The husky Xiaobai's miraculous mutation process has already attracted several girls.

"Wow! Ye Feng, what happened to Xiaobai?" Lin Xiaoxiao was amazed.

"Brother Ye Feng, I can feel Xiaobai's happiness." Qu Xiaotu was full of joy.

Ye Feng smiled slightly and explained: "Xiaobai has become a mutant beast, equivalent to a human superpower."

"Wow! Xiaobai can actually mutate, that's great!"

"I envy Xiaobai so much... I want to mutate..."

The girls cast envious eyes.

Xiaobai kept rubbing his head against Ye Feng's hand.

Ye Feng smiled and stroked the dog's head, saying slowly:

"Xiaobai, mutations are nothing. I will give you a great fortune next...

"But the premise is that you have to sign a war god contract with me."

The war god contract is not limited to humans.

Dogs can also become warriors.

The war god contract is magical and overbearing, but it must be signed willingly and cannot be forced.

"Do you agree to sign a contract with me? Always loyal to me, never betray, and let my life and death be controlled by me?"

Ye Feng looked directly at Xiaobai and said slowly.

Xiaobai stared with big eyes.

The eyes were full of clarity and loyalty.

It has long regarded Ye Feng as its master.

Xiaobai looked at his master Ye Feng with a confused look.

As if to say, shouldn't this be?

Ye Feng smiled.

"In that case, let's start. "

Ye Feng bit his index finger and squeezed out a drop of blood from his fingertips.

The finger flicked.

The blood flew to Xiaobai.

"Eat it!"

Xiaobai's intelligence was awakened, and he jumped up and swallowed Ye Feng's blood into his stomach.

Ye Feng looked at the husky Xiaobai in front of him and decisively activated the God of War Contract.


The power of the contract rose up, covering Ye Feng and Xiaobai.

The women held their breath and looked at the familiar scene in front of them.

They had all experienced it.

But the contract in front of them was actually a dog, which still surprised them.

The dog could become Ye Feng's contract warrior like them.


The mysterious power of the contract surged.

Xiaobai seemed to hear something , suddenly widened its eyes.

The next second, it nodded without hesitation.

The contract took effect instantly.

A powerful force surged out of the void and merged into Xiaobai's body.

Xiaobai's body was instantly surrounded by golden light.

Powerful energy continued to flow in its body.

Xiaobai's body began to tremble slightly.

Its strength, speed, hearing, vision, etc. were all improving rapidly.

Not long after, the strengthening was over and the contract was completed!

Ye Feng was delighted. He could clearly sense the connection between himself and Xiaobai.


"Woof woof!" Xiaobai circled around Ye Feng.

The excitement was beyond words.

Ye Feng smiled slightly: "Next, it's your greatest fortune!"

His heart moved.

A round bead the size of a pebble, emitting colorful light, appeared in the void.

It was the colorful mythical item-the Qilin Blood Source Bead!

"Xiaobai, fuse it! "Ye Feng ordered.

A gleam of light flashed in Xiaobai's eyes.

Fu Linxin raised his dog paw and touched it gently.


A powerful force poured into Xiaobai's body.

The body suddenly trembled!


It was a little uneasy and a little excited.

A mysterious breath that seemed to come from ancient times echoed throughout the villa.

The Qilin Blood Source Pearl was blending with Xiaobai's whole body essence and blood.


Xiaobai cried out in pain.

"Xiaobai, is it okay? "Qu Xiaotu asked softly.

Lin Xiaoxiao also showed concern.

"Don't worry, Xiaobai is not in danger... This is the only way to have power..." Ye Feng showed reminiscence.

He recalled the process of awakening the Chaos Thunder.

The same pain.

Xiaobai's body kept twisting and deforming.

Everyone waited patiently.

After a while, a colorful stream of light enveloped Xiaobai.

Xiaobai's body changed again.

Not long after, the fusion was completed.

A pair of short golden horns grew on the head of the Husky.

The body muscles are like a tiger, with a body length of nearly two meters.

The tail becomes thicker and longer, with sharp spikes at the end, both offensive and defensive.

It turned out that the black and white hair showed a black and blue color.

Xiaobai slowly opened his eyes, and a strong breath that seemed to come from ancient times emanated, making the surrounding furniture

The product trembled slightly.

"Good! It seems to have succeeded!"

Ye Feng was delighted and quickly used the Eye of Insight.

[Name]: Qilin Xiaobai

[Rank]: First-level, two-star

[Superpower]: Qilin bloodline (mythical level)

[Skills]: Super hearing, Qilin claws, auspicious healing, Qilin roar, Qilin transformation.

[Combat power index]: 245

Qilin claws: Xiaobai's claws will be indestructible and tear everything in the world apart.

Super hearing: Xiaobai can hear very far away and very weak sounds.

Auspicious healing: Qilin can release auspicious light to quickly heal its own or other people's wounds, and increase defense slightly in a short time.

Qilin roar: Qilin roars and causes a lot of mental damage to surrounding enemies, with a certain probability of making the enemy go into a dizzy state.

Kirin Transformation: Transform into Kirin for a short time, comprehensively improving all attributes such as attack, defense, speed, etc.

Ye Feng was dazzled for a moment.


Five skills?

Ye Feng's eyes widened, and he was extremely shocked.

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