“No, Sister He, there are almost no living people in Jiangnan Community. Yang Chao and his men are all dead!! Oh my god, you didn’t see it. The corridors are full of dead people…”

Tao Wenhua said excitedly.

Li Qian also added: “Yes, Sister He! I almost suspect that a Terminator entered Jiangnan Community and massacred them on the spot!!!”

“Too miserable, Jiangnan Community is too miserable…”

Listening to the explanation of the three people, everyone in the room couldn’t help swallowing hard, their eyes were full of shock!

Too shocking!

Jiangnan Community was actually wiped out by someone, and there was no living person left!

You know, their reserves of guns and ammunition are very amazing, and they can even fight a small battle. But in this case, they were still wiped out…

And Tianfu Lindi didn’t notice it at all!

How terrifying is the force that massacred Jiangnan Community? ?

Everyone’s eyes could not help but secretly look at Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting on a chair, touching the hand of Qiao Momo, the top little loli, and making her blush.

Could it be that this guy…

“Sister He, this Luo guy is not to be messed with!!”

Tao Wenhua leaned close to He Manyong’s ear and said nervously.

No matter how you look at it, the destruction of Jiangnan Community is inseparable from Luo Tian. It is very likely that Luo Tian was lying to them just now. In fact, there is a huge force behind the other party!

Therefore, it was possible to bloodbath Jiangnan Community without anyone knowing!

And since the other party can destroy Jiangnan Community, it is natural that they can also destroy their Tianfu Lin Mansion… He Manyong’s face suddenly became solemn.

“Is this Luo guy really so awesome?”

Xu Huan was shocked.

Although he didn’t want to believe it, the bloody facts were in front of him. In order to avoid being retaliated by Luo Tian, ​​Xu Huan could only quietly step back a few steps and hide in the crowd in fear.

“Brother Luo… Jiangnan Community really doesn’t exist anymore?”

Qiao Momo said in surprise.

“Yes, Momo, Jiangnan Community has long ceased to exist.” Luo Tian gently pinched her delicate little hand and smiled.

Hearing the accurate answer.

Qiao Momo’s delicate face couldn’t help but show an excited expression. If that’s the case, can’t she leave Tianfu Lindi with Brother Luo?

What’s waiting for her is a brand new life!

She doesn’t have to be locked up in a small dark room all day long! Brother Luo Tian will definitely love her well, right…

“Sister He, can I take Momo away?”

Luo Tian stood up from the chair, holding Qiao Momo’s jade hand and smiled.

At this time.

He had already put away the grenade, but the younger brothers didn’t dare to move at all, and even hid their pistols behind them, with a flattering smile on their faces.

Damn it!

Who dares to mess with this great god without caring about his life!

He Manyong’s expression changed quickly, and she smiled and said, “Luo Tian, ​​you must be very tired after coming from afar. Why don’t you rest in our Tianfu Lin Mansion before leaving?”

The strength revealed by Luo Tian was too amazing.

He Manyong wanted to try her best to keep him, and use some benefits, such as women or food, to try to tie Luo Tian and their Tianfu Lin Mansion to the same boat.

In this way, maybe she can hold a big thick leg!

After all, although Tianfu Lin Mansion is a large force, it is only limited to the surrounding area. If you look at the entire Qinshui City, there are countless behemoths…

Tianfu Lin Mansion is just a younger brother.

He Manyong believes that no one can resist her temptation, and Luo Tian is no exception! !

“No, I’m in a hurry.”

Luo Tian smiled.

But how can He Manyong let Luo Tian leave easily?

She hadn’t investigated clearly which giant was standing behind Luo Tian, ​​and she hadn’t succeeded in winning him over…


He Manyong glanced at the delicate and petite Qiao Momo who was holding hands with Luo Tian, ​​and couldn’t help but understand why the other party was so anxious to leave.

No man can resist a beauty!

Especially Qiao Momo, who is so beautiful and has a great figure!

“This is a bit difficult. Although there are many beauties in Tianfu Lin’s Mansion, I’m afraid there is really no one who can compare with Momo…” He Manyong couldn’t help but have a headache.

What should I do? Could I really let Luo Tian leave like this?

She was unwilling! !


He Manyong suddenly caught a glimpse of her own face in the reflection of the glass, and her eyes flashed slightly: “All of you, get out!”


The subordinates looked at each other, leaving Sister He alone withIsn’t it too dangerous to stay with Luo Tian?

“Get out!”

He Manyong frowned.

Suddenly, the subordinates were shocked and nodded: “Okay Sister He, we will go out now!!”

As the door closed.

In the huge room, only Luo Tian holding Qiao Momo’s hand and He Manyong sitting on the chair were left…

“Sister He, what are you doing?”

Luo Tian asked in confusion.

Facing his confusion, He Manyong took a deep breath, opened her two crossed long legs, slowly stood up from the chair and said:

“Luo Tian, ​​compared with Momo, how do you think Sister He is charming?”

She walked closer to Luo Tian.

She put her hands on Luo Tian’s chest and put her red lips close to his ear.

He Manyong felt that with her charm, she could barely compare with Qiao Momo. Although she was older than the other party, in some ways, this was also one of her advantages.

After all.

Some men like mature women.

Luo Tian felt He Manyong’s charming style and was a little stunned for a while.


Where is the cold and arrogant big sister style?

Why did she suddenly do this to him?

However, Luo Tian thought about it for a moment and immediately understood it.

Presumably, He Manyong was eyeing his strength, or the large forces that might be hidden behind him. That’s why she was willing to lower herself and use the beauty trick to seduce him.

“I think Sister He is still charming.”

Luo Tian smiled slightly.

With the mentality of not taking advantage of others, he also slapped He Manyong’s peach buttocks with one hand.

Even through the down jacket, he could feel a hint of fullness.


He Manyong couldn’t help but snort and rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

To be honest.

Holding the eldest sister of Tianfu Lin Mansion in his arms and spanking her still makes people feel a little bit conquered.

“Why not…stay with Sister He today?”

He Manrong asked tentatively.

As long as Luo Tian can stay, she believes that he will definitely fall at her feet and be impressed by her superb skills.

Talking about seducing men.

How could Qiao Momo be a match for her wife?

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