered together, crossed the mirror, and came into a forest.

The weird Black Forest is densely foggy, with twisted ancient trees in all directions, one by one, the haze can not see the whole picture, and it looks like a still picture of a group of magic dancing.

Russell turned around and waved, leaving nothing behind, and his face suddenly darkened. This Nima was a one-way teleportation, giving no escape at all.

"Rest assured that if you cross unilaterally, bats and wolves will definitely not be able to get through, and the way back should be somewhere else." Seeing the faces of some people were not right, Russell comforted him in a timely manner. He was not sure whether it was true or not. Anyway, it was comfort.

"Sir, do you know where to go?" Lucian sniffed his nose, and there was a faint coldness in the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ Somehow, he smelled comfortable.

Russell glanced at the cross on his chest, now motionless, like a salty fish lying on a dead body.

Fortunately, the problem is not big. The experienced traversers are experienced and find the best way: "First, we need to cut a tree and use the annual rings to determine the direction."

"Um, sir, I'm afraid the light here ..." Lucian said restlessly, and hesitated for a moment. "There is a human smell in the air. There is at least a village nearby, and maybe a bigger town."

Russell picked up a tree branch and stood on the ground, expressionless: "Which direction?"


"Coincidentally, I just asked the Lord, and his old man also told me it was south." Russell said, loosening the branch and pointing his tip to the right.

A guide called the Lord, in fact, the force imposed by manpower makes the branches unable to resist.

Lucian looked at the east of the branch, and nodded fiercely: "My lord is right, I owe it to consideration!"

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