The electric arc flashed! Zhou Wanrong's expression was frozen forever! "No!!" His body suddenly shattered and turned into a pile of charred debris! Zhou Wanrong, die! "You are not worthy of being my dog!" Ye Feng sneered. After killing Zhou Wanrong, Ye Feng looked at the last survivor in the house, Zhou Wanjin. Zhou Wanjin looked terrified at this moment, his face was pale, and his body was shaking. "No, don't kill me!" "I was wrong, I was really wrong!" Watching the eldest brother and a group of brothers die one by one. Zhou Wanjin's heart was full of regret! Regret! Why? Why did he shoot!

Why did he invite such a terrifying evil star for his elder brother?

Regret devoured his heart.

Ye Feng walked slowly to Zhou Wanjin, looked down at him, and raised the flaming sword.

"No, no! Please let me go!"

The one-armed Zhou Wanjin collapsed on the ground, and he was already incontinent, like a dead dog.

Ye Feng smiled coldly and swung his sword to cut it off!

The sword flashed!


Zhou Wanjin's other arm slid to the ground at the root.

Blood spurted out!


Zhou Wanjin screamed miserably.

"Kill me, kill me quickly!"

Ye Feng swung his sword again and cut off his leg.

Blood spurted out again!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

"Please, please kill me!"

Zhou Wanjin screamed miserably and almost fainted.

Ye Feng raised his hand and gave a divine blessing.

As the white light fell, Zhou Wanjin's condition improved immediately and he woke up from his confusion.

Ye Feng swung his knife again and cut off his other leg...

"Ahhh..." Zhou Wanjin kept screaming.

Ye Feng used the divine blessing again, and then the fifth limb...

After cutting off all five limbs of Zhou Wanrong, Ye Feng stretched out his hand to strangle Zhou Wanjin's neck, like dragging a dead dog, to the next floor.

Here, there is a group of zombies crying for food.

Open the door.

Ye Feng lifted the ball-like Zhou Wanjin in the air.

With a divine blessing, Zhou Wanjin slowly woke up.

Turning his head, he saw a group of zombies right under him, and was almost scared to death.

He shouted in fear.

"No! Don't...!"

"Please, give me a quick death!"

Ye Feng's heart moved.

According to the information from his previous life, Zhou Wanjin later awakened a beast-like ability.

So Ye Feng tortured him like this, not just to vent his anger.

"Such torture did not awaken you..."

"It seems that the instinct of survival has little effect on the awakening of superpowers..."

After getting the answer, Ye Feng sneered.

"It's a good thing for you to die like this!"

After speaking, Ye Feng threw Zhou Wanjin into the zombie group.


A large group of zombies surrounded him, stretched out their claws and teeth, and bit Zhou Wanjin.

"No no... ah ah ah!"

Zhou Wanjin kept struggling, screaming at first, and then gradually became silent...

Ye Feng watched him die coldly, then turned and left.


Half an hour later.

Ye Feng drove back to the city again.

It was already afternoon.

Ye Feng felt a little hungry and decided to find a hidden place to eat.

Looking around, there were many buildings on the street.

Ye Feng jumped up, broke through the window, and entered a residential building on the street.

This is an empty room on the fourth floor, and the environment is relatively clean and tidy.

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's have some lunch here."

"Well, what should we eat?"

Ye Feng touched his chin, and then he had an idea.

His mind moved.

He took out a table from the space and set it up.

He took out the stove, pots, charcoal...

He lit the charcoal fire and took out a lot of hot pot ingredients again.

Fresh Chinese cabbage, crystal vermicelli, plump yellow throat, tender beef, mellow mutton, various small balls...

Watching the hot pot gradually heat up.

Ye Feng took advantage of his free time and clicked on the panel.

Click to view the number of baits.

[Bait]: 40 portions.

Ye Feng smiled slightly.

He got 20 baits from Zhao Wumei.

Kill the mutant zombies and get 10 baits.

Kill the mutant zombie pig and get 10 baits.

Total, 40 baits.

This time I can go fishing a little!

40 chances, what can I catch?

"System, let me fish 20 times first!" Ye Feng said silently in his heart.

[Consume 20 baits, fishing items...]

Ye Feng's eyes were full of expectation, silently

Waiting silently.

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get 3 carat diamond ring + 1! ]

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get turquoise yoga ball + 1! ]

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get the TV series "Xing Si Zou Rou" DVD complete set + 1 set! ]


Ye Feng touched his chin.

This wave of luck doesn't seem to be very good.

The so-called diamond ring is just a scam of capital!

Yoga balls and TV series are useless.

Fishing continues.

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get 1 pair of black Tyrannosaurus sunglasses! ]

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get 500g gold brick + 1! ]

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get rare skills: extraordinary charm + 1! ]



There are good things!

It's a skill, charisma!

Ye Feng was overjoyed.

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get 1 high vibration jumping pill! ]

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get 1 box of Qiantong tendon and bone patch! ]

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get 1 smell enhancement scroll! ]


Another enhancement scroll!

Sense of smell…

Ye Feng's mouth corners floated up.

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get 1 RTX4090 graphics card! ]

[Hint: Congratulations to the host for fishing successfully, and get a rare item: eavesdropping bug +1! ]

Eavesdropping bug?

It seems to be a good thing!

Not long after, 20 fishings were over.

Ye Feng immediately clicked to check the eavesdropping bug.

[Creature]: Eavesdropping Bug

[Quality]: Rare

[Description]: A strange little bug, which is very small and fragile when it manifests. After activation, it will turn into an invisible and colorless little bug, which can attach to any target surface, or fly continuously to help the owner eavesdrop on the sound intelligence around it. It needs to drip blood to recognize the owner.

Ye Feng thought about it.

Is it a flying eavesdropping device?

Invisible and colorless after activation?

It means that no one can see it and it cannot be destroyed, right...

Not bad!

Ye Feng took it out.

Found that the little bug was green all over, only the size of a grain of rice.

A thought came to his mind.

Ye Feng squeezed out a tiny drop of blood from his finger... If there was more, he was afraid that the eavesdropping bug would drown.

The blood fell, and the contract was established.

Ye Feng found that he could drive the eavesdropping bug.

A thought came to his mind.

The eavesdropping bug immediately turned into an invisible and colorless little flying bug, flying around Ye Feng continuously.

"It's quite interesting."

Ye Feng smiled.

He casually stuck it on his sleeve and left it alone.

The invisible state of the eavesdropping bug can be maintained for a very long time, and in this state, it is almost invincible.

Ye Feng continued to count the harvest.

[Skill]: Extraordinary Charisma

[Quality]: Rare

[Description]: Passive skill. After learning this skill, you will be more likely to attract the attention and love of the opposite sex. You will exude a unique charm, making the supernatural more willing to interact, communicate and fall in love with you.

Uh... Is this a skill for picking up girls?

All the beauties fall in love with me?

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