After Ye Feng finished speaking, the women looked at each other.

Facing the sudden battle, they were not mentally prepared.

Seeing that no one responded, Nan Shiyin gritted her teeth and took a step forward.

"Ye Feng, I'll go first!"

Ye Feng nodded with relief and watched from the side.

Nan Shiyin held the Tang sword in her right hand and walked towards the middle-aged zombie with a nervous look.

"Ye Feng, you have to keep an eye on me..." She said nervously.

The zombie also found her and suddenly rushed.


Facing the charging zombie.

Nan Shiyin swallowed subconsciously and forced herself to overcome the fear in her heart.

Zombies approaching...

She suddenly shouted: "Go to hell!"

Tang Dao slashed diagonally!


Half of the zombie's body was chopped open, and black dirty blood splashed out!

"Keep finishing off!" Ye Feng instructed.

Nan Shiyin raised her sword and chopped again.


The sword fell.

The zombie's head soared into the sky and rolled to the ground.


The headless zombie fell to the ground, and a bloody smell rushed towards him.

Nan Shiyin's pretty face was a little pale, and she looked down at her slightly trembling hands.

"Ye Feng, did I succeed!"

Ye Feng explained on the side:

"Yes, you succeeded in killing the zombie!"

"In fact, each of you has many times the physical fitness of the zombie. As long as you act carefully, it is not difficult to kill the zombie!"

Nan Ruyan licked her lower lip, her pretty face full of excitement.

Seeing Nan Shiyin's success, Lin Xiaoxiao, Nan Ruyan, Qu Xiaotu and others all gained confidence.

"Come here, I'll tell you..."

Ye Feng called several people to his side.

Taking this zombie as an example, he began to explain the precautions to them.

"If... we just stab other parts of the zombies, they won't die... Only by cutting them in half or chopping off their heads can we kill zombies effectively..."

"It should also be noted that if the zombies are cut in half, they will still have a few seconds of activity time..."

"Xiaoxiao, go check if there is a crystal core in the zombie's head..."

Lin Xiaoxiao resisted the nausea, stepped forward, stabbed the zombie's head with a Tang knife, and kept searching.

Not long after, she picked out a hard crystalline object.

It was the zombie crystal core.

Ye Feng's eyes lit up and picked up the zombie crystal core.

"We are so lucky. The probability of producing crystal cores among these zombies is still relatively low."

"It is often possible to get a crystal core only after killing dozens of zombies..."

Ye Feng took out clean water from the storage space and cleaned the crystal core.

A thumb-sized, translucent crystal core appeared in Ye Feng's hand.

Ye Feng handed the crystal core to everyone and let them watch.

"Wow! Is this the crystal core? So beautiful!"

"It's amazing! Ugly zombies can actually give birth to such a thing!"

The girls observed the crystal core in turn and were amazed.

Ye Feng continued to remind:

"Crystal cores can enhance the strength of psychics. Every time we kill a zombie in the future, we must check whether there is a crystal core in the zombie's head..."

After Ye Feng put away the crystal core, he led everyone to move forward.

Soon, the group arrived in front of the first villa.

The door was closed.

However, this naturally did not stump Ye Feng.


A thunderbolt struck, and the door of the villa fell to the ground!

Several people stepped into the villa.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Several zombies were attracted by the sound made by Ye Feng.

Three adult zombies and one child zombie.

They are a family of three in this villa, and the other one should be a nanny.

Ye Feng's heart moved slightly, and he opened the Eye of Insight and looked at the male zombie in the lead.

[Name]: Zombie (Ordinary Level)

[Rank]: First Level

[Combat Power Index]: 37

Zombies, collectively become stronger!

Today's zombies are no longer something that ordinary humans can defeat unless they use guns.

Ye Feng glanced at the child zombie again.

[Name]: Zombie (Ordinary Level)

[Rank]: First Level

[Combat Power Index]: 29

Several zombies, waving their claws, rushed towards the crowd.

"Four zombies, just the right number..."

"Each of you four will take one... We'll use swords in this fight."

Ye Feng said, directing the girls.

With Ye Feng's explanation and Nan Shiyin's demonstration, the girls were no longer afraid, and they all rushed towards the zombies holding Tang swords.


After the blessing of the God of War Contract, the girls' speed has increased several times compared to ordinary people, and their combat power is much higher than that of zombies.



"Go to hell!"

Several people raised their knives and chopped four zombies to the ground, and then quickly finished them off.

Soon, the four zombies' heads flew into the sky and their bodies fell to the ground.

Ye Feng showed a relieved smile.

None of his female warriors were afraid of fighting.

Lin Xiaoxiao and others used knives to break open the zombie's head to check whether there was a crystal core.

"Brother Ye Feng, my zombie doesn't seem to have a crystal core." Lin Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed.

"I don't have one here."

"Ye Feng... I don't have one here either."

After the other women finished checking, they didn't find the existence of a crystal core.

Ye Feng nodded, and he was not very disappointed.

Not every zombie will produce a crystal core.

At the current stage, on average, only one out of every twenty zombies has a crystal core.

If a person is unlucky, even if he kills a hundred zombies, he may get nothing.

However, the probability of obtaining a crystal core will gradually increase as the zombies become stronger.

By the middle and late stages of the apocalypse, most zombies will have crystal cores in their bodies.

Ye Feng activated his mental exploration and carefully checked the villa.

He needed to make sure that there were no dangerous factors left in the villa.

Ye Feng's goal was clear.

As the saying goes, how can you allow others to sleep soundly beside your bed?

In the entire Longtanshan Villa area, except for his team, no uncontrolled creatures can stay...whether zombies or living people.

During Ye Feng's inspection of the villa, he would also store any useful materials he encountered in the storage space.

Not long after, Ye Feng finished his inspection.

Leave this villa and head to the next villa.


Arrive at the second villa.

The door is slightly open.

Ye Feng leads the team and chooses to enter directly.

There are two zombies in this villa.

One is an old man zombie, and the other is a cat zombie.

"Xiaoxiao, Shiyin, you two use guns to deal with these two zombies this time!" Ye Feng ordered.

The two girls were a little flustered, but they still obeyed Ye Feng's orders and immediately pulled out the pistols from their waists.

Open the safety, aim the gun, and pull the trigger.

After Ye Feng's simple training, they looked very good in these actions.

Bang bang bang bang!

After a hail of bullets, the two zombies fell to the ground!

Ye Feng stood with his hands behind his back and nodded slightly.

The two of them were still a little short of accuracy...

But it was already very good for the first time to use a firearm.

They have physical fitness beyond ordinary people, and their learning ability has also been enhanced to a certain extent.

"Ruyan, Xiaotu, you two go up and see if there is a crystal core..."

Nan Ruyan and Qu Xiaotu immediately walked forward and explored the zombie's head with a Tang knife.

Soon, the two shook their heads in disappointment at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng put the useful materials into the space and checked again to make sure there were no hidden dangers.

"Very good, let's keep this pace and go to the next one!"

Ye Feng led the team away and headed straight to the next villa.

In this way, Ye Feng began to clean up continuously.

The third building, the fourth building, the fifth building...

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