The one hundred people rushed to Ye Feng's golden chariot quickly.

They looked energetic and very good.

They didn't seem to have suffered too much, and their skin looked smooth and moist.

"Quick! Quick!"

"Don't let him run away!"

The leader was a dark-skinned young man.

The dark-skinned young man was tall and straight.

He stood with his hands behind his back, blocking the road ahead, exuding a strong aura.

The others quickly surrounded Ye Feng's golden chariot.

"People in the car, get out of the car!"



Inside the car.

"Ye Feng, what's going on?"

A trace of worry flashed across Murong Xue's eyes.

"It's just highway robbery!" Ye Feng chuckled.

"Ye Feng, I feel there are at least twenty psychics among them, we..." Murong Xue's pretty face showed worry.

Ye Feng smiled and nodded:

"Xiao Xue, your judgment is right, not only that... the black-skinned young man in the lead is a second-level one-star psychic!"

While speaking, a gleam of brilliance flashed across Ye Feng's eyes.

At this point in time, the number of second-level psychics is still very small.

And this black-skinned boy in front of him, with an epic psychic, he is not even a legendary psychic... It is impossible to be promoted to the second level without some adventure.

Murong Xue exclaimed.

"Ah! This... second-level extraordinary! Can we be their opponent?"

"Ye Feng, otherwise... let's not get off the car!"

Murong Xue's eyes were full of worry, and her breathing became rapid.

"Don't worry, Xiaoxue..." Ye Feng smiled lightly, "Level 2, I've already reached it!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Feng suddenly exuded a powerful aura, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"That's good!" Murong Xue felt Ye Feng's strength, and her heart was filled with a sense of security for a while.

"But your suggestion can be adopted... We really don't need to get off the car."

Ye Feng showed a meaningful smile.

"Hmm?" Murong Xue didn't understand, and looked at Ye Feng in confusion.

Why did you change your mind again?

No need to get off the car?

"Yes, there is no need to get off the car to deal with these trash!"

Ye Feng's mouth corners raised, revealing a confident smile.

"It just so happens that my golden chariot has not used its own vehicle-mounted weapons since I got it!"

"Now these trash have surrounded my car, and it's just right to use these superpowers to test the strength of my vehicle-mounted weapons!" Ye Feng explained with a smile.

"Is that so!" Murong Xue nodded as if she understood.

She didn't quite understand.

Ye Feng smiled lightly, stood up, and gave an order:

"Mi Ling, start the attack mode!"

"Combat target, destroy all enemies around the vehicle!"

"Okay, master!"

A mechanical electronic sound rang out.

Smart housekeeper Mi Ling, quickly start the combat program!


Outside the golden chariot.

A group of robbers showed doubts on their faces.

"Boss, why is no one responding?" One of them asked.

"I think it may be frightened, after all, our battle is too big!"

Another thin young man in the crowd said casually.

"Don't be careless, the person who owns this high-end car may not be simple!"

The black-skinned young man in the lead waved his hand, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"Boss, you worry too much!" The thin young man's eyes flashed with indifference.

He stepped forward and shouted at the golden chariot:

"Listen to me, people inside!"

"I'll give you three seconds, get out!"

The dark-skinned young man raised his eyelids and acquiesced to the thin young man's behavior.

The thin young man continued to chatter.

"Get out!"

"If you don't come out, don't blame me for being rude!"


The golden chariot changed.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The top of the golden chariot suddenly opened to form a dark hole.

"Huh?" The leading dark-skinned young man's eyes flashed with vigilance, "Everyone be careful!"

Then, a cylindrical object with golden light slowly emerged from the hole on the top of the golden chariot!

"This?!" The dark-skinned young man instantly had a bad premonition in his heart, "No! Not good..."

The thin young man at this moment did not realize the danger.

"Don't do these useless things!"

"Little jerk in the car, get out obediently


"And give this car to our boss, I will spare your life!"

"Our boss is a powerful second-level warrior...!

Suddenly, a sharp white light flashed!


The thin young man stopped talking.

Everyone looked at him.

A bloody hole the size of a bucket appeared in his chest and abdomen, and blood gushed out.

Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes, as if petrified.

"What is this?"

"Dead, dead?"

Everyone was stunned and there was an uproar in an instant.

The thin young man looked blankly, slowly fell to the ground, and had no breath.

The black-skinned young man in the lead stared wide-eyed and felt a panic.

How did his little brother die?

I can't see clearly!

At this moment, the cylindrical object on the top of the golden chariot quickly began to decompose, deform, and reorganize.

In just a few breaths, eight golden cannon barrels were formed!

"I see clearly, this is an energy cannon!!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone present was terrified, and their hearts were horrified.

Buzz buzz buzz!

A burst of white light came out from the top of the eight golden cannon barrels, and the whole body emitted waves of energy!

"Not good, everyone run!"

The black-skinned young man's face changed drastically, and he ran away, while hurriedly urging the light attribute ability to defend!

Everyone present also turned around and ran away.

Unfortunately, everything was too late.

Eight terrifying white energy cannons blasted out in eight directions, forming an all-round coverage attack.

Nearly a hundred enemies surrounding the golden chariot were all covered by energy cannons.


"Don't kill me!"

In a desperate wail, everyone was swallowed by the white light and turned into charcoal.

Even the dark-skinned youth, who was a second-level psychic, could only hold out for a few more breaths before he was eventually drowned by the white energy light!

Inside the car.

Murong Xue stared at the scene blankly, her eyes full of disbelief.

"This... is it solved?" She stared at Ye Feng in amazement.

Nearly a hundred people, including more than twenty psychics, and even a second-level psychic, just died like this?

Ye Feng smiled slightly:

"What else!"

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