The man was beaten to death.

Inside the supermarket.

A middle-aged man, holding a fire axe, slashed at Ye Feng fiercely.

Ye Feng was well prepared, and dodged the man's attack with a dashing move, and then kicked him.

Although he didn't use his full strength, Ye Feng's kick still sent the man flying several meters away.


The man fell heavily to the ground, and the fire axe in his hand fell out of his hand.

Ye Feng took out the fire knife and stared at the man who attacked him with cold eyes.

"Ah! Ah, ouch..."

The man was a little confused by Ye Feng's kick, and he lay on the ground groaning constantly.

The man didn't come to his senses until Ye Feng approached. He glanced and saw Ye Feng holding a sharp blade, full of murderous intent.

This scene frightened the man so much that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Brother, please, spare me!"

"I am possessed by the devil!"

The man looked middle-aged, with a sharp face and monkey cheeks, and he kept crying.

Ye Feng raised the flaming sword and said with murderous eyes:

"I didn't provoke you, why did you attack me?"

The man's face was pale, his body was shaking, and he hurriedly explained:

"Brother, I was wrong!"

"I am the boss of this supermarket, and all the supplies in the supermarket are mine. I was afraid that you would come and take them away for me..."

"Is this supermarket yours?" Ye Feng's eyes moved slightly.

"It's mine, it's mine!" The man quickly replied.

Ye Feng was thoughtful.

In fact, the man was lying.

He was just a customer, not a boss.

When the apocalypse came, there were only a man and a female clerk in the supermarket.

Fortunately, neither of them turned into zombies.

Relying on the supplies in this supermarket, the two naturally did not have to worry about food.

However, later on, the two had a disagreement.

The female clerk wanted to help other survivors and rescue others into this supermarket, anyway, there were enough supplies.

The middle-aged man naturally opposed it strongly, and cursed the female clerk as a saint.

Later, the middle-aged man even attacked the female clerk and tied her up.

In the end, he brutally killed her and occupied the supermarket alone.

However, Ye Feng naturally didn't know about these situations.

The man kept kneeling and begging for mercy.

"This is my supermarket. I was afraid that you would rob my supplies, so I was possessed by the devil and attacked!"

"Please forgive me!"

The middle-aged man trembled all over, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Ye Feng chuckled and said, "So that's how it is. All the supplies in this supermarket are yours!"

"No, no, no, I'm willing to give this supermarket to you!"

"From now on, you are the owner of this supermarket!"

The middle-aged man said flatteringly.

Ye Feng touched his chin and seemed a little hesitant.

Seeing this, the man gritted his teeth and knelt down and kowtowed:

"I am willing to be your subordinate, be your dog, and ask for your forgiveness!"

Ye Feng pondered for a moment and said:

"In that case, I will let you go..."

The man immediately showed ecstasy.

"...Letting you impossible!"

Ye Feng changed the subject and smiled playfully.

"Huh!" The man's smile froze on his face.

Ye Feng stared at the man and...the red malice he exuded, and said slowly: "I will give you a quick death!"

The man was completely cold, as if falling into an ice cellar.

"No, no... please spare my life!"

Ye Feng looked indifferent and unmoved.

"No! No! I will fight you!"

The man's face was ferocious, and he rushed towards Ye Feng with his fists.

Ye Feng flicked his fingers and a flash of lightning appeared.


The man's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes were filled with fear.

The next moment, his body suddenly broke into pieces, turned into dust and disappeared.

"Be flexible and decisive!"

"It's a pity... you met me!"

Ye Feng began to collect supplies here.

There were still a lot of supplies in this supermarket. Even if some of them were used by the middle-aged man, they were far more than the previous convenience stores.

Mineral water, biscuits, instant noodles, canned food... all the supplies here were stored in the space.

Ye Feng walked out of the supermarket and continued to move forward.

Next, Ye Feng continued to collect along the way.

Gas station, all kinds of gasoline and diesel, all packed and taken away!

Ice cream shop, pack up everything and take it away!

Cafe, clean it out!

Spice shop, clean it out!

Hardware store, lingerie store, milk tea shop, hot pot restaurant... all cleaned out, not even the tables were left out!

Ye Feng searched a lot and was extremely happy.

After a long while

, and then slowly stopped this behavior.

It takes mental energy to store materials in space.

Ye Feng was a little tired after moving a lot of things.

What's more, there are too many street shops in the city.

It's a waste of time to search one by one.

Ye Feng is no longer satisfied with small fights.

"Ignore the small goals along the way, let's go to the big supermarket first!"

Soon, Ye Feng made up his mind.

However, it's too stupid to just run all the way.

However, driving is not feasible.

This is the bustling city center, and the road is full of zombies and abandoned cars.

Some roads have been blocked for a long time, and there is no way to drive a car.

However, the inconvenience of driving a car does not mean that other means of transportation cannot be used.

Ye Feng walked and stopped along the way, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

Soon his eyes lit up.

On the side of the street, there was an electric car lying on the road, which looked intact.

"This thing is great! It's just right for the current situation."

Ye Feng walked to the side of the electric bike and found that there was still a key hanging on it.

He lifted up and started the electric bike. Everything was fine. The electric bike even had a lot of power.

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, got on the bike, hummed a little song, and started to move forward.

"Ride my beloved little motorcycle... There will never be a traffic jam..."

Ye Feng did not slow down, and shuttled among a large number of cars and zombies.

Sometimes he made an S shape, and sometimes he made a Z shape.

From time to time, he pressed the horn and beeped twice.

The zombies naturally could not find Ye Feng, and could only run around like headless flies.

Big heads, deep doubts.

Ye Feng's unscrupulous behavior was not noticed by the zombies.

However, people could see it.

His behavior was witnessed by a large number of survivors.

Everyone was amazed.

"Fuck! How did this guy do it? Why didn't the zombies attack him?"

"Fuck! It's not fair! I sneaked downstairs, and the zombies yelled at me when I farted!!"

"Yeah, why is he so arrogant!"

"That's right, he rides a small electric bike, and sometimes he makes a few beeps, and zombies, don't you do anything about it!"


Some people even took a video and posted it on the city forum.

It immediately caused a lot of discussion.

"Oh my god, this is so unfair!!"

"Yeah! It's not scientific at all!"

"The upstairs person, the zombies are here, and they have superpowers, and you are still talking about science here?"

"What a god, I am a superpower person and I am walking on thin ice with zombies. Once I fall into the zombie group, I will be finished!"

"... Is there a possibility that he is also a superpower person, but what he awakened is not combat superpowers, but some hidden skills..."

"Fuck! It's very likely!"


There are constant discussions online.

On the street, Ye Feng continued to rush on.

In fact, there were survivors who asked him for help along the way.

However, Ye Feng ignored them all.

As the saying goes, everyone should clean up the snow in front of their own door, and don't worry about the frost on other people's roofs!

Just as Ye Feng was riding a small electric car and galloping freely.

In a small house on the fourth floor of the street, a girl ignited the light of hope.

Her name is Li Yueqi, a little-known Internet celebrity.

After the doomsday, she had been hiding in the house.

But now, the food was almost gone, and Li Yueqi naturally needed to consider a way out.

Coincidentally, she happened to see Ye Feng's video on the city forum.

Just when she was angry, she turned around and saw Ye Feng riding a small electric bike towards her direction.

Li Yueqi was very excited.

"He must be the legendary superpower!"

"Although he is not a superpower in combat, he is a little weak... but he has the ability to make zombies invisible, which is not bad!"

"Maybe he can protect me... At the very least, he can provide some food!"

"He is the best choice to be a temporary boyfriend!"

Thinking of this, Li Yueqi hurriedly leaned on the window, trying to show her plump chest, and anxiously shouted:

"Brother, handsome brother... Can you save me!"

"If you save me, I can consider being your girlfriend."

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