The old man was lying on the ground, and the old man was lying on the ground.

Ignoring the sparrow, Ye Feng walked closer to the slaughter area.

Entering the gate, a bloody smell came to his face.

Ye Feng frowned and looked around.

The whole surrounding area was empty.

Overturned tables and chairs, dried blood, broken bones...

How...are there no zombies?

Ye Feng secretly raised his vigilance.

It stands to reason that there should be some zombies here.

After all, there are employees in the slaughterhouse.

With a thought.

Ye Feng used his mental skills to continuously extend his inspection to the surroundings.

There were no survivors, and no zombies...

Ye Feng moved forward cautiously.

Soon, he approached the cold storage area of ​​the slaughterhouse.

Just then.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Accompanied by a low roar, a giant pig-like monster walked out of the shadows.

"It turns out that there is... a mutant zombie!"

"And it is a mutant zombie pig!"

Ye Feng suddenly realized, and his heart was completely settled.

What about everything? I am afraid of the unknown.

After knowing what kind of monster it is, Ye Feng was relieved.

The pig-like monster was 3 meters tall, with bloodshot eyes, sharp teeth, and pale and rough skin.

The monster's body was covered with black blood vessels, and there was a thick layer of skin on some parts of the body, which looked extremely strong.

"Non-human mutant zombies... look intimidating!"

"I hope there is a crystal core in your body..."

Ye Feng looked at the monster in front of him with interest.

Behind the pig-like monster, there are more than ten small monsters. They also have bloodshot eyes and saber-toothed fangs, but you can still vaguely see the appearance of domestic pigs.

"Only the zombie pig in the lead is a mutant species, the others are just ordinary zombies!"

Ye Feng made a quick judgment.

After the doomsday.

Like humans, some animals have become zombies, such as zombie pigs, zombie dogs, zombie cats, etc.

Among these zombie creatures, there are also mutant zombies.

For example, the mutant zombie pig in front of you is essentially the same as the mutant zombie of humans.

Mutated zombies, whether human or beast, are often extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that they will definitely produce crystal cores, or special crystal cores.

"Even if there are survivors in the slaughterhouse, they are probably swallowed by this mutant zombie pig!"

"Even the humans who have become zombies are not spared!"

While Ye Feng was thinking, the mutant zombie pig had already launched a swift sprint.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

They rushed towards Ye Feng with ferocious faces at an alarming speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of him.

Ye Feng could even see the clear blood vessels and ferocious fangs on the pig's head.

A foul smell rushed towards him!

Ye Feng tightly grasped the flame sword, and at the moment when the mutant pig was about to hit him, he suddenly turned sideways nimbly to avoid the fierce attack of the mutant zombie pig.

At the moment of turning sideways, Ye Feng took advantage of the mutant zombie pig's lack of reaction and swung the sword at its neck.


A stream of black blood splashed out!

This knife cut directly into 30 centimeters, deep enough to see the bone.


The mutant zombie pig screamed in pain, and then turned around angrily and spit out a ball of brown secretions!

Ye Feng dodged.


The brown secretions fell to the ground and corroded the ground directly.

"Damn... saliva is poisonous!"

Ye Feng immediately became alert.


The mutant zombie pigs' subordinates also attacked Ye Feng!

Ye Feng waved his hand, and several terrifying gray thunder energies burst out from his palm!

Boom boom boom!

The zombie pig in the lead was turned into powder the moment it came into contact with the purple thunder.

The following zombie pigs, with no IQ at all, continued to rush towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's mind moved, and he took out the Desert Eagle.

Pulling the trigger, he fired decisively.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The flying bullets shot into the eye sockets of the zombie pigs!


Blood spurted out from every shot, and a zombie pig was killed with every shot!

Soon, Ye Feng cleared all the zombie pigs.

Seeing that the subordinates all fell down, the mutant zombie pigs were completely enraged.


It roared wildly, and its body began to expand rapidly. Its scarlet eyes turned even redder, and in an instant it expanded into a terrifying monster five meters tall.

Ye Feng suddenly became very small in front of it.

The transformation is over!

The monster opened his eyes.

With bloodshot eyes, it pounced on Ye Feng cruelly!

As fast as lightning!

Facing the attack, Ye Feng calmly bent his legs slightly, launched himself, and jumped high in an instant.

In mid-air.

The mutant zombie pig hadn't reacted yet.

Ye Feng chopped it down with a knife!


Black blood spurted out, splashing several meters away!


This knife made the mutant zombie pig feel so painful!

It was like crazy. It launched a violent attack on Ye Feng!

However, Ye Feng's speed was much faster than it, so he easily avoided all its attacks!

"Is that all you can do?"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was not prepared to use the Chaos Thunder ability.

At present, he could not accurately control the power of Chaos Thunder.

Afraid of accidentally using too much force again...

Just like killing the supermarket zombie...smashing the pig in front of him.

After several rounds of fierce fighting, the mutant pig realized that it was no match for Ye Feng.

After a feint attack, it turned around and ran away.

Ye Feng was stunned at first, and then chased after it.

What a good opportunity, how could he let it go!

He chased, it ran away...

Ye Feng's speed was faster than the pig, so he caught up quickly.

He chased and chopped all the way, one knife, two knives, three knives...

The mutant zombie pig had no choice but to turn around and fight.

But its speed was far inferior to Ye Feng, so it could only rely on its amazing defense and physical strength to face it head-on.

After several rounds, Ye Feng found the right opportunity, aimed at the huge head of the mutant zombie pig, and chopped it off with one knife!


Accompanied by a shrill scream, the pig's head flew into the sky.

Black blood spurted wildly, splashing everywhere!

The body of the mutant zombie pig fell to the ground with a bang.

Dust and gravel flew everywhere.

Seeing the mutant zombie pig fall to the ground and stop moving.

"Huh!" Ye Feng exhaled lightly, his face showing joy.

It took about three minutes.

Not bad!

This mutant has super vitality... It is indeed a bit troublesome to deal with it with physical attacks alone.

"You must temper the Chaos Thunder as soon as possible!"

Ye Feng did not expect that one day he would be troubled by his superpowers being too powerful.

[Hint: Trigger event! ]

[Hint: You feel happy, reward bait +10! ]

10 baits?

Ye Feng was pleasantly surprised.

Although the system did not say it, this may be related to the first time he killed a mutant zombie animal.

Ye Feng set his eyes on the corpse of the monster in front of him.

"This monster is quite powerful... Could it have a crystal core?"

Ye Feng stepped forward, wielding the flaming sword, cutting a hole in the mutant zombie pig's skull, and then continued to explore.

Soon, the blade seemed to touch a hard object...

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