The snow was still hot, and the snow was still hot.

Building No. 9.

"Hey, what a coincidence, Lao Zhang, you are here to dig snow too?"

A resident wearing a cotton hat, holding a bucket in his hand, greeted with a smile.

By the window of the corridor.

Lao Zhang was digging snow.

Seeing someone calling him, he looked up vigilantly, and only felt relieved when he saw that it was someone he knew.

"Yes, the power will be out in more than ten minutes, I have to make some noodles quickly!"

Lao Zhang replied while moving non-stop.

Seeing this.

The resident wearing a cotton hat also joined the action of digging snow.

"Well, I have to thank Luo Tian for this. If it weren't for his reward, I would definitely be starving now!"

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, I got a box of instant noodles, and I'm confident!"

Old Zhang also nodded in agreement.

Not only him, but also his wife and children at home don't have to go hungry anymore, they have instant noodles to eat every day.

Even other residents are less wary of each other.

After all, most people have food.


He suddenly looked a little confused, and looked up at the white blizzard.

"Old Zhang, what are you looking at?"

The resident wearing a cotton hat asked curiously while quickly filling the bucket with snow.

If you don't dig quickly.

The government will cut off the power later.

"I seem to hear the sound of a drone..."

Old Zhang touched the back of his head and said.

But the blizzard was howling, visibility was less than two meters, and looking up, there was only dense white snowflakes.


The resident wearing a cotton hat couldn't help but be amused.

"You must have heard it wrong. Who has the heart to play with a drone now? Besides, how can it fly in such a heavy snow? It will probably crash as soon as it takes off!"

Hearing this.

Lao Zhang also said embarrassedly: "Haha, it seems that I heard it wrong..."


Just when An Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

In the side bedroom on the right, the door suddenly opened.

"Hey, Dr. An is here!!"

"Dr. An!!"

The three bearded men rushed out just now! !

They actually hid in Aunt Lin's house.

At this time.

An Yuyan's beautiful eyes widened, and a terrible idea suddenly arose in her heart.

Aunt Lin cheated her! !

This is a trap!


An Yuyan quickly dodged to the side, but because she was a step slower, the medicine box on her body was still taken away.

She retreated in panic, all the way to the French window on the balcony.

"What, what's going on? Aunt Lin!!"

An Yuyan said in panic.

She wanted to question Aunt Lin, but when she turned around, she saw that she had already hidden in the master bedroom, and even the door was tightly closed.

At this time.

She was the only one left in the living room, confronting the bearded man and the other two.

"Hehehe, Doctor An, you are finally here!!"

"You made us wait so long!!"

"Please keep this medicine box for me, I promise it won't be lost!"

The bearded man, Geng Yi, and Kou Jianwei laughed obscenely.

Even Kou Jianwei, who took the medicine box, held it tightly in his arms and said he would keep it for the other party.

He said it nicely.

In fact, it was to take it for themselves. After all, An Yuyan's medicine box contained a lot of common special medicines.

In the end times, these are life-saving things.

"What do you want to do?"

An Yuyan's delicate body trembled slightly, and she clenched her fists to protect her chest.

The other party teamed up with Aunt Lin to trick her here.

She was blocked in the living room, and she couldn't escape. The number of the other party was far more than her. If she wanted to do something, I'm afraid she would have no power to resist.

"Of course I have to do it!!"

"I can't wait!!"

"I have to seize such a good opportunity!!"

The three of them looked up and down at An Yuyan's beautiful figure under the white coat with a greedy look, and laughed.

At this time.

Facing the beautiful doctor who was shivering in the corner like a helpless little white rabbit.

The beast in their hearts was also aroused! !

Only the last step.

Then An Yuyan, the beauty that countless suitors dream of, belongs to them!

"I warn you, it's illegal to do this!!"

An Yuyan gritted her teeth and said.

She really didn't expect that the hearts of these neighbors could be so ugly! !

Not only did they unite to deceive her, but they also

Violate her by force!!

"Don't be afraid, Dr. An. You must be lonely at home alone. You even called others to scare us!"

"Hahaha, so what if it's illegal! Do you think the police will come to arrest us?"

"Be good and don't resist. I'll be gentler later!"

Kou Jianwei and the other two were arrogant and said very proudly.

Slowly approached her.

Facing the beautiful doctor with a slender figure and beautiful face, they couldn't hold back for a moment!

"Don't, don't come over!"

An Yuyan said palely.

These three people were uglier than each other. Whether it was the wrinkled face like a chrysanthemum or the big yellow teeth with saliva flying, An Yuyan felt sick!

It would be better to kill her than to be violated by these guys!!

"Dr. An, I'm coming!"

Geng Yi rushed over with red eyes and grabbed the white coat directly.

With an evil smile, he wanted to reach out and touch her chest!


In a panic, An Yuyan took out the scalpel from her pocket and cut the other person's palm!

The sharp blade directly tore a hole in the palm! !

"Ahhhh!! Damn, catch this bitch for me!!"

Geng Yi wailed in pain, and couldn't help cursing angrily at the bleeding palm.

Seeing this.

The bearded man and Kou Jianwei behind him rushed up together.

If they were caught.

The end would definitely be unacceptable to An Yuyan, and even worse than death! !

Until this moment, she finally understood what Luo Tian said, and a strong sense of regret surged in her heart! !

"Why, I didn't take Luo Tian's words to heart!!"

An Yuyan said in despair.

She really thought too well of her neighbors.

In fact, in this extremely cold apocalypse, the ugliness in everyone's heart has been magnified countless times, and it cannot be treated with the way of civilized society!

If she could do it again.

She would definitely choose to listen to Luo Tian's instructions, or directly become his personal doctor! !

What a pity.

There is no if!

"Even if I die, I will never let you succeed!!"

An Yuyan showed a look of determination on her face.


She took a pair of long legs and slammed into the glass of the French window! !

In the horrified eyes of the three people, the glass shattered, and An Yuyan jumped directly from the sky! !


They roared unwillingly.

This is 40 meters!

The goddess in hand is gone! !


The blizzard wind whistled in my ears.

The biting cold wind froze my whole body in an instant as if I lost consciousness.

"Am I...going to die?"

An Yuyan murmured.


Just then, she fell directly onto a large net.

Three drones.

Hanging a huge net bag, like a spider web hanging in the air, it caught her steadily.

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