The old man was buried in the tomb.

In the east of the Calidoa continent, there is a place called Dongsheng Shenzhou, where there is a place that should be called the Three Stars Cave of the Slanting Moon, and there is a Taoist who should be called Bodhi.

Bodhi summarized the cultivation methods of Dao Zujun, the many works of Hong, and Xuan Tianzun's understanding of Taoism and supplements into the "Three Thousand Daoist Canons", and began to worship four Tianzun in the Taoist temple.

The first one is Yi Tianzun, who is called the Invincible Emperor of the Central Ancient Ziwei by Bodhi.

Yi Tianzun is at the highest level of worship. In the temples of Calidoa continent, no matter what god you worship, you must place a statue of Yi at the highest point.

So Bodhi summarized this phenomenon after investigation and travel. Bodhi believed that Yi was the ruler of all gods in the world. In ancient times, he represented the gods of the human race to fight against the gods of the beast race. The legend of Yi Tianzun has evolved into thousands of versions after years of transmission. Bodhi believes that the most real one is the battle between Yi Tianzun and the beast gods of heaven and earth, which confirmed the status of the human race.

In Bodhi's cognition, there is a heaven, and Yi Tianzun is the emperor of heaven in the heaven, ruling all the gods who enjoy incense in the world.

Bodhi has no cultivation, but he became the founder of Taoism, the largest sect in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and is called Bodhi Patriarch.

In addition to Yi Tianzun, in Taoism, it is the turn of the Eastern All-Knowing and All-Powerful Daoshi Emperor, who is Jun Tianzun, and the Southern Red Flame Creation Wuji Daotong Emperor Hong Tianzun, and the Central Protector Xuanji Jiutian Emperor Xuan Tianzun.

These three emperors are called as such in Taoism. They also have other Taoist names, namely, Shangqing Daozu Jun, Yuanqing Daozu Hong, Yuanqing Daozu Xuan, and Sanqing Daozu. As the Taoist gods in the Daozang, Taoism specially built temples for the three people, and the Sanqing Temple came from this.

In addition, Bodhi Taoist also collected various myths and legends of powerful people from other continents, compiled these things, and constructed a huge Taoist mythology system. Taoism was flourishing in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Bodhi Taoist successively compiled "Bodhi Daojing", "Jindouyun", "Vajra Eight Parts Sutra", "Gangti Yuanliu Fa", "Fatian Xiangdi", "Five Elements Dunfa"...

These so-called cultivation methods were randomly compiled by Bodhi Taoist according to myths and legends. Only one of the first generation of Taoist disciples succeeded in practicing, and the rest were dismissed by Bodhi Taoist for not having the root of practicing Taoism.

Among them, "Fatian Xiangdi" comes from the legend of Yi Tianzun, "Wuxing Dunfa" comes from the forerunners of the basic elements of the five continents, such as Jin in the Tian tribe period and Poseidon in the Atlanta period, and "Bodhi Daojing" is compiled by some Bodhi Taoists who extract the essence of various cultivation methods. Ordinary people will go astray when practicing, and it can also be said to be the general outline of all kinds of exercises.

In the 1480th year of the Central Period, Bodhi Patriarch died of old age, but before his death, he made a plan and died because of his Taoism, and passed the position of the head of Taoism to his disciple Li Er.

Li Er is an orphan adopted by Bodhi Taoist. He is a genius and successfully practiced all the classics that Bodhi Patriarch made up. The only one of the first generation of Taoist disciples who successfully practiced was Li Er. Li Er also annotated the cultivation methods of Bodhi Patriarch and translated them himself, splitting those cultivation methods. Even so, the second generation of Taoist disciples still could not practice successfully.

Li Er accepted five disciples and taught them some small magic tricks separated from the "Five Elements Escape Method". Then he sent them back to their hometown to spread Taoism.

Li Er successfully practiced all the Taoist scriptures compiled by Bodhi Taoist and created a Taoist practice system. First, there was the Qi Refining Period when he was a mortal, then the Foundation Building Period, the Ming Dao Period, the Mountain and River Realm, the Nascent Soul Period, the Sun and Moon Realm, the Mahayana Period, the Enlightenment Realm, and the Broken Period. The last Tianzun Realm corresponds to the Tribulation Period, and after the Tribulation Period, he ascended to become an immortal.

However, Li Er is currently only in the Mahayana Period. The more he practices, the more difficult it is to understand the practice methods left by his master, and the more mysterious the realms are.

This system was named the Qi Training and Immortality System by Bodhi Taoist. Under Li Er's practice, this system gradually emerged. Strictly speaking, Li Er is the pioneer of this road. This system can prolong life after practice, but because it violates the world rules established by Jiang Tong, it will encounter disasters when breaking through the realm, and the difficulty of breaking through is far greater than the energy and perception required by other systems.

Li Er

Taoism emphasizes inaction and being close to nature.

The maximum lifespan of the Qi Refining Stage is 150 years, the maximum lifespan of the Foundation Building Stage is 300 years, the lifespan of the Golden Core Stage is 500 years, the lifespan of the Nascent Soul Stage is 800 years, the lifespan of the Mahayana Stage is 1,500 years, the lifespan of the Broken Stage is 3,000 years, and the lifespan of the Tribulation Stage is 10,000 years. As for the final Ascension, according to the statement left by the Bodhi Taoist, it is as long as the sky.

The lifespan of the Qi Refining Immortal Cultivation System is about 70% longer than that of other systems, so it will naturally be sanctioned by the world. If this system is developed on a large scale, the energy concentration in the world will not be enough for them to absorb.

Therefore, the development of this system will be very difficult, and only a guy like Li Er who does not conform to common sense can cultivate a bunch of nonsense into reality.

In addition, Li Er also split up Yunhai Tianzun's martial arts. Yunhai Tianzun's emperor title in the heaven of the Taoist mythology system is Yunhai Zhenyao Wusheng Emperor. Li Er gradually analyzed the martial arts from top to bottom, and then compiled many martial arts to strengthen the body, and then distributed them to various Taoist temples in Dongsheng Shenzhou, so that some disciples who could not practice qi could practice martial arts, or let those children with Taoist roots strengthen their muscles and bones in advance.

Batian Yunhai's martial arts were not well inherited in the northern barbarian area, but were spread to Dongsheng Shenzhou by Li Er.

Many countries in Dongsheng Shenzhou were secretly controlled by the demons. Li Er taught the human race to resist those demons. Many places were in dire straits because the demons demanded offerings.

Taoism began to fight against those bad demons, and countless Taoists died on the way to slay demons. Because of the introduction of magic skills, Dongsheng Shenzhou also saw frequent appearances of demons. The righteous behavior of Taoism further strengthened the spread of their beliefs.

Dongsheng Shenzhou and Beiman are separated by a large river, so there is little communication between the two regions. There are also few strong people in Dongsheng Shenzhou, which is equivalent to a barbaric land and an uncivilized land, of course, compared with the Heavenly Dynasty.

In the 1487th year of the Central Period, Wang Buluxing and Han Gongqiu traveled here and communicated with Li Er, the head of Taoism. Inspired by the two, Li Er quickly found the way to the next realm.

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