The shelter is located in Yunding Manor.

"By the way, where is the shelter?"

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows.

It would be fine if it was closer, but if it was dozens of kilometers away, it would take a lot of effort just to find the direction.

"...The shelter is in Yunding Manor."

Yang Mengyu pursed her lips and smiled slightly.

It is a famous wealthy area.

A villa may cost hundreds of millions. Ordinary people can't afford it at all. Those who can live there are all big men with scary net worth.

"That's okay, it's not far away."

Luo Tian nodded.

Yunding Manor is on a higher ground, and it is estimated that there are relatively few buildings submerged by snow. The distance from the community to there is estimated to be at most ten kilometers.

With a snowmobile as a vehicle, it will take at most one morning to get there.

"The shelter in Yunding Manor should have a security system inside. By the way, dear wife, do you have the key?"

Luo Tian touched his chin and thought.

Just knowing the location is not enough.

How to open the door of the shelter and enter the interior smoothly is also something that needs to be considered.

After all, he spent 300 million to build a safe house. Just opening the door requires a triple fingerprint password lock, not to mention that there is an additional steel bolt inside.

The lock of the shelter door is estimated to be even more perverted than his.

"...Well, my brother invited me to be a guest. There is a corridor in front of the door, and the walls are all thick steel. It is said that there is also a laser defense line, even steel bars can be easily cut!"

Yang Mengyu recalled and said.

"There seems to be a central system in the shelter, which has a whitelist and a blacklist. If you don't add the whitelist, you will be trapped in the steel corridor if you break in without permission!"

"The shelter doesn't seem to have a real key. It uses facial recognition, passwords, fingerprints and other functions to determine the identity of the intruder."

After hearing this.

Luo Tian couldn't help but nodded and said: "It's worthy of being a shelter worth 3 billion US dollars. The security system is abnormal. There is even a laser channel!"

But fortunately.

Although the shelter has a built-in central management system, you can't enter without a whitelist identity.

But because Yang Mengyu was invited in advance, even Yang Ming, the brother, opened some permissions of the shelter to her, so she can open the door freely.

As long as Luo Tian takes Yang Xiaohua with him, he can probably easily enter the shelter. Then let the other party add a whitelist identity for himself.

"Or it can be simpler and more brutal, let Yang Xiaohua swipe the ID card with the built-in housekeeper directly in the central system. In this way, the entire shelter will change hands!!"

Luo Tian said with a smile on his face.

Although the shelter has an independent AI system, how can an artificial AI from ten years ago compare with an AI system created ten years later by a group of top domestic experts in the field of artificial intelligence?

If the AI ​​of the shelter is the first generation, then the housekeeper in Luo Tian's hands is the latest and strongest generation! !


The snowmobile continued to set off.

There is no rush to go there for now. Luo Tian has to go back to the safe house first and settle all the girls. Then explain to them the idea of ​​moving to the shelter.

Then, it's time to go to Yunding Manor to find out the situation.

"Who would have thought of that."

Luo Tian couldn't help but sigh.

This trip to the university campus was originally intended to kidnap a beautiful school girl. In the end, not only did he find a school beauty goddess, but he also got a luxurious doomsday shelter as a gift.

I made a lot of money, okay? !

"Good wife!"

"Hmm? What's wrong, husband?"

"You are really my lucky goddess!"


Yang Mengyu's pretty face was rosy, and she smiled sweetly and said, "Everything I have belongs to my husband, have to treat me well!"


The community was just in front of him.

But just as he drove into an intersection, Luo Tian suddenly noticed something wrong, as if the spatial perception had issued a warning to him.

He couldn't help but secretly be alert.


The snowmobile braked suddenly, leaving a long mark on the snow.


Yang Mengyu snorted, and under the impact of inertia, her chest hit Luo Tian's back hard.

The two big treasures were flattened in an instant.

"...Husband, you are annoying!" She

She couldn't help but say coquettishly.

If you want to touch it.

You can do it anytime, she won't refuse, why do you have to brake so hard!

"I didn't mean it, something's wrong!"

Luo Tian patted his jade hand on his abdomen, signaling Yang Xiaohua to let go of him first.

Five meters ahead.

A tough and thin iron chain, covered by snow, spanned the entire road. If you don't brake and hit it directly, the snowmobile will definitely flip over! !

In addition, the speed is very fast, Luo Tian and Yang Mengyu will probably be injured! !

At his signal, Yang Xiaohua immediately found the thin iron chain buried in the snow in front.

"...Who did this?"

Yang Mengyu couldn't help but frown, and her beautiful eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

Such an obvious trap.

It can't be that the iron chain tied itself here, right?

"Come out, I've already spotted you."

Luo Tian said calmly.


A round of applause came.

"Good boy, the trap is so hidden, it's perfect, how can it be discovered in advance?"

"What the hell!!"

Five or six men who wrapped themselves tightly came out of the building next to them.

"Yu Qi, are you lazy and didn't cover it with snow?"

The leading man said unhappily.

"No, Brother Song!! I'm not lazy!"

The man named Yu Qi patted his chest and promised.

In order to ensure concealment.

He covered the rope with snow from beginning to end. Unless someone came by on foot, he would never find the trap! !

But this guy in front of him, I don't know why he could find something wrong when the car was driving so fast? ?

"Who are you? I don't think I've seen you before?"

Luo Tian frowned slightly.

The faces of the people in front of him were all very unfamiliar, and he was sure that he had never met them before.

And although this place was very close to the community, it was still a distance away, so they were probably not residents of the community.

"Boy, you haven't seen us, but we have seen you!"

The leader Song Rong sneered.

"We live in a high-rise building nearby, and we can always see you driving a snowmobile back and forth." At this point, several people looked at the snowmobile greedily.

Song Rong grinned and said, "But don't be too nervous. We just want to borrow your car. As long as you leave the car, you and your girlfriend can leave."

"After all, I'm always kind."

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