The girl was so embarrassed that she was lying on the ground.

Mu Qingli's head tilted and she fainted.

Seeing this, Ye Feng's mouth twitched and he was speechless.


Not only did she pee? She fainted?

Are you so easily frightened?

This is too much!

Ye Feng smiled bitterly and patted her pretty face.

The female star still had no reaction.

Ye Feng frowned slightly.

It seems that she really fainted!

A fishy smell spread in the air.

Ye Feng picked up Mu Qingli's collar and lifted her up in his hand.

Very light, only about 100 pounds.

Ye Feng carried Mu Qingli out of the basement, came to the living room, and threw Mu Qingli on the sofa.

He looked her up and down again.

Very beautiful!

Ye Feng couldn't take his eyes off her.

In his memory, Mu Qingli on the screen looked like this.

Unexpectedly, she was not the same in reality.

A pure and lustful face, looking pitiful, makes people sigh at the partiality of the Creator.

Even if it is because of poor condition, messy hair, pale face, no blood on lips, and peculiar smell in the lower body... it can be seen that Mu Qingli is a top-notch beauty.

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and began to check the health of the big star.

Full chest, slender waist, plump buttocks, straight long legs...

The figure presents perfect curves, like a finely carved work of art.

This figure, this elasticity, is really top-notch!

Not long after, the inspection was completed!

Mu Qingli's physical condition is still good, in a sub-healthy state, there are no traces of zombies scratching and biting, she is not a superpower, D cup...

Ye Feng's fingers moved slightly, and a white light emerged.

Divine blessing!


The white light penetrated Mu Qingli's delicate body and began to restore her condition.

Soon, Mu Qingli snorted, slowly woke up, and opened her eyes.

What caught her eyes was Ye Feng's half-smile.

She was shocked and her voice trembled.

"Who... who are you? Please don't hurt me..."

The voice was soft and sticky, especially pleasant.

"Don't worry, the mutant zombie has been solved by me, you have been rescued and are safe." Ye Feng said.

Mu Qingli was shocked when she heard it.

"Really... really?"

The zombie dog was extremely powerful. If she hadn't cleverly hidden in the basement, she would have been torn to pieces by it.

"Yes, the body is over there." Ye Feng signaled with his eyes.

Mu Qingli followed Ye Feng's gaze and looked to the side. Sure enough, she found the charred body of the zombie dog and breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned her head and looked at Ye Feng.

He had a tall figure, sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, and was handsome and had an indescribable temperament.

Mu Qingli's beautiful eyes became brighter, and her heart immediately relaxed.

"My name is Mu Qingli... Thank you for saving me. Are you an official rescuer?"

Mu Qingli widened her beautiful eyes, full of expectation.

Ye Feng shook his head slowly and explained:

"I'm not a rescuer, I'm just a survivor like you."

Hearing this, Mu Qingli's eyes flashed with disappointment, and she said with all her strength:

"Thank you for solving, what's your name?"

"My name is Ye Feng." Ye Feng paused and continued, "I recognize you, you are the big star Mu Qingli."

"But you shouldn't feel well now, right?"

"Do you want to change clothes?"

Ye Feng's mouth corners raised, his expression was half-smile.

Following Ye Feng's gaze, Mu Qingli looked down at her lower body.


Memories emerged, and her pretty face instantly turned red.

I...have lost control of my bladder!

After realizing this, she was at a loss, wishing she could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Please, you...don't look at me..."

Her pretty face was like a ripe red apple, she was at a loss, and began to talk nonsense.

Ye Feng said: "I have checked all the dangerous factors in the villa. You can find a room to change clothes first."

"Thank you, thank you..." Mu Qingli nodded like a chick pecking at rice, and then fled back to the bedroom.

Looking at the graceful figure leaving, Ye Feng couldn't help licking his mouth.

Not long after, Mu Qingli changed her clothes.

Ye Feng looked up.

I saw Mu Qingli tied her hair up, wearing a black and white sports suit and a pair of sneakers. She was beautiful and lively.

"Excuse me, are zombies still rampant now? My phone is out of power and I have lost contact with the outside world for several days."

Back downstairs, Mu Qingli asked impatiently.

Ye Feng put away his smile and said solemnly:

"It's still zombies

The situation is more serious now than a few days ago."

Mu Qingli could not hide her disappointment.

Ye Feng continued:

"To tell you the truth, my team will clear all the villas in this area and take over the entire Longtan Mountain area..."

"So, all the irrelevant people must leave here..."

Hearing this, Mu Qingli's smile froze instantly.

She widened her misty eyes and said weakly:

"In other words, you want to drive me away, right?"

"That's what you mean." Ye Feng nodded.

Tears flashed in Mu Qingli's beautiful eyes, and she asked for help in panic.

"Then... Ye Feng, is your team still recruiting people? Can I stay and join you?"

Ye Feng asked with interest:

"We recruit people... but are you a superpower?"

Mu Qingli shook her head disappointedly: "I'm not a superpower. "

Ye Feng continued to ask:

"If you are not a superpower... my team will not accept trash!"

"Tell me what skills you have? Or... what can you do for me?"

"You must be good at fighting or medical skills."

"Otherwise, I will drive you out of this villa!"

Mu Qingli bit her teeth lightly, her body trembling, and her voice was filled with a hint of tears.

"I... I can't fight, and I don't know medical skills."

"Ye Feng, please take me in, I really... I have nowhere to go."

Her body trembled slightly, like a frightened canary, lovable.

"The outside world is full of zombies, I... I can't survive at all."

Mu Qingli's tears slid down her cheeks.

"But you don't have any skills? "Ye Feng pretended to hesitate.

"I can do everything. I can bake, mop the floor, do housework, serve people..."

"You can treat me as a servant and don't drive me away, okay?"

Mu Qingli sobbed softly.

Ye Feng remained silent, as if hesitating.


"You are a good person, will definitely help me."

Mu Qingli looked pitiful.

Ye Feng decided not to pretend.

"You can stay as a maid, but you must listen to me and do what a maid should do!"

"I agree!" Mu Qingli looked excited and cheered.

Gurgle! Mu Qingli's stomach made a sound.

"Are you hungry? "Ye Feng asked with a smile.

Mu Qingli nodded shyly.

Ye Feng's mind moved.

He took out milk and bread from the storage space.

Seeing such a magical scene, Mu Qingli's eyes suddenly widened and her mouth opened slightly.

"Ye Feng, you, this... you can do magic?"

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