Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

A hundred miles away from Jiangcheng, there is a mountain named Baishan.

At the foot of Baishan Mountain, there is a dense maple forest.

After the bloody night, the vegetation began to grow wildly, and the place looked like a primitive jungle.

In the center of the forest, the most eye-catching thing is a fiery red mutant maple tree, towering into the clouds and lush.

Looking from a distance, the branches and leaves are lush and the trunks are vigorous.

The blood-red leaves burned like flames and swayed slowly with the wind.

On the trunk of the tree, seven orange-red mutated maple fruits hang.

Each maple fruit is about the size of a table tennis ball, and its surface is as smooth as a mirror.

From time to time, orange-red light flashes across the surface of the maple fruit.

Maple fruits are of no value to humans, but they are full of unparalleled attraction to mutant beasts.

After eating maple fruit, the mutant beast's strength will be significantly improved, and it is more likely to stimulate its potential and realize new talents and skills.

At this moment, a mutated cheetah was facing the fiery red maple fruit, drooling continuously.

The mutated cheetah is about two meters long, with strong limbs, a dark body, green eyes, and sharp claws as hard as iron.

It circled the tree three times, adjusted its angle, kicked off its hind legs and suddenly jumped into the air, turning into a stream of black light and rushing towards the mutated maple tree at high speed.

However, the mutated maple tree seemed to be on guard. The branches and leaves hanging with maple fruits shrank rapidly like soft leather whips. At the same time, there is another part of the branches that are like flexible tentacles, crisscrossing and circling together, forming a solid shield.


Mutated cheetah collides with resin shield!

The next moment, the cheetah was kicked away hard by Yu, turned over and fell to the ground.


The mutant cheetah quickly got up, with a fierce look in its eyes, and roared at the mutant maple tree.


The mutated maple tree shook its branches gently, as if it was mocking.

Although the mutated maple tree has not yet developed intelligence, it has gained considerable spirituality and has considerable combat effectiveness.

The vigorous mutant cheetah's eyes showed unwillingness, its claws gripped the ground, and its muscles bulged.

It continues to silently accumulate strength and prepares to launch a second attack.

Behind a black boulder about 30 meters away, three human figures were whispering furtively.

These three people are all human superpowers.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing glasses named Wang Xiunan.

Of the other two, one was a thin young man and the other was a muscular man.

Wang Xiunan stretched out his palm, and there were two strange black lights in his palm.

At his feet, two unconscious humans were lying at the moment.

Weird black light was continuously injected into the bodies of the two humans. Their mouths and noses had been sealed, and their muscles were constantly twisting.

After a moment, Wang Xiunan withdrew the black light, and a proud smile appeared on his gloomy face.

"Boss, are you ready?" the thin young man next to him asked in surprise.

Another muscular man also looked at Wang Xiunan.

"Well, I'm ready. These two people have been turned into puppets by me. They can turn into powerful puppet bombs at any time."

Wang Xiunan showed a cruel smile.

It turns out that his power is a rare special power that can inject the light of a puppet into a living creature and briefly control it into a puppet.

Puppet has many advantages, it can be used to fight and to detect intelligence.

And Wang Xiunan also learned a skill - the puppet self-destructs!

The skill effect is very simple. Control the puppet to explode directly, which can cause a huge explosion within a certain range.

The stronger the puppet is, the more puppet light is invested, and the greater the power of self-destruction.

"In this way, we have a greater chance of success!" the thin young man said with a smile.

The skinny young man's power is to control gravity, which is also an extremely extraordinary ability. However, currently he has limited development of this power and can only use it as a control skill temporarily.

"We saw with our own eyes that the mutated maple tree absorbed the red energy crystal and grew fruit in just one night... That fruit must be good." The muscular man said with a look of greed on his face.

"We'll wait until both the mutated cheetah and the mutated maple tree are harmed, and then we'll take action... and take them down directly." Wang Xiunan smiled sinisterly.

"The boss is wise!"

The thin young man and the muscular man also smiled.

They had a strange encounter last night, and Wang Xiunan got a large piece of magical blood crystal.

Not only that, they also witnessed with their own eyes the maple tree at the foot of Xiaobai Mountain.

Absorbed a larger blood crystal.

Not only did it mutate into a huge mutant maple tree on the spot, but it also grew seven maple fruits overnight.

They couldn't help but be greedy.

However, they also noticed that the mutant maple tree had good combat power.

So the three of them captured two ordinary humans overnight, let Wang Xiunan control them to transform into puppets, and rushed back here again. They happened to meet the mutant cheetah who also set his eyes on the maple fruit, so the three of them simply ambushed behind the boulder.

"Boss, that beast is going to attack again..." The thin young man suddenly said.

"Yeah." Wang Xiunan and the muscular man also looked over.

Not far away, the cheetah, ready to go, attacked the mutant maple tree again!

Bang bang bang!

The mutant cheetah waved its claws, and the mutant maple tree controlled the trunk, and the two fought continuously.

A huge sound came from the air. After dozens of rounds, the mutant cheetah suffered multiple injuries, bleeding, and the fierce light in his eyes became stronger.

However, it also achieved great results.

Seven or eight branches of the mutant pine tree had been completely torn off by it, and the maple leaves were scattered all over the ground.

The mutant maple tree's defense finally had a gap, and two maple fruits were exposed to the field of vision.

A gleam of light flashed in the mutant cheetah's eyes, and he immediately seized the opportunity and suddenly accelerated into a stream of light leading to the maple fruit.

The cheetah came to the maple fruit and stretched out its sharp claws to grab the fiery red maple fruit... It was about to pick a maple fruit directly.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The mutant cheetah felt his body suddenly sink, his movement speed was greatly reduced, and his body froze instantly.

Then, two stiff bodies with black air all over his body smashed towards the cheetah like a huge rock.

Facing this attack, the mutant cheetah roared and waved his claws to tear the body apart.

Wang Xiunan, who was far away, patted the strong man on the shoulder and said, "Well done!"

It turned out that the two puppets were thrown out by the strong man.

Then Wang Xiunan smiled sinisterly and said softly:


The next moment, two balls of black air suddenly surged out of the two stiff bodies and expanded rapidly.

Looking at this strange scene, the cheetah felt uneasy and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

But it was too late

Bang! Bang!

The two puppets exploded directly.

Although the explosion had a small range, the power was very terrifying!

The mutant cheetah was directly blown into pieces on the spot, the air was full of blood mist, and the ground was full of broken meat and bones.

The mutant maple tree next to it was also affected, and dozens of branches were directly broken by the explosion.

More importantly, three maple fruits were affected by the explosion.

Two maple fruits were directly blown to pieces because they were too close to the explosion point!

Another maple fruit, although intact, was blown away from the trunk, thrown far into the air, and then fell to the ground.

The mutant maple tree shook, and a large number of branches quickly retracted to defend, tightly wrapping the remaining four mutant fruits, forming an airtight defense line.

Wang Xiunan, who was far away, was surprised when he saw this.

"It seems to have succeeded!"

The other two also showed joy and began to flatter.

"Brother Wang is really amazing!"

"Really powerful! This power is comparable to a missile!"

Wang Xiunan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Haha, you are flattering me!"

Wang Xiunan waved his hand, but a complacent look appeared on his face.

Then, he walked forward and picked up a mutant maple fruit that had fallen to the ground!

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